HTML preprocessors can make writing HTML more powerful or convenient. For instance, Markdown is designed to be easier to write and read for text documents and you could write a loop in Pug.
In CodePen, whatever you write in the HTML editor is what goes within the <body>
tags in a basic HTML5 template. So you don't have access to higher-up elements like the <html>
tag. If you want to add classes there that can affect the whole document, this is the place to do it.
In CodePen, whatever you write in the HTML editor is what goes within the <body>
tags in a basic HTML5 template. If you need things in the <head>
of the document, put that code here.
The resource you are linking to is using the 'http' protocol, which may not work when the browser is using https.
CSS preprocessors help make authoring CSS easier. All of them offer things like variables and mixins to provide convenient abstractions.
It's a common practice to apply CSS to a page that styles elements such that they are consistent across all browsers. We offer two of the most popular choices: normalize.css and a reset. Or, choose Neither and nothing will be applied.
To get the best cross-browser support, it is a common practice to apply vendor prefixes to CSS properties and values that require them to work. For instance -webkit-
or -moz-
We offer two popular choices: Autoprefixer (which processes your CSS server-side) and -prefix-free (which applies prefixes via a script, client-side).
Any URLs added here will be added as <link>
s in order, and before the CSS in the editor. You can use the CSS from another Pen by using its URL and the proper URL extension.
You can apply CSS to your Pen from any stylesheet on the web. Just put a URL to it here and we'll apply it, in the order you have them, before the CSS in the Pen itself.
You can also link to another Pen here (use the .css
URL Extension) and we'll pull the CSS from that Pen and include it. If it's using a matching preprocessor, use the appropriate URL Extension and we'll combine the code before preprocessing, so you can use the linked Pen as a true dependency.
JavaScript preprocessors can help make authoring JavaScript easier and more convenient.
Babel includes JSX processing.
Any URL's added here will be added as <script>
s in order, and run before the JavaScript in the editor. You can use the URL of any other Pen and it will include the JavaScript from that Pen.
You can apply a script from anywhere on the web to your Pen. Just put a URL to it here and we'll add it, in the order you have them, before the JavaScript in the Pen itself.
If the script you link to has the file extension of a preprocessor, we'll attempt to process it before applying.
You can also link to another Pen here, and we'll pull the JavaScript from that Pen and include it. If it's using a matching preprocessor, we'll combine the code before preprocessing, so you can use the linked Pen as a true dependency.
Search for and use JavaScript packages from npm here. By selecting a package, an import
statement will be added to the top of the JavaScript editor for this package.
Using packages here is powered by, which makes packages from npm not only available on a CDN, but prepares them for native JavaScript ESM usage.
All packages are different, so refer to their docs for how they work.
If you're using React / ReactDOM, make sure to turn on Babel for the JSX processing.
If active, Pens will autosave every 30 seconds after being saved once.
If enabled, the preview panel updates automatically as you code. If disabled, use the "Run" button to update.
If enabled, your code will be formatted when you actively save your Pen. Note: your code becomes un-folded during formatting.
Visit your global Editor Settings.
{%- if section.settings.slideshow_height == 'adapt' -%}
{% comment %}
'min_aspect_ratio' is the minimum aspect ratio of images shown without
whitespace when 'slideshow_height' is set to 'adapt'.
The aspect ratio values for the first image in the slideshow will be used
unless it is blank, in that case a ratio of 2:1 will be used.
{% endcomment %}
{%- assign first_block = section.blocks[0] -%}
{%- if first_block.settings.image.aspect_ratio == blank -%}
{%- assign min_aspect_ratio = 2.0 -%}
{%- else -%}
{%- assign min_aspect_ratio = first_block.settings.image.aspect_ratio -%}
{%- endif -%}
{% assign wrapper_height = 100 | divided_by: min_aspect_ratio %}
{%- endif -%}
{%- assign text_alignments = section.settings.text_alignment | split: ' ' -%}
