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Babel includes JSX processing.

Add External Scripts/Pens

Any URL's added here will be added as <script>s in order, and run before the JavaScript in the editor. You can use the URL of any other Pen and it will include the JavaScript from that Pen.

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Search for and use JavaScript packages from npm here. By selecting a package, an import statement will be added to the top of the JavaScript editor for this package.


Auto Save

If active, Pens will autosave every 30 seconds after being saved once.

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If enabled, the preview panel updates automatically as you code. If disabled, use the "Run" button to update.

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If enabled, your code will be formatted when you actively save your Pen. Note: your code becomes un-folded during formatting.

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Start Game: SPACE




<canvas id="game"></canvas>


                #game {
  position: absolute;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;


                function Util() {}

    Util.intersectRect = function(r1, r2) {
        r1.left = r1.position.x - r1.components.physicsComponent.body.size.x/2; = r1.position.y - r1.components.physicsComponent.body.size.y/2;
        r1.right = r1.position.x + r1.components.physicsComponent.body.size.x/2;
        r1.bottom = r1.position.y + r1.components.physicsComponent.body.size.y/2;

        r2.left = r2.position.x - r2.components.physicsComponent.body.size.x/2; = r2.position.y - r2.components.physicsComponent.body.size.y/2;
        r2.right = r2.position.x + r2.components.physicsComponent.body.size.x/2;
        r2.bottom = r2.position.y + r2.components.physicsComponent.body.size.y/2;

        return !(r2.left > r1.right ||
            r2.right < r1.left ||
   > r1.bottom ||
            r2.bottom <;

    Util.angleToPoint = function(from, to) {
        var distToPoint = {
            x: to.x - from.x,
            y: to.y - from.y

        var angle = Math.atan(distToPoint.y/distToPoint.x);

        return angle + (distToPoint.x < 0 ? Math.PI : 0);

    Util.keyMap = {
        37: 'LEFT',
        65: 'A',
        38: 'UP',
        39: 'RIGHT',
        68: 'D',
        40: 'DOWN',
        32: 'SPACE',
        87: 'W',
        83: 'S',
        75: 'K',
        76: 'L'

    Util.keyForCode = function(keyCode) {
        return Util.keyMap[keyCode];

function Body(params) {
		if(!params) params = {};

		this.mass = 1;
		this.pos = new Vec2();
		this.vel = new Vec2();
		this.acc = new Vec2();
		this.accumulatedForce = new Vec2();
		this.isSensor = !!params.isSensor;
		this.layer = typeof params.layer === 'number' ? params.layer : 0b01;

		this.type = params.type || Body.DYNAMIC;

		// TODO: Refactor out of here. Shape class?
		this.shape = {
			name: 'rectangle',
			width: 10,
			height: 10

		this.tag = params.tag || '';

	Body.prototype.getBounds = function() {
		return {
			left: this.pos.x - this.shape.width/2,
			right: this.pos.x + this.shape.width/2,
			top: this.pos.y + this.shape.height/2,
			bottom: this.pos.y - this.shape.height/2

	Body.prototype.applyForce = function(vecForce) {
		this.accumulatedForce.x += vecForce.x;
		this.accumulatedForce.y += vecForce.y;

	Body.prototype.onCollision = function(otherBody) { /*  override this  */ };

	Body.DYNAMIC = 'dynamic';
	Body.KINEMATIC = 'kinematic';

function Vec2(x,y) {
		this.x = isNaN(x) ? 0 : x;
		this.y = isNaN(y) ? 0 : y;

	Vec2.prototype.getLength = function() {
		return Math.sqrt(this.x*this.x + this.y*this.y);

	Vec2.prototype.normalize = function() {
		var mag = this.getLength();
		this.x /= mag;
		this.y /= mag;

function World() {
		this.bodies = [];
		this.forceFields = [];
		this.gravity = new Vec2();

		this.iterationCount = 0;

		this.callbackQueue = {
			aBodies: [],
			bBodies: [],
			collisionVectors: []

