a.github-corner(href='//github.com/meodai/color-names', target='_blank', aria-label='View source on Github')
  svg(width='80', height='80', viewbox='0 0 250 250', aria-hidden='true')
    path.triange(d='M0,0 L115,115 L130,115 L142,142 L250,250 L250,0 Z')
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    span.label List
      option(value="default") Color Name List
      option(value="bestOf") Best of
      option(value="short") Short Names
      option(value="basic") Basic Colors
      option(value="html") HTML / CSS
      option(value="wikipedia") Wikipedia
      option(value="french") French Colors
      option(value="spanish") Spanish Colors
      option(value="japaneseTraditional") Japanese Traditional
      option(value="chineseTraditional") Chinese Traditional
      option(value="leCorbusier") Le Corbusier
      option(value="nbsIscc") NBS-ISCC
      option(value="ntc") NTC.js
      option(value="osxcrayons") OSX Crayon
      option(value="ral") RAL color
      option(value="ridgway") Ridgway's Nomenclature 
      option(value="sanzoWadaI") Sanzo Wada
      option(value="thesaurus") Thesaurus
      option(value="werner") Werner's Nomenclature
      option(value="windows") MS Windows
      option(value="x11") x11
      option(value="xkcd") xkcd survey
    span.label Model
      option(value="rgb") rgb
      option(value="xyz") xyz
      option(value="cat02") cat02
      option(value="jab") jab
      option(value="luv") luv
      option(value="yuv") yuv
      option(value="lab") lab
      option(value="oklab") OK lab
      option(value="lch") lch
      option(value="hsv") hsv
      option(value="hsl") hsl
      option(value="hsi") hsi
      option(value="hwb") hwb
      option(value="hcg") hcg
  span toggle darkmode
    <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="184" height="184" viewBox="0 0 184 184">
        <path class="line" d="M43.27,54.49A7.93,7.93,0,0,0,54.49,43.27l-8.33-8.33A7.93,7.93,0,0,0,34.95,46.16Z" transform="translate(-8 -8)"/>
        <path class="line" d="M159.45,167.38a7.93,7.93,0,0,0,5.61-13.54l-8.33-8.33a7.93,7.93,0,0,0-11.21,11.21l8.33,8.33A7.9,7.9,0,0,0,159.45,167.38Z" transform="translate(-8 -8)"/>
        <path class="line" d="M46.16,165.05l8.33-8.33a7.93,7.93,0,1,0-11.21-11.21l-8.33,8.33a7.93,7.93,0,1,0,11.21,11.21Z" transform="translate(-8 -8)"/>
        <path class="line" d="M151.12,56.81a7.91,7.91,0,0,0,5.61-2.32l8.33-8.33a7.93,7.93,0,0,0-11.21-11.21l-8.33,8.33a7.93,7.93,0,0,0,5.61,13.54Z" transform="translate(-8 -8)"/>
        <path class="line" d="M15.93,107.93H27.71a7.93,7.93,0,0,0,0-15.86H15.93a7.93,7.93,0,0,0,0,15.86Z" transform="translate(-8 -8)"/>
        <path class="line" d="M164.36,100a7.93,7.93,0,0,0,7.93,7.93h11.78a7.93,7.93,0,0,0,0-15.86H172.29A7.93,7.93,0,0,0,164.36,100Z" transform="translate(-8 -8)"/>
        <path class="line" d="M100,164.36a7.93,7.93,0,0,0-7.93,7.93v11.78a7.93,7.93,0,0,0,15.86,0V172.29A7.93,7.93,0,0,0,100,164.36Z" transform="translate(-8 -8)"/>
        <path class="line" d="M100,35.64a7.93,7.93,0,0,0,7.93-7.93V15.93a7.93,7.93,0,0,0-15.86,0V27.71A7.93,7.93,0,0,0,100,35.64Z" transform="translate(-8 -8)"/>
        <path class="circle" d="M100,153.09A53.09,53.09,0,1,0,46.91,100,53.15,53.15,0,0,0,100,153.09Zm0-90.33A37.23,37.23,0,1,1,62.77,100,37.27,37.27,0,0,1,100,62.77Z" transform="translate(-8 -8)"/>