{%- assign text_horizontal_alignment = text_alignments.first -%}
{%- assign text_vertical_alignment = text_alignments.last | strip -%}
<div data-section-id="{{ }}" data-section-type="slideshow-section">
{%- if section.blocks.size > 0 -%}
<div id="SlideshowWrapper-{{ }}" class="slideshow-wrapper" role="region" aria-label="slideshow" aria-describedby="slideshow-info" tabindex="-1" data-slider>
<div class="slideshow slideshow--{{ section.settings.slideshow_height }}{% if display_controls %} slideshow--display-controls{% endif %}"
id="Slideshow-{{ }}"
data-autorotate="{{ section.settings.autorotate }}"
data-speed="{{ section.settings.autorotate_speed | times: 1000 }}"
data-adapt-height="{% if section.settings.slideshow_height == 'adapt' %}true{% else %}false{% endif %}"
data-slide-nav-a11y="{{ 'sections.slideshow.load_slide' | t: slide_number: '[slide_number]' }}"
{% if section.settings.slideshow_height == 'adapt' %}data-min-aspect-ratio="{{ min_aspect_ratio }}"
style="height: {{- wrapper_height -}}vw"{% endif %}>
{%- for block in section.blocks -%}
{%- assign block_image = block.settings.image -%}
<div id="slickSlide-{{ }}" class="slideshow__slide slideshow__slide--{{ }}{% if forloop.first %} slideshow__slide--active{% endif %}" data-slider-slide-index="{{ forloop.index0 }}" data-slider-item {{ block.shopify_attributes }}>
{% if block_image == blank %}
<div class="slideshow__image js">
<div class="placeholder-background">
{% capture current %}{% cycle 1, 2 %}{% endcapture %}
{{ 'lifestyle-' | append: current | placeholder_svg_tag: 'placeholder-svg' }}
{% if section.settings.show_overlay %}<div class="slideshow__overlay"></div>{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% unless block_image.alt == blank %}
aria-label="{{ block_image.alt | escape }}"
data-alt="{{ block_image.alt | escape }}"
{% endunless %}
class="slideshow__image box ratio-container lazyload{% unless forloop.first %} lazypreload{% endunless %} js"
data-bg="{{ block_image | img_url: '300x300' }}"
data-bgset="{% include 'bgset', image: block_image %}"
style="background-position: {{ block.settings.alignment }};"
{% if section.settings.show_overlay %}<div class="slideshow__overlay"></div>{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<div class="slideshow__image"{% if block_image %}{% unless block_image.alt == blank %} role="img" aria-label="{{ block_image.alt | escape }}"{% endunless %} style="background-image: url('{{ block_image | img_url: '2048x' }}'); background-position: {{ block.settings.alignment }};"{% endif %}>
{% if block_image == blank %}
<div class="placeholder-background">
{{ 'lifestyle-1' | placeholder_svg_tag: 'placeholder-svg' }}
{% endif %}
<div class="slideshow__text-wrap slideshow__text-wrap--desktop">
<div class="slideshow__text-content slideshow__text-content--vertical-{{ text_vertical_alignment }} text-{{ text_horizontal_alignment }}">
<div class="page-width">
{% unless block.settings.slide_title == blank and block.settings.subheading == blank %}
<ul class="slideshow__text-content-list">
{%- unless block.settings.slide_title == blank -%}
<h2 class="h1 mega-title slideshow__title{% if section.settings.text_size == 'large' %} mega-title--large{% endif %}">
{{ block.settings.slide_title | escape }}
{%- endunless -%}
{%- unless block.settings.subheading == blank -%}
<span class="mega-subtitle slideshow__subtitle{% if section.settings.text_size == 'large' %} mega-subtitle--large{% endif %}">
{{ block.settings.subheading | escape }}
{%- endunless -%}
{% endunless %}
{%- assign show_link_button = false -%}
{%- if block.settings.button_label != blank and block.settings.button_link != blank -%}
{%- assign show_link_button = true -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if show_link_button -%}
<div class="slideshow__btn-wrapper{% if block.settings.slide_title != blank or block.settings.subheading != blank %} slideshow__btn-wrapper--push{% endif %}">
<a href="{{ block.settings.button_link }}" class="btn slideshow__btn">
{{ block.settings.button_label | escape }}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
<div class="slideshow__controls">
{%- if section.blocks.size > 1 -%}
{%- assign arrows_width = section.blocks.size | times: 18 | plus: 115 -%}
<div class="slideshow__arrows"
style="width: {{- arrows_width -}}px">
<button class="slideshow__arrow slideshow__arrow-previous" aria-label="{{ 'sections.slideshow.previous_slide' | t }}" data-slider-button>{% include 'icon-chevron-left' %}</button>
