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//////// Plant Life Game Growth Prototype //// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
///////////////////// VERLET.JS ////////////////////////////
///canvas (*canvas width & height must be equal to retain aspect ratio)
var canvasContainerDiv = document.getElementById("canvas_container_div");
var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
var canvRatio = 1;//0.8; // canvas ratio, as canvas size to lowest of window width or height
var points = [], pointCount = 0;
var spans = [], spanCount = 0;
var skins = [], skinCount = 0;
var worldTime = 0; // time as frame count
var gravity = 0.01; // (rate of y-velocity increase per frame per point mass of 1)
var rigidity = 10; // global span rigidity (as iterations of position accuracy refinement)
var friction = 0.999; // (proportion of previous velocity after frame refresh)
var bounceLoss = 0.9; // (proportion of previous velocity after bouncing)
var skidLoss = 0.8; // (proportion of previous velocity if touching the ground)
var viewPoints = false; // (point visibility)
var viewSpans = false; // (span visibility)
var viewScaffolding = false; // (scaffolding visibility)
var viewSkins = true; // (skin visibility)
var breeze = 0.4; // breeziness level (applied as brief left & right gusts)
///point constructor
function Point(current_x, current_y, materiality="material") { // materiality can be "material" or "immaterial"
this.cx = current_x;
this.cy = current_y;
this.px = this.cx; // previous x value
this.py = this.cy; // previous y value
this.mass = 1; // (as ratio of gravity)
this.materiality = materiality;
this.fixed = false;
this.id = pointCount;
pointCount += 1;
///span constructor
function Span(point_1, point_2, visibility="visible") { // visibility can be "visible" or "hidden"
this.p1 = point_1;
this.p2 = point_2;
this.l = distance(this.p1,this.p2); // length
this.strength = 1; // (as ratio of rigidity)
this.visibility = visibility;
this.id = spanCount;
spanCount += 1;
///skins constructor
function Skin(points_array,color) {
this.points = points_array; // an array of points for skin outline path
this.color = color;
this.id = skinCount;
skinCount += 1;
///scales canvas to window
function scaleToWindow() {
if (window.innerWidth > window.innerHeight) {
canvasContainerDiv.style.height = window.innerHeight*canvRatio+"px";
canvasContainerDiv.style.width = canvasContainerDiv.style.height;
} else {
canvasContainerDiv.style.width = window.innerWidth*canvRatio+"px";
canvasContainerDiv.style.height = canvasContainerDiv.style.width;
///converts percentage to canvas x value
function xValFromPct(percent) {
return percent * canvas.width / 100;
///converts percentage to canvas y value
function yValFromPct(percent) {
return percent * canvas.height / 100;
///converts canvas x value to percentage of canvas width
function pctFromXVal(xValue) {
return xValue * 100 / canvas.width;
///converts canvas y value to percentage of canvas height
function pctFromYVal(yValue) {
return yValue * 100 / canvas.height;
///gets a point by id number
function getPt(id) {
for (var i=0; i<points.length; i++) {
if (points[i].id == id) { return points[i]; }
///gets distance between two points (pythogorian theorum)
function distance(point_1, point_2) {
var x_difference = point_2.cx - point_1.cx;
var y_difference = point_2.cy - point_1.cy;
return Math.sqrt( x_difference*x_difference + y_difference*y_difference);
///gets a span's mid point (returns object: { x: <value>, y: <value> } )
function smp(span) {
var mx = ( span.p1.cx + span.p2.cx ) / 2; // mid x value
