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<h2 class="gsap">GSA scrollTrigger</h2>

<h1>The Cockroaches.</h1> </p><p>
<p>Arthropods similar to living <span>cockroaches</span> dominated the insect communities of the Carboniferous period. Modern <span>cockroaches</span> radiated from them by the middle of the Mesozoic.</p><p> This group of insects are nocturnal, only foraging for food and water at night. They are not considered eusocial because their populations are not divided into different caste systems; however, they are still social creatures and can live in groups with over a million individuals.</p><p> The <span>cockroach</span> is flattened dorsolaterally and is roughly oval with a shield-like plate, the pronotum, covering its thorax and posterior region of the head. The antennae are many-segmented, long and slender, and the mouthparts are adapted for chewing. </p><p>The forewings are normally leathery and the hind wings membranous. The coxae of the legs are flattened to enable the femurs to fit neatly against them when folded. <span>cockroaches</span> are hemimetabolous; there is no pupal stage and the nymphs resemble the adults apart from their size and the absence of wings.</p><p> Female <span>cockroaches</span> produce an egg sac known as an ootheca and can hold anywhere from 12-25 eggs depending upon the species.</p><p> Some species display parenting behavior, whereas other species have nothing to do with the young. In most species, growth to maturity takes three to four months, but in a few species, the nymph stage can last for several years. </p><p>The main factors affecting the duration of the nymph stage are seasonal differences, and the amount of nutrients received in the diet.</p>
<p>As in most insect species, <span>cockroaches</span> communicate with one another by the release of pheromones. It has also been discovered that cockroaches release hydrocarbons from their body that are transferred through interactions of the antennae. </p><p>These hydrocarbons can aid in <span>cockroach</span> communication and can even tell whether an individual is a member of its kin or not to prevent inbreeding. </p><p><span>cockroaches</span> that have been isolated in a lab setting have shown extreme behavioral effects and are less stimulated by these hydrocarbons and pheromones, possibly suggesting a group environment is required for development of these communication skills.</p>



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var legsLeft = document.querySelectorAll('.legsL'),
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    direction = 0;

gsap.set('.cuca', {
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  scale:0.8, transformOrigin:'center'

var runningCuca = gsap.timeline({
    trigger: "#theCucas",
    pin: true,
    start: () => start, // gets called on each refresh
    onUpdate: (self) => {
      if(self.direction == -1){
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      } else if (self.direction == 1){
        rotation = 0;
      console.log(self.direction, rotation); 
    onRefresh: isActive => {
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  duration:4, ease:'none',
  onUpdate: function() {
    if(rotation) {
      this.targets().forEach(cuca => gsap.set(cuca, {
        rotation: gsap.getProperty(cuca, "rotation") + rotation
.to(legsLeft, {rotation:40, transformOrigin:'80% 10px', duration:0.02,  stagger:0.005, repeat:160, yoyo:true},0.1)
.to(legsRight, {rotation:-40, transformOrigin:'80% 10px', duration:0.02,  stagger:0.005, repeat:160, yoyo:true},0.115)

var spanRed = gsap.utils.toArray("span").forEach(function(elem) {
      trigger: elem,
      start: "top 30%",
      onEnter: function() {
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