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                <div class="wrap">
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/*  testing border-radius ===*/
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TweenLite.set('#saugerEnd',{rotation:16, transformOrigin:'50% 50%'})

var action = new TimelineMax({repeat:3, repeatDelay:1})
.to(".dogOne",3, {morphSVG:".dogTwo", ease: Power2.easeInOut})
.to('.dogOne',2,{rotation:-4, transformOrigin:'40% 100%', ease: Power2.easeInOut},1)
.staggerTo('.shit',1,{autoAlpha:1, y:60, ease: Power4.easeIn},1)
//.staggerTo('.shit',0.2,{scale:1.5,scaleY:0.8, ease: Power4.easeIn},1,1.8)
.to(".dogOne",1, {morphSVG:".dogOne", ease: Power2.easeIn},'up')
.to('.dogOne',1,{rotation:0, transformOrigin:'40% 100%'},'up')
.staggerTo('.shit',0.2,{x:-23, y:55, ease: Power4.easeIn},0.1,'+=0.1')
.set('#allClean, .shit',{autoAlpha:0},'+=0.2')
.to('.wrap',4,{borderRadius: "25% 75% 55% 45% / 80% 34% 66% 72%", repeat:1, yoyo:true},1)