	World.prototype.MAX_ITERATIONS = 10;

	World.prototype.update = function(timestep) {
		if(!timestep) {
			console.warn('Bad timestep value', timestep);

		// Make sure timestep never exceeds 10 ms
		var dt, timeleft, step;
		for(dt = 10, timeleft = timestep; timeleft > 0; timeleft -= dt) {
			step = timeleft < dt ? timeleft : dt;


	World.prototype._updateFixedTimeStep = function(timestep) {
		 *  Update positions, velocities, accelerations

		 *  Check for collisions
		var collisions = this._detectCollisions(this.bodies);

		 *  Resolve collisions
		this.iterationCount = 0;

	World.prototype._integrate = function(timestep) {
		var body;

		var i, _len = this.bodies.length;
		for(i = 0; i < _len; i++) {
			body = this.bodies[i];

			/* TODO: Remove this?
			for(var j = 0; j < this.forceFields.length; j++) {
				var ff = this.forceFields[j];

				var dist = new Vec2(ff.pos.x - body.pos.x, ff.pos.y - body.pos.y);

				body.accumulatedForce.x += dist.x * ff.magnitude / body.mass;
				body.accumulatedForce.y += dist.y * ff.magnitude / body.mass;

			// Calculate acceleration
			switch(body.type) {
				case Body.DYNAMIC:
					body.acc.x = this.gravity.x + (body.accumulatedForce.x / body.mass);
					body.acc.y = this.gravity.y + (body.accumulatedForce.y / body.mass);
				case Body.KINEMATIC:
					body.acc.x = body.accumulatedForce.x / body.mass;
					body.acc.y = body.accumulatedForce.y / body.mass;

			// Zero out accumulated force
			body.accumulatedForce.x = 0;
			body.accumulatedForce.y = 0;

			// Calculate velocity
			body.vel.x += body.acc.x * timestep;
			body.vel.y += body.acc.y * timestep;

			// Calculate position
			body.pos.x += body.vel.x * timestep;
			body.pos.y += body.vel.y * timestep;

	World.prototype._detectCollisions = function(bodies) {
		 *  AABB collision detection
		var collisions = [];

		var i, j, ba, bb, dh1, dh2, dv1, dv2, collisionVector, intersectionDepth, _len = bodies.length;
		for(i = 0; i < (_len - 1); i++) {
			ba = bodies[i].getBounds();

			for(j = i+1; j < _len; j++) {

				if(!(bodies[i].layer & bodies[j].layer)) {
					// The bodies do not share any layer

				bb = bodies[j].getBounds();

				dh1 = ba.right - bb.left;
				dh2 = bb.right - ba.left;
				dv1 = - bb.bottom;
				dv2 = - ba.bottom;

				if(dh1 <= 0 || dh2 <= 0 || dv1 <= 0 || dv2 <= 0) continue;  // no collision

				// ----- If we've come here, there has to be a collision ------ //

				intersectionDepth = {
					x: (dh1 < dh2 ? dh1 : dh2),
					y: (dv1 < dv2 ? dv1 : dv2)

				// Determine collision axis
				if(intersectionDepth.x < intersectionDepth.y) {
					// horizontal collision
					collisionVector = new Vec2(bodies[i].pos.x - bodies[j].pos.x, 0);
				} else {
					// vertical collision
					collisionVector = new Vec2(0, bodies[i].pos.y - bodies[j].pos.y);

				this.queueCallback(bodies[i], bodies[j], collisionVector);
				if(!!bodies[i].isSensor || !!bodies[j].isSensor) {
					// one of the bodies is a sensor, so there's no need to do anything else

				collisions.push([ bodies[i], bodies[j], collisionVector ]);

		return collisions;

