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                <ul class="gallery">
      <div class="overlay"></div>
      <div class="info">
        <h2>Martin Benton</h2>
        <p>Welcome to my amazing world of photos</p>
        <a href="#" class="btn">See Description</a>

      <div class="description">
         Pork belly Carles Wes Anderson semiotics, Thundercats Truffaut iPhone chambray blog normcore direct trade Pinterest gentrify. Pinterest gentrify fanny pack Truffaut, bitters brunch hella kogi craft beer readymade. Synth whatever trust fund Marfa before they sold out, chillwave lomo. Bespoke polaroid Williamsburg, jean shorts literally Etsy Banksy Intelligentsia. Organic Brooklyn shabby chic ennui semiotics, brunch Tumblr mustache Helvetica PBR&B. Literally fanny pack scenester sartorial selfies post-ironic flexitarian tattooed, pork belly hashtag Vice fingerstache squid hella.
     </div><!-- /.description-->
    </div><!--/.info -->
      <div class="bg-img"> 
      <img src="">
    <div class="overlay"></div>
    <div class="info">
      <h2>Louise J. Pautz</h2>
      <p>Welcome to my amazing world of photos</p>
      <a href="#" class="btn">See Description</a>
    <div class="description">
         Pork belly Carles Wes Anderson semiotics, Thundercats Truffaut iPhone chambray blog normcore direct trade Pinterest gentrify. Pinterest gentrify fanny pack Truffaut, bitters brunch hella kogi craft beer readymade. Synth whatever trust fund Marfa before they sold out, chillwave lomo. Bespoke polaroid Williamsburg, jean shorts literally Etsy Banksy Intelligentsia. Organic Brooklyn shabby chic ennui semiotics, brunch Tumblr mustache Helvetica PBR&B. Literally fanny pack scenester sartorial selfies post-ironic flexitarian tattooed, pork belly hashtag Vice fingerstache squid hella.
     </div><!-- /.description-->
    </div><!--/.info -->
    <div class="bg-img"> 
      <img src="">
    <div class="overlay"></div>

     <div class="info">
      <h2>Chris E. Coates</h2>
      <p>Welcome to my amazing world of photos</p>
      <a href="#" class="btn">See Description</a>
    <div class="description">
         Pork belly Carles Wes Anderson semiotics, Thundercats Truffaut iPhone chambray blog normcore direct trade Pinterest gentrify. Pinterest gentrify fanny pack Truffaut, bitters brunch hella kogi craft beer readymade. Synth whatever trust fund Marfa before they sold out, chillwave lomo. Bespoke polaroid Williamsburg, jean shorts literally Etsy Banksy Intelligentsia. Organic Brooklyn shabby chic ennui semiotics, brunch Tumblr mustache Helvetica PBR&B. Literally fanny pack scenester sartorial selfies post-ironic flexitarian tattooed, pork belly hashtag Vice fingerstache squid hella.
     </div><!-- /.description-->
    </div><!--/.info -->
   <div class="bg-img"> 
      <img src="">
      <div class="overlay"></div>
    <div class="info">
      <h2>Jason E. Austin</h2>
      <p>Welcome to my amazing world of photos</p>
      <a href="#" class="btn">See Description</a>
      <div class="description">
         Pork belly Carles Wes Anderson semiotics, Thundercats Truffaut iPhone chambray blog normcore direct trade Pinterest gentrify. Pinterest gentrify fanny pack Truffaut, bitters brunch hella kogi craft beer readymade. Synth whatever trust fund Marfa before they sold out, chillwave lomo. Bespoke polaroid Williamsburg, jean shorts literally Etsy Banksy Intelligentsia. Organic Brooklyn shabby chic ennui semiotics, brunch Tumblr mustache Helvetica PBR&B. Literally fanny pack scenester sartorial selfies post-ironic flexitarian tattooed, pork belly hashtag Vice fingerstache squid hella.
     </div><!-- /.description-->
    </div><!--/.info -->
      <div class="bg-img"> 
      <img src="">
    <div class="overlay"></div>
    <div class="info">
      <h2>Christine D. Brendle</h2>
      <p>Welcome to my amazing world of photos</p>
      <a href="#" class="btn">See Description</a>
    <div class="description">
         Pork belly Carles Wes Anderson semiotics, Thundercats Truffaut iPhone chambray blog normcore direct trade Pinterest gentrify. Pinterest gentrify fanny pack Truffaut, bitters brunch hella kogi craft beer readymade. Synth whatever trust fund Marfa before they sold out, chillwave lomo. Bespoke polaroid Williamsburg, jean shorts literally Etsy Banksy Intelligentsia. Organic Brooklyn shabby chic ennui semiotics, brunch Tumblr mustache Helvetica PBR&B. Literally fanny pack scenester sartorial selfies post-ironic flexitarian tattooed, pork belly hashtag Vice fingerstache squid hella.
     </div><!-- /.description-->
    </div><!--/.info -->
    <div class="bg-img"> 
      <img src="">
     <div class="overlay"></div>

