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                <div class="intro" style="margin-top: 20px">
  <!-- Intro -->
  <p>This is a demo of videos reacting to scrolling.</p>
  <p>Created by <a href="">Mark Teater</a>, based on a <a href="">CodePen</a> found on <a href="">Reddit</a></p>
  <h3>Scroll down for demo</h3>

<div style="margin-top: 100vh">
  <h3>Video 1 (Only plays 6 seconds of video with 100px delay</h3>
  <!-- Video 1 -->
  <video id="scrolleo-1" width="100%" height="100%" autobuffer="autobuffer" preload="preload">
    <source src="">

<div style="margin-top: 800px">
  <h3>Video 2 (Plays full length video)</h3>
  <!-- Video 2 -->
  <video id="scrolleo-2" width="100%" height="100%" autobuffer="autobuffer" preload="preload">
    <source src="">

<!-- Spacer -->
<div style="margin-top: 800px"></div>


                .intro, pre {
  max-width: 600px;
  margin: 0 auto;

h1, h3, p {
  font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial;
  text-align: center;

h1 {
  font-weight: 300;
  font-size: 3em;
h3 {
  font-weight: 100;
  letter-spacing: 1px;

body {
    margin: 0;


                /* Scrolleo - make your video scroll with inertia
 * MIT License - by Mark Teater
(function(window, document, undefined) {
  "use strict";

  var _Scrolleo = function(opts) {
    // Defaults
    this.acceleration = 0.08; //1 is fastest, 0 is slowest, 0.08 is default
    this.secondsPerScreen = null; //Set this to the length of the video. "1" is 1 second.
    this.additionalOffset = 0; //Add or subtract pixels to when the video will start. "10" means that the video will start 10px earlier.
    this.wrapperEl = null;

    // Override defaults
    if (opts) {
      for (var opt in opts) {
        this[opt] = opts[opt];

  var targetScrollPos;

  _Scrolleo.prototype = {
    init: function() {
      var self = this;
      this.wrapper = document.querySelectorAll(this.wrapperEl);

      // get the location of the top of the page
      targetScrollPos = window.pageYOffset;, function(wr) {
        // Set the pixelsPerSecond to the full duration of the video if nothing was set in the options
        if (self.secondsPerScreen === null) {
          self.wrapper[0].addEventListener("loadedmetadata", function() {
            self.secondsPerScreen = self.wrapper[0].duration;
            //recalculate values on video with new pixelsPerSecond
            self.distanceToTop = getElemDistanceToTop(elem);
            self.offsetFromTop = getOffsetFromTop(self.distanceToTop);
            self.pixelsPerSecond = getPixelsPerSecond();

        self.pixelsPerSecond = null;
        self.scrollPos = null;
        self.currentTime = null;
        self.offsetFromTop = null;
        self.distanceToTop = null;

        // requestAnimationFrame polyfill by Erik Möller. fixes from Paul Irish and Tino Zijdel
        (function() {
          var lastTime = 0;
          var vendors = ["ms", "moz", "webkit", "o"];
          for (var x = 0; x < vendors.length && !window.requestAnimationFrame; ++x) {
            window.requestAnimationFrame = window[vendors[x] + "RequestAnimationFrame"];
            window.cancelAnimationFrame = window[vendors[x] + "CancelAnimationFrame"] || window[vendors[x] + "CancelRequestAnimationFrame"];
          if (!window.requestAnimationFrame)
            window.requestAnimationFrame = function(callback, element) {
              var currTime = new Date().getTime();
              var timeToCall = Math.max(0, 16 - (currTime - lastTime));
              var id = window.setTimeout(function() {
                callback(currTime + timeToCall);
              }, timeToCall);
              lastTime = currTime + timeToCall;
              return id;
          if (!window.cancelAnimationFrame)
            window.cancelAnimationFrame = function(id) {

        // requestAnim shim layer by Paul Irish
        window.requestAnimFrame = (function() {
          return (
            window.requestAnimationFrame ||
            window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||
            window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||
            window.oRequestAnimationFrame ||
            window.msRequestAnimationFrame ||
            function(/* function */ callback, /* DOMElement */ element) {
              window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60);

        // Define functions to be used by Scrolleo
        var getElemDistanceToTop = function(elem) {
            var location = 0;
            if (elem.offsetParent) {
              do {
                location += elem.offsetTop;
                elem = elem.offsetParent;
              } while (elem);
            return location >= 0 ? location : 0;
          getOffsetFromTop = function(distanceToTop) {
            var offset = distanceToTop - window.innerHeight + self.additionalOffset;
            return offset >= 0 ? offset : 0;
          getPixelsPerSecond = function() {
            var pixelsPerSecond = (window.innerHeight + self.wrapper[0].clientHeight) / self.secondsPerScreen;
            return pixelsPerSecond >= 0 ? pixelsPerSecond : 0;
          scrollHandler = function() {
            targetScrollPos = window.pageYOffset;
          resizeHandler = function() {
            //recalculate values on resize
            self.distanceToTop = getElemDistanceToTop(elem);
            self.offsetFromTop = getOffsetFromTop(self.distanceToTop);
            self.pixelsPerSecond = getPixelsPerSecond();
          scrollControl = function() {
            //what to do when scrolling
            self.scrollPos += (targetScrollPos - self.offsetFromTop - self.scrollPos) * self.acceleration;
            self.currentTime = self.scrollPos / self.pixelsPerSecond; //convert scrollPos from pixels to seconds to set self.currentTime
            self.wrapper[0].currentTime = self.currentTime;

        // Get an element's distance from the top of the page
        var elem = self.wrapper[0];

        // Calulate the initial size, distance, and offset of each scrolleo video
        self.distanceToTop = getElemDistanceToTop(elem);
        self.offsetFromTop = getOffsetFromTop(self.distanceToTop);
        self.pixelsPerSecond = getPixelsPerSecond();

        self.scrollPos = targetScrollPos - self.offsetFromTop;


        // Use requestAnimationFrame to ensure the video is updating when the browser is ready
        window.requestAnimFrame(function render() {
          // Only kickoff scrollControl if the scrollPos of element hasn't reached targetScrollPos
          if (Math.round(self.scrollPos + self.offsetFromTop) != targetScrollPos) {

        window.addEventListener("scroll", scrollHandler, false);
        window.addEventListener("resize", resizeHandler, false);
  window.Scrolleo = _Scrolleo;
})(window, document);

// Setup video 1
var scrolleo1 = new Scrolleo({
  acceleration: 0.08, // 1 = instant, 0 = never
  secondsPerScreen: 6, // Defaults to video duration
  additionalOffset: 100, // Positive starts the video later, negative starts earlier. default starts when top of video hits bottom of the screen
  wrapperEl: "#scrolleo-1" // id of the video you want to control

// Setup Video 2
var scrolleo2 = new Scrolleo({
  wrapperEl: "#scrolleo-2"
