Pen Settings



CSS Base

Vendor Prefixing

Add External Stylesheets/Pens

Any URLs added here will be added as <link>s in order, and before the CSS in the editor. You can use the CSS from another Pen by using its URL and the proper URL extension.

+ add another resource


Babel includes JSX processing.

Add External Scripts/Pens

Any URL's added here will be added as <script>s in order, and run before the JavaScript in the editor. You can use the URL of any other Pen and it will include the JavaScript from that Pen.

+ add another resource


Add Packages

Search for and use JavaScript packages from npm here. By selecting a package, an import statement will be added to the top of the JavaScript editor for this package.


Auto Save

If active, Pens will autosave every 30 seconds after being saved once.

Auto-Updating Preview

If enabled, the preview panel updates automatically as you code. If disabled, use the "Run" button to update.

Format on Save

If enabled, your code will be formatted when you actively save your Pen. Note: your code becomes un-folded during formatting.

Editor Settings

Code Indentation

Want to change your Syntax Highlighting theme, Fonts and more?

Visit your global Editor Settings.




                html {
	background: #000;

body {
	background: linear-gradient(33deg, #000, #a46f20, #880000, #000) fixed;
	align-items: center;
	align-content: center;
	display: flex;

h2 {
	color: #666;
	font-family: monospace;
	text-align: center;

.background {
	table-layout: fixed;
	border-spacing: 0;

.background td {
	padding: 0;

.actor {
	background: #e55;

.wall {
	background: linear-gradient(33deg, #888, yellow, pink, #888) fixed;
	border: 0;
	box-sizing: content-box;

.actor {
	position: absolute;

.coin {
	background: #e2e838;
	border-radius: 50%;

.player {
	background: #000;
	box-shadow: none;
	margin: 0 0 0 -0.1%;

.player::before {
	content: "";
	position: absolute;
	background: #fff;
	width: 30%;
	height: 20%;
	margin: 40% 0 0 70%;

.lost .player {
	background: #a04040;
.lost .player::before {
	background: #801010;

.won .player {
	background: green;
.won .player::before {
	background: yellow;

.game {
	position: relative;
	overflow: hidden;

.playerleft {
	-moz-transform: scaleX(-1) !important;
	-o-transform: scaleX(-1) !important;
	-webkit-transform: scaleX(-1) !important;
	transform: scaleX(-1) !important;
	filter: FlipH !important;
	-ms-filter: "FlipH" !important;



