HTML preprocessors can make writing HTML more powerful or convenient. For instance, Markdown is designed to be easier to write and read for text documents and you could write a loop in Pug.
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-BVYiiSIFeK1dGmJRAkycuHAHRg32OmUcww7on3RYdg4Va+PmSTsz/K68vbdEjh4u" crossorigin="anonymous">
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<script src=""></script>
<script src="script.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
<div class="stats center">
<div>~ Health ~</div>
<div id="health"></div>
<div>~ XP ~</div>
<div id="xp"></div>
<div>~ Level ~</div>
<div id="level"></div>
<div>~ Weapon ~</div>
<div id="weapon"></div>
<div>~ STATUS ~</div>
<div id="status"></div>
<div id="NIBBLED"></div>
width: 100%
height: 100%
display: block
font-family: "Courier New"
font-size: 14px
font-weight: bold
position: absolute
background-color: lightgrey
width: 100px
height: 100% !important
opacity: 0.5
opacity: 0.95
text-align: center
//Rogue-like Dungeon Crawler for FCC
//Uses HTML5 canvas for drawing.
//Instructions: use u, h, j, k to move; beat the snake to get the key to the exit.
//Attack by running into enemy. Your weapon wears out as you use it, and they're
//hard to come by. Beat small enemies to raise your level.
//TODO: put most globals into objects; use object constructors for player and snake;
// condense some functions such as arrayToCanvas; disable input for short interval
// after each move; balance attack/health/powerups; snake gets longer if it eats
// a rodent; mobile version;
//Some React because it was required...
var Mainboard = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return (<canvas id="canv"></canvas>);
ReactDOM.render(<Mainboard />, NIBBLED);
$(document).ready(function() {
var firstRun = true;
var canvas = document.getElementById("canv");
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
var board = [];
var squareSize = 15; //px
var boardSize = { "w": 0, "h": 0 }; //how many squares on a side
var colors = { "roomColor": '#615d50',
"snakeColor": "#006600",
"wallColor": '#191919',
"keyColor": '#ffd700',
"exitColor": '#fae878',
"healthItemColor": '#00ff00',
"weaponColor": '#7f0000',
"rodentColor": '#907871',
"attackColor": '#ff0000' };
var sharpness = 100;
var numWeapons = 2;
var alreadyFoundKnife = false; //so you
var numberOfHealthItems = 5; //how many on board at once
var healthPowerupVal = 20;
var exitCoords = { "x1": 0, "y1": 0, "x2": 0, "y2": 0 }; //updated when board drawn
var playerPos = { "x": 0, "y": 0 };
var playerStats = {
"health": 100,
"level": 1,
"xp": 0,
"weapon": "nothing!",
"haveKey": false };
var lightRadius = 0; //squares - increases to lightRadiusMax at start
var lightRadiusMax = 5;
var levelUpAt = 50; //xp
var snakeStats = { "health": 100, "level": 6, "attkAmt": 0, "initLevel": 6, "attacked": false };
var snakeStartCoords = [{ "x": 0, "y": 0 }, //index 0 = head, max = tail
{ "x": 0, "y": 0 },
{ "x": 0, "y": 0 },
{ "x": 0, "y": 0 },
{ "x": 0, "y": 0 },
{ "x": 0, "y": 0 },
{ "x": 0, "y": 0 }];
var snakeCoords = [];
var snakeDamage = 18; //damage it gets from attack
var snakeNoWeaponDamage = 12; //damage it does to you
var snakeAlive = true;
var rodent = { "health": 10, "level": 1, "attack": 8, "damage": 8 }; //attack given; damage taken
var numRodents = 5; //how many there are to start
var rodentList = {}; //stores a list of active ones to control movement
var rodentsActive = false; //will store setInterval
$(document).keypress(function(event) {
//sets up everything
function init() {
//set board to size of window
//generate map
rndArray(boardSize.w, boardSize.h);
//place player (fixed starting square)
board[Math.round(boardSize.w / 4)][boardSize.h - 1] = 'P';
playerPos.x = Math.round(boardSize.w / 4);
playerPos.y = boardSize.h - 1;
//place snake
//place rodents
//set initial stats = 100;
playerStats.xp = 0;
playerStats.level = 1;
playerStats.weapon = "nothing!";
playerStats.haveKey = false;
lightRadius = 0;
alreadyFoundKnife = false;
sharpness = 100;
$("#health").html( + '%');
$("#status").html("Your adventure begins...");
//place all items
//called whever key pressed (moves player)
function doMove(key) {
switch (key) {
//these cases test the square you're moving into, not the current square...