	World.prototype._resolveCollisions = function(collisions) {
		if(collisions.length === 0) return;

		if(this.iterationCount > this.MAX_ITERATIONS) {
			// Bail out!
			throw 'Too many iterations: ' +  this.iterationCount;
		this.iterationCount += 1;
		var col;
		while(collisions.length > 0) {
			col = collisions.shift();

			// Resolve collision
			if(col[0].type == Body.DYNAMIC) {

				switch(col[1].type) {
					case Body.DYNAMIC:
						// dynamic - dynamic
						this._resolveDynamicDynamic(col[0], col[1], col[2]);  // col[2]: vectorAtoB

					case Body.KINEMATIC:
						// dynamic - kinematic
						this._resolveDynamicKinematic(col[0], col[1], col[2]);  // col[0]: dynamic, col[1]: kinematic, col[2]: vectorAtoB
			} else if(col[0].type == Body.KINEMATIC) {
				switch(col[1].type) {
					case Body.DYNAMIC:
						// kinematic - dynamic

						// Right now the collisionVector is pointing in the opposite
						// direction of what _resolveDynamicKinematic() expects.
						// Reverse the direction of the vector
						col[2].x *= -1;
						col[2].y *= -1;

						this._resolveDynamicKinematic(col[1], col[0], col[2]);  // col[0]: kinematic, col[1]: dynamic, col[2]: vectorAtoB

					case Body.KINEMATIC:
						// kinematic - kinematic
						this._resolveKinematicKinematic(col[0], col[1], col[2]);
			delete col[0];
			delete col[1];
			delete col[2];
		return this._resolveCollisions(this._detectCollisions(this.bodies));

	World.prototype._resolveDynamicDynamic = function(dynamicBody1, dynamicBody2, vectorAtoB) {
		var stabilityHack = 0.000000001;

		var vecSolve = {
			x: (0.5 * (dynamicBody1.shape.width + dynamicBody2.shape.width) - Math.abs(vectorAtoB.x) + stabilityHack) * Math.sign(vectorAtoB.x),
			y: (0.5 * (dynamicBody1.shape.height + dynamicBody2.shape.height) - Math.abs(vectorAtoB.y) + stabilityHack) * Math.sign(vectorAtoB.y)

		// Add solving vector
		dynamicBody1.pos.x += vecSolve.x;
		dynamicBody1.pos.y += vecSolve.y;
		dynamicBody2.pos.x -= vecSolve.x;
		dynamicBody2.pos.y -= vecSolve.y;

		var newVel1 = {
			x: (dynamicBody1.vel.x * (dynamicBody1.mass - dynamicBody2.mass) + (2 * dynamicBody2.mass * dynamicBody2.vel.x)) / (dynamicBody1.mass + dynamicBody2.mass),
			y: (dynamicBody1.vel.y * (dynamicBody1.mass - dynamicBody2.mass) + (2 * dynamicBody2.mass * dynamicBody2.vel.y)) / (dynamicBody1.mass + dynamicBody2.mass)

		var newVel2 = {
			x: (dynamicBody2.vel.x * (dynamicBody1.mass - dynamicBody2.mass) + (2 * dynamicBody1.mass * dynamicBody1.vel.x)) / (dynamicBody1.mass + dynamicBody2.mass),
			y: (dynamicBody2.vel.y * (dynamicBody1.mass - dynamicBody2.mass) + (2 * dynamicBody1.mass * dynamicBody1.vel.y)) / (dynamicBody1.mass + dynamicBody2.mass)

		dynamicBody1.vel.x = newVel1.x;
		dynamicBody1.vel.y = newVel1.y;
		dynamicBody2.vel.x = newVel2.x;
		dynamicBody2.vel.y = newVel2.y;

