<h1>The Eduardo Presley</h1>
@import "bourbon";
$color-background: black;
$color-text: #FAFCF4;
$color-shadow: #ED3E5D;
$purple: #572D8C;
$blue: #0E3D59;
$green: #88A61B;
$yellow: #F29F05;
$orange: #F25C05;
$red: #D92525;
$color-list: $red $orange $yellow $green $blue $purple;
@function multiply-list($colors, $multiplier) {
$l: ();
@each $c in $colors {
@for $j from 1 through $multiplier {
$l: append($l, $c);
@return $l;
@mixin smooth-seg-rainbow($colors, $color-height: 1, $offset-percent: 0) {
@if($color-height < 1) { @warn '$color-height (' + $color-height + ') out of bounds.'; }
@if($offset-percent < 0 or $offset-percent > 100) { @warn '$offset-percent (' + $offset-percent + ') out of bounds'; }
$ts: ();
$num-colors: length($colors);
$num-shadows: $num-colors * $color-height;
$offset: floor($num-shadows * ($offset-percent / 100));
$colors: multiply-list($colors, $color-height);
@for $i from 0 through $num-shadows - 1 {
$offset_i: ($i + $offset) % $num-shadows;
$pos: ($i + 1)*1px;
$ts: $ts, $pos $pos 0 nth($colors, ($offset_i + 1));
text-shadow: $ts, 0 0 0;
@mixin jump-seg-rainbow($colors, $color-height: 1, $offset-percent: 0) {
@if($color-height < 1) { @warn '$color-height (' + $color-height + ') out of bounds.'; }
@if($offset-percent < 0 or $offset-percent > 100) { @warn '$offset-percent (' + $offset-percent + ') out of bounds'; }
$ts: ();
$num-colors: length($colors);
$offset: floor($num-colors * ($offset-percent/100));
@for $i from 0 through $num-colors - 1 {
@for $j from 1 through $color-height {
$pos: ($i * $color-height + $j)*1px;
$offset_i: ($i + $offset) % $num-colors;
$ts: $ts, $pos $pos 0 nth($colors, ($offset_i + 1));
text-shadow: $ts, 0 0 0;
body {
background-color: $color-background;
color: $color-text;
header {
text-align: center;
padding: 0;
h1 {
@include animation(slick-eduardo-keys 3s linear infinite);
@include animation-direction(reverse);
font-size: 6em;
margin-top: 4rem;
h2 {
@include animation(high-eduardo-keys-mini 2s linear infinite);
font-size: 3em;
margin-top: 2rem;
$color-height: 16;
$color-height-mini: 12;
@include keyframes(slick-eduardo-keys) {
$num-frames: 50;
$multiplier: 100 / $num-frames;
0% {
@include smooth-seg-rainbow($color-list, $color-height);
@for $i from 1 through $num-frames {
$percent-base: $i * $multiplier;
#{$percent-base * 1%} {
@include smooth-seg-rainbow($color-list, $color-height, $percent-base);
@include keyframes(high-eduardo-keys-mini) {
$num-colors: length($color-list);
$uptightedness: 1; // increase to make colors go "HUT! HUT!", decrease to make colors go "yeaaahh..."
$num-frames: $num-colors * $uptightedness;
$multiplier: 100 / $num-frames;
0% {
@include jump-seg-rainbow($color-list, $color-height-mini);
@for $i from 1 through $num-frames {
$percent-base: $i * $multiplier;
#{$percent-base * 1%} {
@include jump-seg-rainbow($color-list, $color-height-mini, $percent-base);
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