case 'h':
if (playerPos.x === 0) return;
interactions(playerPos.x - 1, playerPos.y);
if (board[playerPos.x - 1][playerPos.y] === 0 || board[playerPos.x - 1][playerPos.y] === 'S' || (typeof board[playerPos.x - 1][playerPos.y] !== "number" && typeof board[playerPos.x - 1][playerPos.y] !== "string")) return; //if you bump unto a rodent, snake or wall
board[playerPos.x][playerPos.y] = 1;
playerPos.x = parseInt(playerPos.x) - 1;
board[playerPos.x][playerPos.y] = 'P';
case 'u':
if (playerPos.y === 0) return;
interactions(playerPos.x, playerPos.y - 1);
if (board[playerPos.x][playerPos.y - 1] === 0 || board[playerPos.x][playerPos.y - 1] === 'S' || (typeof board[playerPos.x][playerPos.y - 1] !== "number" && typeof board[playerPos.x][playerPos.y - 1] !== "string")) return;
board[playerPos.x][playerPos.y] = 1;
playerPos.y = parseInt(playerPos.y) - 1;
board[playerPos.x][playerPos.y] = 'P';
case 'j':
if (playerPos.y == boardSize.h - 1) return;
interactions(playerPos.x, playerPos.y + 1);
if (board[playerPos.x][playerPos.y + 1] === 0 || board[playerPos.x][playerPos.y + 1] === 'S' || (typeof board[playerPos.x][playerPos.y + 1] !== "number" && typeof board[playerPos.x][playerPos.y + 1] !== "string")) return;
board[playerPos.x][playerPos.y] = 1;
playerPos.y = parseInt(playerPos.y) + 1;
board[playerPos.x][playerPos.y] = 'P';
case 'k':
if (playerPos.x == boardSize.w - 1) return;
interactions(playerPos.x + 1, playerPos.y);
if (board[playerPos.x + 1][playerPos.y] === 0 || board[playerPos.x + 1][playerPos.y] === 'S' || (typeof board[playerPos.x + 1][playerPos.y] !== "number" && typeof board[playerPos.x + 1][playerPos.y] !== "string")) return;
board[playerPos.x][playerPos.y] = 1;
playerPos.x = parseInt(playerPos.x) + 1;
board[playerPos.x][playerPos.y] = 'P';
arrayToCanvas(boardSize.w, boardSize.h);
//make sure the exit squares are still there
if (board[exitCoords.x1][exitCoords.y1] != 'P') {
board[exitCoords.x1][exitCoords.y1] = 'E';
if (board[exitCoords.x2][exitCoords.y2] != 'P') {
board[exitCoords.x2][exitCoords.y2] = 'E';
//gets current window size then sets canvas size and board size
function setCanvasSize() {
var w = window.innerWidth;
var h = window.innerHeight;
ctx.canvas.width = w;
ctx.canvas.height = h;
boardSize.w = Math.floor(w / squareSize);
boardSize.h = Math.floor(h / squareSize);
function clearBoard() {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
return true;
//generates map
function rndArray(n, m) {
board = [];
var new_board = []; //DEL
var tempArr = [];
//width of each of the rooms
var rnd_len1 = Math.round(Math.random() * ((3 / 8) * n - (1 / 4) * n) + Math.round((1 / 4) * n));
var rnd_len2 = Math.round(Math.random() * ((3 / 8) * n - (1 / 4) * n) + Math.round((1 / 4) * n));
var rnd_len3 = Math.round(Math.random() * ((3 / 8) * n - (1 / 4) * n) + Math.round((1 / 4) * n));
var rnd_len4 = Math.round(Math.random() * ((3 / 8) * n - (1 / 4) * n) + Math.round((1 / 4) * n));
//position of left edges of rooms
