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    <h1>Best Coffee in the Bay Area</h1>
    <p>Our Roasted Coffee Beans offers the world a chance to brighten every day with a whole lot of flavor and inspiration.</p>

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        Coffee Warning

    <div class="collapse p-3 bg-warning text-body-secondary" id="collapseExample" style="Background-color: #75a0a7 !important">
      <div class="card card-body">Drinking more than 4 cups of coffee daily is possibly unsafe. Drinking large amounts might cause side effects due to the caffeine content. These side effects can range from mild to serious and include headache and irregular heartbeat.

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          <h2 class="card-header">Columbian-Blended Espresso Beans</h2>
          <img src="" alt="gulp espresso" class="img-fluid">
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            <p class="fst-italic">Bourbon &middot; Cherry &middot; Milk Chocolate </p>
            <p>With our Columbian-Blended Espresso Beans, you can finally feel like a professional barista. Bright and clean with an intense burst of flavor, these full-bodied beans strike a perfect balance between the most delicate roasts and fruitful aromas.
              Brew Method: Espresso machine Sizes: 12 oz.: $20 5 lb.: $90</p>

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            <p><a href="" class="btn btn-dark" style="background-color: #75a0a7 !important">Try Today</a></p>
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          <h2 class="card-header">Triple-Blended Coffee Beans</h2>
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            <p class="fst-italic">Dark chocolate &middot; Caramel &middot; Papaya</p>
            <p>A skillfully roasted and carefully blended, our Triple-Blended Coffee Beans don’t just wake you up in the morning, they pack a lasting punch that's sure to leave you wanting more. With silky smoothness and layered flavors, there’s really no better way to start your day.
              Brew method: French press. Sizes: 12 oz.: $18 5 lb.: $85</p>

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            <p><a href="" class="btn btn-dark" style="background-color: #75a0a7 !important">Buy Blend</a></p>
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          <h2 class="card-header">Lightly Roasted Coffee Beans</h2>
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            <p class="fst-italic">Cherry &middot; Mangosteen &middot; Fig</p>
            <p>Our Lightly Roasted Coffee Beans offer the world a chance to brighten every day with a whole lot of flavor and inspiration. Try these to receive the perfect balance between bold flavor and subtle sweetness. Brew method: Aeropress Sizes: 12 oz.: $18 5 lb.: $85</p>

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            <p><a href="" class="btn btn-dark" style="background-color: #75a0a7 !important">Get it Today</a></p>
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    <p>&copy;2022 Trilogy Education Services, a 2U, Inc. brand. All Rights Reserved.</p>
    <p><small>This site is operated by Trilogy Education Services for educational purposes only. This is not a coffee products website. This is a fictitious company and scenario intended only for internal academic purposes.</small></p>