     <div class="info">
      <h2>Chris E. Coates</h2>
      <p>Welcome to my amazing world of photos</p>
      <a href="#" class="btn">See Description</a>
    <div class="description">
         Pork belly Carles Wes Anderson semiotics, Thundercats Truffaut iPhone chambray blog normcore direct trade Pinterest gentrify. Pinterest gentrify fanny pack Truffaut, bitters brunch hella kogi craft beer readymade. Synth whatever trust fund Marfa before they sold out, chillwave lomo. Bespoke polaroid Williamsburg, jean shorts literally Etsy Banksy Intelligentsia. Organic Brooklyn shabby chic ennui semiotics, brunch Tumblr mustache Helvetica PBR&B. Literally fanny pack scenester sartorial selfies post-ironic flexitarian tattooed, pork belly hashtag Vice fingerstache squid hella.
     </div><!-- /.description-->
    </div><!--/.info -->
    <div class="bg-img"> 
      <img src="">
     <div class="overlay"></div>
     <div class="info">
      <h2>Russel A. Homes</h2>
      <p>Welcome to my amazing world of photos</p>
      <a href="#" class="btn">See Description</a>
     <div class="description">
         Pork belly Carles Wes Anderson semiotics, Thundercats Truffaut iPhone chambray blog normcore direct trade Pinterest gentrify. Pinterest gentrify fanny pack Truffaut, bitters brunch hella kogi craft beer readymade. Synth whatever trust fund Marfa before they sold out, chillwave lomo. Bespoke polaroid Williamsburg, jean shorts literally Etsy Banksy Intelligentsia. Organic Brooklyn shabby chic ennui semiotics, brunch Tumblr mustache Helvetica PBR&B. Literally fanny pack scenester sartorial selfies post-ironic flexitarian tattooed, pork belly hashtag Vice fingerstache squid hella.
     </div><!-- /.description-->
     </div><!--/.info -->
    <div class="bg-img"> 
      <img src="">
     <div class="overlay"></div>
     <div class="info">
      <h2>Blanche J. Christie</h2>
      <p>Welcome to my amazing world of photos</p>
      <a href="#" class="btn">See Description</a>
    <div class="description">
         Pork belly Carles Wes Anderson semiotics, Thundercats Truffaut iPhone chambray blog normcore direct trade Pinterest gentrify. Pinterest gentrify fanny pack Truffaut, bitters brunch hella kogi craft beer readymade. Synth whatever trust fund Marfa before they sold out, chillwave lomo. Bespoke polaroid Williamsburg, jean shorts literally Etsy Banksy Intelligentsia. Organic Brooklyn shabby chic ennui semiotics, brunch Tumblr mustache Helvetica PBR&B. Literally fanny pack scenester sartorial selfies post-ironic flexitarian tattooed, pork belly hashtag Vice fingerstache squid hella.
     </div><!-- /.description-->
    </div><!--/.info -->
    <div class="bg-img"> 
      <img src="">


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                $(document).ready(function () {

	//hide all descriptions

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