var rnd_start1 = Math.floor(Math.random() * ((n / 2 - rnd_len1) - 0) + 0);
var rnd_start3 = Math.floor(Math.random() * ((n / 2 - rnd_len1) - 0) + 0);
var rnd_start2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * ((n - rnd_len2) - n / 2) + n / 2);
var rnd_start4 = Math.floor(Math.random() * ((n - rnd_len2) - n / 2) + n / 2);
//this draws the rooms
//the rooms are always half the screen height, plus or minus one
for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
tempArr = [];
for (var j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
if (j <= (m / 2 - 1) && i >= rnd_start1 && i < (rnd_start1 + rnd_len1)) tempArr.push(1);
else if (j <= (m / 2 + 1) && i >= rnd_start2 && i < (rnd_start2 + rnd_len2)) tempArr.push(1);
else if (j > m / 2 && i >= rnd_start3 && i < (rnd_start3 + rnd_len3)) tempArr.push(1);
else if (j > (m / 2 + 2) && i >= rnd_start4 && i < (rnd_start4 + rnd_len4)) tempArr.push(1);
else tempArr.push(0);
//call with right edges of left rooms and left edges of right rooms
makePaths(rnd_start1 + rnd_len1, rnd_start2, rnd_start3 + rnd_len3, rnd_start4);
//place exit
board[rnd_start2 + rnd_len2 - 1][0] = 'E';
board[rnd_start2 + rnd_len2 - 1][1] = 'E';
exitCoords.x1 = rnd_start2 + rnd_len2 - 1;
exitCoords.y1 = 0;
exitCoords.x2 = rnd_start2 + rnd_len2 - 1;
exitCoords.y2 = 1;
return true;
//makes the stair-step corridors between rooms
function makePaths(path1Start, path1End, path2Start, path2End) {
//make corridor between top two rooms
for (var i = path1Start, j = 0, k = 0; i <= path1End; ++i, ++j) {
board[i][1 + k] = 1;
board[i + 1][1 + k] = 1;
board[i][2 + k] = 1;
if (j == 4) {
j = 0;
//& between bottom two
for (var i = path2Start, j = 0, k = 0; i <= path2End; ++i, ++j) {
board[i][boardSize.h - 2 - k] = 1;
board[i + 1][boardSize.h - 2 - k] = 1;
board[i][boardSize.h - 3 - k] = 1;
if (j == 4) {
j = 0;
//link rooms vertically - always at same position
board[Math.round(boardSize.w / 4)][Math.round(boardSize.h / 2 - 1)] = 1;
board[Math.round(boardSize.w / 4 + 1)][Math.round(boardSize.h / 2 - 1)] = 1;
board[Math.round((3 * boardSize.w) / 4)][Math.round(boardSize.h / 2 + 1)] = 1;
board[Math.round((3 * boardSize.w) / 4 + 1)][Math.round(boardSize.h / 2 + 1)] = 1;
board[Math.round(boardSize.w / 4)][Math.round(boardSize.h / 2)] = 1;
board[Math.round(boardSize.w / 4 + 1)][Math.round(boardSize.h / 2)] = 1;
board[Math.round((3 * boardSize.w) / 4)][Math.round(boardSize.h / 2 + 2)] = 1;
board[Math.round((3 * boardSize.w) / 4 + 1)][Math.round(boardSize.h / 2 + 2)] = 1;
//draws array to canvas squares
//maybe someday future-me will simplify it...
function arrayToCanvas(width, height) {
var darkenAmt = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < width; ++i) {
for (var j = 0; j < height; ++j) {
darkenAmt = visibility(i, j);
//if square is outside visibility radius, draw black square
if (darkenAmt === 3) {
ctx.fillStyle = "#000000";
ctx.fillRect(i * squareSize, j * squareSize, squareSize, squareSize);
} else if (board[i][j]) {
//it's only an object if it's a rodent...
