Pen Settings



CSS Base

Vendor Prefixing

Add External Stylesheets/Pens

Any URLs added here will be added as <link>s in order, and before the CSS in the editor. You can use the CSS from another Pen by using its URL and the proper URL extension.

+ add another resource


Babel includes JSX processing.

Add External Scripts/Pens

Any URL's added here will be added as <script>s in order, and run before the JavaScript in the editor. You can use the URL of any other Pen and it will include the JavaScript from that Pen.

+ add another resource


Add Packages

Search for and use JavaScript packages from npm here. By selecting a package, an import statement will be added to the top of the JavaScript editor for this package.


Auto Save

If active, Pens will autosave every 30 seconds after being saved once.

Auto-Updating Preview

If enabled, the preview panel updates automatically as you code. If disabled, use the "Run" button to update.

Format on Save

If enabled, your code will be formatted when you actively save your Pen. Note: your code becomes un-folded during formatting.

Editor Settings

Code Indentation

Want to change your Syntax Highlighting theme, Fonts and more?

Visit your global Editor Settings.


                <div class="css-slideshow">
		<img src="" alt="class-header-css3" width="495" height="370" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-172" /><figcaption><strong>CSS3:</strong> CSS3 delivers a wide range of stylization and effects, enhancing the web app without sacrificing your semantic structure or performance. Additionally Web Open Font Format (WOFF) provides typographic flexibility and control far beyond anything the web has offered before.</figcaption> 
		<img src="" alt="class-header-semantics" width="495" height="370" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-179" /><figcaption><strong>Semantics:</strong> Giving meaning to structure, semantics are front and center with HTML5. A richer set of tags, along with RDFa, microdata, and microformats, are enabling a more useful, data driven web for both programs and your users.</figcaption> 
		<img src="" alt="class-header-offline" width="495" height="370" class="alignnone size-large wp-image-178" /><figcaption><strong>Offline &amp; Storage:</strong> Web Apps can start faster and work even if there is no internet connection, thanks to the HTML5 App Cache, as well as the Local Storage, Indexed DB, and the File API specifications.</figcaption> 
		<img src="" alt="class-header-device" width="495" height="370" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-177" /><figcaption><strong>Device Access:</strong> Beginning with the Geolocation API, Web Applications can present rich, device-aware features and experiences. Incredible device access innovations are being developed and implemented, from audio/video input access to microphones and cameras, to local data such as contacts &amp; events, and even tilt orientation.</figcaption> 
		<img src="" alt="class-header-connectivity" width="495" height="370" class="alignnone size-large wp-image-176" /><figcaption><strong>Connectivity:</strong> More efficient connectivity means more real-time chats, faster games, and better communication. Web Sockets and Server-Sent Events are pushing (pun intended) data between client and server more efficiently than ever before.</figcaption> 
		<img src="" alt="class-header-multimedia" width="495" height="370" class="alignnone size-large wp-image-175" /><figcaption><strong>Multimedia:</strong> Audio and video are first class citizens in the HTML5 web, living in harmony with your apps and sites. Lights, camera, action!</figcaption> 
		<img src="" alt="class-header-3d" width="495" height="370" class="alignnone size-large wp-image-174" /><figcaption><strong>3D, Graphics &amp; Effects:</strong> Between SVG, Canvas, WebGL, and CSS3 3D features, you're sure to amaze your users with stunning visuals natively rendered in the browser.</figcaption> 
		<img src="" alt="class-header-performance" width="495" height="370" class="alignnone size-large wp-image-173" /><figcaption><strong>Performance &amp; Integration:</strong> Make your Web Apps and dynamic web content faster with a variety of techniques and technologies such as Web Workers and XMLHttpRequest 2. No user should ever wait on your watch.</figcaption> 
<p class="css-slideshow-attr"><a href="" target="_top">Images and captions are from the W3C</a></p>



font-family: "HelveticaNeue-Light", "Helvetica Neue Light", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, "Lucida Grande", sans-serif; 
  font-weight: 300;
  position: relative;
  max-width: 495px;
  height: 370px;
  margin: 5em auto .5em auto;
.css-slideshow figure{
  margin: 0;
  max-width: 495px;
  height: 370px;
  background: #000;
  position: absolute;
.css-slideshow img{
  box-shadow: 0 0 2px #666;
.css-slideshow figcaption{
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  color: #fff;
  background: rgba(0,0,0, .3);
  font-size: .8em;
  padding: 8px 12px;
  opacity: 0;
  transition: opacity .5s;
.css-slideshow:hover figure figcaption{
  transition: opacity .5s;
  opacity: 1;
  max-width: 495px;
  text-align: right;
  font-size: .7em;
  font-style: italic;
  margin:0 auto;
.css-slideshow-attr a{
  color: #666;
.css-slideshow figure{
figure:nth-child(1) {
  animation: xfade 48s 42s infinite;
figure:nth-child(2) {
  animation: xfade 48s 36s infinite;
figure:nth-child(3) {
  animation: xfade 48s 30s infinite;
figure:nth-child(4) {
  animation: xfade 48s 24s infinite;
figure:nth-child(5) {
  animation: xfade 48s 18s infinite;
figure:nth-child(6) {
  animation: xfade 48s 12s infinite;
figure:nth-child(7) {
  animation: xfade 48s 6s infinite;
figure:nth-child(8) {
  animation: xfade 48s 0s infinite;

@keyframes xfade{
    opacity: 1;
  10.5% {
    opacity: 1;
    opacity: 0;
  98% {
    opacity: 0;
  100% {
    opacity: 1;