                var LEVELS = [
		"x  v           x",
		"x              x",
		"x              x",
		"x              x",
		"x              x",
		"x              x",
		"x       o  o  ox",
		"x  @           x",
		"                                      x!!x                        xxxxxxx                                    x!x  ",
		"                                      x!!x                     xxxx     xxxx                                 x!x  ",
		"                                      x!!xxxxxxxxxx           xx           xx                                x!x  ",
		"                                      xx!!!!!!!!!!xx         xx             xx                               x!x  ",
		"                                       xxxxxxxxxx!!x         x                                    o   o   o  x!x  ",
		"                                                xx!x         x     o   o                                    xx!x  ",
		"                                                 x!x         x                                xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx!!x  ",
		"                                                 xvx         x     x   x                        !!!!!!!!!!!!!!xx  ",
		"                                                             xx  |   |   |  xx            xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx   ",
		"                                                              xx!!!!!!!!!!!xx            v                        ",
		"                                                               xxxx!!!!!xxxx                                      ",
		"                                               x     x            xxxxxxx        xxx         xxx                  ",
		"                                               x     x                           x x         x x                  ",
		"                                               x     x                             x         x                    ",
		"                                               x     x                             xx        x                    ",
		"                 ooo                           xx    x                             x         x                    ",
		"                                               x     x      o  o     x   x         x         x                    ",
		"               xxxxxxx        xxx   xxx        x     x               x   x         x         x                    ",
		"              xx     xx         x   x          x     x     xxxxxx    x   x   xxxxxxxxx       x                    ",
		"             xx       xx        x o x          x    xx               x   x   x               x                    ",
		"     @       x         x        x   x          x     x               x   x   x               x                    ",
		"    xxx      x         x        x   x          x     x               x   xxxxx   xxxxxx      x                    ",
		"    x x      x         x       xx o xx         x     x               x     o     x x         x                    ",
		"!!!!x x!!!!!!x         x!!!!!!xx     xx!!!!!!!!xx    x!!!!!!!!!!     x     =     x x         x                    ",
		"!!!!x x!!!!!!x         x!!!!!xx       xxxxxxxxxx     x!!!!!!!xx!     xxxxxxxxxxxxx xx  o o  xx                    ",
		"!!!!x x!!!!!!x         x!!!!!x    o                 xx!!!!!!xx !                    xx     xx                     ",
		"!!!!x x!!!!!!x         x!!!!!x                     xx!!!!!!xx  !                     xxxxxxx                      ",
		"!!!!x x!!!!!!x         x!!!!!xx       xxxxxxxxxxxxxx!!!!!!xx   !                                                  ",
		"!!!!x x!!!!!!x         x!!!!!!xxxxxxxxx!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!xx    !                                                  ",
		"!!!!x x!!!!!!x         x!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!xx     !                                                  "
		"                                                                                                              ",
		"                                                                                                              ",
		"                                                                                                              ",
		"                                                                                                              ",
		"                                                                                                              ",
		"                                        o                                                                     ",
		"                                                                                                              ",
		"                                        x                                                                     ",
		"                                        x                                                                     ",
		"                                        x                                                                     ",
		"                                        x                                                                     ",
		"                                       xxx                                                                    ",
		"                                       x x                 !!!        !!!  xxx                                ",
		"                                       x x                 !x!        !x!                                     ",
		"                                     xxx xxx                x          x                                      ",
		"                                      x   x                 x   oooo   x       xxx                            ",
		"                                      x   x                 x          x      x!!!x                           ",
		"                                      x   x                 xxxxxxxxxxxx       xxx                            ",
		"                                     xx   xx      x   x      x                                                ",
		"                                      x   xxxxxxxxx   xxxxxxxx              x x                               ",
		"                                      x   x           x                    x!!!x                              ",
		"                                      x   x           x                     xxx                               ",
		"                                     xx   xx          x                                                       ",
		"                                      x   x= = = =    x            xxx                                        ",
		"                                      x   x           x           x!!!x                                       ",
		"                                      x   x    = = = =x     o      xxx       xxx                              ",
		"                                     xx   xx          x                     x!!!x                             ",
		"                              o   o   x   x           x     x                xxv        xxx                   ",
		"                                      x   x           x              x                 x!!!x                  ",
		"                             xxx xxx xxx xxx     o o  x!!!!!!!!!!!!!!x                   vx                   ",
		"                             x xxx x x xxx x          x!!!!!!!!!!!!!!x                                        ",
		"                             x             x   xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                                        ",
		"                             xx           xx                                         xxx                      ",
		"  xxx                         x     x     x                                         x!!!x                xxx  ",
		"  x x                         x    xxx    x                                          xxx                 x x  ",