if (typeof board[i][j] != "number" && typeof board[i][j] != "string") {
switch (darkenAmt) {
case 1:
ctx.fillStyle = darken1(colors.rodentColor);
case 2:
ctx.fillStyle = darken2(colors.rodentColor);
//turns red if you're attacking
if (board[i][j].attacked) ctx.fillStyle = colors.attackColor;
else ctx.fillStyle = colors.rodentColor;
ctx.fillRect(i * squareSize, j * squareSize, squareSize, squareSize);
} else {
switch (board[i][j]) {
case 'P':
if( == ":(") ctx.fillStyle = colors.attackColor;
else ctx.fillStyle = "#ffffff";
ctx.fillRect(i * squareSize, j * squareSize, squareSize, squareSize);
case 'S':
//use appropriate darkening levels (could probably condense to a function)
switch (darkenAmt) {
case 1:
ctx.fillStyle = darken1(colors.snakeColor);
case 2:
ctx.fillStyle = darken2(colors.snakeColor);
if(snakeStats.attacked) ctx.fillStyle = colors.attackColor;
else ctx.fillStyle = colors.snakeColor;
ctx.fillRect(i * squareSize, j * squareSize, squareSize, squareSize);
case 'H':
switch (darkenAmt) {
case 1:
ctx.fillStyle = darken1(colors.healthItemColor);
case 2:
ctx.fillStyle = darken2(colors.healthItemColor);
ctx.fillStyle = colors.healthItemColor;
ctx.fillRect(i * squareSize, j * squareSize, squareSize, squareSize);
case 'W':
switch (darkenAmt) {
case 1:
ctx.fillStyle = darken1(colors.weaponColor);
case 2:
ctx.fillStyle = darken2(colors.weaponColor);
ctx.fillStyle = colors.weaponColor;
ctx.fillRect(i * squareSize, j * squareSize, squareSize, squareSize);
case 'K':
switch (darkenAmt) {
case 1:
ctx.fillStyle = darken1(colors.keyColor);
case 2:
ctx.fillStyle = darken2(colors.keyColor);
ctx.fillStyle = colors.keyColor;
ctx.fillRect(i * squareSize, j * squareSize, squareSize, squareSize);
case 'E':
switch (darkenAmt) {
case 1:
ctx.fillStyle = darken1(colors.exitColor);
case 2:
ctx.fillStyle = darken2(colors.exitColor);
ctx.fillStyle = colors.exitColor;
ctx.fillRect(i * squareSize, j * squareSize, squareSize, squareSize);
switch (darkenAmt) {
case 1:
ctx.fillStyle = darken1(colors.roomColor);
case 2:
ctx.fillStyle = darken2(colors.roomColor);
ctx.fillStyle = colors.roomColor;
ctx.fillRect(i * squareSize, j * squareSize, squareSize, squareSize);
} else {
switch (darkenAmt) {
case 1:
ctx.fillStyle = darken1(colors.wallColor);
case 2:
ctx.fillStyle = darken2(colors.wallColor);
ctx.fillStyle = colors.wallColor;
ctx.fillRect(i * squareSize, j * squareSize, squareSize, squareSize);
function placeItems() {
//places set number of health recovery items at random
for(var z = 0; z < numberOfHealthItems; ++z) {
//places weapons
for(var z = 0; z < numWeapons; ++z) {
do {
var rndX = Math.floor(Math.random() * boardSize.w);
var rndY = Math.floor(Math.random() * boardSize.h);
} while (!board[rndX][rndY]); //try again if it places it in a wall or other piece
board[rndX][rndY] = 'W';
//places a health item at random
function spawnHealth() {
do {
var rndX = Math.floor(Math.random() * boardSize.w);
var rndY = Math.floor(Math.random() * boardSize.h);
} while (!board[rndX][rndY]); //try again if it places it in a wall or other piece
board[rndX][rndY] = 'H';
//this handles interaction of the player with items and enemies
function interactions(newXpos, newYpos) {
//if you approach a rodent...