	World.prototype._resolveDynamicKinematic = function(dynamicBody, kinematicBody, vectorAtoB) {

		var stabilityHack = 0.000000001;

		var vecSolve = {
			x: (0.5 * (dynamicBody.shape.width + kinematicBody.shape.width) - Math.abs(vectorAtoB.x) + stabilityHack) * Math.sign(vectorAtoB.x),
			y: (0.5 * (dynamicBody.shape.height + kinematicBody.shape.height) - Math.abs(vectorAtoB.y) + stabilityHack) * Math.sign(vectorAtoB.y)

		// Add solving vector
		dynamicBody.pos.x += vecSolve.x;
		dynamicBody.pos.y += vecSolve.y;

		// Reverse velocity and a some artificial energy loss
		if(vectorAtoB.x !== 0) {
			if(Math.sign(vectorAtoB.x) === Math.sign(kinematicBody.vel.x)) {
				dynamicBody.vel.x = kinematicBody.vel.x;
			} else {
				dynamicBody.vel.x *= -0.98;

		if(vectorAtoB.y !== 0) {
			if(Math.sign(vectorAtoB.y) === Math.sign(kinematicBody.vel.y)) {
				dynamicBody.vel.y = kinematicBody.vel.y;
			} else {
				dynamicBody.vel.y *= -0.98;

	World.prototype._resolveKinematicKinematic = function(body1, body2, vectorAtoB) {

		// TODO: This shows up a lot, DRY
		var stabilityHack = 0.000000001;

		// TODO: This shows up a lot, DRY
		var vecSolve = new Vec2(
			(0.5 * (body1.shape.width + body2.shape.width) - Math.abs(vectorAtoB.x) + stabilityHack) * Math.sign(vectorAtoB.x),
			(0.5 * (body1.shape.height + body2.shape.height) - Math.abs(vectorAtoB.y) + stabilityHack) * Math.sign(vectorAtoB.y)

		var ratio;
		if(vectorAtoB.x !== 0 && vectorAtoB.y !== 0) {
			// TODO: Diagonal collision
		} else if(vectorAtoB.x === 0) {
			// TODO: Vertical collision
		} else if(vectorAtoB.y === 0) {
			// Horizontal collision
			if(body1.vel.x === 0) ratio = 0;
			else if(body2.vel.x === 0) ratio = 1;
			else {
				ratio = Math.abs(body1.vel.x) / (Math.abs(body1.vel.x) + Math.abs(body2.vel.x));

			// "Reverse time"
			body1.pos.x += vecSolve.x * ratio;
			body1.pos.y += vecSolve.y * ratio;
			body2.pos.x -= vecSolve.x * (1 - ratio);
			body2.pos.y -= vecSolve.y * (1 - ratio);

	World.prototype.queueCallback = function(bodyA, bodyB, collisionVector) {

		for(var i = 0; i < this.callbackQueue.aBodies.length; i++) {
			if(this.callbackQueue.aBodies[i] === bodyA && this.callbackQueue.bBodies[i] === bodyB) {
				// pair already exists


	World.prototype.runCallbacks = function(bodyA, bodyB, collisionVector) {
		var _len = this.callbackQueue.aBodies.length;

		if(_len === 0) return;

		var i;
		for(i = 0; i < _len; i++) {
			this.callbackQueue.aBodies[i].onCollision(this.callbackQueue.bBodies[i], this.callbackQueue.collisionVectors[i]);
			this.callbackQueue.bBodies[i].onCollision(this.callbackQueue.aBodies[i], this.callbackQueue.collisionVectors[i]);

		this.callbackQueue.aBodies.length = 0;
		this.callbackQueue.bBodies.length = 0;
		this.callbackQueue.collisionVectors.length = 0;

function Component(params) {
    	if(!params) params = {};

        this.entity = params.entity ? params.entity : undefined;
        if(!this) {
            console.warn('No entity to attach component to!');

    Component.prototype.setEntity = function(entity) {
        this.entity = entity;

    Component.prototype.receiveMessage = function(message) {
        console.warn(this, 'receiveMessage() not implemented', message);