<button class="slideshow__arrow slideshow__arrow-next" aria-label="{{ 'sections.slideshow.next_slide' | t }}" data-slider-button data-slider-button-next>{% include 'icon-chevron-right' %}</button>
<ul class="slick-dots" data-slider-indicators>
{%- for block in section.blocks -%}
<li{% if forloop.first %} class="slick-active"{% endif %} data-slider-indicator>
<a href="#Slideshow-{{ }}" aria-label="{{ 'sections.slideshow.load_slide' | t: slide_number: forloop.index }}" data-slide-number="{{ forloop.index0 }}" aria-controls="slickSlide-{{ }}"></a>
{%- endfor -%}
{%- if section.settings.autorotate -%}
<button type="button" class="slideshow__pause" data-id="{{ }}" aria-live="polite" aria-pressed="false" data-slider-pause>
<span class="slideshow__pause-stop">
{% include 'icon-pause' %}
<span class="icon__fallback-text">{{ 'sections.slideshow.pause_slideshow' | t }}</span>
<span class="slideshow__pause-rotate">
{% include 'icon-play' %}
<span class="icon__fallback-text">{{ 'sections.slideshow.rotate_slideshow' | t }}</span>
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}
<div class="slideshow__text-wrap slideshow__text-wrap--mobile">
{% if section.blocks.size > 1 %}
<div class="slideshow__arrows slideshow__arrows--mobile">
<button class="slideshow__arrow slideshow__arrow-previous" aria-label="{{ 'sections.slideshow.previous_slide' | t }}" data-slider-button>{% include 'icon-chevron-left' %}</button>
<button class="slideshow__arrow slideshow__arrow-next" aria-label="{{ 'sections.slideshow.next_slide' | t }}" data-slider-button data-slider-button-next>{% include 'icon-chevron-right' %}</button>
<ul class="slick-dots" data-slider-indicators>
{%- for block in section.blocks -%}
<li{% if forloop.first %} class="slick-active"{% endif %} data-slider-indicator>
<a href="#Slideshow-{{ }}" aria-label="{{ 'sections.slideshow.load_slide' | t: slide_number: forloop.index }}" data-slide-number="{{ forloop.index0 }}" aria-controls="slickSlide-{{ }}"></a>
{%- endfor -%}
{% endif %}
{%- for block in section.blocks -%}
{%- assign show_text = false -%}
{%- unless block.settings.slide_title == blank and block.settings.subheading == blank -%}
{%- assign show_text = true -%}
{%- endunless -%}
{%- assign show_link_button = false -%}
{%- if block.settings.button_label != blank and block.settings.button_link != blank -%}
{%- assign show_link_button = true -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if show_text or show_link_button -%}
<div class="slideshow__text-content slideshow__text-content--mobile{% if forloop.first %} slideshow__text-content--mobile-active{% endif %} text-center" data-slider-mobile-content-index="{{ forloop.index0 }}">
<div class="page-width">
{%- unless block.settings.slide_title == blank -%}
<h2 class="h1 mega-title slideshow__title slideshow__title--mobile{% if section.settings.text_size == 'large' %} mega-title--large{% endif %}">
{{ block.settings.slide_title | escape }}
{%- endunless -%}
{%- unless block.settings.subheading == blank -%}
<span class="mega-subtitle slideshow__subtitle slideshow__subtitle--mobile{% if section.settings.text_size == 'large' %} mega-subtitle--large{% endif %}">
{{ block.settings.subheading | escape }}
{%- endunless -%}
{%- if show_link_button -%}
<a href="{{ block.settings.button_link }}" class="btn slideshow__btn slideshow__btn--mobile">
{{ block.settings.button_label | escape }}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endif -%}
{% if section.blocks.size == 0 %}
<div class="placeholder-noblocks">
{{ 'homepage.onboarding.no_content' | t }}
{% endif %}
{% schema %}
"name": {
"cs": "Prezentace",
"da": "Diasshow",
"de": "Slideshow",
"en": "Slideshow",
"es": "Diapositivas",
"fi": "Diaesitys",
"fr": "Diaporama",
"it": "Presentazione",
"ja": "スライドショー",
"ko": "슬라이드 쇼",
"nb": "Lysbildefremvisning",
"nl": "Diavoorstelling",
"pl": "Pokaz slajdów",
"pt-BR": "Apresentação de slides",
"pt-PT": "Apresentação de diapositivos",
"sv": "Bildspel",
"th": "สไลด์โชว์",
"tr": "Slayt gösterisi",
"vi": "Bản trình chiếu",
"zh-CN": "幻灯片",
"zh-TW": "素材輪播"
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"fi": "Dian korkeus",
"fr": "Hauteur de la diapositive",
"it": "Altezza slide",
"ja": "スライドの高さ",
"ko": "슬라이드 높이",
"nb": "Lysbildehøyde",
"nl": "Diahoogte",
"pl": "Wysokość slajdu",
"pt-BR": "Altura do slide",
"pt-PT": "Altura do diapositivo",
"sv": "Bildhöjd",
"th": "ความสูงของสไลด์",
"tr": "Slayt yüksekliği",
"vi": "Chiều cao trang chiếu",
"zh-CN": "幻灯片高度",
"zh-TW": "投影片高度"
"default": "adapt",
"info": {
"cs": "Prostudujte si [nápovědu k prezentaci](",
"da": "Få mere at vide om [slideshow guidelines](",