var my = ( span.p1.cy + span.p2.cy ) / 2; // mid y value
return { x: mx, y: my};
///removes a span by id
function removeSpan(id) {
for( var i = 0; i < spans.length-1; i++){
if ( spans[i].id === id) { spans.splice(i, 1); }
///creates a point object instance
function addPt(xPercent,yPercent,materiality="material") {
points.push( new Point( xValFromPct(xPercent), yValFromPct(yPercent), materiality ) );
return points[points.length-1];
///creates a span object instance
function addSp(p1,p2,visibility="visible") {
spans.push( new Span( getPt(p1), getPt(p2), visibility ) );
return spans[spans.length-1];
///creates a skin object instance
function addSk(id_path_array, color) {
var points_array = [];
for ( var i=0; i<id_path_array.length; i++) {
skins.push( new Skin(points_array,color) );
return skins[skins.length-1];
///updates point positions based on verlet velocity (i.e., current coord minus previous coord)
function updatePoints() {
for(var i=0; i<points.length; i++) {
var p = points[i]; // point object
if (!p.fixed) {
var xv = (p.cx - p.px) * friction; // x velocity
var yv = (p.cy - p.py) * friction; // y velocity
if (p.py >= canvas.height-1 && p.py <= canvas.height) { xv *= skidLoss; }
p.px = p.cx; // updates previous x as current x
p.py = p.cy; // updates previous y as current y
p.cx += xv; // updates current x with new velocity
p.cy += yv; // updates current y with new velocity
p.cy += gravity * p.mass; // add gravity to y
if (worldTime % Tl.rib( 100, 200 ) === 0) { p.cx += Tl.rfb( -breeze, breeze ); } // apply breeze to x
///applies constrains
function applyConstraints( currentIteration ) {
for (var i=0; i<points.length; i++) {
var p = points[i];
//wall constraints (inverts velocity if point moves beyond a canvas edge)
if (p.materiality === "material") {
if (p.cx > canvas.width) {
p.cx = canvas.width;
p.px = p.cx + (p.cx - p.px) * bounceLoss;
if (p.cx < 0) {
p.cx = 0;
p.px = p.cx + (p.cx - p.px) * bounceLoss;
if (p.cy > canvas.height) {
p.cy = canvas.height;
p.py = p.cy + (p.cy - p.py) * bounceLoss;
if (p.cy < 0) {
p.cy = 0;
p.py = p.cy + (p.cy - p.py) * bounceLoss;
///updates span positions and adjusts associated points
function updateSpans( currentIteration ) {
for (var i=0; i<spans.length; i++) {
var thisSpanIterations = Math.round( rigidity * spans[i].strength );
if ( currentIteration+1 <= thisSpanIterations ) {
var s = spans[i];
var dx = s.p2.cx - s.p1.cx; // distance between x values
var dy = s.p2.cy - s.p1.cy; // distance between y values
var d = Math.sqrt( dx*dx + dy*dy); // distance between the points
var r = s.l / d; // ratio (span length over distance between points)
var mx = s.p1.cx + dx / 2; // midpoint between x values
var my = s.p1.cy + dy / 2; // midpoint between y values
var ox = dx / 2 * r; // offset of each x value (compared to span length)
var oy = dy / 2 * r; // offset of each y value (compared to span length)
if (!s.p1.fixed) {
s.p1.cx = mx - ox; // updates span's first point x value
s.p1.cy = my - oy; // updates span's first point y value
if (!s.p2.fixed) {
s.p2.cx = mx + ox; // updates span's second point x value
s.p2.cy = my + oy; // updates span's second point y value
///refines points for position accuracy & shape rigidity by updating spans and applying constraints iteratively
function refinePositions() {
var requiredIterations = rigidity;
for (var i=0; i<spans.length; i++) {
var thisSpanIterations = Math.round( rigidity * spans[i].strength );
if ( thisSpanIterations > requiredIterations ) {
requiredIterations = thisSpanIterations;