View Compiled
$c-black: #202124;
$c-white: #fff;
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View Compiled

import * as THREE from 'https://threejsfundamentals.org/threejs/resources/threejs/r110/build/three.module.js';
import { OrbitControls } from 'https://threejsfundamentals.org/threejs/resources/threejs/r110/examples/jsm/controls/OrbitControls.js';

let cam, scene, root, renderer, controls, layers,
  objects = [], cubeSize = 100, dotSize = 1.25,
  width = window.innerWidth + 1,
  height = window.innerHeight + 1,
  $select = document.querySelector('[data-model]'),
  $selectList = document.querySelector('[data-list]'),
  cDark = '#202124', cLight = '#ffffff',
  bg = cDark, colorMode = 'rgb', spaceCube, isDark = true;

const colorModes = {
  hsv: {
    func: 'hsv',
    x: [0, 360],
    y: [1, 1],
    z: [2, 1]
  hsi: {
    func: 'hsi',
    x: [0, 360],
    y: [1, 1],
    z: [2, 1]
  hsl: {
    func: 'hsl',
    x: [0, 360],
    y: [1, 1],
    z: [2, 1]
  rgb: {
    func: 'rgb',
    x: [0, 255],
    y: [1, 255],
    z: [2, 255]
  xyz: {
    func: 'xyz',
    x: [0, 95.047],
    y: [1, 100],
    z: [2, 108.883]
  'cat02': {
    func: 'cat02',
    x: [0, 95.047],
    y: [1, 104],
    z: [2, 108.883],
  jab: {
    func: 'jzazbz',
    x: [0, .2],
    y: [1, .16, -.16],
    z: [2, .16, -.16],
  luv: {
    func: 'luv',
    x: [0, 100],
    y: [1, 224, -134],
    z: [2, 122, -140],
  lab: {
    func: 'lab',
    z: [0, 100],
    y: [1, 127, -128],
    x: [2, 127, -128]
  oklab: {
    func: 'oklab',
    z: [0, 1],
    y: [1, .3, -.3],
    x: [2, .35, -.35]
  lch: {
    func: 'lch',
    z: [0, 100],
    y: [1, 100],
    x: [2, 0, 360]
  yuv: {
    func: 'yuv',
    z: [0, 255],
    y: [1, 255],
    x: [2, 255]
  hwb: {
    func: 'hwb',
    x: [0, 360],
    y: [1, 1],
    z: [2, 1]
  hcg: {
    func: 'hcg',
    x: [0, 360],
    y: [1, 1],
    z: [2, 1]


function onWindowResize() {
  width = window.innerWidth + 1;
  height = window.innerHeight + 1;
  cam.aspect = width / height;
  renderer.setSize(width, height);

let colorList = [];

function fetchList (listname='default') {
  fetch(`https://api.color.pizza/v1/?list=${listname}`).then(d => d.json()).then(d => {
    colorList = d.colors;
    addParticles(colorList, colorMode);


let part;

function createCanvasMaterial(color, size = 256) {
  var matCanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
  matCanvas.width = matCanvas.height = size;
  var matContext = matCanvas.getContext('2d');
  // create exture object from canvas.
  var texture = new THREE.Texture(matCanvas);
  // Draw a circle
  var center = size / 2;

  matContext.arc(center, center, size / 2, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);
  matContext.fillStyle = color;
  // need to set needsUpdate
  texture.needsUpdate = true;
  // return a texture made from the canvas
  return texture;

let pMaterial, particles;

function addParticles(colorNames, cMode) {
  // create the particle variables
  const particleCount = colorNames.length;
  if (particles) {
  particles = new THREE.Geometry();
  if (pMaterial) {
  dotSize = 255/Math.sqrt(colorNames.length/3) * .4;
  dotSize = Math.max(Math.min(dotSize, 4), 1.25);
  pMaterial = new THREE.PointsMaterial({
    vertexColors: THREE.VertexColors,
    size: dotSize,
    alphaMap: createCanvasMaterial('#ffffff', dotSize * 100),
    flatShading: true,
    //fog: false,
    //depthWrite: false,
    transparent: true,
    alphaTest: .5,
    //sizeAttenuation: true,

  let colors = [];

  const mode = colorModes[cMode];

