Pen Settings



CSS Base

Vendor Prefixing

Add External Stylesheets/Pens

Any URLs added here will be added as <link>s in order, and before the CSS in the editor. You can use the CSS from another Pen by using its URL and the proper URL extension.

+ add another resource


Babel includes JSX processing.

Add External Scripts/Pens

Any URL's added here will be added as <script>s in order, and run before the JavaScript in the editor. You can use the URL of any other Pen and it will include the JavaScript from that Pen.

+ add another resource


Add Packages

Search for and use JavaScript packages from npm here. By selecting a package, an import statement will be added to the top of the JavaScript editor for this package.


Auto Save

If active, Pens will autosave every 30 seconds after being saved once.

Auto-Updating Preview

If enabled, the preview panel updates automatically as you code. If disabled, use the "Run" button to update.

Format on Save

If enabled, your code will be formatted when you actively save your Pen. Note: your code becomes un-folded during formatting.

Editor Settings

Code Indentation

Want to change your Syntax Highlighting theme, Fonts and more?

Visit your global Editor Settings.



      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day70/">
        Day 70: the defined pseudo-class

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day69/">
        Day 69: width in container queries

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day68/">
        Day 68: cascade layers and browser support

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day67/">
        Day 67: counting children

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day66/">
        Day 66: individual transform properties

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day65/">
        Day 65: using the em unit in container queries

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day64/">
        Day 64: the revert-layer keyword

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day63/">
        Day 63: explicit defaulting with inherit, initial, unset, and revert

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day62/">
        Day 62: the container shorthand

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day61/">
        Day 61: color-scheme

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day60/">
        Day 60: the ::part() pseudo-element

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day59/">
        Day 59: naming containers

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day58/">
        Day 58: ordering nested layers

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day57/">
        Day 57: media queries: range syntax

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day56/">
        Day 56: container queries

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day55/">
        Day 55: anonymous layers

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day54/">
        Day 54: testing for the support of a selector

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day53/">
        Day 53: disabling pull-to-refresh

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day52/">
        Day 52: declaring multiple layer lists

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day51/">
        Day 51: aspect-ratio and replaced elements

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day50/">
        Day 50: :has(:not()) vs. :not(:has())

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day49/">
        Day 49: layering entire style sheets

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day48/">
        Day 48: inset 0

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day47/">
        Day 47: the overscroll-behavior property

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day46/">
        Day 46: ordering layers

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day45/">
        Day 45: the specificity of ::slotted() content

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day44/">
        Day 44: logical floating and clearing

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day43/">
        Day 43: grouping layers

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day42/">
        Day 42: aspect-ratio

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day41/">
        Day 41: custom properties and url()s

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day40/">
        Day 40: unlayered styles

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day39/">
        Day 39: comma-separated functional color notations

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day38/">
        Day 38: vh, svh, lvh, and dvh

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day37/">
        Day 37: cascade layers

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day36/">
        Day 36: :has() and pseudo-elements

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day35/">
        Day 35: forgiving selectors

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day34/">
        Day 34: :is() or :where()

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day33/">
        Day 33: Mathematical expressions in min(), max(), clamp()

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day32/">
        Day 32: the clamp() function

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day31/">
        Day 31: logical border properties

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day30/">
        Day 30: the hwb() color function

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day29/">
        Day 29: !important custom properties

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day28/">
        Day 28: custom properties and web components

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day27/">
        Day 27: the font-variation-settings property

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day26/">
        Day 26: using combinators in :has()

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day25/">
        Day 25: scrollbar gutters in body and html

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day24/">
        Day 24: the backdrop-filter property

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day23/">
        Day 23: the lab() color function

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day22/">
        Day 22: the ::backdrop pseudo-element

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day21/">
        Day 21: conic gradients

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day20/">
        Day 20: the scrollbar-gutter property

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day19/">
        Day 19: the placeholder-shown pseudo-class

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day18/">
        Day 18: inheritable styles and web components

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day17/">
        Day 17: the :picture-in-picture pseudo-class

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day16/">
        Day 16: the specificity of :has()

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day15/">
        Day 15: the :modal pseudo-class

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day14/">
        Day 14: the difference between :is() and :where()

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day13/">
        Day 13: the :where() and :is() pseudo-classes

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day12/">
        Day 12: max() trickery

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day11/">
        Day 11: space-separated functional color notations

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day10/">
        Day 10: global styles and web components

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day9/">
        Day 9: the inset shorthand property

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day8/">
        Day 8: nesting :has()

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day7/">
        Day 7: subgrids

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day6/">
        Day 6: the :has() pseudo-class

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day5/">
        Day 5: the max() function

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day4/">
        Day 4: the min() function

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day3/">
        Day 3: logical property shorthands

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day2/">
        Day 2: logical properties

      <a href="/blog/2022/100daysof-day1/">
        Day 1: custom properties and fallbacks



                ol {
  display: grid;
  gap: 1rem;
  grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(16.5rem, 1fr));
  grid-template-rows: masonry;
  grid-template-columns: masonry;
  grid-template-rows: repeat(auto-fill, 6rem);

body, html, ol {
  height: 100%;

ol {
  font-family: sans-serif;
  list-style: none;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
  font-size: 2.6rem;
  font-weight: bold;
  line-height: 1.25;

li {
  border: 4px solid;

a {
  display: block;
  padding: 1rem;

a:is(:link, :visited) {
  color: initial;
  text-decoration: none;

a:is(:hover, :focus-visible) {
  background-color: rgb(0 0 0);
  color: rgb(255 255 255);


