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                <div class="container mt-4 mb-2" style="max-width: 600px">
  <h2>Human Feed</h2>
  <p class="lead">This is a demo of human-friendly dates created as a companion
  to a PhraseApp blog post. The localized date strings in the feed below have been dynamically
    generated from <code>Date</code> objects. </p>
  <div class="mx-auto text-center">
    <p class="lead mb-1">View in</p>
    <div class="btn-group mb-2" id="localeControls">
        style="width: 4rem"
        class="btn btn-sm btn-secondary active"
        style="width: 4rem"
        class="btn btn-sm btn-secondary"
  <h3 id="feedHeader">What's New</h3>
  <ul class="list-group pr-0" id="feed">




                // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

 * Past this number of days we'll no longer display the 
 * day of the week and instead we'll display the date
 * with the month

 * Past this number of seconds it's now longer "now" when
 * we're displaying dates
const NOW_THRESHOLD_IN_SECONDS: number = 10;

 * Past this number of hours we'll no longer display "hours
 * ago" and instead we'll display "today"
const TODAY_AT_THRESHOLD_IN_HOURS: number = 12;

 * Date formats for different human-friendly thresholds
const FORMATS = {
    year: "numeric",
    month: "short",
    day: "numeric",
    weekday: "long",

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

 * Supported locales
type Locale = "en" | "ar";

 * Keys allowed in plural forms
type PluralFormKey = "1" | "2" | "3-10" | "other";

 * Definition of a phrase's plural form
interface PluralForms  {
    "1"?: string;
    "2"?: string;
    "3-10"?: string;
    "other": string;

 * Translation key/value pairs for supported locales
type Translations = {
  [locale in Locale]:  {
    [key: string]: string | PluralForms;

 * Representation of a date & time in components
interface DateTimeComponents {
  years: number;
  months: number;
  days: number;
  hours: number;
  minutes: number;
  seconds: number;

 * Options when formatting a date
interface DateFormatOptions {
  includeYear?: Boolean;

 * A post in our data set
interface Post {
    name: string;
    photo: string;
    post: string;
    posted_at: Date;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

const MILLISECONDS_TO_SECONDS: number = 0.001;

const SECONDS_IN_YEAR: number = 31557600;

const SECONDS_IN_MONTH: number = 2629800;

const SECONDS_IN_DAY: number = 86400;

const SECONDS_IN_HOUR: number = 3600;

const SECONDS_IN_MINUTE: number = 60;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// i18n
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

 * Determines localized UI elements and data shown
let currentLocale: Locale = "en";

 * Localized UI strings
const translations: Translations = { 
  "en": {
    "What's New": "What's New",
    "posted": "posted",
    "just now": "just now",
    "today at": "today at",
    "yesterday": "yesterday",
    "hours ago": {
      "1": "{count} hour ago",
      "other": "{count} hours ago",
    "minutes ago": {
      "1": "{count} minute ago",
      "other": "{count} minutes ago",
    "seconds ago": {
      "1": "{count} second ago",
      "other": "{count} seconds ago",
  "ar": {
    "What's New": "ما الجديد",
    "posted": "نشر/ت",
    "just now": "الآن",
    "today at": "اليوم الساعة",
    "yesterday": "الأمس",
    "hours ago": {
      "1": "من ساعة",
      "2": "من ساعتان",
      "3-10": "من {count} ساعات",
      "other": "من {count} ساعة",
    "minutes ago": {
      "1": "من دقيقة",
      "2": "من دقيقتين",
      "3-10": "من {count} دقائق",
      "other": "من {count} دقيقة",
    "seconds ago": {
      "1": "من ثانية",
      "2": "من ثانيتين",
      "3-10": "من {count} ثواني",
      "other": "من {count} ثانية",

 * Retrieve a localized string by key
function __(key: string, locale: Locale = currentLocale): string {
  return translations[locale][key] as string;

 * Retrieve a plural form for a phrase by the phrase's key
function _p(key: string, count: number, locale: Locale = currentLocale): string {
  const forms = translations[locale][key] as PluralForms;
  const { other, ...definiteForms } = forms;
  const sortedDefiniteForms = Object.keys(definiteForms).sort();
  let hit: string = "";
  for (let i: number = 0; i < sortedDefiniteForms.length; i += 1) {
    const currentFormKey: PluralFormKey = sortedDefiniteForms[i] as PluralFormKey;
    if (currentFormKey.includes("-")) {
      const [lowerLimit, upperLimit] = currentFormKey.split("-").map(s => parseInt(s.trim(), 10));
      if (lowerLimit <= count && count <= upperLimit) {
        hit = forms[currentFormKey]!;
    } else {
      if (count === parseInt(currentFormKey, 10)) {
        hit = forms[currentFormKey]!;
  if (hit === "") {
    hit = other || key;
  const normalized: string = hit.replace("{count}", count.toString());
  return                      locale.toLowerCase().startsWith("ar") ?
     // Convert Arabic numerals to Indian numerals
     normalized.replace(/\d/g, d =>  "٠١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩"[parseInt(d, 10)]) :
                                                         normalized ;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