  colorNames.forEach((col, i) => {
    let colorComp;
    let color = new Color({
        "color": col.hex,
        "type": "hex"
    if (mode.func === 'oklab') {
      colorComp = linear_srgb_to_oklab(chroma(col.hex).rgb());
    } else if (mode.func === 'yuv') {
      colorComp = yuv(chroma(col.hex).rgb());
    } else if (mode.func === "luv") {
      colorComp = color.luv;
    } else if (mode.func === "xyz" || mode.func === "cat02" || mode.func === "jzazbz") {
      colorComp = color.xyz;
      if (mode.func === "jzazbz") {
        colorComp = Jzazbz(colorComp);
      if (mode.func === "cat02") {
        colorComp = xyz2cat02(colorComp);  
    } else if (mode.func === 'hwb') {
      const [hsvH, hsvS, hsvV] = chroma(col.hex).hsv();
      colorComp = [
        (1 - hsvS) * hsvV,
        1 - hsvV
    } else {
      colorComp = chroma(col.hex)[mode.func]();
      if (mode.func === 'hcg') {
        colorComp = [colorComp[0],colorComp[1] / 100,colorComp[2] / 100];

    let pX = translate(colorComp[mode.x[0]], mode.x[2] || 0, mode.x[1], -cubeSize * .5, cubeSize * .5),
        pY = translate(colorComp[mode.y[0]], mode.y[2] || 0, mode.y[1], -cubeSize * .5, cubeSize * .5),
        pZ = translate(colorComp[mode.z[0]], mode.z[2] || 0, mode.z[1], -cubeSize * .5, cubeSize * .5);

    if (mode.func === 'hsl' || mode.func === 'hsv' || mode.func === 'hsi' || mode.func === 'hcg') {
      let theta = Math.PI * colorComp[mode.x[0]] / 180;
      let r = colorComp[mode.y[0]] * cubeSize;

      if (mode.func === 'hsi') {
        r *= colorComp[mode.z[0]] * 0.75;
        let intensity = colorComp[mode.z[0]];
        let factor = Math.min(intensity, 1 - intensity) * 0.75;
        r *= factor;
      } else if (mode.func === 'hsv') {
        r *= colorComp[mode.z[0]] * 0.5;
      } else if (mode.func === 'hcg') {
        r *= .5;
      } else {
        r *= colorComp[mode.z[0]] < 0.5 ? colorComp[mode.z[0]] : 1 - colorComp[mode.z[0]];

      pY = r * Math.cos(theta);
      pX = r * Math.sin(theta);

    if (mode.func === 'lch') {
      let theta = Math.PI * colorComp[mode.x[0]] / 180;
      let r = translate(colorComp[mode.y[0]], 0, mode.y[1], 0, cubeSize * .5);

      pY = r * Math.cos(theta);
      pX = r * Math.sin(theta);

    let particle = new THREE.Vector3(pX, pY, pZ),
          Tcolor = new THREE.Color(col.hex);


    // add it to the geometry

  // create the particle system
  const particleSystem = new THREE.Points(

  particleSystem.name = 'colors';
  particles.colors = colors;

  // add it to the scene
  part = particleSystem;

renderer.render(scene, cam);


function setSceneColor(color) {
  scene.background = new THREE.Color(color);
  scene.fog = new THREE.Fog(color, 150, 300); //new THREE.FogExp2(0x000000, 0.0007);
var aspect = window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight;
var d = 20;
camera = new THREE.OrthographicCamera( - d * aspect, d * aspect, d, - d, 1, 1000 );

camera.position.set( 20, 20, 20 ); // all components equal
camera.lookAt( scene.position ); // or the origin

function init() {
  cam = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(75, width / height, 1, 500);
  cam.position.z = cubeSize * 1.5;
  scene = new THREE.Scene();
  root = new THREE.Object3D();

  renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({ antialias: true });
  renderer.setSize(width, height);


  controls = new OrbitControls(cam, renderer.domElement);
  // controls.addEventListener( 'change', render ); // remove when using animation loop
  // enable animation loop when using damping or autorotation
  controls.enableDamping = true;
  controls.dampingFactor = .75;
  controls.enableZoom = true;
  controls.zoomSpeed = .25;
  controls.autoRotate = true;
  controls.autoRotateSpeed = 2.0;
  controls.maxDistance = cubeSize * 1.75;
  controls.maxPolarAngle = Math.PI * 4;
  //controls.minPolarAngle = 0;
  controls.maxAzimuthAngle = Infinity;
  controls.minAzimuthAngle = -Infinity;