if (typeof board[newXpos][newYpos] !== "number" && typeof board[newXpos][newYpos] !== "string") {
attackHit('r', newXpos, newYpos);
if (playerStats.weapon != 'knife') {
var multiplier = Math.random();
board[newXpos][newYpos].health -= 1; -= Math.round(multiplier * rodent.attack);
if ( <= 0) lose();
if (typeof == "number") $("#health").html( + '%');
else $("#health").html(;
if (board[newXpos][newYpos].health <= 0) { //should combine these into function
$("#status").html("Rodent: dead.");
playerStats.xp += 5;
board[newXpos][newYpos] = 1;
arrayToCanvas(boardSize.w, boardSize.h);
} else {
$("#status").html("Rodent: Level " + board[newXpos][newYpos].level + ". Health: " + board[newXpos][newYpos].health + "\nYou kicked it. It doesn't look happy.");
} else if (playerStats.weapon == 'knife') {
var multiplier = Math.random();
//knife gets duller when you use it
//multiplier adds randomness to attack amount
multiplier = Math.random();
multiplier += (playerStats.level - 1) / 2.0; //attack multiplier increases 1+(1/2)*level
//rodent gets random damage when you attack it
var damage = Math.round((rodent.damage * (sharpness / 100) * multiplier))
//snakeStats.attkAmt += damage;
board[newXpos][newYpos].health -= damage;
playerStats.xp += 1;
if (playerStats.xp >= levelUpAt) {
playerStats.level += 1;
playerStats.xp -= levelUpAt;
if (board[newXpos][newYpos].health <= 0) {
$("#status").html("Rodent: dead.");
playerStats.xp += 5;
board[newXpos][newYpos] = 1;
arrayToCanvas(boardSize.w, boardSize.h);
} else {
//use message from useKnife() if knife gone
if (sharpness > 1) $("#status").html("Rodent: Level " + board[newXpos][newYpos].level + ". Health: " + board[newXpos][newYpos].health + "\nYou attack with your knife! It attacks back!");
multiplier = Math.random(); = Math.round(parseInt($("#health").html()) - (rodent.attack * multiplier));
if ( <= 0) lose();
} else {
//anything else...
switch (board[newXpos][newYpos]) {
//if you're by a wall
case 0:
$("#status").html("That's a wall.");
//if health powerup
case 'H':
if (parseInt($("#health").html()) == 100) {
$("#status").html("Your health is already maxed out!");
} else {
$("#status").html("Your health increased by " + healthPowerupVal + '%'); //yeah, not really %
if (parseInt($("#health").html()) + 20 >= 100) {
} else {
$("#health").html(parseInt($("#health").html()) + 20);
//if you find a weapon
case 'W':
if (alreadyFoundKnife) {
$("#status").html("It's like the one you found earlier, but it's still sharp.");
} else {
$("#status").html("You found a large, very sharp knife. Use carefully.");
playerStats.weapon = "knife";
alreadyFoundKnife = true;
sharpness = 100;
$("#weapon").html("Knife. Sharpness: " + sharpness);
//fighing the snake
case 'S':
attackHit('s', newXpos, newYpos);
if (playerStats.weapon != 'knife') {
var multiplier = Math.random(); -= 1; -= Math.round(multiplier * snakeNoWeaponDamage);
if ( <= 0) lose();
if (typeof == "number") $("#health").html( + '%');
else $("#health").html(;
$("#status").html("Snake: Level " + snakeStats.level + ". Health: " + + "\nYou kicked it. It doesn't look happy.");
} else if (playerStats.weapon == 'knife') {
var multiplier = Math.random();
multiplier += (playerStats.level - 1) / 2.0; //attack multiplier increases 1+(1/2)*level
//knife gets duller when you use it
multiplier = Math.random();
//snake gets random damage when you cut it
var damage = Math.round((snakeDamage * (sharpness / 100) * multiplier))
snakeStats.attkAmt += damage; -= damage;
//snake gets shorter!
