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                <div class="slider__warpper">
  <div class="flex__container flex--pikachu flex--active" data-slide="1">
    <div class="flex__item flex__item--left">
      <div class="flex__content">
        <p class="text--sub">Pokemon Gen I</p>
        <h1 class="text--big">Pikachu</h1>
        <p class="text--normal">Pikachu is an Electric-type Pokémon introduced in Generation I. Pikachu are small, chubby, and incredibly cute mouse-like Pokémon. They are almost completely covered by yellow fur.</p>
      <p class="text__background">Pikachu</p>
    <div class="flex__item flex__item--right"></div>
    <img class="pokemon__img" src="" />
  <div class="flex__container flex--piplup animate--start" data-slide="2">
    <div class="flex__item flex__item--left">
      <div class="flex__content">
        <p class="text--sub">Pokemon Gen IV</p>
        <h1 class="text--big">Piplup</h1>
        <p class="text--normal">Piplup is the Water-type Starter Pokémon of the Sinnoh region. It was introduced in Generation IV. Piplup has a strong sense of self-esteem. It seldom accepts food that people give because of its pride.</p>
      <p class="text__background">Piplup</p>
    <div class="flex__item flex__item--right"></div>
    <img class="pokemon__img" src="" />
  <div class="flex__container flex--blaziken animate--start" data-slide="3">
    <div class="flex__item flex__item--left">
      <div class="flex__content">
        <p class="text--sub">Pokemon Gen III</p>
        <h1 class="text--big">Blaziken</h1>
        <p class="text--normal">Blaziken is the Fire/Fighting-type Starter Pokémon of the Hoenn region, introduced in Generation III. Blaziken is a large, bipedal, humanoid bird-like Pokémon that resembles a rooster.</p>
      <p class="text__background">Blaziken</p>
    <div class="flex__item flex__item--right"></div>
    <img class="pokemon__img" src="" />
  <div class="flex__container flex--dialga animate--start" data-slide="4">
    <div class="flex__item flex__item--left">
      <div class="flex__content">
        <p class="text--sub">Pokemon Gen IV</p>
        <h1 class="text--big">Dialga</h1>
        <p class="text--normal">Dialga is a Steel/Dragon-type Legendary Pokémon. Dialga is a sauropod-like Pokémon. It is mainly blue with some gray, metallic portions, such as its chest plate, which has a diamond in the center. It also has various, light blue lines all over
          its body.</p>
      <p class="text__background">Dialga</p>
    <div class="flex__item flex__item--right"></div>
    <img class="pokemon__img" src="" />
  <div class="flex__container flex--zekrom animate--start" data-slide="5">
    <div class="flex__item flex__item--left">
      <div class="flex__content">
        <p class="text--sub">Pokemon Gen V</p>
        <h1 class="text--big">Zekrom</h1>
        <p class="text--normal">Zekrom is a Dragon/Electric-type Legendary Pokémon. It is part of the Tao Trio, along with Reshiram and Kyurem. Zekrom is a large, black draconian Pokémon that seems to share its theme with its counterpart, Reshiram. It has piercing red eyes and
          dark gray to black skin that seems to be armor-like.</p>
      <p class="text__background">Zekrom</p>
    <div class="flex__item flex__item--right"></div>
    <img class="pokemon__img" src="" />

<div class="slider__navi">
  <a href="#" class="slide-nav active" data-slide="1">pikachu</a>
  <a href="#" class="slide-nav" data-slide="2">piplup</a>
  <a href="#" class="slide-nav" data-slide="3">blaziken</a>
  <a href="#" class="slide-nav" data-slide="4">dialga</a>
  <a href="#" class="slide-nav" data-slide="5">zekrom</a>


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.flex--active .flex__item--right {
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/* Piplup */

.flex--piplup .flex__item--left {
	background: #3e9fe6;

.flex--piplup .flex__item--right {
	background: #d3eaef;

/* Pikachu */

.flex--pikachu .flex__item--left {
	background: #f8d41f;

.flex--pikachu .flex__item--right {
	background: #f4ecc5;

/* Blaziken */

.flex--blaziken .flex__item--left {
	background: #f64f37;

.flex--blaziken .flex__item--right {
	background: #ffebcd;

/* Dialga */

.flex--dialga .flex__item--left {
	background: #476089;

.flex--dialga .flex__item--right {
	background: #ade8f7;

/* Zekrom */

.flex--zekrom .flex__item--left {
	background: #424242;

.flex--zekrom .flex__item--right {
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/* Animate-START point */

.flex__container.animate--start .flex__content {
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/* Animate-END point */

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                $('.slide-nav').on('click', function(e) {
  // get current slide
  var current = $('.flex--active').data('slide'),
    // get button data-slide
    next = $(this).data('slide');


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    return false;
  } else {
    $('.slider__warpper').find('.flex__container[data-slide=' + next + ']').addClass('flex--preStart');
    setTimeout(function() {
      $('.flex--preStart').removeClass('animate--start flex--preStart').addClass('flex--active');
      $('.animate--end').addClass('animate--start').removeClass('animate--end flex--active');
    }, 800);