     *  Currently this is nothing more than an empty component
     *  that's used to determine whether an entity should be
     *  considered to be a camera.

    function CameraComponent(params) {, params);
        if(!params) params = {};

        this.type = 'camera';
    CameraComponent.prototype = Object.create(Component.prototype);

    CameraComponent.prototype.receiveMessage = function() {};

function KeyboardInputComponent(params) {, params);
        if(!params) params = {};

        this.type = 'input';

        this.keys = {};
    KeyboardInputComponent.prototype = Object.create(Component.prototype);
    KeyboardInputComponent.prototype.constructor = Component;

    KeyboardInputComponent.prototype.receiveMessage = function(message) {
        message = message.split(':');

        // 'keyup' and 'keydown' are the messages we care about
        if(!(message[0] === 'keyup' || message[0] === 'keydown')) return;
        var state = message[0];

        // We're not interested in undefined keys
        if(message[1] === 'undefined') return;
        var key = message[1];

        // At this point we know that it's either
        // a keyup or a keydown event, and that the
        // key isn't undefined
        this.keys[key] = state === 'keydown' ? true : false;

    KeyboardInputComponent.prototype.setEntity = function(entity) {
        this.entity = entity;

	 * A state. It's just data.
	function State(name) { = name || Math.ceil(Math.random()*1000000);
		this.transitions = {};
		this.actions = {
			onEnter: [],
			onExit: []
	State.prototype.addTransition = function(eventName, targetState) {
		this.transitions[eventName] = targetState;
		return this;
	State.prototype.onEnter = function(fn) {
		return this;
	State.prototype.onExit = function(fn) {
		return this;

	 * State machine. It changes states, and it runs the enter and exit actions in the states.
	 * param.startState {State} The starting state. Default: new State('init')
	 * param.states {[State]} An array of states
	function FSM(params) {
		if(!params) params = {};
		this.owner = params.owner || null;
		this.state = params.startState || new State('init');
		this.states = params.states || [this.state];

		// Run starting states entry actions

	FSM.prototype.triggerEvent = function(eventName) {
		// Check if current state will exit on this event

		var nextStateName = this.state.transitions[eventName];

		// No transition? Then warn and gettouttahere!
		if(!nextStateName) {
			// console.warn('State',, 'has no transition for event', eventName);
			return this;


		return this;
	FSM.prototype.createState = function(name) {
		var state = new State(name);
		return state;
	FSM.prototype.deleteState = function(stateName) {
		if(typeof this.states[stateName] === 'object') delete this.states[stateName];

	FSM.prototype.enterState = function(nextStateName) {
		if( === nextStateName) return;

		for(var i = 0; i < this.states.length; i++) {
			if(this.states[i].name === nextStateName) {
				// perform the exit actions of current state
				for(var j = 0; j < this.states[i].actions.onExit.length; j++) {
					if(typeof this.states[i].actions.onExit[j] === 'function') this.states[i].actions.onExit[j](this.owner);

				// Switch to next state
				this.state = this.states[i];

				// perform the entry actions of current state
				for(j = 0; j < this.states[i].actions.onEnter.length; j++) {
					if(typeof this.states[i].actions.onEnter[j] === 'function') this.states[i].actions.onEnter[j](this.owner);


		// Couldn't find the state...
		console.error('State',, 'could not transition to state', nextStateName, ': It does not exist');
		return this;

function FsmComponent(params) {
        if(!params) params = {};
        this.type = 'fsm';

        // The state machine
        this._fsm = params.fsm || new FSM({owner: this.entity});
    FsmComponent.prototype = Object.create(Component.prototype);

    FsmComponent.prototype.receiveMessage = function(message) {
        // Do nothing

    FsmComponent.prototype.createState = function(stateName) {
        return this._fsm.createState(stateName);

    FsmComponent.prototype.enterState = function(stateName) {
        // TODO: If currently in a state, then run it's onExit
        return this;