if(snakeStats.attkAmt > (100 / snakeStats.initLevel)) {
snakeStats.attkAmt = snakeStats.attkAmt % (100 / snakeStats.initLevel);
snakeStats.level -= 1;
var tail = snakeCoords.pop();
board[tail.x][tail.y] = 1;
arrayToCanvas(boardSize.w, boardSize.h);
if( <= 0 || snakeStats.level < 1) {
$("#status").html("Snake: dead.");
//if knife breaks, display different message (from useKnife()).
if(sharpness > 1) $("#status").html("Snake: Level " + snakeStats.level + ". Health: " + + "\nYou attack with your knife! It attacks back!");
multiplier = Math.random(); = Math.round(parseInt($("#health").html()) - (20 * multiplier));
if( <= 0) lose();
case 'K':
playerStats.haveKey = true;
$("#status").html("You recovered the key to the exit!");
case 'E':
if (!playerStats.haveKey) {
$("#status").html("Hey! Listen! You'll need a key to get through this door...");
} else { //have key
alert("Hey! You won!");
var ending = setInterval(function() {
arrayToCanvas(boardSize.w, boardSize.h);
if (lightRadius < -1) {
clearInterval(rodentsActive); //put it here so they keep moving until you leave
}, 300);
function attackHit(enemy, xpos, ypos) {
var temp = '';
switch (enemy) {
case 'r':
//so only the one you're attacking blinks red
if (typeof board[xpos][ypos] == 'object') board[xpos][ypos].attacked = true;
arrayToCanvas(boardSize.w, boardSize.h);
var attack = setTimeout(function() {
if (typeof board[xpos][ypos] == 'object') board[xpos][ypos].attacked = false;
arrayToCanvas(boardSize.w, boardSize.h);
}, 80);
case 's':
snakeStats.attacked = true;
arrayToCanvas(boardSize.w, boardSize.h);
var attack = setTimeout(function() {
snakeStats.attacked = false;
arrayToCanvas(boardSize.w, boardSize.h);
}, 100);
//called when when snake or rodent interaction
function useKnife(rng) {
sharpness -= Math.round(5 * rng);
if (sharpness < 1) {
sharpness = 0;
playerStats.weapon = "Nothing!";
$("#status").html("Your knife broke! I told you to use carefully!");
} else {
$("#weapon").html("Knife. Sharpness: " + sharpness);
function initSnake() {
snakeCoords = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(snakeStartCoords)); = 100;
snakeStats.level = snakeStats.initLevel;
snakeStats.attkAmt = 0;
console.log("initsnake: "+snakeCoords);
do {
var rndX = Math.floor(Math.random() * boardSize.w);
var rndY = Math.floor(Math.random() * boardSize.h);
} while (!board[rndX][rndY]); //try again if it places it in a wall or other piece
board[rndX][rndY] = 'S';
snakeCoords[0].x = rndX;
snakeCoords[0].y = rndY;
arrayToCanvas(boardSize.w, boardSize.h);
snakeAlive = setInterval(function() {
if(snakeStats.attacked) snakeStats.attacked = false;//keeps color from getting stuck
}, 800);
//controls snake movement. it moves at random.
function moveSnake() {
var canMove = false;
var direction;
var newHeadX, newHeadY;
var possible = { 'L': 1, 'U': 1, 'R': 1, 'D': 1 }; //remembers if direction has been tried
//keep trying a new direction until one works.
//if none work, reverse the snake and go back.
