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<div id="header-sroll"><h1>Hybrid UI</h1></div>
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  <h2>Why use Hybrid UI?</h2>
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<p>The concept of hybrid UI is that the same UI is persistent in both the desktop version <strong>and the smaller screens.</strong> To start with, most websites that we see nowadays have a responsive header that has a hidden menu only for devices with relatively lower screen dimensions.
<p>This approach requires setting up <code>multiple media queries</code> for better responsiveness across  <strong> mobile browsers.</strong> But we don't see these <strong>headers in mobile apps.</strong> And <strong>Why is that? </strong> Because mobile app headers usually have a top or bottom <code>navigation menu</code> which is better in terms of appearance and UI. What we overlook is that desktop screens can also have a top or bottom navigation menu and still look <strong>absolutely standard.</strong>

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$('.hamburger').on('click', function(){
//page scroll
function progressBarScroll() {
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 //set active page in pagination
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      var $this = $(this);
      // if the current path is this href, make it active and break out of for each loop
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