"de": "Erfahren Sie mehr über die [Richtlinien für Slideshows](",
"en": "Learn more about [slideshow guidelines](",
"es": "Más información sobre [directrices de presentación de diapositivas](",
"fi": "Lisätietoja [diaesitysohjeista](",
"fr": "En savoir plus sur [directives de diaporama](",
"it": "Maggiori informazioni sulle [linee guida per le presentazioni](",
"ja": "[スライドショーのガイドライン](に関して詳しくはこちらをご覧ください",
"ko": "[슬라이드 쇼 가이드라인에 대해 자세히 알아보기](",
"nb": "Finn ut mer om [retningslinjer for lysbilder](",
"nl": "Meer informatie over [richtlijnen voor diavoorstellingen](",
"pl": "Dowiedz się więcej o [wytycznych dotyczących pokazu slajdów](",
"pt-BR": "Saiba mais sobre [diretrizes de apresentação de slides](",
"pt-PT": "Saiba mais sobre [diretrizes de apresentação de diapositivos](",
"sv": "Läs mer om [bildspelets riktlinjer](",
"th": "ดูข้อมูลเพิ่มเติมเกี่ยวกับ [แนวทางสไลด์โชว์](",
"tr": "[Slayt gösterisi yönergeleri]( hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinin",
"vi": "Tìm hiểu thêm về [hướng dẫn trình chiếu](",
"zh-CN": "详细了解[幻灯片指南](",
"zh-TW": "深入瞭解 [素材輪播準則]("
"options": [
"label": {
"cs": "Přizpůsobení prvnímu obrázku",
"da": "Tilpas til første side",
"de": "An erstes Bild anpassen",
"en": "Adapt to first image",
"es": "Adaptar a la primera imagen",
"fi": "Mukauta ensimmäisen kuvan mukaan",
"fr": "Adapter à la première image",
"it": "Adatta alla prima immagine",
"ja": "最初の画像に対応",
"ko": "첫 번째 이미지에 맞춤",
"nb": "Tilpass etter første bilde",
"nl": "Aanpassen aan eerste afbeelding",
"pl": "Dostosuj do pierwszego obrazu",
"pt-BR": "Adaptar à primeira imagem",
"pt-PT": "Adaptar à primeira imagem",
"sv": "Anpassa efter första bilden",
"th": "ปรับให้เข้ากับรูปภาพแรก",
"tr": "İlk görsele uyarla",
"vi": "Điều chỉnh theo hình ảnh đầu tiên",
"zh-CN": "适应第一张图片",
"zh-TW": "配合第一張圖片"
"value": "adapt"
"label": {
"cs": "Malá",
"da": "Lille",
"de": "Klein",
"en": "Small",
"es": "Pequeña",
"fi": "Pieni",
"fr": "Petite",
"it": "Piccolo",
"ja": "小",
"ko": "스몰",
"nb": "Liten",
"nl": "Klein",
"pl": "Mały",
"pt-BR": "Pequeno",
"pt-PT": "Pequeno",
"sv": "Liten",
"th": "เล็ก",
"tr": "Küçük",
"vi": "Nhỏ",
"zh-CN": "小",
"zh-TW": "小型"
"value": "small"
"label": {
"cs": "Střední",
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"en": "Medium",
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"it": "Medio",
"ja": "中",
"ko": "보통",
"nb": "Middels",
"nl": "Gemiddeld",
"pl": "Średnie",
"pt-BR": "Médio",
"pt-PT": "Médio",
"sv": "Medium",
"th": "ปานกลาง",
"tr": "Orta",
"vi": "Trung bình",
"zh-CN": "中等",
"zh-TW": "中等"
"value": "medium"
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"cs": "Velká",
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"de": "Groß",
"en": "Large",
"es": "Grande",
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"it": "Grande",
"ja": "大",
"ko": "라지",
"nb": "Stor",
"nl": "Groot",
"pl": "Duży",
"pt-BR": "Grande",
"pt-PT": "Grande",
"sv": "Stor",
"th": "ใหญ่",
"tr": "Büyük",
"vi": "Lớn",
"zh-CN": "大",
"zh-TW": "大型"
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"es": "Tamaño del texto",
"fi": "Tekstin koko",
"fr": "Taille du texte",
"it": "Dimensione testo",
"ja": "文字サイズ",
"ko": "텍스트 사이즈",
"nb": "Tekststørrelse",
"nl": "Tekengrootte",
"pl": "Rozmiar czcionki",
"pt-BR": "Tamanho do texto",
"pt-PT": "Tamanho do texto",
"sv": "Textstorlek",
"th": "ขนาดตัวอักษร",
"tr": "Metin boyutu",
"vi": "Cỡ văn bản",
"zh-CN": "文本大小",
"zh-TW": "文字尺寸"
"default": "medium",
"options": [
"label": {
"cs": "Střední",
"da": "Medium",
"de": "Mittel",
"en": "Medium",
"es": "Mediano",
"fi": "Keskisuuri",
"fr": "Moyenne",
"it": "Medio",
"ja": "中",
"ko": "보통",
"nb": "Middels",
"nl": "Gemiddeld",
"pl": "Średnia",
"pt-BR": "Médio",
"pt-PT": "Intermédio",
"sv": "Medium",
"th": "ปานกลาง",
"tr": "Orta",
"vi": "Trung bình",
"zh-CN": "中等",
"zh-TW": "中等"
"value": "medium"
"label": {
"cs": "Velká",
"da": "Stor",
"de": "Groß",
"en": "Large",
"es": "Grande",
"fi": "Suuri",
"fr": "Grande",
"it": "Grande",
"ja": "大",
"ko": "라지",
"nb": "Stor",
"nl": "Groot",
"pl": "Duża",
"pt-BR": "Grande",
"pt-PT": "Grande",
"sv": "Stor",
"th": "ใหญ่",
"tr": "Büyük",
"vi": "Lớn",
"zh-CN": "大",
"zh-TW": "大型"
"value": "large"
"type": "select",
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"cs": "Zarovnání textu",
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"de": "Textausrichtung",
"en": "Text alignment",
"es": "Alineación de texto",
"fi": "Tekstin tasaus",
"fr": "Alignement du texte",
"it": "Allineamento del testo",
"ja": "テキストアラインメント",
