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	h2.ttt__title Let's play Tic Tac Toe!


                .ttt__container {
	display: grid;
	grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr);
	grid-template-rows: repeat(5, 1fr);
	grid-gap: 5px;
	width: 100vmin;
	height: 100vmin;
	padding: 2rem;
	box-sizing: border-box;
	margin: 0 auto;
	color: white;
	background-color: black;

.ttt__container--draw {
	.ttt__square { opacity: 0.4; }

.ttt__container--victory { background-color: green; }

.ttt__container--failure { background-color: red; }

.ttt__container--draw { background-color: gray; }

.ttt__title {
	grid-row: 1;
	grid-column: 1 / span 3;
	text-align: center;

.ttt__ending {
	grid-row: 5;
	grid-column: 1 / span 3;
	text-align: center;

.ttt__square {
	position: relative;
	background-color: white;
	background-size: contain;
	background-position: center;
	background-repeat: no-repeat;

.ttt__square--x {
	background-image: url("$web_zoom$&wid=550&hei=550&/130831065659/not-giant-enough-letter-x.jpg");

.ttt__square--o {
	background-image: url("");


                function tictactoe_game(patternId) {
	let board = $("#" + patternId);

	// Consistent component variables
	const v = {
		match_ongoing: true,
		board: [],
		board_full: [

		board_wins: [
			["top-left", "top-center", "top-right"],
			["center-left", "center-center", "center-right"],
			["bottom-left", "bottom-center", "bottom-right"],
			["top-left", "center-left", "bottom-left"],
			["top-center", "center-center", "bottom-center"],
			["top-right", "center-right", "bottom-right"],
			["top-left", "center-center", "bottom-right"],
			["top-right", "center-center", "bottom-left"]

		board_checks: [
				setup: ["top-center", "top-right"],
				move: "top-left"
				setup: ["top-center", "top-right"],
				move: "top-left"
				setup: ["top-left", "top-center"],
				move: "top-right"
				setup: ["center-center", "center-right"],
				move: "center-left"
				setup: ["center-left", "center-right"],
				move: "center-center"
				setup: ["center-left", "center-center"],
				move: "center-right"
				setup: ["bottom-center", "bottom-right"],
				move: "bottom-left"
				setup: ["bottom-left", "bottom-right"],
				move: "bottom-center"
				setup: ["bottom-left", "bottom-center"],
				move: "bottom-right"
				setup: ["center-left", "bottom-left"],
				move: "top-left"
				setup: ["top-left", "bottom-left"],
				move: "center-left"
				setup: ["top-left", "center-left"],
				move: "bottom-left"
				setup: ["center-center", "bottom-center"],
				move: "top-center"
				setup: ["top-center", "bottom-center"],
				move: "center-center"
				setup: ["top-center", "center-center"],
				move: "bottom-center"
				setup: ["center-right", "bottom-right"],
				move: "top-right"
				setup: ["top-right", "bottom-right"],
				move: "center-right"
				setup: ["top-right", "center-right"],
				move: "bottom-right"
				setup: ["center-center", "bottom-right"],
				move: "top-left"
				setup: ["top-left", "bottom-right"],
				move: "center-center"
				setup: ["top-left", "center-center"],
				move: "bottom-right"
				setup: ["center-center", "bottom-left"],
				move: "top-right"
				setup: ["top-right", "bottom-left"],
				move: "center-center"
				setup: ["top-right", "center-center"],
				move: "bottom-left"

	// Reusable functions, used frequently the component
	const f = {
		update_match_status: function() {
			// Check if all spaces have been filled or one side has won
			    all_spaces_filled = v.board.length == 9 ? true : false,
				 player_moves = [],
				 enemy_moves = [],
				 player_win = false,
				 enemy_win = false,
				 draw = false,
				 ending_message = ''

			$.each(v.board, function(index, value) {
					board_square = $('.ttt__square[data-location="' + value + '"]'),
					move_info = { position: value }

					? enemy_moves.push(value)
					: player_moves.push(value);

