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                <div class="pagecontainer">
    <h1>Your New Baby's Name</h1>
    <div class="generator-wrap">
      <div class="svgtop-corner">
        <svg version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" viewBox="0 0 425.93732 330.76227" width="100%" height="100%">
            <!-- The text path: see links above regarding coordinate system -->
            <path d="m 0,200 a 200,200 0 1 0 400,0 200,200 0 1 0 -400,0" id="txt-path" />
          <text transform="translate(14.720589,-80.005355)" fill="black" font-family="moholregular">
            <!-- This is the magic -->
            <textpath startOffset="0" xlink:href="#txt-path" id="textPath9">Try our all new baby name generator</textpath>

      <div class="generator-main">
        <h2>Baby Name Generator</h2>
        <p>Find the perfect brand to set your child apart.</p>
        <p>Just select your baby's gender.</p>
        <div class="button">
          <button class="generate margin-right">
            <p class="boytext">Boy </p>

          <button class="generate">
            <p class="girltext">Girl </p>
        <p class="baby-name">your new baby name is:</p>
           <div id="random-name"


<section class="info-container padding-top">
  <h3>Making babies is the easy part</h3>
  <h3 class="h3margin-top"><span class="info-emphasis">Choosing an appropriately eccentric name is the hard part</span>

  <p>Today, if your child doesn't stand out - not only will they be a failure,
    but everyone will look on you in shame. Nothing says 'boring' like a boring kid.
    After all, a kid is you, only more so, as this is a you that you get to shape from
    the beginning.</p>
  <p>A lot has changed in the last five years. Bankers, hipsters and celebrities have pretty
    much ruined everything for everyone. The pressure to be unconventional has never been
    greater. Sending your child out into today's self-indulgent, self-medicated, self-entitled
    world with an ordinary name is condemning them to a life of failure and mediocrity. That will make
    you look awful, too.

<div class="info1">
  <section class="info-container padding-top">
    <p>How many interesting, successful, attractive young people do you know called
      Mike, Dan or Jeff? Name your child something like that and they won't lead the crowd; Instead
      they follow at the back of the crowd, wearing corrective shoes, mumbling with their hand down
      their pants. Everyone will laugh at their parents, too.
    <p>Yesterday's weird is today's normal. Names that were unique in 2008 are now a dime a dozen. Elementary
      school classes are full of little Razors, Zeenobs and Mudzillas. You have to go the extra
      mile to stand out these days. Make your kid reflect who you are on the inside.

<section class="info-container padding-top">
  <p>Don't burden your child with the stigma of normality. Give them a ludicrous name, and then raise them to be
    narcissistic enough to carry it off. Just like you wish you had been.

<!-- footer & contact info -->
  <h2>Join Newsletter</h2>
  <p>Subscribe today and get your free ebook!</p>




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                const firstNames = [
  "Mars Moon",

const getRandomNumber = (max) => Math.floor(Math.random() * max);

const getRandomName = () => `${firstNames[getRandomNumber(firstNames.length)]}`;
const setRandomName = () => {
  document.getElementById("random-name").innerText = getRandomName();

const elements = document.querySelectorAll(".generate");
elements.forEach(function (element) {
  element.addEventListener("click", setRandomName);