  controls.noPan = true;
  controls.noKeys = true;
  //controls.noZoom = true;

  const container = document.querySelector('#container');

  window.addEventListener('resize', onWindowResize, false);
  document.querySelector('button').addEventListener('click', toggleDarkMode, false);

function toggleDarkMode() {
  isDark = !isDark;

  var newColor = isDark ? cDark : cLight;

  var colorspace = scene.getObjectByName('colorspace');
  addCube(isDark ? '#ffffff' : cDark);

  document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--background', newColor);
  document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--foreground', isDark ? '#ffffff' : cDark);

function addCube(color) {
  let geometryCube = cube(cubeSize);
  const material = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({
    color: color || 0xffffff,
    linewidth: 1,
    linecap: 'round', //ignored by WebGLRenderer
    linejoin: 'round' //ignored by WebGLRenderer
  const colorspace = new THREE.LineSegments(

  colorspace.name = 'colorspace';


  spaceCube = colorspace;

function cube(size) {
  const h = size * 0.5;
  const geometry = new THREE.Geometry();

    new THREE.Vector3(-h, -h, -h),
    new THREE.Vector3(-h, h, -h),
    new THREE.Vector3(-h, h, -h),
    new THREE.Vector3(h, h, -h),
    new THREE.Vector3(h, h, -h),
    new THREE.Vector3(h, -h, -h),
    new THREE.Vector3(h, -h, -h),
    new THREE.Vector3(-h, -h, -h),
    new THREE.Vector3(-h, -h, h),
    new THREE.Vector3(-h, h, h),
    new THREE.Vector3(-h, h, h),
    new THREE.Vector3(h, h, h),
    new THREE.Vector3(h, h, h),
    new THREE.Vector3(h, -h, h),
    new THREE.Vector3(h, -h, h),
    new THREE.Vector3(-h, -h, h),
    new THREE.Vector3(-h, -h, -h),
    new THREE.Vector3(-h, -h, h),
    new THREE.Vector3(-h, h, -h),
    new THREE.Vector3(-h, h, h),
    new THREE.Vector3(h, h, -h),
    new THREE.Vector3(h, h, h),
    new THREE.Vector3(h, -h, -h),
    new THREE.Vector3(h, -h, h)

  return geometry;

function render() {
  const time = Date.now() * 0.0001;
  renderer.render(scene, cam);
  objects.forEach(object => {
    //object.rotation.x = 0.25 * time * ( i%2 == 1 ? 1 : -1);
    object.rotation.x = 0.25 * time;
    object.rotation.y = 0.25 * time;

function animate() {

$select.addEventListener('change', e => {
  colorMode = $select.value;
  objects = [];
  const colorspace = scene.getObjectByName('colorspace');
  const colors = scene.getObjectByName('colors');
  addParticles(colorList, colorMode);
  addCube(isDark ? cLight : cDark);
}, false);

$selectList.addEventListener('change', e => {
  const listName = $selectList.value;
  objects = [];
  const colorspace = scene.getObjectByName('colorspace');
  const colors = scene.getObjectByName('colors');
  //addParticles(colorList, colorMode);
  addCube(isDark ? cLight : cDark);
}, false);

function translate(value, low1, high1, low2, high2) {
  return low2 + (high2 - low2) * ((value - low1) / (high1 - low1));

const PQ = function perceptual_quantizer(X) {
  const XX = Math.pow(X*1e-4, 0.1593017578125);
  return Math.pow(
    (0.8359375 + 18.8515625*XX) / (1 + 18.6875*XX),

function Jzazbz([X, Y, Z]) {
    Lp = PQ(0.674207838*X + 0.382799340*Y - 0.047570458*Z),
    Mp = PQ(0.149284160*X + 0.739628340*Y + 0.083327300*Z),
    Sp = PQ(0.070941080*X + 0.174768000*Y + 0.670970020*Z),
    Iz = 0.5 * (Lp + Mp),
    az = 3.524000*Lp - 4.066708*Mp + 0.542708*Sp,
    bz = 0.199076*Lp + 1.096799*Mp - 1.295875*Sp,
    Jz = (0.44 * Iz) / (1 - 0.56*Iz) - 1.6295499532821566e-11;
  return [Jz, az, bz];

