<div class="wrap rw-1">
<section class="panel" data-animate-scroll='{"x": "0", "y": "50", "alpha": "0","duration": "1", "delay": "1"}'>
<div id="div1" class="card-group">
<div class="card-date">JANUARY 27, 1999</div>
<h4 class="card-head">Medtronic merges with Sofamor Danek Group, which includes rights to Infuse technology</h4>
<p class="card-chatter">Infuse uses an experimental growth protein called rhBMP-2, which was being tested as a way to cause bones to fuse together after surgery. Trials on the chemical's safety and performance had just gotten underway when the merger was completed. </p>
<div class="card-ui-wrap">
<div class="card-number">1/15</div>
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<section class="panel" data-animate-scroll='{"x": "0", "y": "50", "alpha": "0","duration": "1", "delay": "1"}'>
<div id="div2" class="card-group">
<div class="card-date">JULY 2, 2002</div>
<h4 class="card-head">The FDA approves Medtronic's Infuse to treat severe spinal disc diseases</h4>
<p class="card-chatter">Infuse worked by fusing bones in the lower spine. The approval only covered spinal-fusion surgeries performed from the front of the body, a small subset of the total spine-fusion market. The FDA approval included strict rules for long-term tracking of patients.<br> <i>Cumulative device injuries in FDA database: 1 </i></p>
<div class="card-ui-wrap">
<div class="card-number">2/15</div>
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<section class="panel" data-animate-scroll='{"x": "0", "y": "50", "alpha": "0","duration": "1", "delay": "1"}'>
<div id="div3" class="card-group">
<div class="card-date">2006</div>
<h4 class="card-head">Medtronic begins study of patients treated with Infuse between 2002 and 2006</h4>
<p class="card-chatter">The study, which had formal controls, was to explore more uses for Infuse. Not all of the uses examined were off-label. Medtronic says someone at the FDA led them to believe a review of past patient charts could be used to gather data to support an application for a wider approval.<br> <i>Cumulative device injuries in FDA database: 159</i></p>
<div class="card-ui-wrap">
<div class="card-number">3/15</div>
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<div class="wrap rw-2">
<section id="group-b" class="panel" data-animate-scroll='{"x": "0", "y": "50", "alpha": "0","duration": "1"}'>
<div id="div1" class="card-group">
<div class="card-date">JANUARY 27, 1999</div>
<h4 class="card-head">Medtronic merges with Sofamor Danek Group, which includes rights to Infuse technology</h4>
<p class="card-chatter">Infuse uses an experimental growth protein called rhBMP-2, which was being tested as a way to cause bones to fuse together after surgery. Trials on the chemical's safety and performance had just gotten underway when the merger was completed. </p>
<div class="card-ui-wrap">
<div class="card-number">1/15</div>
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<section class="panel" data-animate-scroll='{"x": "0", "y": "50", "alpha": "0","duration": "1"}'>
<div id="div2" class="card-group">
<div class="card-date">JULY 2, 2002</div>
<h4 class="card-head">The FDA approves Medtronic's Infuse to treat severe spinal disc diseases</h4>
<p class="card-chatter">Infuse worked by fusing bones in the lower spine. The approval only covered spinal-fusion surgeries performed from the front of the body, a small subset of the total spine-fusion market. The FDA approval included strict rules for long-term tracking of patients.<br> <i>Cumulative device injuries in FDA database: 1 </i></p>
<div class="card-ui-wrap">
<div class="card-number">2/15</div>
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<section class="panel" data-animate-scroll='{"x": "0", "y": "50", "alpha": "0","duration": "1"}'>
<div id="div3" class="card-group">
<div class="card-date">2006</div>
<h4 class="card-head">Medtronic begins study of patients treated with Infuse between 2002 and 2006</h4>
<p class="card-chatter">The study, which had formal controls, was to explore more uses for Infuse. Not all of the uses examined were off-label. Medtronic says someone at the FDA led them to believe a review of past patient charts could be used to gather data to support an application for a wider approval.<br> <i>Cumulative device injuries in FDA database: 159</i></p>
<div class="card-ui-wrap">
<div class="card-number">3/15</div>
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