 * Retrieve a human-friendly date string relative to now and in the
 * current locale e.g. "two minutes ago"
function humanFriendlyDate(date: Date): string {
  const unixTimestamp: number = millisecondsToSeconds(date.valueOf());
  const now: number = millisecondsToSeconds(;
  const diffComponents: DateTimeComponents = getDateTimeComponents(now - unixTimestamp);
  const { years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds } = diffComponents;
  if (years > 0) {
    return formatLocalizedDateWithOrdinal(currentLocale, date, { includeYear: true });
  if (months > 0 || days > DATE_WITH_MONTH_THRESHOLD_IN_DAYS) {
    return formatLocalizedDateWithOrdinal(currentLocale, date, { includeYear: false });
  if (days > 1) {
    return date.toLocaleDateString(currentLocale, { weekday: "long" }); 
  if (days === 1) {
    return __("yesterday");
    return __("today at") + " " + 
      date.toLocaleTimeString(currentLocale, { hour: "numeric", minute: "2-digit" }); 
  if (hours > 0) {
    return _p("hours ago", hours);
  if (minutes > 0) {
    return _p("minutes ago", minutes);
  if (seconds > NOW_THRESHOLD_IN_SECONDS) {
    return _p("seconds ago", seconds);
  return __("just now");

 * For English, format a date with given options, adding an ordinal
 * e.g. "May 1st, 1992" (note the "1st"). For non-English locales,
 * format a date with given options (and no ordinal);
function formatLocalizedDateWithOrdinal(locale: Locale, date: Date, options: DateFormatOptions = { includeYear: false }) {
  if (locale.toLowerCase().startsWith("en")) {
    return formatEnglishDateWithOrdinal(date, options);

  return formatNonEnglishDate(locale, date, options);

 * Format an English date with it ordinal e.g. "May 1st, 1992"
function formatEnglishDateWithOrdinal(date: Date, { includeYear }: DateFormatOptions): string {
  const month: string = date.toLocaleDateString("en", { month: "long" });

  const day: string = getOrdinal(date.getDate());

  let formatted: string = `${month} ${day}`;

  if (includeYear) {
    formatted += `, ${date.getFullYear()}`;
  return formatted; 

 * Format a non-English date
function formatNonEnglishDate(locale: Locale, date: Date, { includeYear }: DateFormatOptions): string {
  const options: Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions = { day: "numeric", month: "long" };
  if (includeYear) {
    options.year = "numeric";
  return date.toLocaleDateString(locale, options);

 * Retrieve an English ordinal for a number, e.g. "2nd" for 2
function getOrdinal(n: number): string {
  // From
   var s=["th","st","nd","rd"],
   return n+(s[(v-20)%10]||s[v]||s[0]);

 * Convert milliseconds to seconds
function millisecondsToSeconds(milliseconds: number): number {
  return Math.floor(milliseconds * MILLISECONDS_TO_SECONDS);

 * Break up a unix timestamp into its date & time components
function getDateTimeComponents(timestamp: number): DateTimeComponents {
  const components: DateTimeComponents = {
        years: 0,
       months: 0,
         days: 0,
        hours: 0,
      minutes: 0,
      seconds: 0,
  let remaining: number = timestamp;

  // years
  components.years = Math.floor(remaining / SECONDS_IN_YEAR);
  remaining -= components.years * SECONDS_IN_YEAR;
  // months
  components.months = Math.floor(remaining / SECONDS_IN_MONTH);
  remaining -= components.months * SECONDS_IN_MONTH;
  // days
  components.days = Math.floor(remaining / SECONDS_IN_DAY);
  remaining -= components.days * SECONDS_IN_DAY;
  // hours
  components.hours = Math.floor(remaining / SECONDS_IN_HOUR);
  remaining -= components.hours * SECONDS_IN_HOUR;
  // minutes
  components.minutes = Math.floor(remaining / SECONDS_IN_MINUTE);
  remaining -= components.minutes * SECONDS_IN_MINUTE;
  // seconds
  components.seconds = remaining;
  return components;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

