    <h1>Contact Us</h1>
    <p>Your comments are important to us. </p>

    <div class='tab-panels'>
      <div class='tabs' role="tablist"> <!-- Tab navigation -->
        <a href='#tabcontent1' id='tab1' aria-controls="tabcontent1" role="tab">Restaurant Review</a>
        <a href='#tabcontent2' id='tab2' aria-controls="tabcontent2" role="tab">Job Applying</a>
        <a href='#tabcontent3' id='tab3' aria-controls="tabcontent3" role="tab">Others</a>
      <div id='tabcontent1' class='tab-content' aria-labelledby='tab1' role="tabpanel">
        <h2>Restaurant Review</h2>
        <form action='#' method='get' oninput='output.value=rating.value'>
          <p>Note: [*] denotes mandatory field.</p>
            <label for='form1-name'>Your Name</label>
            <input type='text' id='form1-name' name='name'>
            <label for='form1-movie'>[*] Which Restaurant?</label>
            <input type='text' id='form1-movie' name='movie' required>
            <label for='form1-comments'>Your comments</label>
            <input type='text' id='form1-comments' name='comment'>
            <label for='rating'>[*] How you rate? <span>0-5</span></label>
            <input type='range' id='rating' name='rating' min='0' max='5' value='3' step='1'>
            <output name='output' for='rating'>3</output>
          <input type='submit' value='Submit Review'>
      <div id='tabcontent2' class='tab-content' aria-labelledby='tab2' role="tabpanel">
        <h2>Job Applying</h2>
        <form action='#' method='get'>
          <p>Note: [*] denotes mandatory field.</p>
            <label for='form2-name'>Your Name</label>
            <input type='text' id='form2-name' name='name'>
            <label for='form2-email'>Your Email</label>
            <input type='email' id='form2-email' name='email'>
            <label for='form2-position'>Which position do you want to apply?</label>
            <input type='text' id='form2-position' name='position'>
            <label for='form2-resume'>Your resume: </label>
            <textarea id='form2-resume' name='resume'></textarea>
          <input type='submit' value='Submit Job Application'>

      <div id='tabcontent3' class='tab-content' aria-labelledby='tab3' role="tabpanel">
        <form action='#' method='get'>
          <p>Note: [*] denotes mandatory field.</p>
            <label for='form3-name'>Your Name</label>
            <input type='text' id='form3-name' name='name'>
            <label for='form2-email'>Your Email</label>
            <input type='email' id='form2-email' name='email'>
            <label for='form3-comments'>Your comments: </label>
            <textarea id='form3-comments' name='comment'></textarea>
          <input type='submit' value='Submit Comments'>



  <a href="#rental-dialog" class="rent-now button">Show Menu</a>
  <div id='rental-dialog' role="dialog" aria-labelledby="dialog-heading" aria-describedby="dialog-description"> <!-- Rental dialog. -->
    <h2 id='dialog-heading'>Renting Restaurant</h2>
    <p id='dialog-description'>It only take few steps to enjoy the food.</p>
    <div class="container">
      <div class="ui">
        <a href='#close-rental-dialog' aria-label="Close the dialog">Close</a>
    </div >     
.active {
  border: 1px solid red;
.tab-content {
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.tab-content.active {
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#rental-dialog {
  display: none;
  &.show {
    display: block;

/* Not related */
body {padding:2em;}
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