    FsmComponent.prototype.setEntity = function(entity) {
        this.entity = entity;
        this._fsm.owner = this.entity;

function PhysicsComponent(params) {, params);
        if(!params) params = {};

        // Component type
        this.type = 'physics';

        // Set up physics body
        this.body = new Body();
        this.body.pos = new Vec2(this.entity.transform.position.x, this.entity.transform.position.y);
        this.body.shape.width = params.width || 1;
        this.body.shape.height = params.height || 1;
        this.body.type = params.type || Body.DYNAMIC;
        this.body.tag = params.tag || '';
        this.body.mass = parseInt(params.mass) || 1;
        this.body.layer = typeof params.layer === 'number' ? params.layer : 0b01;

        if(!this.entity.scene._physicsWorld) {
            this.entity.scene._physicsWorld = new World();

    PhysicsComponent.prototype = Object.create(Component.prototype);
    PhysicsComponent.prototype.constructor = Component;

    PhysicsComponent.prototype.receiveMessage = function(message) {
        switch(message) {
            case 'destroy':

    PhysicsComponent.prototype.setEntity = function(entity) {
        this.entity = entity;

    PhysicsComponent.prototype.on = function(eventName, fn) {
        if(typeof fn === 'function') {
            var onEventName = 'on' + eventName.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + eventName.slice(1);
            this.body[onEventName] = fn.bind(this);

    PhysicsComponent.prototype.destroy = function() {
        var index = this.entity.scene._physicsWorld.bodies.indexOf(this.body);

        if(index === -1) {
            throw 'Body not found in physics world.'    

        // Remove the body from physics world from the scene list
        this.entity.scene._physicsWorld.bodies.splice(index, 1);

        delete this.body;

function GraphicsComponent(params) {, params);
        if(!params) params = {};

        this.type = 'graphics';

        this.graphic = {
            type: 'shape',
            color: [0, 1, 0, 1],
            shapeData: {
                type: 'rectangle',
                width: 32,
                height: 32
    GraphicsComponent.prototype = Object.create(Component.prototype);

    GraphicsComponent.prototype.receiveMessage = function() {};

function Entity(params) {
        if(!params) params = {};

        this.components = {};

        this.transform = {
            position: { x:0, y:0 },
            rotation: 0
        }; = new GraphicsComponent({ entity: this });

        this.scene = params.scene || null; = {};

    Entity.prototype.broadcastMessage = function(message) {
        var _this = this;
        Object.keys(this.components).forEach(function(key) {

    Entity.prototype.addComponent = function(component) {
        if(!component.type) {
            console.warn('No component type!!!', component);

        // Set the component's entity to this

        // Add component to components
        this.components[component.type] = component;

    Entity.prototype.destroy = function() {

        var index = this.scene.entities.indexOf(this);

        // Remove the entity from the scene list
        this.scene.entities.splice(index, 1);

function Scene() {
		this.entities = []; = undefined;

	Scene.prototype.getEntityByType = function(type) {
		for(var i = 0; i < this.entities.length; i++) {
			if(this.entities[i].type == type) return this.entities[i];


	Scene.prototype.attachEntity = function(ent) {
		ent.scene = this;
		return this;

	Scene.prototype.update = function(tpf) {
		if(this._physicsWorld) this._physicsWorld.update(tpf);
		this.entities.forEach(function(entity) {
			if(typeof entity.script === 'function') entity.script(entity);
			if(entity.components.physics) {
				entity.transform.position.x = entity.components.physics.body.pos.x;
				entity.transform.position.y = entity.components.physics.body.pos.y;

	Scene.prototype.broadcastMessage = function(message) {
        this.entities.forEach(function(ent) {

    var PHYSICS_LAYER_TWO = 0b10;

    function PlatformGameFactory() {}

    PlatformGameFactory.createPlayer = function(scene, options) {

        var playerEntity = new Entity();

        playerEntity.transform.position.x = options.x;
        playerEntity.transform.position.y = options.y;