"ko": "텍스트 정렬",
"nb": "Tekstjustering",
"nl": "Tekstuitlijning",
"pl": "Wyrównanie tekstu",
"pt-BR": "Alinhamento de texto",
"pt-PT": "Alinhamento de texto",
"sv": "Textjustering",
"th": "การจัดตำแหน่งข้อความ",
"tr": "Metin hizalaması",
"vi": "Căn chỉnh văn bản",
"zh-CN": "文本对齐方式",
"zh-TW": "文字對齊"
"default": "center center",
"options": [
"label": {
"cs": "Nahoře doleva",
"da": "Øverst til venstre",
"de": "Oben links",
"en": "Top left",
"es": "Superior izquierda",
"fi": "Ylhäällä vasemmalla",
"fr": "En haut à gauche",
"it": "In alto a sinistra",
"ja": "左上",
"ko": "왼쪽 상단",
"nb": "Øverst til venstre",
"nl": "Linksboven",
"pl": "Na górze po lewej",
"pt-BR": "Superior esquerdo",
"pt-PT": "Canto superior esquerdo",
"sv": "Överst till vänster",
"th": "ซ้ายบน",
"tr": "Üst sol",
"vi": "Trên cùng bên trái",
"zh-CN": "左上方",
"zh-TW": "左上角"
"value": "left top"
"label": {
"cs": "Nahoře na střed",
"da": "Øverst i midten",
"de": "Oben Mitte",
"en": "Top center",
"es": "Superior centrada",
"fi": "Keskellä ylhäällä",
"fr": "En haut au centre",
"it": "In alto al centro",
"ja": "中央上",
"ko": "맨 위 중간",
"nb": "Toppsentrert",
"nl": "Midden boven",
"pl": "Na górze na środku",
"pt-BR": "Superior centro",
"pt-PT": "Superior centro",
"sv": "Längst upp i mitten",
"th": "กลางบน",
"tr": "Üst orta",
"vi": "Trên cùng ở giữa",
"zh-CN": "顶部居中",
"zh-TW": "中央上方"
"value": "center top"
"label": {
"cs": "Nahoře doprava",
"da": "Øverst til højre",
"de": "Oben rechts",
"en": "Top right",
"es": "Superior derecha",
"fi": "Ylhäällä oikealla",
"fr": "En haut à droite",
"it": "In alto a destra",
"ja": "右上",
"ko": "오른쪽 상단",
"nb": "Øverst til høyre",
"nl": "Rechtsboven",
"pl": "Na górze po prawej",
"pt-BR": "Superior direito",
"pt-PT": "Canto superior direito",
"sv": "Överst till höger",
"th": "ขวาบน",
"tr": "Üst sağ",
"vi": "Trên cùng bên phải",
"zh-CN": "右上方",
"zh-TW": "右上角"
"value": "right top"
"label": {
"cs": "Uprostřed doleva",
"da": "Midt på til venstre",
"de": "Mitte links",
"en": "Middle left",
"es": "Al medio a la izquierda",
"fi": "Keskellä vasemmalla",
"fr": "Au milieu à gauche",
"it": "Nel mezzo a sinistra",
"ja": "中央部左側",
"ko": "왼쪽 중간",
"nb": "Midt til venstre",
"nl": "Midden links",
"pl": "Na środku po lewej",
"pt-BR": "Meio esquerdo",
"pt-PT": "Intermédio à esquerda",
"sv": "Mitten till vänster",
"th": "ซ้ายกลาง",
"tr": "Orta sol",
"vi": "Ở giữa bên trái",
"zh-CN": "中间居左",
"zh-TW": "中央左方"
"value": "left center"
"label": {
"cs": "Uprostřed na střed",
"da": "Midt på centreret",
"de": "Mitte mittig",
"en": "Middle center",
"es": "Centrada en el medio",
"fi": "Keskellä keskellä",
"fr": "Centrée au milieu",
"it": "In mezzo",
"ja": "中心",
"ko": "가운데 중간",
"nb": "Midt i senter",
"nl": "Midden centrum",
"pl": "Na środku",
"pt-BR": "Meio centro",
"pt-PT": "Intermédio ao centro",
"sv": "Mitten centrerat",
"th": "กึ่งกลาง",
"tr": "Orta kısmın ortası",
"vi": "Chính giữa",
"zh-CN": "中间居中",
"zh-TW": "正中央"
"value": "center center"
"label": {
"cs": "Uprostřed doprava",
"da": "Midt på til højre",
"de": "Mitte rechts",
"en": "Middle right",
"es": "Centrado a la derecha",
"fi": "Keskellä oikealla",
"fr": "Au milieu à droite",
"it": "Nel mezzo a destra",
"ja": "中央部右側",
"ko": "오른쪽 중간",
"nb": "Midt til høyre",
"nl": "Midden rechts",
"pl": "Na środku po prawej",
"pt-BR": "Meio direito",
"pt-PT": "Intermédio à direita",
"sv": "Mitten till höger",
"th": "ขวากลาง",
"tr": "Orta sağ",
"vi": "Ở giữa bên phải",
"zh-CN": "中间居右",
"zh-TW": "中央右方"
"value": "right center"
"label": {
"cs": "Dole doleva",
"da": "Nederst til venstre",
"de": "Unten links",
"en": "Bottom left",
"es": "Inferior izquierda",
"fi": "Alhaalla vasemmalla",
"fr": "En bas à gauche",
"it": "In basso a sinistra",
"ja": "左下",
"ko": "왼쪽 하단",
"nb": "Nederst til venstre",
"nl": "Linksonder",
"pl": "Na dole po lewej",
"pt-BR": "Inferior esquerdo",
"pt-PT": "Canto inferior esquerdo",
"sv": "Nere till vänster",
"th": "ซ้ายล่าง",
"tr": "Alt sol",
"vi": "Dưới cùng bên trái",
"zh-CN": "左下方",
"zh-TW": "左下角"
"value": "left bottom"
"label": {
"cs": "Dole na střed",
"da": "Nederst i midten",
"de": "Unten mittig",
"en": "Bottom center",
"es": "Inferior centrada",
"fi": "Keskellä alhaalla",
"fr": "En bas au centre",
"it": "In basso al centro",
"ja": "中央下",
"ko": "맨아래 중간",
"nb": "Bunnsentrert",
"nl": "Midden onder",
"pl": "Na dole na środku",
"pt-BR": "Inferior centro",
"pt-PT": "Inferior centro",
"sv": "Längst ner i mitten",
"th": "กลางล่าง",
"tr": "Alt orta",
"vi": "Dưới cùng ở giữa",
"zh-CN": "底部居中",
"zh-TW": "中央下方"
"value": "center bottom"
"label": {
