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Any URLs added here will be added as <link>s in order, and before the CSS in the editor. You can use the CSS from another Pen by using its URL and the proper URL extension.

+ add another resource


Babel includes JSX processing.

Add External Scripts/Pens

Any URL's added here will be added as <script>s in order, and run before the JavaScript in the editor. You can use the URL of any other Pen and it will include the JavaScript from that Pen.

+ add another resource


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Search for and use JavaScript packages from npm here. By selecting a package, an import statement will be added to the top of the JavaScript editor for this package.


Auto Save

If active, Pens will autosave every 30 seconds after being saved once.

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If enabled, the preview panel updates automatically as you code. If disabled, use the "Run" button to update.

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If enabled, your code will be formatted when you actively save your Pen. Note: your code becomes un-folded during formatting.

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                <div class="container">
    <div class="form-container">
        <label class="form-row">
            <input autocomplete="one-time-code" type="text" id="name" name="name" placeholder="name" required>
        <label class="form-row">
            <input autocomplete="one-time-code" type="email" id="email" name="email" placeholder="e-mail" required >
        <label class="form-row">
            <input type="checkbox" id="subscribe" name="subscribe"> agree to whatever
        <div class="form-row">
            <input type="submit" value="submit">

    <svg viewBox="0 0 1000 1000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round">

        <rect x="710" y="527" width="16" height="47" rx="10" ry="10"></rect>

        <g class="grabbing-hand">
            <path d="M48.89,54.39c-3.51.76-15.72,3-22.83-.68a14,14,0,0,0-6.41-1.52h0A3.79,3.79,0,0,1,17,51.09a3.7,3.7,0,0,1-1.1-2.64V27.75A3.75,3.75,0,0,1,19.63,24H24.1"/>
            <path class="grabbing-hand-finger-open" d="M57.05,29.76l24.82,0a4.07,4.07,0,0,0,4.11-4h0a4.07,4.07,0,0,0-4-4.11L48.69,21.3"/>
            <path class="grabbing-hand-finger-open" d="M59.34,37.74l28.81.61a4.06,4.06,0,0,0,4.14-4h0a4.06,4.06,0,0,0-4-4.15L57,29.64"/>
            <path class="grabbing-hand-finger-open" d="M57.13,45.9l26.94.78a4.07,4.07,0,0,0,4.15-4h0a4.07,4.07,0,0,0-4-4.14l-24.84-.8"/>
            <path class="grabbing-hand-finger-open" d="M48.89,54.39l27.82.36a4.06,4.06,0,0,0,4.2-3.93h0A4.06,4.06,0,0,0,77,46.62l-19.88-.78"/>
            <path class="grabbing-hand-finger-open" d="M40.78,28c5.75-5.85,12.66-22,10.5-25.88-2.25-4.09-6,.1-14.73,8.66C30.84,16.36,30.91,17.1,24.32,24"/>

        <g class="pull-system">
            <line class="checkbox-pull-line" x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="0"/>
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                <circle cx="0" cy="0" r="10"/>
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            <circle class="submit-btn-circle" cx="0" cy="0" r="3" stroke="none" fill="#000" />
            <path class="submit-btn-connector" d=""></path>

        <g class="spray-hand-container">
            <g class="pushing-hand">
                <circle cx="18" cy="0" r="5" fill="#000000"/>
                <circle cx="18" cy="-70" r="5" fill="#000000"/>
                <path d="M18,-70 v70" stroke-width="4"/>
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                    <path d="M4.3,8.7c-5.8,6.4-3.6,20-2.2,24.8"/>
            <g class="sprayer">
                <g class="sprayer-head">
                        <radialGradient id="grad1" cx="50%" cy="50%" r="50%" fx="100%" fy="50%">
                            <stop offset="0%" stop-color="#777777" stop-opacity="0"/>
                            <stop offset="100%" stop-color="#777777" stop-opacity="1"/>
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                    <rect x="74.55" y="22.56" width="7.84" height="6.1" rx="1.13"/>