        // Add physics component
        var pc = new PhysicsComponent({
                entity: playerEntity,
                type: Body.DYNAMIC,
                width: options.width,
                height: options.height,
                tag: 'player',
                layer: PHYSICS_LAYER_ONE
        pc.on('collision', function(otherBody, collisionVector) {
                Math.abs(collisionVector.x) < 
                Math.abs(collisionVector.y) && 
                collisionVector.y < 0) {
                // Landed, so don't bounce!
                this.body.vel.y = 0;

                // Trigger grounded state

            if(otherBody.tag === 'goal') {

            if(otherBody.tag === 'enemy') {

        // Add input component
        var ic = new KeyboardInputComponent({
            entity: playerEntity

        // Create FSM component
        var fsm = new FsmComponent();

        var sideMove = function(ent) {
            var xForce = 0;
            xForce += ent.components.input.keys[options.keys.left] ? -0.01 : 0;
            xForce += ent.components.input.keys[options.keys.right] ? 0.01 : 0;

            if(xForce !== 0) {
                ent.components.physics.body.applyForce({ x: xForce, y: 0 });
            ent.components.physics.body.vel.x *= 0.8;

        // Configure FSM
            .onEnter(function(ent) {
                ent.script = function() {

                    if(ent.components.input.keys[options.keys.jump]) {
                        // Add jumping force
                            x: 0,
                            y: -0.1

                        // Trigger jump event
            .addTransition('jump', 'jumping');

            .onEnter(function(ent) {
                ent.script = sideMove;
            .addTransition('ground', 'grounded');
        // Start in the jumping state

        return playerEntity;

    PlatformGameFactory.createWall = function(scene, options) {

        var wall = new Entity();

        wall.transform.position.x = options.x;
        wall.transform.position.y = options.y;

        var pc = new PhysicsComponent({
                tag: options.tag || 'wall',
                entity: wall,
                type: Body.KINEMATIC,
                width: options.width,
                height: options.height,
                layer: PHYSICS_LAYER_ONE | PHYSICS_LAYER_TWO

        return wall;

    PlatformGameFactory.createEnemy = function(scene, options) {
        options = options || {};

        options.tag = 'enemy';

        var enemy = this.createWall(scene, options); = [1, 0, 0, 1];

        return enemy;

    PlatformGameFactory.createPickup = function(scene, options) {
        options = options || {};

        options.tag = 'pickup';
        options.width = options.width || 15;
        options.height = options.height || 15;

        function spawnFrag(scene, options) {
            options = options || {};

            var frag = new Entity();

            frag.transform.position.x = options.xPos;
            frag.transform.position.y = options.yPos;

            // Add physics component
            var pc = new PhysicsComponent({
                mass: 1,
                entity: frag,
                type: Body.DYNAMIC,
                width: options.width,
                height: options.height,
                tag: 'frag',
                layer: PHYSICS_LAYER_TWO

            var timeUntilDestroy = 1000 + 500*Math.random();
            setTimeout(function() {
            }, timeUntilDestroy);

            // var scale = 0.0001;

   = [1, 1, 0, 1];

        var pickup = this.createWall(scene, options); = [1, 1, 0, 1];
        pickup.components.physics.body.isSensor = true;
        pickup.components.physics.on('collision', function(otherBody, collisionVector) {
            if(otherBody.tag === 'player') {
                console.log('yo i am a pickup and i got picked up');

                var w = this.body.shape.width/2;
                var h = this.body.shape.height/2;

                var collisionDirection = new Vec2(collisionVector.x, collisionVector.y);
                collisionDirection.x *= -10;
                collisionDirection.y *= -10;
                var scale = 0.001;