do {
direction = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4);
switch (direction) {
case 0:
if (snakeCoords[0].x === 0) {
possible.L = 0;
break; //at left edge of screen
if (board[snakeCoords[0].x - 1][snakeCoords[0].y] === 1) canMove = true; //LEFT
else possible.L = 0;
newHeadX = snakeCoords[0].x - 1;
newHeadY = snakeCoords[0].y;
case 1:
if (snakeCoords[0].y === 0) {
possible.U = 0;
break; //at top edge of screen
if (board[snakeCoords[0].x][snakeCoords[0].y - 1] === 1) canMove = true; //UP
else possible.U = 0;
newHeadX = snakeCoords[0].x;
newHeadY = snakeCoords[0].y - 1;
case 2:
if (snakeCoords[0].x == boardSize.w - 1) {
possible.R = 0;
break; //at right edge of screen
if (board[snakeCoords[0].x + 1][snakeCoords[0].y] === 1) canMove = true; //RIGHT
else possible.R = 0;
newHeadX = snakeCoords[0].x + 1;
newHeadY = snakeCoords[0].y;
case 3:
if (snakeCoords[0].y == boardSize.h - 1) {
possible.D = 0;
break; //at bottom edge of screen
if (board[snakeCoords[0].x][snakeCoords[0].y + 1] === 1) canMove = true; //DOWN
else possible.D = 0;
newHeadX = snakeCoords[0].x;
newHeadY = snakeCoords[0].y + 1;
//if snake gets stuck, reverse - infinite loop otherwise
if (possible.L == 0 && possible.U == 0 && possible.R == 0 && possible.D == 0) {
snakeCoords.reverse(); //built-in method
possible.L = 1;
possible.U = 1;
possible.R = 1;
possible.D = 1;
} while (!canMove);
board[newHeadX][newHeadY] = 'S';
board[snakeCoords[snakeCoords.length - 1].x][snakeCoords[snakeCoords.length - 1].y] = 1; //turn off tail square
snakeCoords.unshift({ 'x': newHeadX, 'y': newHeadY }); //add new head square
arrayToCanvas(boardSize.w, boardSize.h);
function initRodents() {
rodentList = {};//you know how long that took to figure out?
for (var r = 0; r < numRodents; ++r) {
function spawnRodent() {
var temp = {};
var rndX = 0;
var rndY = 0;
do {
rndX = Math.floor(Math.random() * boardSize.w);
rndY = Math.floor(Math.random() * boardSize.h);
} while (!board[rndX][rndY]); //try again if it places it in a wall or other piece =;
temp.attack = rodent.attack;
temp.level = rodent.level;
temp.attacked = false; //turns true for a blip
temp.coords = {};
temp.coords.x = rndX;
temp.coords.y = rndY;
board[rndX][rndY] = temp; //board itself stores rodent stats - rodentList only stores x & y coords
rodentList[JSON.stringify(temp.coords)] = temp.coords; //store coords to list using stringified version as index
temp = {}; //maybe better to do explicit deep copy
//for now, they all move in unison
function moveRodents() {
rodentsActive = setInterval(function() {
var keys = Object.keys(rodentList);
keys.forEach(function(i) {
if(board[rodentList[i].x][rodentList[i].y].attacked) board[rodentList[i].x][rodentList[i].y].attacked = false;//keeps color from getting stuck
//mostly cut & pasted from moveSnake() with some changes.
//maybe combine both into same function someday...
var canMove = false;
var direction;
var newX, newY;
//remembers if direction has been tried - prevents infinite loop edge cases
var possible = { 'L': 1, 'U': 1, 'R': 1, 'D': 1 };
//keep trying a new direction until one works.