		"  x                           x    xxx    xxxxxxx                        xxxxx                             x  ",
		"  x                           x           x                              x   x                             x  ",
		"  x                           xx          x                              x x x                             x  ",
		"  x                                       x       |xxxx|    |xxxx|     xxx xxx                             x  ",
		"  x                xxx             o o    x                              x         xxx                     x  ",
		"  x               xxxxx       xx          x                             xxx       x!!!x          x         x  ",
		"  x               oxxxo       x    xxx    x                             x x        xxx          xxx        x  ",
		"  x                xxx        xxxxxxxxxxxxx  x oo x    x oo x    x oo  xx xx                    xxx        x  ",
		"  x      @          x         x           x!!x    x!!!!x    x!!!!x    xx   xx                    x         x  ",
		"  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx           xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx     xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  ",
		"                                                                                                              ",
		"                                                                                                              "
		"                                                                                                  xxx x       ",
		"                                                                                                      x       ",
		"                                                                                                  xxxxx       ",
		"                                                                                                  x           ",
		"                                                                                                  x xxx       ",
		"                          o                                                                       x x x       ",
		"                                                                                             o o oxxx x       ",
		"                   xxx                                                                                x       ",
		"       !  o  !                                                xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx       ",
		"       x     x                                                x   x x   x x   x x   x x   x x   x x           ",
		"       x= o  x            x                                   xxx x xxx x xxx x xxx x xxx x xxx x xxxxx       ",
		"       x     x                                                  x x   x x   x x   x x   x x   x x     x       ",
		"       !  o  !            o                                  xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxx       ",
		"                                                                                                              ",
		"          o              xxx                              xx                                                  ",
		"                                                                                                              ",
		"                                                                                                              ",
		"                                                      xx                                                      ",
		"                   xxx         xxx                                                                            ",
		"                                                                                                              ",
		"                          o                                                     x      x                      ",
		"                                                          xx     xx                                           ",
		"             xxx         xxx         xxx                                 x                  x                 ",
		"                                                                                                              ",
		"                                                                 ||                                           ",
		"  xxxxxxxxxxx                                                                                                 ",
		"  x         x o xxxxxxxxx o xxxxxxxxx o xx                                                x                   ",
		"  x         x   x       x   x       x   x                 ||                  x     x                         ",
		"  x  @      xxxxx   o   xxxxx   o   xxxxx                                                                     ",
		"  xxxxxxx                                     xxxxx       xx     xx     xxx                                   ",
		"        x=                  =                =x   x                     xxx                                   ",
		"        xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx   x!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!xxx!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!",
		"                                                  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
		"                                                                                                              "
		"                                                                               x",
		"         oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo          x",
		"  oooooooo                                                              oooo   x",
		"                                                           xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx   x",
		" xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx   xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                                x",
		"                                                                               x",
		"     ooo ooo                                                      xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
		" x   xxx xxx                                      xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx!xx         x",
		" x   xx  x x    xxx                  o o      xx                  x!!!x        x",
		" xxx xxx xxx                                                     xx!xx         x",
		"                                   xxxxx                          xvx          x",
		"                                                                              xx",
		"             xxx                          o o                            xxx   x",
		"xxxx                    o                                                      x",
		"                                         xxxxx                             o   x",
		"            v   xxxx       o                                                   x",
		"     @        x  x                                               xxxxx         x",
		"  xxxxxxxxxxxx  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx   xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx     xxxxxxx   xxxxxxxxxxx",
		"                              x   x                  x     x                   x",
		"                              x!!!x                  x!!!!!x                   x",
		"xxx                           x!!!x                  x!!!!!x                   x",
		"                              xxxxx                  xxxxxxx                   x",
		"   xxx                                                                         x",
		"          oooooooooooooooooooo     oooooooooooooooooo       ooooooooo          x",
		"  oooooooo                    ooooo                  ooooooo            oooo   x",
		"                                                                               x",