for (var j=0; j<requiredIterations; j++) {
///displays points
function renderPoints() {
for (var i=0; i<points.length; i++) {
var p = points[i];
ctx.fillStyle = "blue";
ctx.arc( p.cx, p.cy, 3, 0 , Math.PI*2 );
///displays spans
function renderSpans() {
for (var i=0; i<spans.length; i++) {
var s = spans[i];
if (s.visibility == "visible") {
ctx.lineWidth = 1;
ctx.strokeStyle = "blue";
ctx.moveTo(s.p1.cx, s.p1.cy);
ctx.lineTo(s.p2.cx, s.p2.cy);
///displays scaffolding & binding spans (i.e., "hidden" spans)
function renderScaffolding() {
for (var i=0; i<spans.length; i++) {
var s = spans[i];
if (s.visibility === "hidden") {
ctx.moveTo(s.p1.cx, s.p1.cy);
ctx.lineTo(s.p2.cx, s.p2.cy);
///displays skins
function renderSkins() {
for(var i=0; i<skins.length; i++) {
var s = skins[i];
ctx.strokeStyle = s.color;
ctx.lineWidth = 0;
ctx.lineJoin = "round";
ctx.lineCap = "round";
ctx.fillStyle = s.color;
ctx.moveTo(s.points[0].cx, s.points[0].cy);
for(var j=1; j<s.points.length; j++) { ctx.lineTo(s.points[j].cx, s.points[j].cy); }
ctx.lineTo(s.points[0].cx, s.points[0].cy);
///clears canvas frame
function clearCanvas() {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
///renders all visible components
function renderImages() {
//if ( viewSkins ) { renderSkins(); } // disabled here so plants can be rendered sequentially in plants.js
if ( viewSpans ) { renderSpans(); }
if ( viewPoints ) { renderPoints(); }
if ( viewScaffolding ) { renderScaffolding(); }
window.addEventListener('resize', scaleToWindow);
function runVerlet() {
////////////////////// TOOLS.JS ////////////////////////////
const Tl = {
//random integer between two numbers (min/max inclusive)
rib: function( min, max ) {
return Math.floor( Math.random() * ( Math.floor(max) - Math.ceil(min) + 1 ) ) + Math.ceil(min);
//random float between two numbers
rfb: function( min, max ) {
return Math.random() * ( max - min ) + min;
//converts radians to degrees
radToDeg: function( radian ) {
return radian * 180 / Math.PI;
//converts degrees to radians
degToRad: function( degree ) {
return degree / 180 * Math.PI;
//pauses program
pause: function( milliseconds ) {
var then = Date.now();
var now;
do { now = Date.now() } while ( now - then < milliseconds );
///////////////////// PLANT LIFE ////////////////////////////
var plants = [], plantCount = 0;
var sunRays = [], sunRayCount = 0;
var shadows = [], shadowCount = 0;
var worldSpeed = 1;//3; // (as frames per iteration; higher is slower) (does not affect physics iterations)
var restrictGrowthByEnergy = false; // restricts plant growth by energy level (if false plants grow freely)
var viewShadows = false; // (shadow visibility)
var phr = 2; // photosynthesis rate ( rate plants store energy from sunlight )
var geer = 0.5; // growth energy expenditure rate (rate energy is expended for growth)
var leer = 0.03; // living energy expenditure rate (rate energy is expended for living, per segment)
///plant constructor
function Plant( xLocation ) {
this.id = plantCount;
this.segments = []; this.segmentCount = 0;
this.xLocation = xLocation;
this.energy = 5000; // seed energy (starting energy level at germination)
this.isAlive = true;
this.forwardGrowthRate = gravity * Tl.rfb(35,50);//Tl.rfb(18,22); // (rate of cross spans increase per frame)
this.outwardGrowthRate = this.forwardGrowthRate * Tl.rfb(0.18,0.22); // (rate forward span widens per frame)
this.maxSegmentWidth = Tl.rfb(11,13); // maximum segment width (in pixels)
this.maxTotalSegments = Tl.rib(10,20); // maximum total number of segments
this.firstLeafSegment = Tl.rib(2,4); // (segment on which first leaf set grows)
