h1 Card opening effect
| Inspired on
a href="https://dribbble.com/shots/1893589-Material-design-card-animation" target="_blank" Material design card animation.
button.toggle-btn.ripple data-ripple-color="#d7751e" Toggle effect
.left 12:00
h1.left Events
button.ripple data-ripple-color="rgba(0,0,0, .3)"
a.card-title href="javascript:0"
| Iron City, Birmingham, AL
a.card-description href="javascript:0"
| Run the Jewels is an American hip hop duo, formed by rappers EL-P and Killer Mike in 2013. That same year, they released their sel...
label Venue Name
h2 Iron City, Birmingham, AL
label Ticked Price
strong.left $30.00
button.right.ripple data-ripple-color="#d7d7d7" Buy ticket
label About
p Run the Jewels is an American hip hop duo, formed by New York City-based rapper-music producer EL-P and Atlanta-based rapper Killer Mike, in 2013. Later that year, they released their eponymous debut studio album, Run the Jewels, as a free digital download. The duo announced they would begin recording the highly anticipated sequel to their debut, in February 2014, after a series of Australian live dates as part of St. Jerome's Laneway Festival.
button.card-content-button.ripple data-ripple-color="#ededed"
button.card-btn.ripple data-ripple-color="#ededed" Add to calendar
View Compiled
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View Compiled
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