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#sun {
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@keyframes rotateRays {
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	100% {
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// Toggle
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                // This only works behind a flag in chrome and will not work inside Codepen's editor, you need to open in debug mode
// This is behind the #enable-generic-sensor-extra-classes flag in chrome://flags.
// More information here:
let sensor = null;
var sky = document.getElementById("sky");
var sun = document.getElementById("sun");
var moon = document.getElementById("moon");
var cloud = document.getElementsByClassName("cloud");
var stars = document.getElementsByClassName("stars");

if (window.AmbientLightSensor) {

try {
	const sensor = new AmbientLightSensor();
			console.log('before reading');

	sensor.onreading = () => {
		if (sensor.illuminance < 500) {"--background", "#152B33");"--move", "translate(-200%, -200%)");"--moveMoon", "translate(-50%, -50%)");
			cloud[0].style.setProperty("--moveCloud", "translate(-200%, 0%)");
			cloud[1].style.setProperty("--moveCloud", "translate(-450%, 0%)");
			cloud[2].style.setProperty("--moveCloud", "translate(300%, 0%)");
			stars[0].style.setProperty("--visibility", "1");
			stars[0].style.setProperty("--delay", "1s");
			stars[1].style.setProperty("--visibility", "1");
			stars[1].style.setProperty("--delay", "1s");
		} else if (sensor.illuminance > 500) {"--background", "#26B8CE");"--move", "translate(-50%, -50%)");"--moveMoon", "translate(200%, 200%)");
			cloud[0].style.setProperty("--moveCloud", "translate(0%, 0%)");
			cloud[1].style.setProperty("--moveCloud", "translate(0%, 0%)");
			cloud[2].style.setProperty("--moveCloud", "translate(0%, 0%)");
			stars[0].style.setProperty("--visibility", "0");
			stars[0].style.setProperty("--delay", "0");
			stars[1].style.setProperty("--visibility", "0");
			stars[1].style.setProperty("--delay", "0");
		// else {
		//"--background", "#26B8CE");
		//"--move", "translate(-50%, -50%)");
		//"--moveMoon", "translate(200%, 200%)");
		// 	cloud[0].style.setProperty("--moveCloud", "translate(0%, 0%)");
		// 	cloud[1].style.setProperty("--moveCloud", "translate(0%, 0%)");
		// 	cloud[2].style.setProperty("--moveCloud", "translate(0%, 0%)");
		// 	stars[0].style.setProperty("--visibility", "0");
		// 	stars[0].style.setProperty("--delay", "0");
		// 	stars[1].style.setProperty("--visibility", "0");
		// 	stars[1].style.setProperty("--delay", "0");
		// }
		console.log("Current light level:", sensor.illuminance);
	  sensor.onerror = (event) => {
		console.log(, event.error.message);

} catch (error) {