this.leafFrequency = Tl.rib(2,3); // (number of segments until next leaf set)
this.maxLeaflength = this.maxSegmentWidth * Tl.rfb(4,7); // maximum leaf length at maturity
this.leafGrowthRate = this.forwardGrowthRate * Tl.rfb(1.4,1.6); // leaf growth rate
//base segment
this.ptB1 = addPt( this.xLocation - 0.1, 100 ); // base point 1
this.ptB2 = addPt( this.xLocation + 0.1, 100 ); // base point 2
this.ptB1.fixed = this.ptB2.fixed = true; // fixes base points to ground
this.spB = addSp( this.ptB1.id, this.ptB2.id ); // adds base span
createSegment( this, null, this.ptB1, this.ptB2 ); // creates the base segment (with "null" parent)
///segment constructor
function Segment( plant, parentSegment, basePoint1, basePoint2 ) {
this.plantId = plant.id;
this.id = plant.segmentCount;
this.childSegment = null;
this.hasChildSegment = false;
this.parentSegment = parentSegment;
this.isBaseSegment = false; if (this.parentSegment === null) { this.isBaseSegment = true; }
this.hasLeaves = false;
this.hasLeafScaffolding = false;
this.forwardGrowthRateVariation = Tl.rfb(0.95,1.05);//(0.95,1.05); // forward growth rate variation
this.mass = 1; // mass of the segment stalk portion ( divided between the two extension points)
this.strength = 1.5; // as multiple of global rigidity (higher values effect performance)
//base points
this.ptB1 = basePoint1; // base point 1
this.ptB2 = basePoint2; // base point 2
//extension points
var originX = ( this.ptB1.cx + this.ptB2.cx ) / 2; // center of base points x values
var originY = ( this.ptB1.cy + this.ptB2.cy ) / 2; // center of base points y values
this.ptE1 = addPt( pctFromXVal( originX ) - 0.1, pctFromYVal( originY ) - 0.1 ); // extension point 1
this.ptE2 = addPt( pctFromXVal( originX ) + 0.1, pctFromYVal( originY ) - 0.1 ); // extension point 2
this.ptE1.mass = this.mass / 2;
this.ptE2.mass = this.mass / 2;
this.spL = addSp( this.ptB1.id, this.ptE1.id ); // left span
this.spR = addSp( this.ptB2.id, this.ptE2.id ); // right span
this.spF = addSp( this.ptE1.id, this.ptE2.id ); // forward span
this.spCd = addSp( this.ptE1.id, this.ptB2.id ); // downward (l to r) cross span
this.spCu = addSp( this.ptB1.id, this.ptE2.id ); // new upward (l to r) cross span
this.spL.rigidity = this.strength;
this.spR.rigidity = this.strength;
this.spF.rigidity = this.strength;
this.spCd.rigidity = this.strength;
this.spCu.rigidity = this.strength;
//base segment
if (!this.isBaseSegment) {
this.spCdP = addSp( this.ptE1.id, this.parentSegment.ptB2.id ); // downward (l to r) cross span to parent
this.spCuP = addSp( this.parentSegment.ptB1.id, this.ptE2.id ); // upward (l to r) cross span to parent
this.spCdP.rigidity = this.strength;
this.spCdP.rigidity = this.strength;
this.ptLf1 = null; // leaf point 1 (leaf tip)
this.ptLf2 = null; // leaf point 2 (leaf tip)
this.spLf1 = null; // leaf 1 Span
this.spLf2 = null; // leaf 2 Span
this.skins = [];
this.skins.push( addSk( [ this.ptE1.id, this.ptE2.id, this.ptB2.id, this.ptB1.id ], "darkgreen" ) );
///sun ray constructor
function SunRay() {
this.id = sunRayCount;
this.x = xValFromPct( this.id );
this.intensity = 1;
this.leafContacts = []; // (as array of objects: { y: <leaf contact y value>, plant: <plant> })
//shadow constructor
function Shadow( leafSpan ) {
this.p1 = leafSpan.p1;
this.p2 = leafSpan.p2;
this.p3 = { cx: this.p2.cx, cy: yValFromPct( 100 ) };
this.p4 = { cx: this.p1.cx, cy: yValFromPct( 100 ) };
//creates a new plant
function createPlant() {
plants.push( new Plant(Tl.rib(10,90)) );
///creates a new segment