"cs": "Dole doprava",
"da": "Nederst til højre",
"de": "Unten rechts",
"en": "Bottom right",
"es": "Inferior derecha",
"fi": "Alhaalla oikealla",
"fr": "En bas à droite",
"it": "In basso a destra",
"ja": "右下",
"ko": "오른쪽 아래",
"nb": "Nederst til høyre",
"nl": "Rechtsonder",
"pl": "Na dole po prawej",
"pt-BR": "Inferior direito",
"pt-PT": "Canto inferior direito",
"sv": "Nere till höger",
"th": "ขวาล่าง",
"tr": "Alt sağ",
"vi": "Dưới cùng bên phải",
"zh-CN": "右下方",
"zh-TW": "右下角"
"value": "right bottom"
"type": "checkbox",
"id": "show_overlay",
"label": {
"cs": "Zobrazit překryv",
"da": "Vis overlejring",
"de": "Überlagerung zeigen",
"en": "Show overlay",
"es": "Mostrar superposición",
"fi": "Näytä peittokuva",
"fr": "Afficher la superposition",
"it": "Mostra sovrapposizione",
"ja": "オーバーレイを表示する",
"ko": "오버레이 표시",
"nb": "Vis overlegg",
"nl": "Overlay weergeven",
"pl": "Pokaż nakładkę",
"pt-BR": "Exibir sobreposição",
"pt-PT": "Mostrar sobreposição",
"sv": "Visa överlagring",
"th": "แสดงการวางซ้อน",
"tr": "Yer paylaşımını göster",
"vi": "Hiển thị lớp phủ",
"zh-CN": "显示叠加",
"zh-TW": "顯示疊加層"
"default": true
"type": "checkbox",
"id": "autorotate",
"label": {
"cs": "Automaticky otočit snímky",
"da": "Roter automatisk slides",
"de": "Auto-rotieren der Slides",
"en": "Auto-rotate slides",
"es": "Rotar las diapositivas automáticamente",
"fi": "Käännä diat automaattisesti",
"fr": "Rotation automatique des diapositives",
"it": "Ruota slide automaticamente",
"ja": "スライドの自動切り替え",
"ko": "슬라이드 자동 회전",
"nb": "Autoroter lysbildene",
"nl": "Dia's automatisch draaien",
"pl": "Automatycznie obracaj slajdy",
"pt-BR": "Rodar os slides automaticamente",
"pt-PT": "Reprodução automática de diapositivos",
"sv": "Auto-rotera bilder",
"th": "หมุนสไลด์อัตโนมัติ",
"tr": "Slaytları otomatik olarak döndür",
"vi": "Tự động xoay vòng trang chiếu",
"zh-CN": "自动旋转幻灯片",
"zh-TW": "自動旋轉投影片"
"default": false
"type": "range",
"id": "autorotate_speed",
"label": {
"cs": "Změnit snímek co",
"da": "Skift slide hver",
"de": "Slides überall ändern",
"en": "Change slides every",
"es": "Cambiar diapositivas cada",
"fi": "Vaihda diat joka",
"fr": "Changer de diapositive toutes les",
"it": "Cambia slide ogni",
"ja": "スライドを変更する間隔",
"ko": "슬라이드를 매번 변경",
"nb": "Endre lysbilde hvert",
"nl": "Wijzig dia's elke",
"pl": "Zmieniaj slajdy co",
"pt-BR": "Mudar os slides a cada",
"pt-PT": "Mudar diapositivos a cada",
"sv": "Byt bilder varje",
"th": "เปลี่ยนสไลด์ทุก",
"tr": "Slaytları şu zaman aralığında değiştir:",
"vi": "Đổi trang chiếu sau mỗi",
"zh-CN": "幻灯片更改时间间隔",
"zh-TW": "每過以下時間即變更投影片"
"max": 9,
"min": 3,
"step": 2,
"unit": {
"cs": " s",
"da": " s",
"de": " s",
"en": " s",
"es": " s",
"fi": " s",
"fr": " s",
"it": " s",
"ja": " s",
"ko": " s",
"nb": " s",
"nl": " s",
"pl": " s",
"pt-BR": " s",
"pt-PT": " s",
"sv": " s",
"th": " s",
"tr": " sn",
"vi": " gi",
"zh-CN": " s",
"zh-TW": " s"
"default": 5
"blocks": [
"type": "image",
"name": {
"cs": "Obrázkový snímek",
"da": "Billeddias",
"de": "Foto-Slide",
"en": "Image slide",
"es": "Diapositiva de imagen",
"fi": "Kuvadia",
"fr": "Diapositive (image)",
"it": "Slide immagine",
"ja": "画像スライド",
"ko": "이미지 슬라이드",
"nb": "Lysbilde",
"nl": "Afbeelding dia",
"pl": "Slajd obrazu",
"pt-BR": "Slide de imagem",
"pt-PT": "Diapositivo de imagem",
"sv": "Bild i bildspel",
"th": "สไลด์รูปภาพ",
"tr": "Görsel slaytı",
"vi": "Trang chiếu hình ảnh",
"zh-CN": "图片幻灯片",
"zh-TW": "圖片投影片"
"settings": [
"type": "image_picker",
"id": "image",
"label": {
"cs": "Obrázek",
"da": "Billede",
"de": "Foto",
"en": "Image",
"es": "Imagen",
"fi": "Kuva",
"fr": "Image",
"it": "Immagine",
"ja": "画像",
"ko": "이미지",
"nb": "Bilde",
"nl": "Afbeelding",
"pl": "Obraz",
"pt-BR": "Imagem",
"pt-PT": "Imagem",
"sv": "Bild",
"th": "รูปภาพ",
"tr": "Görsel",
"vi": "Hình ảnh",
"zh-CN": "图片",
"zh-TW": "圖片"
"type": "select",
"id": "alignment",
"label": {
"cs": "Pozice obrázku",
"da": "Placering af billede",
"de": "Foto-Position",
"en": "Image position",
"es": "Alineación de imagen",
"fi": "Kuvan sijainti",
"fr": "Position de l'image",
"it": "Allineamento immagine",
"ja": "画像アラインメント",
"ko": "이미지 위치",
"nb": "Bildeposisjon",
"nl": "Afbeeldingspositie",
"pl": "Położenie obrazu",
"pt-BR": "Alinhamento da imagem",
"pt-PT": "Posição da imagem",
"sv": "Bildposition",
"th": "ตำแหน่งรูปภาพ",
"tr": "Görsel konumu",
"vi": "Vị trí hình ảnh",
"zh-CN": "图片位置",
"zh-TW": "圖片位置"
"default": "center center",
"options": [
"label": {
"cs": "Nahoře vlevo",
"da": "Øverst til venstre",
"de": "Oben links",
"en": "Top left",