function cat022hpe(l,m,s) {
  var lh = ( 0.7409792 * l) + (0.2180250 * m) + (0.0410058 * s),
      mh = ( 0.2853532 * l) + (0.6242014 * m) + (0.0904454 * s),
      sh = (-0.0096280 * l) - (0.0056980 * m) + (1.0153260 * s);

  return {lh: lh, mh: mh, sh: sh};

function xyz2cat02([x,y,z]) {
  const l = ( 0.7328 * x) + (0.4296 * y) - (0.1624 * z),
        m = (-0.7036 * x) + (1.6975 * y) + (0.0061 * z),
        s = ( 0.0030 * x) + (0.0136 * y) + (0.9834 * z);
  return [l, m, s];

function yuv(rgb) {
  return [
    /*Y*/ rgb[0] * .299000 + rgb[1] * .587000 + rgb[2] * .114000,
    /*U*/ rgb[0] * -.168736 + rgb[1] * -.331264 + rgb[2] * .500000 + 128,
    /*V*/ rgb[0] * .500000 + rgb[1] * -.418688 + rgb[2] * -.081312 + 128

function f(x)
    if (x >= 0.0031308)
        return (1.055) * x^(1.0/2.4) - 0.055
        return 12.92 * x;

function linear_srgb_to_oklab(rgb) 
  rgb = rgb.map(comp => comp / 255);
  let l = 0.4121656120 * rgb[0] + 0.5362752080 * rgb[1] + 0.0514575653 * rgb[2];
  let m = 0.2118591070 * rgb[0] + 0.6807189584 * rgb[1] + 0.1074065790 * rgb[2];
  let s = 0.0883097947 * rgb[0] + 0.2818474174 * rgb[1] + 0.6302613616 * rgb[2];

  l = Math.cbrt(l);
  m = Math.cbrt(m);
  s = Math.cbrt(s);

  return [
    (0.2104542553*l + 0.7936177850*m - 0.0040720468*s),
    (1.9779984951*l - 2.4285922050*m + 0.4505937099*s),
    (0.0259040371*l + 0.7827717662*m - 0.8086757660*s),

let rayCaster = new THREE.Raycaster();

document.querySelector('body').addEventListener('mousemove', onDocumentMouseMove);

const $currentColor = document.querySelector('.currentColor');

let currentColorTimer;

function showColor(name, hex) {
  $currentColor.innerHTML = `<div><h2>${name}</h2><span>${hex}</span></div>`
  $currentColor.style = `--color: ${hex}`;
  currentColorTimer = setTimeout(() => {
    $currentColor.innerHTML = '';
  }, 3000);

// Highlight a color name using a raycaster at some point
function onDocumentMouseMove(event) {
  let mousePosition = {};
  mousePosition.x = (event.clientX / renderer.domElement.clientWidth) * 2 - 1;
  mousePosition.y = - (event.clientY / renderer.domElement.clientHeight) * 2 + 1;
  rayCaster.setFromCamera(mousePosition, cam);
  var intersects = rayCaster.intersectObjects([scene.getObjectByName('colors')], false);
  if (intersects.length > 0) {
    var descriptions = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < intersects.length; i++) {
      //Only display those points we can SEE due to the near clipping plane.
      //Without this check, the ray caster will list them all, even if they're clipped by the near plane.
      //".distance" is relative to the camera, not absolute world units.
      if (intersects[i].distance > cam.near) {
        var description = "  " + colorList[intersects[i].index].name + ", ";
        description += "  " + colorList[intersects[i].index].hex + ", ";
        description += "  Distance: " + intersects[i].distance.toFixed(2) + ", ";
        description += "  Ray to point dist: " + intersects[i].distanceToRay.toFixed(2) + ", ";
        description += "  Index: " + intersects[i].index + ", ";
        description += "  Coords: [" + intersects[i].point.x.toFixed(2) + ", " + intersects[i].point.y.toFixed(2) + ", " + intersects[i].point.z.toFixed(2) + "]";

        showColor(colorList[intersects[i].index].name, colorList[intersects[i].index].hex);

      if (descriptions.length > 0) {
        console.log("Mouse pointer intersected the following points, closest to furthest: ");
        for (var v = 0; v < descriptions.length; v++)

View Compiled

External CSS

This Pen doesn't use any external CSS resources.

External JavaScript

  1. https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/ac-colors@1/dist/ac-colors.min.js
  2. https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/chroma-js/2.1.0/chroma.min.js