function Vector(x, y) {
	this.x = x;
	this.y = y;
} = function (other) {
	return new Vector(this.x + other.x, this.y + other.y);

Vector.prototype.times = function (scale) {
	return new Vector(this.x * scale, this.y * scale);

// Note: uppercase words are used that means constructor are values
var actorchars = {
	"@": Player,
	o: Coin,
	"=": Lava,
	"|": Lava,
	v: Lava

function Player(pos) {
	this.pos = Vector(0, -0.5));
	this.size = new Vector(0.5, 1);
	this.speed = new Vector(0, 0);
Player.prototype.type = "player";

function Lava(pos, ch) {
	this.pos = pos;
	this.size = new Vector(1, 1);
	if (ch === "=") this.speed = new Vector(2, 0);
	else if (ch === "|") this.speed = new Vector(0, 2);
	else if (ch === "v") {
		this.speed = new Vector(0, 3);
		this.repeatPos = pos;
Lava.prototype.type = "Lava";

function Coin(pos) {
	this.basePos = this.pos = pos;
	this.size = new Vector(0.6, 0.6);
	// take a look back
	this.wobble = Math.random() * Math.PI * 2;
Coin.prototype.type = "coin";

Level.prototype.isFinished = function () {
	return this.status != null && this.finishDelay < 0;

function Level(plan) {
	this.width = plan[0].length;
	this.height = plan.length;
	this.grid = [];
	this.actors = [];

	for (var y = 0; y < this.height; y++) {
		var line = plan[y],
			gridLine = [];
		for (var x = 0; x < this.width; x++) {
			var ch = line[x],
				fieldType = null;
			var Actor = actorchars[ch];
			if (Actor) this.actors.push(new Actor(new Vector(x, y), ch));
			else if (ch === "x") fieldType = "wall";
			else if (ch === "!") fieldType = "lava";
			else if (ch === "|") fieldType = "lava";
			else if (ch === "=") fieldType = "lava";
			else if (ch === "v") {
				fieldType = "lava";
	this.player = this.actors.filter(function (actor) {
		return actor.type === "player";
	this.status = this.finishDelay = null;

function element(name, className) {
	var elem = document.createElement(name);
	if (className) elem.className = className;
	return elem;

function DOMDisplay(parent, level) {
	this.wrap = parent.appendChild(element("div", "game"));
	this.level = level;

	this.actorLayer = null;

var scale = 23;

DOMDisplay.prototype.drawBackground = function () {
	var table = element("table", "background"); = this.level.width * scale + "px"; = this.level.height * scale + "px";
	this.level.grid.forEach(function (row) {
		var rowElement = table.appendChild(element("tr")); = scale + "px";
		row.forEach(function (type) {
			rowElement.appendChild(element("td", type));
	return table;

DOMDisplay.prototype.drawActors = function () {
	var wrap = element("div");
	this.level.actors.forEach(function (actor) {
		var rect = wrap.appendChild(element("div", "actor " + actor.type)); = actor.size.x * scale + "px"; = actor.size.y * scale + "px"; = actor.pos.x * scale + "px"; = actor.pos.y * scale + "px"; = !actor.sens ? "" : "scaleX(-1)";
	return wrap;

DOMDisplay.prototype.drawFrame = function () {
	if (this.actorLayer) this.wrap.removeChild(this.actorLayer);
	this.actorLayer = this.wrap.appendChild(this.drawActors());
	this.wrap.className = "game " + (this.level.status || "");

// clear it later
DOMDisplay.prototype.scrollPlayerIntoView = function () {
	var width = this.wrap.clientWidth;
	var height = this.wrap.clientHeight;
	var margin = width / 3;

	// The viewport
	var left = this.wrap.scrollLeft,
		right = left + width;
	var top = this.wrap.scrollTop,
		bottom = top + height;

	var player = this.level.player;
	var center =;

	if (center.x < left + margin) this.wrap.scrollLeft = center.x - margin;
	else if (center.x > right - margin)
		this.wrap.scrollLeft = center.x + margin - width;
	if (center.y < top + margin) this.wrap.scrollTop = center.y - margin;
	else if (center.y > bottom - margin)
		this.wrap.scrollTop = center.y + margin - height;

DOMDisplay.prototype.clear = function () {

Level.prototype.obstacleAt = function (pos, size) {
	var xStart = Math.floor(pos.x);
	var xEnd = Math.ceil(pos.x + size.x);
	var yStart = Math.floor(pos.y);
	var yEnd = Math.ceil(pos.y + size.y);

	if (xStart < 0 || xEnd > this.width || yStart < 0) return "wall";
	if (yEnd > this.height) return "lava";
	for (var y = yStart; y < yEnd; y++) {
		for (var x = xStart; x < xEnd; x++) {
			var fieldType = this.grid[y][x];
			if (fieldType) return fieldType;

Level.prototype.actorAt = function (actor) {
	for (var i = 0; i < this.actors.length; i++) {
		var other = this.actors[i];
		if (
			other != actor &&
			actor.pos.x + actor.size.x > other.pos.x &&
			actor.pos.x < other.pos.x + other.size.x &&
			actor.pos.y + actor.size.y > other.pos.y &&
			actor.pos.y < other.pos.y + other.size.y
			return other;

var maxStep = 0.05;