			$.each(v.board_wins, function(index, value) {
				if (f.contains_all(value, player_moves)) {
					v.match_ongoing = false;
					player_win = true;
					return false;
				} else if (f.contains_all(value, enemy_moves)) {
					v.match_ongoing = false;
					enemy_win = true;
					return false;
			if (all_spaces_filled) {
				v.match_ongoing = false;
				draw = true;

			if ( player_win ) {
				ending_message = 'Congrats, you\'re a winner!';
			} else if ( enemy_win ) {
				ending_message = 'Sorry, you\'re a loser!';
			} else if ( draw ) {
				ending_message = 'Looks like it\'s a draw!';

		select_square: (square, selector) => {
			if (!square.hasClass("ttt__square--checked")) {
				let selected_square = square.attr("data-location"), letter = "x";

				if (selector == "player") { letter = "o"; }

				square.addClass("ttt__square--checked ttt__square--" + letter);

		enemy_select: function() {
				move_check = this.check_moves(),
				empty_squares = this.empty_squares(),
				random_square =
					empty_squares[Math.floor(Math.random() * empty_squares.length)],
				random_square_el = $('.ttt__square[data-location="' + random_square + '"]')

			if (move_check !== undefined && move_check.player != "3-neither") {
				var move_check_el = $(
					'.ttt__square[data-location="' + move_check.move + '"]'
			} else {

		empty_squares: function() {
			let empty_squares = v.board_full.filter(function(val) {
				return v.board.indexOf(val) == -1;

			return empty_squares;
		check_moves: function() {
				all_move_checks = [],
				possible_moves = []

			for (var i = 0; i < v.board_checks.length; i++) {
				let move_check = this.contains_all(v.board_checks[i].setup, v.board);

				move_check !== false ? all_move_checks.push(i) : null;

			possible_moves = {
				let move_info = {
					move: v.board_checks[x].move,
					setup: v.board_checks[x].setup,
					player: []

				$.each(move_info.setup, function(index, value) {
					let board_square = $('.ttt__square[data-location="' + value + '"]');

					if (board_square.hasClass("ttt__square--x")) {
					} else if (board_square.hasClass("ttt__square--o")) {


				if (move_info.player[0] == "o" && move_info.player[1] == "o") {
					move_info.player = "2-player";
				} else if (move_info.player[0] == "x" && move_info.player[1] == "x") {
					move_info.player = "1-enemy";
				} else {
					move_info.player = "3-neither";

				return move_info;

			possible_moves = f.removeDuplicates(possible_moves);

			var final_possible_moves = possible_moves.filter(function(x) {
				var possible_space = x.move, index = v.board.indexOf(possible_space);

				if (index == -1) {
					return x;
				} else {
					return false;

			final_possible_moves.sort(function(a, b) {
				if (a.player < b.player) return -1;
				if (a.player > b.player) return 1;
				return 0;

			// console.log(final_possible_moves[0]);

			return final_possible_moves[0];

		contains_all: (small_array, large_array) => {
			for (var i = 0, len = small_array.length; i < len; i++) {
				if ($.inArray(small_array[i], large_array) == -1) return false;
			return small_array;

		removeDuplicates: array => {
			let unique_values = [];

			$.each(array, function(i, el) {
				if ($.inArray(el, unique_values) === -1) unique_values.push(el);

			return unique_values;

	// What to do when the page loads
	function init() {}

	// Events triggered by the user, mostly click events
	function setEvents() {
		board.on("click", ".ttt__square:not(.ttt__square--checked)", function() {
			if (v.match_ongoing) { f.select_square($(this), "player"); }
			if (v.match_ongoing) { f.enemy_select(); } 

	// Running the initial and event functions for the Super Menu when the page loads
	function docReady() {

		ready: docReady()

// Getting/adding all the super menus and either using its unique ID or adding a custom one
$(".ttt__container").each(function() {
	var id = $(this).attr("id");

	if (typeof id === typeof undefined && id !== false) {
		id = "IDUNIQUE_" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 999999999999 + 1);
		$(this).attr("id", id);