 * All dates are displayed relative to this
const baseTime: number =;

 * Mock English data for our demo
const en_data: Post[] = [
      "name": "Fawzi Abdulrahman",
      "photo": "",
      "post": "Gun hornswaggle furl long clothes hands spike hardtack plunder log mizzen. Landlubber or just lubber chandler long clothes jib holystone yard warp lateen sail Cat o'nine tails fore.",
      "posted_at": new Date(baseTime),  
      "name": "June Cha",
      "photo": "",
    "post": "Halvah fruitcake donut brownie chocolate bear claw. Muffin biscuit tootsie roll candy. Cheesecake jelly-o lemon drops sweet chocolate bar marshmallow marshmallow. Cotton candy donut cheesecake sweet.",
    "posted_at": new Date(baseTime - 1 / MILLISECONDS_TO_SECONDS)
      "name": "Iida Niskanen",
      "photo": "",
    "post": "Melted cheese bocconcini mozzarella. Halloumi swiss pecorino dolcelatte monterey jack cream cheese cheese triangles dolcelat",
    "posted_at": new Date(baseTime - 30 / MILLISECONDS_TO_SECONDS),
      "name": "Renee Sims",
      "photo": "https:\/\/\/api\/portraits\/women\/65.jpg",
      "post": "Check it out, y'all. Everyone who was invited is here. So, how 'bout them Knicks? Why would a robot need to drink?",
      "posted_at": new Date(baseTime - 2 * SECONDS_IN_MINUTE / MILLISECONDS_TO_SECONDS),
      "name": "Jonathan Nu\u00f1ez",
      "photo": "https:\/\/\/api\/portraits\/men\/43.jpg",
      "post": "Viral air plant aesthetic, williamsburg iPhone glossier vape. Try-hard hell of chicharrones aesthetic.",
      "posted_at":   new Date(baseTime - 1 * SECONDS_IN_HOUR / MILLISECONDS_TO_SECONDS),  
      "name": "Sasha Ho",
      "photo": "https:\/\/\/photos\/415829\/pexels-photo-415829.jpeg?h=350&auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb",
    "post": "What's the status on the deliverables for eow? root-and-branch review best practices, or if you want to motivate these clowns, try less carrot and more stick.",
    "posted_at": new Date(baseTime - 13 * SECONDS_IN_HOUR / MILLISECONDS_TO_SECONDS),
      "name": "Abdullah Hadley",
      "photo": "https:\/\/\/photo-1507003211169-0a1dd7228f2d?ixlib=rb-0.3.5&q=80&fm=jpg&crop=entropy&cs=tinysrgb&w=200&fit=max&s=a72ca28288878f8404a795f39642a46f",
    "post": "Tunguska event Euclid two ghostly white figures in coveralls and helmets are soflty dancing Apollonius of Perga hundreds of thousands intelligent beings?",
    "posted_at": new Date(baseTime - 1 * SECONDS_IN_DAY / MILLISECONDS_TO_SECONDS),   
      "name": "Veeti Seppanen",
      "photo": "https:\/\/\/api\/portraits\/men\/97.jpg",
      "post": "De carne lumbering animata corpora quaeritis. Summus brains sit​​, morbo vel maleficia?",
      "posted_at": new Date(baseTime - 2 * SECONDS_IN_DAY / MILLISECONDS_TO_SECONDS),
      "name": "Thomas Stock",
      "photo": "https:\/\/\/data\/avatars\/B0298C36-9751-48EF-BE15-80FB9CD11143-500w.jpeg",
    "post": "Ignore the squirrels, you'll never catch them anyway vommit food and eat it again.",
    "posted_at": new Date(baseTime - 7 * SECONDS_IN_DAY / MILLISECONDS_TO_SECONDS), 
      "name": "Bonnie Riley",
      "photo": "https:\/\/\/api\/portraits\/women\/26.jpg",
    "post": "No borders, no limits… go ahead, touch the Cornballer… you know best? Steve Holt? The moron jock? I am going to my spin class.",
    "posted_at": new Date(baseTime - 1 * SECONDS_IN_MONTH / MILLISECONDS_TO_SECONDS),   
        "name": "Abdullah Hadley",
        "photo": "https:\/\/\/photo-1507003211169-0a1dd7228f2d?ixlib=rb-0.3.5&q=80&fm=jpg&crop=entropy&cs=tinysrgb&w=200&fit=max&s=a72ca28288878f8404a795f39642a46f",
      "post": "At the pump-room I saw Mr. Macartney; I courtsied to him twice ere he would speak to me. ",
      "posted_at": new Date(baseTime - 5 * SECONDS_IN_MONTH / MILLISECONDS_TO_SECONDS),  
        "name": "Sasha Ho",
        "photo": "https:\/\/\/photos\/415829\/pexels-photo-415829.jpeg?h=350&auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb",
      "post": "Hand-crafted sleepy Asia-Pacific elegant Scandinavian Zürich Marylebone carefully curated Sunspel essential ryokan. Delightful flat white bespoke hub essential espresso Porter Melbourne Sunspel wardrobe.",
      "posted_at": new Date(baseTime - 1 * SECONDS_IN_YEAR / MILLISECONDS_TO_SECONDS),