function createSegment( plant, parentSegment, basePoint1, basePoint2 ) {
plant.segments.unshift( new Segment( plant, parentSegment, basePoint1, basePoint2 ) );
if (parentSegment !== null) {
parentSegment.childSegment = plant.segments[plant.segments.length-1];
parentSegment.hasChildSegment = true;
///creates a new sun ray (one for each x value as an integer percentage of the canvas's width)
function createSunRays() {
for ( var i=0; i<101; i++ ) {
sunRays.push( new SunRay() );
///gets each leaf span's y values at integer x values as points where sun rays contact leaf
function markRayLeafIntersections() {
for ( var i=0; i<plants.length; i++ ) {
var p = plants[i];
for ( var j=0; j<p.segments.length; j++ ) {
var s = p.segments[j];
if ( s.hasLeaves ) {
var p1, p2;
//leaf 1
//assigns p1 as leftmost leaf span point and p2 as rightmost leaf span point
if ( s.ptLf1.cx < s.ptB1.cx ) { p1 = s.ptLf1; p2 = s.ptB1; } else { p1 = s.ptB1; p2 = s.ptLf1; }
//loops through leaf span's integer x values
var xPctMin = Math.ceil( pctFromXVal( p1.cx ) );
var xPctMax = Math.floor( pctFromXVal( p2.cx ) );
for ( var lcx=xPctMin; lcx<=xPctMax; lcx++ ) { // leaf contact x value
var lcy = p1.cy + (xValFromPct(lcx)-p1.cx) * (p2.cy-p1.cy) / (p2.cx-p1.cx); // leaf contact y value
//pushes corresponding y value and plant instance to associated sun ray instance
sunRays[lcx].leafContacts.push( { y: lcy, plant: p } );
//leaf 2
if ( s.ptLf2.cx < s.ptB2.cx ) { p1 = s.ptLf2; p2 = s.ptB2; } else { p1 = s.ptB2; p2 = s.ptLf2; }
xPctMin = Math.ceil( pctFromXVal( p1.cx ) );
xPctMax = Math.floor( pctFromXVal( p2.cx ) );
for ( lcx=xPctMin; lcx<=xPctMax; lcx++ ) { // leaf contact x value
lcy = p1.cy + (xValFromPct(lcx)-p1.cx) * ( p2.cy - p1.cy) / ( p2.cx - p1.cx ); // leaf contact y value
sunRays[lcx].leafContacts.push( { y: lcy, plant: p } );
///transfers energy from sun rays to leaves
function photosynthesize() {
for ( var i=0; i<sunRays.length; i++ ) {
var sr = sunRays[i]; // sun ray
//sorts leaf contact points from highest to lowest elevation (increasing y value)
sr.leafContacts.sort( function( a, b ) { return a.y - b.y } );
//when a sun ray hits a leaf, transfers half of the ray's intensity to the plant as energy
for ( var j=0; j<sr.leafContacts.length; j++) {
var lc = sr.leafContacts[j]; // leaf contact ({ y: <leaf contact y value>, plant: <plant> })
sr.intensity /= 2;
lc.plant.energy += sr.intensity * phr;
sr.leafContacts = []; sr.intensity = 1; // resets sun ray's leaf contact points & intensity for next iteration
///sheds sunlight
function shedSunlight() {
///marks shadow positions (based on leaf spans)
function markShadowPositions( segment ) {
shadows.push( new Shadow( segment.spLf1 ) );
shadows.push( new Shadow( segment.spLf2 ) );
///grows all plants
function growPlants() {
for (var i=0; i<plants.length; i++) {
var plant = plants[i];
//caps plant energy based on segment count
if ( plant.energy > plant.segmentCount * 1000 && plant.energy > 5000 ) {
plant.energy = plant.segmentCount * 1000;
//checks for sufficient energy for growth (must be greater than zero to grow)
if ( plant.energy > 0 || !restrictGrowthByEnergy ) {
for (var j=0; j<plants[i].segments.length; j++) {
var segment = plants[i].segments[j];
//lengthens segment spans
if ( segment.spF.l < plant.maxSegmentWidth && plant.segments.length < plant.maxTotalSegments) {
lengthenSegmentSpans( plant, segment );
plant.energy -= segment.spCd.l * geer; // reduces energy by a ratio of segment size
//generates new segment
if ( readyForChildSegment( plant, segment ) ) {
createSegment( plant, segment, segment.ptE1, segment.ptE2 );
