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CSS Base

Vendor Prefixing

Add External Stylesheets/Pens

Any URLs added here will be added as <link>s in order, and before the CSS in the editor. You can use the CSS from another Pen by using its URL and the proper URL extension.

+ add another resource


Babel includes JSX processing.

Add External Scripts/Pens

Any URL's added here will be added as <script>s in order, and run before the JavaScript in the editor. You can use the URL of any other Pen and it will include the JavaScript from that Pen.

+ add another resource


Add Packages

Search for and use JavaScript packages from npm here. By selecting a package, an import statement will be added to the top of the JavaScript editor for this package.


Auto Save

If active, Pens will autosave every 30 seconds after being saved once.

Auto-Updating Preview

If enabled, the preview panel updates automatically as you code. If disabled, use the "Run" button to update.

Format on Save

If enabled, your code will be formatted when you actively save your Pen. Note: your code becomes un-folded during formatting.

Editor Settings

Code Indentation

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Visit your global Editor Settings.


                 <div class="relative py-8 sm:py-8 xl:py-3 min-w-screen min-h-screen flex items-center justify-center text-white">
	<div class="grid border-x lg:grid-cols-6 sm:grid-cols-3 grid-cols-2 lg:divide-x divide-solid divide-white">
		<article class="group h-full flex flex-col divide-y text-sm text-center divide-gray-400 px-2">
			<div class="sm:pb-8 pb-3 num">1</div>
			<div class="sm:py-3 py-1.5 uppercase font-light">Herman Hesse</div>
			<div class="sm:h-28 h-20 flex items-center text-xs">
				<p class="break-words font-light whitespace-pre-line mx-auto w-28">Professionalism is dedication multiplied on time</p>
			<div class="sm:py-3 py-1.5 uppercase">Page 56</div>
			<div class="py-8 text-9xl relative">
				<q class="text-xs absolute sm:top-28 top-24 left-[8%] max-w-[84%]">
					But if I do not go along with your sadness, do not let myself be infected by it, that does not mean I don't recognize it or take it seriously.
				<div class="sm:pt-36 pt-32 sm:pb-0 pb-1 uppercase w-full max-w-full -scale-100 stretch bg-black sm:group-hover:-translate-y-56 group-hover:-translate-y-44 group-hover:transition-transform flex items-center">Pro</div>
		<article class="group border-l lg:border-l-0 h-full flex flex-col divide-y text-sm text-center divide-gray-400 px-2">
			<div class="sm:pb-8 pb-3 num">2</div>
			<div class="sm:py-3 py-1.5 uppercase font-light">Bob Dylan</div>
			<div class="sm:h-28 h-20 flex items-center text-xs">
				<p class="break-words font-light whitespace-pre-line mx-auto w-28">Society is mainly designed by it's cultural elites</p>
			<div class="sm:py-3 py-1.5  uppercase">Page 85</div>
			<div class="py-8 text-9xl relative">
				<q class="text-xs absolute top-28 left-[8%] max-w-[84%]">
					what a drag it gets to be. writing for this chosen few. writing for anyone cpt you.
				<div class="sm:pt-8 pt-4 sm:pb-0 pb-1 uppercase w-full max-w-full -scale-100 stretch bg-black sm:group-hover:-translate-y-56 group-hover:-translate-y-44 group-hover:transition-transform flex items-center">Design</div>
		<article class="group lg:border-l-0 sm:border-l border-l-0 h-full flex flex-col divide-y text-sm text-center divide-gray-400 px-2">
			<div class="sm:pb-8 pb-3 num">3</div>
			<div class="sm:py-3 py-1.5 uppercase font-light">Isaac Asimov</div>
			<div class="sm:h-28 h-20 flex items-center text-xs">
				<p class="break-words font-light whitespace-pre-line mx-auto w-28">Exploration of unknown is all about warm heart</p>
			<div class="sm:py-3 py-1.5 uppercase">Page 27</div>
			<div class="py-8 text-9xl relative">
				<q class="text-xs absolute top-32 left-[8%] max-w-[84%]">
					It's your fiction that interests me. Your studies of the interplay of human motives and emotion.
				<div class="pt-12 sm:pb-0 pb-1 uppercase w-full max-w-full -scale-100 stretch bg-black sm:group-hover:-translate-y-56 group-hover:-translate-y-44 group-hover:transition-transform flex items-center">About</div>
		<article class="group border-l sm:border-l-0 h-full flex flex-col divide-y text-sm text-center divide-gray-400 px-2">
			<div class="sm:pb-8 pb-3 num">4</div>
			<div class="sm:py-3 py-1.5 uppercase font-light">Phillip K. Dick</div>
			<div class="sm:h-28 h-20 flex items-center text-xs">
				<p class="break-words font-light whitespace-pre-line mx-auto w-28">Personality is product of the mind, not surroundings</p>
			<div class="sm:py-3 py-1.5 uppercase">Page 119</div>
			<div class="py-8 text-9xl relative">
				<q class="text-xs absolute sm:top-36 top-36 left-[8%] max-w-[84%]">
					It's the basic condition of life to be required to violate our own identity.
				<div class="pt-8 sm:pb-0 pb-1 uppercase w-full max-w-full -scale-100 stretch bg-black sm:group-hover:-translate-y-56 group-hover:-translate-y-44 group-hover:transition-transform flex items-center">
		<article class="group lg:border-l-0 sm:border-l border-l-0 h-full flex flex-col divide-y text-sm text-center divide-gray-400 px-2">
			<div class="sm:pb-8 pb-3 num">5</div>
			<div class="sm:py-3 py-1.5 uppercase font-light">Agota Kristof</div>
			<div class="sm:h-28 h-20 flex items-center text-xs">
				<p class="break-words font-light whitespace-pre-line mx-auto w-28">Code of conduct is just another rule to be broken</p>
			<div class="sm:py-3 py-1.5 uppercase">Page 54</div>
			<div class="py-8 text-9xl relative">
				<q class="text-xs absolute sm:top-28 top-16 left-[8%] max-w-[84%]">
					“You don't want to fight the enemy anymore?"<br>"I don't want to fight anyone. I have no enemies. I want to go home.” 
				<div class="sm:pt-24 pt-8 sm:pb-0 pb-1 uppercase w-full max-w-full -scale-100 stretch bg-black sm:group-hover:-translate-y-56 group-hover:-translate-y-44 group-hover:transition-transform flex items-center">Code</div>
		<article class="group border-l lg:border-l-0  h-full flex flex-col divide-y text-sm text-center divide-gray-400 px-2">
			<div class="sm:pb-8 pb-3 num">6</div>
			<div class="sm:py-3 py-1.5 uppercase font-light">Stanislaw Lem</div>
			<div class="sm:h-28 h-20 flex items-center text-xs">
				<p class="break-words font-light whitespace-pre-line mx-auto w-28">Technologies are only exposing human nature</p>
			<div class="sm:py-3 py-1.5 uppercase">Page 213</div>
			<div class="py-8 text-9xl relative">
				<q class="text-xs absolute sm:top-28 top-16 left-[8%] max-w-[84%]">
					We have no need of other worlds. We need mirrors. We don't know what to do with other worlds.
				<div class="sm:pt-24 pt-8 sm:pb-0 pb-1 uppercase w-full max-w-full -scale-100 stretch bg-black sm:group-hover:-translate-y-56 group-hover:-translate-y-44 group-hover:transition-transform flex items-center">Tech</div>


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	transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1)
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