                spawnFrag(this.entity.scene, { width: w, height: h, xPos: this.entity.transform.position.x + w/2, yPos: this.entity.transform.position.y + h/2, f: new Vec2(scale * (1 + collisionDirection.x), scale * (-40 + collisionDirection.y)) });
                spawnFrag(this.entity.scene, { width: w, height: h, xPos: this.entity.transform.position.x + w/2, yPos: this.entity.transform.position.y - h/2, f: new Vec2(scale * (0.5 + collisionDirection.x), scale * (-30 + collisionDirection.y)) });
                spawnFrag(this.entity.scene, { width: w, height: h, xPos: this.entity.transform.position.x - w/2, yPos: this.entity.transform.position.y + h/2, f: new Vec2(scale * (-2 + collisionDirection.x), scale * (-40 + collisionDirection.y)) });
                spawnFrag(this.entity.scene, { width: w, height: h, xPos: this.entity.transform.position.x - w/2, yPos: this.entity.transform.position.y - h/2, f: new Vec2(scale * (-0.5 + collisionDirection.x), scale * (-30 + collisionDirection.y)) });


        return pickup;

    PlatformGameFactory.createLevel = function(levelNumber) {
        if(!levelNumber) return;

        switch(levelNumber) {
            case 1:
                return this.createLevel1();

            case 2:
                return this.createLevel2();

            case 3:
                return this.createLevel3();

    PlatformGameFactory.createLevel1 = function() {

         * Create main scene
        var scene = new Scene('main');

        // Create player
        var player = PlatformGameFactory.createPlayer(scene, {
            x: -200,
            y: -80,
            width: 50,
            height: 70,
            keys: {
                left: 'LEFT',
                right: 'RIGHT',
                jump: 'SPACE'

        // We want the camera to follow the player
        PlatformGameFactory.createCamera(scene, {
            follow: player

        // Create a floor
        PlatformGameFactory.createWall(scene, {
            x: 0,
            y: -20,
            width: 2400,
            height: 20

        // Create the little floor obstacle
        PlatformGameFactory.createWall(scene, {
            x: 30,
            y: -45,
            width: 30,
            height: 30

        PlatformGameFactory.createPickup(scene, {
            x: 200,
            y: -180

        // Create a goal
        PlatformGameFactory.createWall(scene, {
            x: 500,
            y: -60,
            width: 30,
            height: 30,
            tag: 'goal'

        // TODO: Be able to set gravity!!!
        if(scene._physicsWorld) {
            console.log('set gravity');
            scene._physicsWorld.gravity = new Vec2(0, 0.005);

        return scene;

    PlatformGameFactory.createLevel2 = function() {

         * Create main scene
        var scene = new Scene('main');

        // Create player
        var player = PlatformGameFactory.createPlayer(scene, {
            x: -200,
            y: -80,
            width: 50,
            height: 70,
            keys: {
                left: 'LEFT',
                right: 'RIGHT',
                jump: 'SPACE'

        // We want the camera to follow the player
        PlatformGameFactory.createCamera(scene, {
            follow: player

        // Create a floor
        PlatformGameFactory.createWall(scene, {
            x: 0,
            y: -20,
            width: 2400,
            height: 20

        // Create the little floor obstacle
        PlatformGameFactory.createWall(scene, {
            x: 30,
            y: -45,
            width: 30,
            height: 30

        // Create the little floor obstacle
        PlatformGameFactory.createWall(scene, {
            x: 30,
            y: -85,
            width: 30,
            height: 30

        // Create a goal
        PlatformGameFactory.createWall(scene, {
            x: 500,
            y: -60,
            width: 30,
            height: 30,
            tag: 'goal'

        // TODO: Be able to set gravity!!!
        if(scene._physicsWorld) {
            console.log('set gravity');
            scene._physicsWorld.gravity = new Vec2(0, 0.005);

        return scene;

    PlatformGameFactory.createLevel3 = function() {

         * Create main scene
        var scene = new Scene('main');

