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                const letterP = document.querySelector('.letter-p')
const p1      = letterP.querySelector('.p1')
const p2      = letterP.querySelector('.p2')
const phole   = letterP.querySelectorAll('.phole')
const cubeP   = document.querySelectorAll('.cube-p')

const letterA     = document.querySelector('.letter-a')
const letterAFlip = document.querySelector('.letter-a-flip')
const triangle    = letterAFlip.querySelectorAll('.triangle')

const letterN = document.querySelector('.letter-n')
const circleN = letterN.querySelectorAll('circle')

const letterG = document.querySelector('.letter-g')
const ball    = document.querySelector('.letter-wrapper-g .ball')
const circleG = letterG.querySelector('circle')

const wrapperO = document.querySelector('.letter-wrapper-o')
const letterO  = document.querySelector('.letter-o')
const pathO    = document.querySelector('.letter-o-path')
const circleO  = wrapperO.querySelector('circle')

function resetProps(timeline) {
  timeline.set(p1, { scaleY: 0 })
    .set(p2, { scaleX: 0 })
    .set(phole, { scaleX: 0 })
    .set(letterA, {
      rotationY: '90deg',
      transformOrigin: '100% 50%',
      opacity: 0
    .set(letterAFlip, {
      rotationY: '-90deg',
      transformOrigin: '0 50%',
      opacity: 0
    .set(triangle, {
      transformOrigin: '50% 100%',
      scaleY: 0
    .set(circleN, { attr: { r: 0 } })
    .set(cubeP, { y: 112, scaleZ: 0, opacity: 0 })
    .set(letterG, { opacity: 1 })
    .set(circleG, { attr: { r: 0 } })
    .set(letterO, { opacity: 0 })
    .set(pathO, { opacity: 0 })
    .set(wrapperO, { rotationY: 30, rotationX: 30, opacity: 0 })
    .set(circleO, { attr: { r: 0 } })
    .set(ball, { y: 0, scale: 0 })

function animateP(timeline, delay = 0) {, 1, {
      scaleX: 1,
      ease: 'Power4.easeOut'
    }, 1.1 + delay)
    .to(cubeP, .2, { opacity: 1 }, delay)
    .to(cubeP, 1, {
      y: -20,
      scaleZ: 1,
      ease: 'Expo.easeOut'
    }, delay)
    .to(cubeP, 1.4, {
      rotationX: '90deg',
      rotationY: '90deg',
      rotationZ: '0',
      ease: 'Power4.easeOut'
    }, .1 + delay)
    .to(cubeP, .4, {
      y: 112,
      ease: 'Power4.easeIn'
    }, .3 + delay)
    .to(cubeP, .2, {
      scaleZ: .4,
      ease: 'Back.easeIn'
    }, .52 + delay)
    .to(cubeP, 1, {
      scaleZ: 3.988,
      ease: 'Elastic.easeOut'
    }, .7 + delay)

  for (let i = 0; i < phole.length; ++i) {[i], 1, {
      scaleX: 1,
      ease: 'Power4.easeOut'
    }, i * 2 / 10 + 1.2)

function animateA(timeline, delay = 0) {, 2, {
      rotationY: '0',
      ease: 'Elastic.easeOut'
    }, .2 + delay)
    .to(letterAFlip, 2, {
      rotationY: '0',
      ease: 'Elastic.easeOut'
    }, .7 + delay)
    .to(letterA, .1, {opacity: 1}, .2 + delay)
    .to(letterAFlip, .1, {opacity: 1}, .7 + delay)

  for (let i = 0; i < triangle.length; ++i) {[i], .4, {
      scaleY: 1,
      ease: 'Power4.easeOut'
    }, i * 2 / 10 + .8 + delay)

function animateN(timeline, delay = 0) {
  for (let i = 0; i < circleN.length; ++i) {[i], 1.4, {
      attr: { r: 459 },
      ease: 'Power4.easeOut'
    }, i * 2 / 10 + .5 + delay)

function animateG(timeline, delay = 0) {
    .to(ball, .5, {
      y: -170,
      scale: 1.5,
      ease: 'Power2.easeOut'
    }, .2 + delay)
    .to(ball, .4, {
      y: -110,
      scale: 1,
      ease: 'Power2.easeIn'
    }, .6 + delay)
    .to(circleG, .4, {
      attr: { r: 352 },
      ease: 'Power4.easeOut'
    }, 1 + delay)

function animateO(timeline, delay = 0) {
    .to(wrapperO, .8, {
      rotationY: 45,
      opacity: 1
    }, 0 + delay)
    .to(wrapperO, 3, {
      rotationY: 0,
      ease: 'Elastic.easeOut'
    }, .8 + delay)
    .to(wrapperO, 3, {
      rotationX: 0,
      ease: 'Elastic.easeOut'
    }, .9 + delay)
    .to(letterO, 1, {
      opacity: 1,
      strokeDashoffset: 0,
      strokeWidth: 5,
      stroke: '#DF4959'
    }, .4 + delay)
    .to(pathO, 1, {
      opacity: 1,
      z: -30,
      strokeDashoffset: 0,
      strokeWidth: 5,
      stroke: '#2F4550'
    }, .2 + delay)
    .to(pathO, 1, {
      opacity: 1,
      z: 0,
      strokeWidth: 0
    }, 1.2 + delay)
    .to(circleO, 1, {
      attr: { r: 430 },
      ease: 'Power4.easeOut'
    }, 1.2 + delay)

function init() {
  const tl = new TimelineMax()

  animateP(tl, 0)
  animateA(tl, 0)
  animateN(tl, 0)
  animateG(tl, 0)
  animateO(tl, 0)
  // .2 for slowmo!