"es": "Superior izquierda",
"fi": "Ylhäällä vasemmalla",
"fr": "En haut à gauche",
"it": "In alto a sinistra",
"ja": "左上",
"ko": "왼쪽 상단",
"nb": "Øverst til venstre",
"nl": "Linksboven",
"pl": "Na górze po lewej",
"pt-BR": "Superior esquerdo",
"pt-PT": "Canto superior esquerdo",
"sv": "Överst till vänster",
"th": "ซ้ายบน",
"tr": "Üst sol",
"vi": "Trên cùng bên trái",
"zh-CN": "左上方",
"zh-TW": "左上角"
"value": "left top"
"label": {
"cs": "Nahoře ve středu",
"da": "Øverst i midten",
"de": "Oben Mitte",
"en": "Top center",
"es": "Superior centrada",
"fi": "Keskellä ylhäällä",
"fr": "En haut au centre",
"it": "In alto al centro",
"ja": "中央上",
"ko": "맨 위 중간",
"nb": "Toppsentrert",
"nl": "Midden boven",
"pl": "Na górze na środku",
"pt-BR": "Superior centro",
"pt-PT": "Superior centro",
"sv": "Längst upp i mitten",
"th": "กลางบน",
"tr": "Üst orta",
"vi": "Trên cùng ở giữa",
"zh-CN": "顶部居中",
"zh-TW": "中央上方"
"value": "center top"
"label": {
"cs": "Nahoře vpravo",
"da": "Øverst til højre",
"de": "Oben rechts",
"en": "Top right",
"es": "Superior derecha",
"fi": "Ylhäällä oikealla",
"fr": "En haut à droite",
"it": "In alto a destra",
"ja": "右上",
"ko": "오른쪽 상단",
"nb": "Øverst til høyre",
"nl": "Rechtsboven",
"pl": "Na górze po prawej",
"pt-BR": "Superior direito",
"pt-PT": "Canto superior direito",
"sv": "Överst till höger",
"th": "ขวาบน",
"tr": "Üst sağ",
"vi": "Trên cùng bên phải",
"zh-CN": "右上方",
"zh-TW": "右上角"
"value": "right top"
"label": {
"cs": "Uprostřed vlevo",
"da": "Midt på til venstre",
"de": "Mitte links",
"en": "Middle left",
"es": "Al medio a la izquierda",
"fi": "Keskellä vasemmalla",
"fr": "Au milieu à gauche",
"it": "Nel mezzo a sinistra",
"ja": "中央部左側",
"ko": "왼쪽 중간",
"nb": "Midt til venstre",
"nl": "Midden links",
"pl": "Na środku po lewej",
"pt-BR": "Meio esquerdo",
"pt-PT": "Intermédio à esquerda",
"sv": "Mitten till vänster",
"th": "ซ้ายกลาง",
"tr": "Orta sol",
"vi": "Ở giữa bên trái",
"zh-CN": "中间居左",
"zh-TW": "中央左方"
"value": "left center"
"label": {
"cs": "Uprostřed ve středu",
"da": "Midt på centreret",
"de": "Mitte mittig",
"en": "Middle center",
"es": "Centrada en el medio",
"fi": "Keskellä keskellä",
"fr": "Centrée au milieu",
"it": "In mezzo",
"ja": "中心",
"ko": "가운데 중간",
"nb": "Midt i senter",
"nl": "Midden centrum",
"pl": "Na środku",
"pt-BR": "Meio centro",
"pt-PT": "Intermédio ao centro",
"sv": "Mitten centrerat",
"th": "กึ่งกลาง",
"tr": "Orta kısmın ortası",
"vi": "Chính giữa",
"zh-CN": "中间居中",
"zh-TW": "正中央"
"value": "center center"
"label": {
"cs": "Uprostřed vpravo",
"da": "Midt på til højre",
"de": "Mitte rechts",
"en": "Middle right",
"es": "Centrado a la derecha",
"fi": "Keskellä oikealla",
"fr": "Au milieu à droite",
"it": "Nel mezzo a destra",
"ja": "中央部右側",
"ko": "오른쪽 중간",
"nb": "Midt til høyre",
"nl": "Midden rechts",
"pl": "Na środku po prawej",
"pt-BR": "Meio direito",
"pt-PT": "Intermédio à direita",
"sv": "Mitten till höger",
"th": "ขวากลาง",
"tr": "Orta sağ",
"vi": "Ở giữa bên phải",
"zh-CN": "中间居右",
"zh-TW": "中央右方"
"value": "right center"
"label": {
"cs": "Dole vlevo",
"da": "Nederst til venstre",
"de": "Unten links",
"en": "Bottom left",
"es": "Inferior izquierda",
"fi": "Alhaalla vasemmalla",
"fr": "En bas à gauche",
"it": "In basso a sinistra",
"ja": "左下",
"ko": "왼쪽 하단",
"nb": "Nederst til venstre",
"nl": "Linksonder",
"pl": "Na dole po lewej",
"pt-BR": "Inferior esquerdo",
"pt-PT": "Canto inferior esquerdo",
"sv": "Nere till vänster",
"th": "ซ้ายล่าง",
"tr": "Alt sol",
"vi": "Dưới cùng bên trái",
"zh-CN": "左下方",
"zh-TW": "左下角"
"value": "left bottom"
"label": {
"cs": "Dole ve středu",
"da": "Nederst i midten",
"de": "Unten mittig",
"en": "Bottom center",
"es": "Inferior centrada",
"fi": "Keskellä alhaalla",
"fr": "En bas au centre",
"it": "In basso al centro",
"ja": "中央下",
"ko": "맨아래 중간",
"nb": "Bunnsentrert",
"nl": "Midden onder",
"pl": "Na dole na środku",
"pt-BR": "Inferior centro",
"pt-PT": "Inferior centro",
"sv": "Längst ner i mitten",
"th": "กลางล่าง",
"tr": "Alt orta",
"vi": "Dưới cùng ở giữa",
"zh-CN": "底部居中",
"zh-TW": "中央下方"
"value": "center bottom"
"label": {
"cs": "Dole vpravo",
"da": "Nederst til højre",
"de": "Unten rechts",
"en": "Bottom right",
"es": "Inferior derecha",
"fi": "Alhaalla oikealla",
"fr": "En bas à droite",
"it": "In basso a destra",
"ja": "右下",
"ko": "오른쪽 아래",
"nb": "Nederst til høyre",
"nl": "Rechtsonder",
"pl": "Na dole po prawej",
"pt-BR": "Inferior direito",
"pt-PT": "Canto inferior direito",
"sv": "Nere till höger",
"th": "ขวาล่าง",
"tr": "Alt sağ",
"vi": "Dưới cùng bên phải",