                    <line class="spray-line" stroke="#777777" stroke-dasharray="8 5" x1="22.4" y1="14.76" x2="74.27" y2="25.2" />
                    <line class="spray-line" stroke="#777777" stroke-dasharray="8 5" x1="21.51" y1="21.12" x2="74.27" y2="25.2" />
                    <line class="spray-line" stroke="#777777" stroke-dasharray="8 5" x1="21.44" y1="28.26" x2="74.27" y2="25.2" />
                    <line class="spray-line" stroke="#777777" stroke-dasharray="8 5" x1="22.37" y1="35.54" x2="74.27" y2="25.2" />
                    <line class="spray-line" stroke="#777777" stroke-dasharray="8 5" x1="24.21" y1="42.36" x2="74.27" y2="25.2" />
                    <line class="spray-line" stroke="#777777" stroke-dasharray="8 5" x1="24.31" y1="7.78" x2="74.27" y2="25.2" />

                    <circle fill="url(#grad1)" stroke="none" class="spray-bubble" cx="25.43" cy="12.97" r="12.47" />
                    <circle fill="url(#grad1)" stroke="none" class="spray-bubble" cx="15.6" cy="25.43" r="15.1" />
                    <circle fill="url(#grad1)" stroke="none" class="spray-bubble" cx="33.24" cy="37.13" r="9.21" />
                    <circle fill="url(#grad1)" stroke="none" class="spray-bubble" cx="35.92" cy="19.5" r="11.89" />
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                <rect x="76.33" y="71.46" width="33.96" height="23.23" fill="#cccccc"/>

            <line class="gear-connector" x1="0" x2="0" y1="0" y2="0"/>
            <g class="gears">

        <g class="grabbing-hand">
            <g fill="#ffffff">
                <rect class="grabbing-hand-finger-closed" x="44.79" y="13.38" width="8.42" height="22.15" rx="3.67" transform="translate(20.57 71.26) rotate(-85.25)"/>
                <rect class="grabbing-hand-finger-closed" x="44.08" y="39.17" width="8.42" height="21.47" rx="3.67" transform="translate(-5.44 93.9) rotate(-85.25)"/>
                <rect class="grabbing-hand-finger-closed" x="45.68" y="30.71" width="8.42" height="22.57" rx="3.67" transform="matrix(0.08, -1, 1, 0.08, 3.91, 88.24)"/>
                <rect class="grabbing-hand-finger-closed" x="44.98" y="22.21" width="8.42" height="22.57" rx="3.67" transform="matrix(0.08, -1, 1, 0.08, 11.74, 79.74)"/>
                <path class="grabbing-hand-finger-closed" d="M32.18,27.42c5,6.46,13.22,15.06,17.76,12.81,4.18-2.07.69-6-6.66-15.74C38.46,18.1,30.69,17.1,24.1,24"/>

        <g class="spiral-container">
            <path stroke-width=".8" class="spiral-path" d=""/>

        <g class="weight-big-container">
            <line x1="14" x2="60" y1="14" y2="14"></line>
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                <path d="M15.1,15.6l-1.8-.2a9.2,9.2,0,0,0-9.1,9.2,6.2,6.2,0,0,0,.2,1.9A13.3,13.3,0,0,1,15.1,15.6Z" fill="#fff"/>

        <g class="scales-container">

                        viewBox="0 0 10 10"
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            <rect x="10" y="-19" width="30" height="90" rx="15" ry="15" stroke-width="10" stroke="#ccc" />
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            <rect x="-31" y="-19" width="30" height="144" rx="15" ry="15" stroke-width="10" stroke="#ccc"/>
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            <g class="reels-connector">
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                <circle cx="-1" cy="8.5" r="3" fill="#000" stroke="none"/>
                <circle cx="9.9" cy="8.5" r="3" fill="#000" stroke="none"/>

