<figure class="snip0057 red hover">
    <h2>Victoria <span>Pena</span></h2>
    <p>A voice crackles in Calvin's radio: "Enemy fighters at two o'clock!" "Roger. What should I do until then?"</p>
    <div class="icons"><a href="#"><i class="ion-ios-home"></i></a><a href="#"><i class="ion-ios-email"></i></a><a href="#"><i class="ion-ios-telephone"></i></a></div>
  <div class="image"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/331810/sq-sample4.jpg" alt="sample4"/></div>
  <div class="position">Illustrator</div>
<figure class="snip0057 blue">
    <h2>Tiffany <span>Case</span></h2>
    <p>That's the whole problem with science. You've got a bunch of empiricists trying to describe things of unimaginable wonder.</p>
    <div class="icons"><a href="#"><i class="ion-ios-home"></i></a><a href="#"><i class="ion-ios-email"></i></a><a href="#"><i class="ion-ios-telephone"></i></a></div>
  <div class="image"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/331810/sq-sample3.jpg" alt="sample3"/></div>
  <div class="position">Software Engineer</div>
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