"zh-CN": "右下方",
"zh-TW": "右下角"
"value": "right bottom"
"type": "text",
"id": "slide_title",
"label": {
"cs": "Nadpis",
"da": "Overskrift",
"de": "Titel",
"en": "Heading",
"es": "Título",
"fi": "Otsake",
"fr": "En-tête",
"it": "Heading",
"ja": "見出し",
"ko": "제목",
"nb": "Overskrift",
"nl": "Kop",
"pl": "Nagłówek",
"pt-BR": "Título",
"pt-PT": "Título",
"sv": "Rubrik",
"th": "ส่วนหัว",
"tr": "Başlık",
"vi": "Tiêu đề",
"zh-CN": "标题",
"zh-TW": "標題"
"default": {
"cs": "Obrázkový snímek",
"da": "Billeddias",
"de": "Foto-Slide",
"en": "Image slide",
"es": "Diapositiva de imagen",
"fi": "Kuvadia",
"fr": "Diapositive (image)",
"it": "Slide immagine",
"ja": "画像スライド",
"ko": "이미지 슬라이드",
"nb": "Lysbilde",
"nl": "Afbeelding dia",
"pl": "Slajd obrazu",
"pt-BR": "Slide de imagem",
"pt-PT": "Diapositivo de imagem",
"sv": "Bild i bildspel",
"th": "สไลด์รูปภาพ",
"tr": "Görsel slaytı",
"vi": "Trang chiếu hình ảnh",
"zh-CN": "图片幻灯片",
"zh-TW": "圖片投影片"
"type": "text",
"id": "subheading",
"label": {
"cs": "Podnadpis",
"da": "Underoverskrift",
"de": "Untertitel",
"en": "Subheading",
"es": "Subtítulo",
"fi": "Alaotsikko",
"fr": "Sous-titre",
"it": "Sottotitolo",
"ja": "小見出し",
"ko": "소제목",
"nb": "Underoverskrift",
"nl": "Subkop",
"pl": "Nagłówek podrzędny",
"pt-BR": "Subtítulo",
"pt-PT": "Subtítulo",
"sv": "Underrubrik",
"th": "หัวเรื่องย่อย",
"tr": "Alt başlık",
"vi": "Tiêu đề phụ",
"zh-CN": "副标题",
"zh-TW": "子標題"
"default": {
"cs": "Představte příběh své značky prostřednictvím obrázků",
"da": "Fortæl dit brands historie gennem billeder",
"de": "Erzählen Sie Ihre Geschichte mit Fotos",
"en": "Tell your brand's story through images",
"es": "Cuenta la historia de tu marca a través de videos e imágenes",
"fi": "Kerro tuotemerkkisi tarina kuvien kautta",
"fr": "Racontez votre histoire avec des images",
"it": "Racconta la storia del tuo brand con video e immagini",
"ja": "あなたのブランドのストーリーをビデオや画像で伝える",
"ko": "이미지를 통해 브랜드 스토리 이야기하기",
"nb": "Fortell merkevarens historie gjennom bilder",
"nl": "Vertel met afbeeldingen het verhaal van je merk",
"pl": "Opowiedz historię swojej marki za pomocą obrazów",
"pt-BR": "Conte a história da sua marca com vídeos e imagens",
"pt-PT": "Conte a história da sua marca através de imagens",
"sv": "Berätta ditt varumärkes historia genom video och bilder",
"th": "บอกเล่าเรื่องราวของแบรนด์คุณผ่านรูปภาพ",
"tr": "Görsellerle marka öykünüzü anlatın",
"vi": "Chia sẻ câu chuyện thương hiệu của bạn qua hình ảnh",
"zh-CN": "通过图片讲述您的品牌故事",
"zh-TW": "用圖片講述您的品牌故事"
"type": "text",
"id": "button_label",
"label": {
"cs": "Text tlačítka",
"da": "Knaptekst",
"de": "Button-Name",
"en": "Button label",
"es": "Etiqueta de botón",
"fi": "Tekstipainike",
"fr": "Texte du bouton",
"it": "Etichetta pulsante",
"ja": "ボタンのラベル",
"ko": "버튼 레이블",
"nb": "Knappetikett",
"nl": "Knoplabel",
"pl": "Przycisk z etykietą",
"pt-BR": "Etiqueta de botão",
"pt-PT": "Etiqueta do botão",
"sv": "Knappetikett",
"th": "ป้ายกำกับปุ่ม",
"tr": "Düğme etiketi",
"vi": "Nhãn nút",
"zh-CN": "按钮标签",
"zh-TW": "按鈕標籤"
"type": "url",
"id": "button_link",
"label": {
"cs": "Tlačítkový odkaz",
"da": "Knaplink",
"de": "Button-Link",
"en": "Button link",
"es": "Enlace de la diapositiva",
"fi": "Painikelinkki",
"fr": "Lien du bouton",
"it": "Link slide",
"ja": "ボタンのリンク",
"ko": "버튼 링크",
"nb": "Kobling for knapp",
"nl": "Knoplink",
"pl": "Link przycisku",
"pt-BR": "Link do slide",
"pt-PT": "Ligação do botão",
"sv": "Knapplänk",
"th": "ลิงก์ปุ่ม",
"tr": "Düğme bağlantısı",
"vi": "Liên kết trên nút",
"zh-CN": "按钮链接",
"zh-TW": "按鈕連結"
"presets": [
"name": {
"cs": "Prezentace",
"da": "Diasshow",
"de": "Slideshow",
"en": "Slideshow",
"es": "Diapositivas",
"fi": "Diaesitys",
"fr": "Diaporama",
"it": "Presentazione",
"ja": "スライドショー",
"ko": "슬라이드 쇼",
"nb": "Lysbildefremvisning",
"nl": "Diavoorstelling",
"pl": "Pokaz slajdów",
"pt-BR": "Apresentação de slides",
"pt-PT": "Apresentação de diapositivos",
"sv": "Bildspel",
"th": "สไลด์โชว์",
"tr": "Slayt gösterisi",
"vi": "Bản trình chiếu",
"zh-CN": "幻灯片",
"zh-TW": "素材輪播"
"category": {
"cs": "Obrázek",
"da": "Billede",
"de": "Foto",
"en": "Image",
"es": "Imagen",
"fi": "Kuva",
"fr": "Image",
"it": "Immagine",
"ja": "画像",
"ko": "이미지",
"nb": "Bilde",
"nl": "Afbeelding",
"pl": "Obraz",
"pt-BR": "Imagem",
"pt-PT": "Imagem",
"sv": "Bild",
"th": "รูปภาพ",
"tr": "Görsel",
"vi": "Hình ảnh",
"zh-CN": "图片",
"zh-TW": "圖片"
"settings": {
"autorotate": false,
"autorotate_speed": 5
"blocks": [
"type": "image"
"type": "image"
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Also see: Tab Triggers