 * Mock Arabic data for our demo
const ar_data: Post[] = [
      "name": "فوزي عبدالرحمان",
      "photo": "",
      "post": "بندقية hornswaggle furl ملابس طويلة الأيدي سبايك hardtack نهب سجل mizzen. Landlubber أو مجرد lubber chandler ملابس طويلة jib holystone yard warp lateen الشراع Cat o'nine ذيول الصدارة.",
      "posted_at": new Date(baseTime),  
      "name": "جون شا",
      "photo": "",
    "post": "الحلاوة فواكه الكعك دونات براوني الشوكولاته الدب مخلب. الكعك بسكويت tootsie لفة الحلوى. تشيز كيك جيلي-ليمون يسقط حلوى الشوكولاته بار الخطمي الخطمي. حلوى القطن دونات تشيز كيك حلوة",
    "posted_at": new Date(baseTime - 1 / MILLISECONDS_TO_SECONDS)
      "name": "ايدا نسكانين",
      "photo": "",
    "post": "ذاب الجبن بوكونسيني موزاريلا. حلومي سويس بيكورينو دولسيلاتي مونتيري جاك جبنة مثلثات دولسيلات",
    "posted_at": new Date(baseTime - 30 / MILLISECONDS_TO_SECONDS),
      "name": "ريني سيمز",
      "photo": "https:\/\/\/api\/portraits\/women\/65.jpg",
      "post": "التحقق من ذلك ، كل شيء. كل من تمت دعوته هنا. لذا ، كيف نوبة لهم نيكس؟ لماذا يحتاج الروبوت للشرب؟",
      "posted_at": new Date(baseTime - 2 * SECONDS_IN_MINUTE / MILLISECONDS_TO_SECONDS),
      "name": "جوناثان نونز",
      "photo": "https:\/\/\/api\/portraits\/men\/43.jpg",
      "post": "جمالية الهواء النباتية الفيروسية ، وليامز فون المصقول vape. محاولة من الصعب الجحيم chicharrones الجمالية.",
      "posted_at":   new Date(baseTime - 1 * SECONDS_IN_HOUR / MILLISECONDS_TO_SECONDS),  
      "name": "ساشا هو",
      "photo": "https:\/\/\/photos\/415829\/pexels-photo-415829.jpeg?h=350&auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb",
    "post": "ما هو الوضع على التسليمات ل eow؟ راجع أفضل الممارسات الخاصة بالجذر والفروع ، أو إذا كنت ترغب في تحفيز هؤلاء المهرجين ، فحاول استخدام عدد أقل من الجزرة والعصا.",
    "posted_at": new Date(baseTime - 13 * SECONDS_IN_HOUR / MILLISECONDS_TO_SECONDS),
      "name": "عبد الله هيدلي",
      "photo": "https:\/\/\/photo-1507003211169-0a1dd7228f2d?ixlib=rb-0.3.5&q=80&fm=jpg&crop=entropy&cs=tinysrgb&w=200&fit=max&s=a72ca28288878f8404a795f39642a46f",
    "post": "حدث تونجوسكا إقليدس شخصيتان أبيضتان شبحتان في المعاطف والخوذات يرقصان أبولونيوس من بيرغا مئات الآلاف من الكائنات الذكية؟",
    "posted_at": new Date(baseTime - 1 * SECONDS_IN_DAY / MILLISECONDS_TO_SECONDS),   
      "name": "ڤيتي سيبانين",
      "photo": "https:\/\/\/api\/portraits\/men\/97.jpg",
      "post": "De carne lumbering animata corpora quaeritis. أدمغة Summus الجلوس ، morbo vel ينكوليا؟",
      "posted_at": new Date(baseTime - 2 * SECONDS_IN_DAY / MILLISECONDS_TO_SECONDS),
      "name": "توماس ستوك",
      "photo": "https:\/\/\/data\/avatars\/B0298C36-9751-48EF-BE15-80FB9CD11143-500w.jpeg",
    "post": "تجاهل السناجب ، فلن تصطادهم أبداً بتقيؤ الطعام وتناوله مرة أخرى.",
    "posted_at": new Date(baseTime - 7 * SECONDS_IN_DAY / MILLISECONDS_TO_SECONDS), 
      "name": "بوني رايلي",
      "photo": "https:\/\/\/api\/portraits\/women\/26.jpg",
    "post": "لا حدود ، لا حدود ... المضي قدما ، المس Cornballer ... أنت تعرف أفضل؟ ستيف هولت؟ جوك معتوه؟ أنا ذاهب إلى صفي تدور.",
    "posted_at": new Date(baseTime - 1 * SECONDS_IN_MONTH / MILLISECONDS_TO_SECONDS),   
      "name": "عبد الله هيدلي",
        "photo": "https:\/\/\/photo-1507003211169-0a1dd7228f2d?ixlib=rb-0.3.5&q=80&fm=jpg&crop=entropy&cs=tinysrgb&w=200&fit=max&s=a72ca28288878f8404a795f39642a46f",
      "post": "في غرفة المضخة ، رأيت السيد مكارتني. كنت مغازلة له مرتين إذا كان سيتحدث معي. ",
      "posted_at": new Date(baseTime - 5 * SECONDS_IN_MONTH / MILLISECONDS_TO_SECONDS),  
      "name": "ساشا هو",
        "photo": "https:\/\/\/photos\/415829\/pexels-photo-415829.jpeg?h=350&auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb",
      "post": "صُنعت الاسكندنافية زيوريخ ماريليبوني الأنيقة المصنّعة يدوياً في منطقة آسيا والمحيط الهادئ برعاية Sunspel الأساسية. مبهج مفصل أبيض مسطح محور إسبرسو الأساسية بورتر ملبورن Sunspel خزانة الملابس.",
      "posted_at": new Date(baseTime - 1 * SECONDS_IN_YEAR / MILLISECONDS_TO_SECONDS),