Level.prototype.animate = function (step, keys) {
	if (this.status != null) this.finishDelay -= step;

	while (step > 0) {
		var thisStep = Math.min(step, maxStep);
		this.actors.forEach(function (actor) {
			actor.act(thisStep, this, keys);
		}, this);
		step -= thisStep;

Lava.prototype.act = function (step, level) {
	var newPos =;
	if (!level.obstacleAt(newPos, this.size)) this.pos = newPos;
	else if (this.repeatPos) this.pos = this.repeatPos;
	else this.speed = this.speed.times(-1);

var wobbleSpeed = 8,
	wobbleDist = 0.07;

Coin.prototype.act = function (step) {
	this.wobble += step * wobbleSpeed;
	var wobblePos = Math.sin(this.wobble) * wobbleDist;
	this.pos = Vector(0, wobblePos));

var playerXSpeed = 10;

Player.prototype.moveX = function (step, level, keys) {
	this.speed.x = 0;
	if (keys.left) {
		this.sens = true;
		this.speed.x -= playerXSpeed;
	if (keys.right) {
		this.sens = false;
		this.speed.x += playerXSpeed;

	var motion = new Vector(this.speed.x * step, 0);
	var newPos =;
	var obstacle = level.obstacleAt(newPos, this.size);
	if (obstacle) level.playerTouched(obstacle);
	else this.pos = newPos;

var gravity = 30;
var jumpSpeed = 17;

Player.prototype.moveY = function (step, level, keys) {
	this.speed.y += step * gravity;
	var motion = new Vector(0, this.speed.y * step);
	var newPos =;
	var obstacle = level.obstacleAt(newPos, this.size);
	if (obstacle) {
		if (keys.up && this.speed.y > 0) this.speed.y = -jumpSpeed;
		else this.speed.y = 0;
	} else {
		this.pos = newPos;

Player.prototype.act = function (step, level, keys) {
	this.moveX(step, level, keys);
	this.moveY(step, level, keys);

	var otherActor = level.actorAt(this);
	if (otherActor) level.playerTouched(otherActor.type, otherActor);

	// Losing animation
	if (level.status == "lost") {
		this.pos.y += step;
		this.size.y -= step;

Level.prototype.playerTouched = function (type, actor) {
	if (type == "lava" && this.status == null) {
		this.status = "lost";
		this.finishDelay = 1;
	} else if (type == "coin") {
		this.actors = this.actors.filter(function (other) {
			return other != actor;
		if (
			!this.actors.some(function (actor) {
				return actor.type == "coin";
		) {
			this.status = "won";
			this.finishDelay = 1;

var arrowCodes = { 37: "left", 38: "up", 39: "right" };

function trackKeys(codes) {
	var pressed = Object.create(null);
	function handler(event) {
		if (codes.hasOwnProperty(event.keyCode)) {
			var down = event.type == "keydown";
			pressed[codes[event.keyCode]] = down;
	addEventListener("keydown", handler);
	addEventListener("keyup", handler);
	return pressed;

function runAnimation(frameFunc) {
	var lastTime = null;
	function frame(time) {
		var stop = false;
		if (lastTime != null) {
			var timeStep = Math.min(time - lastTime, 100) / 1000;
			stop = frameFunc(timeStep) === false;
		lastTime = time;
		if (!stop) requestAnimationFrame(frame);

var arrows = trackKeys(arrowCodes);

function runLevel(level, Display, andThen) {
	var display = new Display(document.body, level);
	runAnimation(function (step) {
		level.animate(step, arrows);
		if (level.isFinished()) {
			if (andThen) andThen(level.status);
			return false;

function runGame(plans, Display) {
	function startLevel(n) {
		scale = self.innerHeight / plans[n].length;
		runLevel(new Level(plans[n]), Display, function (status) {
			if (status == "lost") startLevel(n);
			else if (n < plans.length - 1) startLevel(n + 1);
			else alert("You win!");
	startLevel(Math.floor(Math.random() * plans.length));

runGame(LEVELS, DOMDisplay);

