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                <div class="side_wrapper">
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    <header class="profile-card_header">
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        <div class="profile-card_header-imgbox">
          <img src="" alt="Mewy Pawpins" />
        <h1>Mewy Pawpins <span>Head of Hooman Relations</span></h1>
    <div class="profile-card_about">
      <h2>All About Mewy</h2>
      <p>I'm an aspiring ruler of hoomans from Chicago, looking for my fur-ever home. I like treats and playing and treats. And treats. I'd do well in a home where hoomans give me lots of treats!</p>
      <footer class="profile-card_footer">
        <div class="social-row">
          <div class="heart-icon" title="No Health Issues">
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          <div class="paw-icon" title="Gets Along Well With Other Animals">
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        <p><a class="back-to-profile" href="#">Full Adoption Profile</a></p>


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