            <g class="car-weight-connector">
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            <path fill="#000000" d="M102.45,30.68,92,20.26c-9.89,9.9-9.89,10.47-9.89,10.47Z" />


        <g class="car-container">
                <g class="car">
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                    <circle cx="17" cy="88" r="2" fill="#000" />
                    <circle cx="32" cy="88" r="5" />
                    <circle cx="32" cy="88" r="2" fill="#000" />

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.container {
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    transform: translate(-50%, -50%);

.form-container {
    position: absolute;
    top: 50%;
    left: 50%;
    transform: translate(-50%, -50%);

.form-container {
    width: 270px;

svg {
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.form-container .form-row {
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.form-container .form-row input {
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.form-container .form-row input.valid {
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.form-container .form-row input[type="checkbox"] {
    width: 20px;
    height: 20px;
    margin: 0 10px 0 0;
    padding: 0;
    border: 2px solid #dddddd;

.form-container .form-row input[type="submit"] {
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    cursor: pointer;
    border: none;
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/*.form-container .form-row input[type="submit"].valid {*/
/*    pointer-events: auto;*/

.form-container input[type="submit"]:hover {
    background-color: #dddddd;

.form-container label,
.form-container input,
.form-container input::placeholder {
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svg {
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                const containerEl = document.querySelector('.container');
const checkboxEl = document.querySelector('.form-container .form-row input[type="checkbox"]');
const nameEl = document.querySelector('.form-container .form-row input[name="name"]');
const emailEl = document.querySelector('.form-container .form-row input[name="email"]');
const submitBtn = document.querySelector('.form-container .form-row input[type="submit"]');

const sprayer = document.querySelector('.sprayer');
const sprayHandContainer = document.querySelector('.spray-hand-container');
const sprayLines = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.spray-line'));
const sprayBubbles = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.spray-bubble'));

const pushingHand = document.querySelector('.pushing-hand');
const sprayerHead = document.querySelector('.sprayer-head');
const gearsContainer = document.querySelector('svg .gears');
const gearConnector = document.querySelector('.gear-connector');

const pullSystemContainer = document.querySelector('.pull-system');

const checkboxPullLine = document.querySelector('.checkbox-pull-line');
const checkboxPullCircle = document.querySelector('.checkbox-pull-circle');
const btnPullLine = document.querySelector('.submit-btn-connector');
const btnHandlerCircle = document.querySelector('.submit-btn-circle');

const spiralContainer = document.querySelector('.spiral-container');
const weightBigContainer = document.querySelector('.weight-big-container');

const scalesContainer = document.querySelector('.scales-container');
const scalesLine = document.querySelector('.scales-moving-line');
const weightBig = document.querySelector('.weight-big');
const spiralPath = document.querySelector('.spiral-path');

const carContainer = document.querySelector('.car-container');
const car = document.querySelector('.car');
const carInclineWrapper = document.querySelector('.car-container g');
const timingChains = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.timing-chain'));
const reelsConnector = document.querySelector('.reels-connector');
const carWeightConnector = document.querySelector('.car-weight-connector');

const grabbingHand = document.querySelectorAll('.grabbing-hand');
const grabbingHandOpenFingers = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.grabbing-hand-finger-open'));
const grabbingHandClosedFingers = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.grabbing-hand-finger-closed'));

window.onresize = scaleToFit;

function scaleToFit() {
    const h = 800;

    if (window.innerHeight < h) {
        gsap.set(containerEl, {
            scale: window.innerHeight / h,
            transformOrigin: "50% 75%"


let sprayRepeatCounter = 0;
const state = {
    handClosed: false,
    sumbitBtnOnPlace: false,
    sumbitBtnTextOpacity: 0,
    pullProgress: 0
let nameValid = false;
let emailValid = false;

const emailTl = createEmailTl();
const gearsTls = createGearsTimelines();
createPullingTimeline(state.handClosed, checkboxEl.checked);

checkboxEl.addEventListener('change', () => {
    createPullingTimeline(state.handClosed, checkboxEl.checked);

