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                <h1>details/summary test</h1>

  <li>Announcements are very different across different screen readers/browsers. It goes from little information (“show more” in VoiceOver on iOS) to too much information (“Right pointing triangle, Show more, collapsed, summary, group” in Firefox on macOs)</.i>
<li>Removing or changing the triangle doesn’t seem to affect any screen reader/browser pairing except Firefox with all tested screen readers.</li>
<li>Voice Over macOS Chrome/Edge/Arc, Voice Over macOS Safari, and Talkback Android Chrome provide the most consistent experience.</li>
<li>Voice Over iOS Safari is also very consistent but in a bad way. It doesn’t announce any role.</li>
<li>Details only expands in Chrome, Arc, Edge when you search with <kbd>CMD</kbd>/<kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>F</kbd> (find-in-page).</li>
<li>To remove the triangle in Safari, you must set <code>::-webkit-details-marker</code> to <code>display: none</code>. <br><code>::marker</code> or <code>list-style: none;</code> don't work.</li>


  <summary>Show More</summary>
  Here’s Johnny!

        <th>Voice Over macOS Chrome/Edge/arc</th>
        <th>Voice Over macOS Firefox</th>
        <th>Voice Over macOS Safari</th>
        <th>Voice Over iOS Safari</th>
        <th>Talkback Android Chrome</th>
        <th>NVDA Firefox</th>
        <th>JAWS Chrome</th>

          Announcement on focus
          Show More, collapsed, disclosure triangle, group
          Right pointing triangle, Show more, collapsed, summary, group<br>
          Show more, collapsed, summary, group
        <td>Show More, collapsed, summary, group</td>
        <td>Show More</td>
          Collapsed, show more, disclosure triangle
          Filled right pointing small triangle, show more, button, collapsed
        <td>Show more, button, collapsed</td>
          Announcement on toggle
          Show More, expanded, disclosure triangle, group
          Show More
        <td>Show More, expanded, summary, group</td>
        <td>Show More</td>
          expanded, filled down pointing small triangle, show more<

<h2>custom marker: <code>list-style-type: square</code></h2>

<details class="custommarker">
  <summary>Show More</summary>
  Here’s Johnny!

      <th>Voice Over macOS Chrome/Edge/arc</th>
      <th>Voice Over macOS Firefox</th>
      <th>Voice Over macOS Safari</th>
      <th>Voice Over iOS Safari</th>
      <th>Talkback Android Chrome</th>
      <th>NVDA Firefox</th>
      <th>JAWS Chrome</th>

        Announcement on focus
        Show More, collapsed, disclosure triangle, group
        Black small square, Show more, collapsed, summary, group<br>
        Show more, collapsed, summary, group
      <td>Show More, collapsed, summary, group</td>
      <td>Show More</td>
        Collapsed, show more, disclosure triangle
        Show more, button, collapsed
      <td>Show more, button, collapsed</td>
        Announcement on toggle
        Show More, expanded, disclosure triangle, group
      <td>Show More, expanded, summary, group</td>
      <td>Show More</td>

<h2>custom marker: <code>::marker</code></h2>

<details class="custommarker2">
  <summary>Show More</summary>
  Here’s Johnny!

      <th>Voice Over macOS Chrome/Edge/arc</th>
      <th>Voice Over macOS Firefox</th>
      <th>Voice Over macOS Safari</th>
      <th>Voice Over iOS Safari</th>
      <th>Talkback Android Chrome</th>
      <th>NVDA Firefox</th>
      <th>JAWS Chrome</th>

        Announcement on focus
        Show More, collapsed, disclosure triangle, group
        Beaver, Show more, collapsed, summary, group<br>
        Show more, collapsed, summary, group
      <td>Show More, collapsed, summary, group</td>
      <td>Show More</td>
        Collapsed, show more, disclosure triangle
        Beaver, Show more, button, collapsed
      <td>Show more, button, collapsed</td>
        Announcement on toggle
        Show More, expanded, disclosure triangle, group
        Beaver, Show More
      <td>Show More, expanded, summary, group</td>
      <td>Show More</td>

<h2>no marker: <code>list-style-type: none;</code></h2>

<details class="nomarker">
  <summary>Show More</summary>
  Here’s Johnny!

      <th>Voice Over macOS Chrome/Edge/arc</th>
      <th>Voice Over macOS Firefox</th>
      <th>Voice Over macOS Safari</th>
      <th>Voice Over iOS Safari</th>
      <th>Talkback Android Chrome</th>
      <th>NVDA Firefox</th>
      <th>JAWS Chrome</th>

        Announcement on focus
        Show More, collapsed, disclosure triangle, group
        Show more, collapsed, summary, group
      <td>Show More, collapsed, summary, group</td>
      <td>Show More</td>
        Collapsed, show more, disclosure triangle
        Show more, button, collapsed
      <td>Show more, button, collapsed</td>
        Announcement on toggle
        Show More, expanded, disclosure triangle, group
      <td>Show More, expanded, summary, group</td>
      <td>Show More</td>

<h2>no marker: <code>::marker content:""</code></h2>

<details class="nomarker2">
  <summary>Show More</summary>
  Here’s Johnny!

      <th>Voice Over macOS Chrome/Edge/arc</th>
      <th>Voice Over macOS Firefox</th>
      <th>Voice Over macOS Safari</th>
      <th>Voice Over iOS Safari</th>
      <th>Talkback Android Chrome</th>
      <th>NVDA Firefox</th>
      <th>JAWS Chrome</th>

        Announcement on focus
        Show More, collapsed, disclosure triangle, group
        Show more, collapsed, summary, group
      <td>Show More, collapsed, summary, group</td>
      <td>Show More</td>
        Collapsed, show more, disclosure triangle
        Show more, button, collapsed
      <td>Show more, button, collapsed</td>
        Announcement on toggle
        Show More, expanded, disclosure triangle, group
      <td>Show More, expanded, summary, group</td>
      <td>Show More</td>

<h2>Remove triangle in all browsers</h2>

<details class="custommarker3">
  <summary>Show More</summary>
  Here’s Johnny!

  <a href="">More detailed testing resuluts by Scott O'Hara</a> and corressponding <a href=""> article (“The details and summary elements, again”).</a>


                .nomarker summary {
  list-style-type: none;

.nomarker2 summary::marker,
.nomarker2 summary::-webkit-details-marker {
  content: "";

.custommarker summary {
  list-style-type: square;

.custommarker2 summary::marker,
.custommarker2 summary::-webkit-details-marker {
  content: "🦫"

.custommarker3 summary::-webkit-details-marker {
  display: none;

.custommarker3 summary {
  list-style: none;

body > * + * {
  margin-top: 2rem  ;

body {
  font-size: 1.2rem;
  font-family: Seravek, 'Gill Sans Nova', Ubuntu, Calibri, 'DejaVu Sans', source-sans-pro, sans-serif;
  line-height: 1.5;

td, tr, table, th {
  border: 1px solid;

td {
  vertical-align: top;

div {
  overflow: auto;

th {
  white-space: nowrap;

td, th {
  padding: 1rem;