do {
direction = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4);
switch (direction) {
case 0:
if (rodentList[i].x === 0) {
possible.L = 0;
break; //at left edge of screen
if (board[rodentList[i].x - 1][rodentList[i].y] === 1) canMove = true; //LEFT
else possible.L = 0;
newX = rodentList[i].x - 1;
newY = rodentList[i].y;
case 1:
if (rodentList[i].y === 0) {
possible.U = 0;
break; //at top edge of screen
if (board[rodentList[i].x][rodentList[i].y - 1] === 1) canMove = true; //UP
else possible.U = 0;
newX = rodentList[i].x;
newY = rodentList[i].y - 1;
case 2:
if (rodentList[i].x == boardSize.w - 1) {
possible.R = 0;
break; //at right edge of screen
if (board[rodentList[i].x + 1][rodentList[i].y] === 1) canMove = true; //RIGHT
else possible.R = 0;
newX = rodentList[i].x + 1;
newY = rodentList[i].y;
case 3:
if (rodentList[i].y == boardSize.h - 1) {
possible.D = 0;
break; //at bottom edge of screen
if (board[rodentList[i].x][rodentList[i].y + 1] === 1) canMove = true; //DOWN
else possible.D = 0;
newX = rodentList[i].x;
newY = rodentList[i].y + 1;
//if no possible moves for rodent, give up for now
if (possible.L == 0 && possible.U == 0 && possible.R == 0 && possible.D == 0) {
console.log("R whoops");
possible.L = 1;
possible.U = 1;
possible.R = 1;
possible.D = 1;
} while (!canMove);
if (typeof board[rodentList[i].x][rodentList[i].y] == "object") { //prevents weird behavior
board[newX][newY] = board[rodentList[i].x][rodentList[i].y]; //move reference
board[rodentList[i].x][rodentList[i].y] = 1; //turn off previous square
rodentList[i].x = newX;
rodentList[i].y = newY;
//no board redraw here -- snake movement takes care of it
}); //forEach
}, 1000);
function visibility(x, y) {
//return 0;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
var darkenAmt = 0;
if (y < playerPos.y - lightRadius || y > playerPos.y + lightRadius || x < playerPos.x - lightRadius || x > playerPos.x + lightRadius)
darkenAmt = 3;
else if (y == playerPos.y - lightRadius || y == playerPos.y + lightRadius || x == playerPos.x - lightRadius || x == playerPos.x + lightRadius)
darkenAmt = 2;
else if (y == playerPos.y - (lightRadius - 1) || y == playerPos.y + (lightRadius - 1) || x == playerPos.x - (lightRadius - 1) || x == playerPos.x + (lightRadius - 1))
darkenAmt = 1;
darkenAmt = 0;
return darkenAmt;
function win() {
board[snakeCoords[0].x][snakeCoords[0].y] = 1;
if (snakeCoords.length > 1) board[snakeCoords[1].x][snakeCoords[1].y] = 1;
//snakeCoords = [];
//place key randomly within two squares of player -
//makes sure the key doesn't disappear if you step on it
var rndX;
var rndY;
var rndSignX;
var rndSignY;
var signX;
var signY;
do {
rndX = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1;
rndY = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1;
signX = Math.random();
signY = Math.random();
if (rndSignX < .5) signX = 1;
else signX = -1;
if (rndSignY < .5) signY = 1;
else signY = -1;
} while (board[playerPos.x + (rndX * signX)][playerPos.y + (rndY * signY)] !== 1);
board[playerPos.x + (rndX * signX)][playerPos.y + (rndY * signY)] = 'K';
function lose() { = ":(";
$("#status").html("Our adventurer didn't make it this time...");
var ending = setInterval(function() {
arrayToCanvas(boardSize.w, boardSize.h);
if (lightRadius < -1) {
alert("You lost.");
}, 300);
function start() {
var beginning = setInterval(function() {
arrayToCanvas(boardSize.w, boardSize.h);
if (lightRadius >= lightRadiusMax) clearInterval(beginning);
}, 300);
//could condense these into single function
function darken1(hex) {
var r = hexToRgb(hex).r;
var g = hexToRgb(hex).g;
var b = hexToRgb(hex).b;
r = Math.round(r * .65);
g = Math.round(g * .65);
b = Math.round(b * .65);
return rgbToHex(r, g, b);
function darken2(hex) {
var r = hexToRgb(hex).r;
var g = hexToRgb(hex).g;
var b = hexToRgb(hex).b;
r = Math.round(r * .4);
g = Math.round(g * .4);
b = Math.round(b * .4);
return rgbToHex(r, g, b);
function hexToRgb(hex) {
var result = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i.exec(hex);
return result ? {
r: parseInt(result[1], 16),
g: parseInt(result[2], 16),
b: parseInt(result[3], 16)
} : null;
function rgbToHex(r, g, b) {
return "#" + componentToHex(r) + componentToHex(g) + componentToHex(b);
function componentToHex(c) {
var hex = c.toString(16);
return hex.length == 1 ? "0" + hex : hex;
// //
Also see: Tab Triggers