nameEl.addEventListener('input', () => {
    nameValid = nameEl.value.length > 3;
    if (nameValid) {
        gearsTls.forEach(tl => {
            if (tl.paused()) {
                gsap.fromTo(tl, {
                    timeScale: 0
                }, {
                    timeScale: 1
    } else {
        gearsTls.forEach(tl => {
            if (!tl.paused()) {
      , {
                    timeScale: 0,
                    onComplete: () => {
        sprayRepeatCounter = 0;, {
            duration: .3,
            color: "rgba(0, 0, 0, " + 0 + ")"

emailEl.addEventListener('input', () => {
    const emailRegex = /^[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}$/;
    emailValid = emailRegex.test(emailEl.value);
    if (emailValid) {;
    } else {

submitBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {
    if (emailValid && checkboxEl.checked && nameValid && sprayRepeatCounter > 1) {"svg > *", {
            duration: .1,
            opacity: 0,
            stagger: {
                each: 0.03,
                from: 'random',
                ease: 'none',
        })".form-row", {
            delay: .4,
            duration: .1,
            opacity: 0,
            stagger: .1

function layoutPreparation() {
    gsap.set(pullSystemContainer, {
        x: 375,
        y: 646
    gsap.set(sprayHandContainer, {
        x: 700,
        y: 621
    gsap.set(sprayer, {
        x: -59.5,
        y: 53
    gsap.set(carContainer, {
        x: 190,
        y: 802,
    gsap.set(scalesContainer, {
        x: 170,
        y: 710,
    gsap.set(grabbingHand, {
        x: 297,
        y: 830
    gsap.set(grabbingHandClosedFingers, {
        opacity: 0
    gsap.set(spiralContainer, {
        x: 305,
        y: 435,
        svgOrigin: "14 14",
        scaleX: -1,
    gsap.set(weightBigContainer, {
        x: 305,
        y: 435,
    gsap.set(submitBtn, {
        color: "rgba(0, 0, 0, " + 0 + ")"
    gsap.set([sprayLines, sprayBubbles], {
        opacity: 0
    gsap.set(timingChains[0], {
        attr: {
            "stroke-width": "5",
            "stroke-dasharray": "0 12",
    gsap.set(timingChains[1], {
        attr: {
            "stroke-width": "5",
            "stroke-dasharray": "0 12",
    gsap.set(checkboxPullLine, {
        attr: {
            y1: -105,
            y2: 44
    gsap.set(submitBtn, {
        transformOrigin: "100% 0%",
        rotation: -90
    gsap.set(checkboxPullCircle, {
        y: 44

function updateSpiralPath(centerX, centerY, radius, coils, points, offset) {
    let path = "";
    let thetaMax = coils * 2 * Math.PI;
    const awayStep = radius / thetaMax;
    const chord = 2 * Math.PI / points;
    thetaMax -= offset * points * chord;

    for (let theta = 0; theta <= thetaMax; theta += chord) {
        const away = awayStep * theta;
        const x = centerX + Math.cos(theta) * away;
        const y = centerY + Math.sin(theta) * away;

        if (theta === 0) {
            path += `M${x},${y}`;
        } else {
            const prevAway = awayStep * (theta - chord);
            const arcRadius = (away + prevAway) / 2;
            path += ` A${arcRadius},${arcRadius} 0 0,1 ${x},${y}`;

    const outerAngle = thetaMax + .5 * Math.PI;
    const outerLength = 50 + 25 * offset
    const endPoint = [
        Math.cos(outerAngle) * outerLength,
        Math.sin(outerAngle) * outerLength,
    path += (' l' + endPoint[0] + ',' + endPoint[1]);

    gsap.set(spiralPath, {
        attr: {
            d: path
    gsap.set(weightBig, {
        x: -47 + 3 * offset,
        y: 12 + outerLength

function createEmailTl() {
    const spiralTurnsNumber = 8;
    const spiralProgress = {v: 0}
    const hammerTimeStart = 1.85;
    const fingersDelay = .5;
    const fingersTimeDelta = .03;
    const tl = gsap.timeline({
        paused: true,
        defaults: {
            ease: "none",
            duration: 2
        onUpdate: () => {
            updateSpiralPath(14, 14, 45, 17, 200, spiralTurnsNumber * spiralProgress.v);
        .to(spiralProgress, {
            v: 1
        }, 0)
        .to(spiralContainer, {
            rotation: -spiralTurnsNumber * 360,
        }, 0)