//handles leaves
if ( !segment.hasLeaves ) {
generateLeavesWhenReady( plant, segment );
} else if ( plant.segments.length < plant.maxTotalSegments ) {
growLeaves( plant, segment );
plant.energy -= ( segment.spLf1.l + segment.spLf2.l ) * geer; // reduces energy by a ratio of leaf length
//cost of living
plant.energy -= plant.segmentCount * leer; // reduces energy by a ratio of segment count
///lengthens segment spans for growth
function lengthenSegmentSpans( plant, segment ) {
if (segment.isBaseSegment) {
segment.ptB1.cx -= plant.outwardGrowthRate / 2;
segment.ptB2.cx += plant.outwardGrowthRate / 2;
plant.spB.l = distance( segment.ptB1, segment.ptB2 );
segment.spCd.l = distance( segment.ptE1, segment.ptB2 ) + plant.forwardGrowthRate / 3;
segment.spCu.l = segment.spCd.l;
} else {
segment.spCdP.l = distance( segment.ptE1, segment.parentSegment.ptB2 ) + plant.forwardGrowthRate;
segment.spCuP.l = segment.spCdP.l * segment.forwardGrowthRateVariation;
segment.spCd.l = distance( segment.ptE1, segment.ptB2 );
segment.spCu.l = distance( segment.ptB1, segment.ptE2 );
segment.spF.l += plant.outwardGrowthRate;
segment.spL.l = distance( segment.ptB1, segment.ptE1 );
segment.spR.l = distance( segment.ptB2, segment.ptE2 );
///checks whether a segment is ready to generate a child segment
function readyForChildSegment( plant, segment ) {
return segment.spF.l > plant.maxSegmentWidth * 0.333 &&
!segment.hasChildSegment &&
plant.segmentCount < plant.maxTotalSegments;
///generates leaves when segment is ready
function generateLeavesWhenReady ( plant, segment ) {
var p = plant;
var s = segment;
if ( s.id >= p.firstLeafSegment &&
s.id % p.leafFrequency === 0 &&
s.spF.l > p.maxSegmentWidth * 0.1 ||
s.id === p.maxTotalSegments-1 ) {
var fsmp = smp( s.spF ); // forward span mid point ( { x: <value>, y: <value> } )
s.ptLf1 = addPt( pctFromXVal( fsmp.x ), pctFromYVal( fsmp.y - 1 ) ); // leaf 1 tip point (left)
s.ptLf2 = addPt( pctFromXVal( fsmp.x ), pctFromYVal( fsmp.y - 1 ) ); // leaf 2 tip point (right)
s.spLf1 = addSp( s.ptB1.id, s.ptLf1.id ); // leaf 1 span (left)
s.spLf2 = addSp( s.ptB2.id, s.ptLf2.id ); // leaf 2 span (right)
s.leafTipsTetherSpan = addSp( s.ptLf1.id, s.ptLf2.id ); // leaf tip tether span
s.hasLeaves = true;
///add leaf scaffolding
function addLeafScaffolding( plant, segment ) {
var p = plant;
var s = segment;
//remove leaf tips tether
//apply leaf-unfold boosters
s.ptLf1.cx -= gravity * 100;
s.ptLf2.cx += gravity * 100;
//add scaffolding points
//(leaf 1)
var x = s.ptE1.cx + ( s.ptE1.cx - s.ptE2.cx ) * 0.5;
var y = s.ptE1.cy + ( s.ptE1.cy - s.ptE2.cy ) * 0.5;
s.ptLf1ScA = addPt( pctFromXVal( x ), pctFromXVal( y ), "immaterial" ); s.ptLf1ScA.mass = 0;
x = ( s.ptLf1.cx + s.ptLf1ScA.cx ) / 2 ;
y = ( s.ptLf1.cy + s.ptLf1ScA.cy ) / 2 ;
s.ptLf1ScB = addPt( pctFromXVal( x ), pctFromXVal( y ), "immaterial" ); s.ptLf1ScB.mass = 0;
//(leaf 2)
x = s.ptE2.cx + ( s.ptE2.cx - s.ptE1.cx ) * 0.5;
y = s.ptE2.cy + ( s.ptE2.cy - s.ptE1.cy ) * 0.5;
s.ptLf2ScA = addPt( pctFromXVal( x ), pctFromXVal( y ), "immaterial" ); s.ptLf2ScA.mass = 0;
x = ( s.ptLf2.cx + s.ptLf2ScA.cx ) / 2 ;
y = ( s.ptLf2.cy + s.ptLf2ScA.cy ) / 2 ;
s.ptLf2ScB = addPt( pctFromXVal( x ), pctFromXVal( y ), "immaterial" ); s.ptLf2ScB.mass = 0;
//add scaffolding spans
//(leaf 1)
s.spLf1ScA = addSp( s.ptE1.id, s.ptLf1ScA.id, "hidden" );
s.spLf1ScB = addSp( s.ptB1.id, s.ptLf1ScA.id, "hidden" );
s.spLf1ScC = addSp( s.ptLf1ScA.id, s.ptLf1ScB.id, "hidden" );
s.spLf1ScD = addSp( s.ptLf1ScB.id, s.ptLf1.id, "hidden" );
//(leaf 2)
s.spLf2ScA = addSp( s.ptE2.id, s.ptLf2ScA.id, "hidden" );