 * Retrieve HTML for a single post, humanizing the post's date
function renderPost(post: Post): string {
  const avatarMargin = currentLocale === "en" ? "mr-3" : "ml-3";
  return ( 
  `<li class="list-group-item">
    <div class="d-flex">
        class="${avatarMargin} rounded-circle"
        style="width: 4rem; height: 4rem; overflow: hidden;"
        <img src="${}"
            style="object-fit: cover; object-position: center; min-height: 100%; width: 100%;"

    <div style="flex: 1;">
      <h4 class="h6 d-flex justify-content-between align-items-baseline">
        <span>${} ${__("posted")}</span>
        <span class="small">${humanFriendlyDate(post.posted_at)}</span>

      <p style="text-align: ${currentLocale === "en" ? "left" : "right"}">


 * Update button state based on active button
function updateLocaleButtons(): void {
  const buttons = {
    en: document.getElementById("localeControl-en"),
    ar: document.getElementById("localeControl-ar"),
  Object.keys(buttons).forEach((locale) => {
    const btn = buttons[locale as Locale];
    if (btn === null) { return; }

    btn.setAttribute("aria-pressed", "false");
    btn.className = btn.className.replace("active", "");
  const selectedBtn = buttons[currentLocale];

  if (selectedBtn === null) { return; }
  selectedBtn.setAttribute("aria-pressed", "true");
  selectedBtn.className += " active";

 * Refresh UI based on selected locale
function selectLocale(newLocale: Locale): void {
  currentLocale = newLocale;
  const data = newLocale === "en" ? en_data : ar_data;
  const feed = document.getElementById('feed');

  if (feed !== null) {
    feed.dir = newLocale === "en" ? "ltr" : "rtl";
    feed.innerHTML ="");
  const feedHeader = document.getElementById("feedHeader");

  if (feedHeader !== null) {
    feedHeader.innerHTML = __("What's New"); = newLocale === "en" ? "left" : "right";

 * Locale-switcher
const localeControls = document.getElementById('localeControls');

if (localeControls !== null) {
  // Switch locale when respective button is clicked
  localeControls.addEventListener("click", e => {
    const btn = as HTMLButtonElement;

    if (btn === null) { return; }

    const newLocale: Locale ="-")[1].trim() as Locale;