        .fromTo(scalesLine, {
            rotation: -20,
            svgOrigin: "92 20"
        }, {
            duration: .15,
            rotation: -1,
            svgOrigin: "92 20"
        }, hammerTimeStart)

        .fromTo(timingChains[0], {
            attr: {
                "stroke-dashoffset": 2
        }, {
            duration: .15,
            attr: {
                "stroke-dashoffset": 20
        }, hammerTimeStart)
        .fromTo(timingChains[1], {
            attr: {
                "stroke-dashoffset": 24
        }, {
            duration: .15,
            attr: {
                "stroke-dashoffset": 6
        }, hammerTimeStart)
        .to(reelsConnector, {
            duration: .15,
            y: 18
        }, hammerTimeStart)
        .to(carWeightConnector, {
            duration: .15,
            y: -18
        }, hammerTimeStart)
        .to(carInclineWrapper, {
            duration: .15,
            rotation: 6,
            svgOrigin: "120 93"
        }, hammerTimeStart)
        .fromTo(car, {
            x: -50,
        }, {
            duration: .6,
            x: 95,
            ease: "",
        }, hammerTimeStart)
    for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
            .set(grabbingHandOpenFingers[i], {
                opacity: 0
            }, hammerTimeStart + fingersDelay + fingersTimeDelta * (i + 1))
            .set(grabbingHandClosedFingers[i], {
                opacity: 1
            }, hammerTimeStart + fingersDelay + fingersTimeDelta * (i + 1))
        .fromTo(state, {
            handClosed: false
        }, {
            duration: .01,
            handClosed: true
        }, ">")
        .to(grabbingHand, {
            duration: fingersTimeDelta * 5,
            x: "+=20"
        }, hammerTimeStart + fingersDelay)


    return tl;

function createGearsTimelines() {
    const tls = []

    const params = {
        baseSize: 15,
        pitch: 11,
        teethCurve: .6,
        startPos: {x: 634, y: 389},
        speed: .2
    const data = [{
        angle: 0, teethNumber: 10, hasHole: true
    }, {
        angle: -.5, teethNumber: 32, hasHole: true
    }, {
        angle: 1.65, teethNumber: 12, hasHole: false

    const handleRadius = 14;

    const gears = [];
    data.forEach((d, dIdx) => {

        const radius = (d.teethNumber * params.baseSize) / (2 * Math.PI);
        let x, y, startAngle;

        if (dIdx === 0) {
            startAngle = 0;
            x = params.startPos.x;
            y = params.startPos.y;
        } else {
            const parent = gears[dIdx - 1];

            const size = parent.teethNumber / d.teethNumber;

            x = + Math.cos(d.angle) * (parent.radius + radius);
            y = + Math.sin(d.angle) * (parent.radius + radius);

            startAngle = (1 + size) * d.angle - size * parent.angle;

        const group = document.createElementNS("", "g");
        const path = document.createElementNS("", "path");

        const gear = {
            idx: dIdx,
            center: {x, y},
            angle: startAngle,
            teethNumber: d.teethNumber,
            hasHole: d.hasHole,
            toothAngle: 2 * Math.PI / d.teethNumber,
            toothCurveAngle: params.teethCurve / d.teethNumber,