s.spLf2ScB = addSp( s.ptB2.id, s.ptLf2ScA.id, "hidden" );
s.spLf2ScC = addSp( s.ptLf2ScA.id, s.ptLf2ScB.id, "hidden" );
s.spLf2ScD = addSp( s.ptLf2ScB.id, s.ptLf2.id, "hidden" );
s.hasLeafScaffolding = true;
///grows leaves
function growLeaves( plant, segment ) {
var p = plant;
var s = segment;
if ( s.spLf1.l < p.maxLeaflength ) {
//extend leaves
s.spLf1.l = s.spLf2.l += p.leafGrowthRate;
if ( s.spF.l > p.maxSegmentWidth*0.6 && !s.hasLeafScaffolding ) {
// add scaffolding when leaves unfold
addLeafScaffolding( plant, segment );
} else if ( s.hasLeafScaffolding ) {
//extend scaffolding if present
//(leaf 1)
s.spLf1ScA.l += p.leafGrowthRate * 1.25;
s.spLf1ScB.l += p.leafGrowthRate * 1.5;
s.spLf1ScC.l += p.leafGrowthRate * 0.06;
s.spLf1ScD.l += p.leafGrowthRate * 0.06;
//(leaf 2)
s.spLf2ScA.l += p.leafGrowthRate * 1.25;
s.spLf2ScB.l += p.leafGrowthRate * 1.5;
s.spLf2ScC.l += p.leafGrowthRate * 0.06;
s.spLf2ScD.l += p.leafGrowthRate * 0.06;
///renders leaf
function renderLeaf( plant, leafSpan ) {
var p1x = leafSpan.p1.cx;
var p1y = leafSpan.p1.cy;
var p2x = leafSpan.p2.cx;
var p2y = leafSpan.p2.cy;
var mpx = ( p1x + p2x ) / 2; // mid point x
var mpy = ( p1y + p2y ) / 2; // mid point y
ctx.lineWidth = 2;
ctx.lineJoin = "round";
ctx.lineCap = "round";
ctx.strokeStyle = "#003000";
ctx.fillStyle = "green";
var ah = 0.35; // arc height
//leaf top
var ccpx = mpx + ( p2y - p1y ) * ah; // curve control point x
var ccpy = mpy + ( p1x - p2x ) * ah; // curve control point y
//leaf bottom
ccpx = mpx + ( p1y - p2y ) * ah; // curve control point x
ccpy = mpy + ( p2x - p1x ) * ah; // curve control point y
//leaf center
ctx.lineWidth = 1;
ctx.strokeStyle = "#007000";
///renders leaves
function renderLeaves( plant, segment ) {
if ( segment.hasLeaves ) {
renderLeaf( plant, segment.spLf1 );
renderLeaf( plant, segment.spLf2 );
if ( viewShadows ) { markShadowPositions( segment ); }
///renders stalks
function renderStalks( plant, segment ) {
for (var i=0; i<segment.skins.length; i++) {
var s = segment.skins[i];
ctx.fillStyle = s.color;
ctx.lineWidth = 1;
ctx.strokeStyle = "darkgreen";
ctx.moveTo(s.points[0].cx, s.points[0].cy);
for(var j=1; j<s.points.length; j++) { ctx.lineTo(s.points[j].cx, s.points[j].cy); }
ctx.lineTo(s.points[0].cx, s.points[0].cy);
ctx.lineWidth = 1;
ctx.strokeStyle = "#2A2000";
ctx.moveTo(s.points[3].cx, s.points[3].cy);
ctx.lineTo(s.points[0].cx, s.points[0].cy);
ctx.moveTo(s.points[2].cx, s.points[2].cy);
ctx.lineTo(s.points[1].cx, s.points[1].cy);
if ( !segment.hasChildSegment ) {
ctx.moveTo(s.points[3].cx, s.points[3].cy);
ctx.lineTo(s.points[2].cx, s.points[2].cy);
///renders plants (sequentially)
function renderPlants() {
for (var i=0; i<plants.length; i++) {
for (var j=0; j<plants[i].segments.length; j++) {
var plant = plants[i];
var segment = plants[i].segments[j];
renderStalks( plant, segment );
renderLeaves( plant, segment );
///renders shadows (from highest to lowest elevation)
function renderShadows() {
shadows.sort( function( a, b ) { return a.p2.cy - b.p2.cy } );
for ( var i=0; i<shadows.length; i++ ) {
var sh = shadows[i];
ctx.moveTo( sh.p1.cx, sh.p1.cy );
ctx.lineTo( sh.p2.cx, sh.p2.cy );
ctx.lineTo( sh.p3.cx, sh.p3.cy );
ctx.lineTo( sh.p4.cx, sh.p4.cy );
ctx.lineTo( sh.p1.cx, sh.p1.cy );
ctx.fillStyle = "rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0.1 )";
//resets shadows
shadows = []; shadowCount = 0;
for ( var i=0; i<25; i++ ) {
function display() {
if ( worldTime % worldSpeed === 0 ) { growPlants(); }
This Pen doesn't use any external CSS resources.