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<div class="t-container">
	<h2>Gender distribution in computer sciences courses in Sweden</h2>
	<h3 class="t-subtitle">Number of students / Academic year</h3>
	<article id="computer-sciences"></article>
// They are private for security reasons


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View Compiled
Highcharts.chart("computer-sciences", {
	chart: {
		type: "spline",
		spacingTop: 24,
		spacingBottom: 2

	title: null,

	subtitle: null,

	credits: {
		text: "Universitetskanslersämbetet",
		href: 'javascript:window.open("https://goo.gl/mHpMiY", "_blank")'

	xAxis: {
		title: null,
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	tooltip: {
		hideDelay: 250,
		snap: 12,
		crosshairs: false,
		formatter: function() {
			let yValue = Intl.NumberFormat("en-US").format(this.y);

			return yValue + " in " + this.x;

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	plotOptions: {
		series: {
			label: {
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			pointStart: 2007,
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			events: {
				legendItemClick: function() {
					return false;
			dataLabels: {
				enabled: false,
				borderRadius: 3,
				padding: 4,
				y: -4

	series: [
			name: "Total",
			data: [8137, 8996, 10152, 10307, 9535, 9419, 9228, 10008, 10029, 9935]
			name: "Male",
			data: [6767, 7438, 8293, 8439, 7868, 7803, 7698, 8342, 8245, 8097]
			name: "Female",
			data: [1369, 1558, 1859, 1868, 1667, 1615, 1530, 1665, 1783, 1838]
Run Pen

External CSS

  1. https://codepen.io/menosketiago/pen/a4592da022b8556c354eb3012965737b/.scss
  2. https://codepen.io/menosketiago/pen/728489fe48f769dce0f59bb2b8d06f2f.scss
  3. https://codepen.io/menosketiago/pen/954516944376e0e03a12207a4ba3dbe2.scss

External JavaScript

This Pen doesn't use any external JavaScript resources.