        const rOut = gear.radius + .25 * params.pitch;
        const rIn = rOut - .75 * params.pitch;
        let pathD = "M" + ( + Math.cos(gear.angle - gear.toothAngle + gear.toothCurveAngle) * rOut) + ", " + ( + Math.sin(gear.angle - gear.toothAngle + gear.toothCurveAngle) * rOut) + " ";
        for (let a = gear.angle; a < (gear.angle + 2 * Math.PI - .5 * gear.toothAngle); a += gear.toothAngle) {
            const pa = (a - .5 * gear.toothAngle);
            pathD += ("L" + ( + Math.cos(pa - gear.toothCurveAngle) * rOut) + ", " + ( + Math.sin(pa - gear.toothCurveAngle) * rOut) + " ");
            pathD += ("L" + ( + Math.cos(pa) * rIn) + ", " + ( + Math.sin(pa) * rIn) + " ");
            pathD += ("L" + ( + Math.cos(a) * rIn) + ", " + ( + Math.sin(a) * rIn) + " ");
            pathD += ("L" + ( + Math.cos(a + gear.toothCurveAngle) * rOut) + ", " + ( + Math.sin(a + gear.toothCurveAngle) * rOut) + " ");

        if (gear.hasHole) {
            const holeRadius = .5 * rIn;
            pathD += ("M" + ( - holeRadius) + ", " + ( + " ");
            pathD += `A ${holeRadius} ${holeRadius} 1 1 0 ${ + holeRadius} ${}`;
            pathD += `A ${holeRadius} ${holeRadius} 1 1 0 ${ - holeRadius} ${}`;

        if (dIdx === 0) {
            const circle = document.createElementNS("", "circle");
            gsap.set(circle, {
                attr: {
                    r: 5,
                    fill: "#000000"
            gsap.set(path, {
                attr: {
                    fill: "#000000",
                    "fill-opacity": .25

        } else if (dIdx === (data.length - 1)) {
            gsap.set(path, {
                attr: {
                    fill: "#000000",
                    "fill-opacity": .25
            const circle = document.createElementNS("", "circle");
            gsap.set(circle, {
                attr: {
                    cx: + handleRadius,
                    r: 5,
                    fill: "#000000"

        path.setAttribute("d", pathD);

        const tl = gsap.timeline({
            repeat: -1,
            paused: true,
            .to(group, {
                duration: params.speed * gear.teethNumber,
                rotation: 360 * (gear.idx % 2 ? -1 : 1),
                svgOrigin: + " " +,
                ease: "none",

        if (dIdx === (data.length - 1)) {
            tl.eventCallback("onUpdate", () => {
                const angle = tl.progress() * 2 * Math.PI;
                const deltaY = Math.sin(angle) * handleRadius;
                gsap.set(pushingHand, {
                    y: deltaY,
                if (deltaY > 8) {
                    const d = Math.max(0, deltaY - 8);
                    gsap.set(sprayerHead, {
                        y: d

                    let sprayProgress = Math.max(0, tl.progress() - .1);
                    sprayProgress *= (1 / .2);

                    let bubblesOpacity = (sprayProgress > 1) ? 0 : sprayProgress;
                    bubblesOpacity *= (1 - Math.pow(bubblesOpacity, 8));

                    const textProgress = Math.pow(sprayProgress / 1.5, 6);

                    if (!state.sumbitBtnOnPlace) {
                        state.sumbitBtnTextOpacity = (sprayRepeatCounter - 1) * .3 + .3 * textProgress;
                        state.sumbitBtnTextOpacity = Math.pow(state.sumbitBtnTextOpacity, 2);

                    gsap.set(submitBtn, {
                        color: "rgba(0, 0, 0, " + state.sumbitBtnTextOpacity + ")"
                    gsap.set(sprayLines, {
                        attr: {
                            "stroke-dashoffset": 70 * sprayProgress
                        opacity: Math.pow(bubblesOpacity, 2)
                    sprayBubbles.forEach((b, bIdx) => {
                        gsap.set(b, {
                            x: 25 * (1 - sprayProgress) * (1 + .1 * bIdx),
                            scale: .5 + 1.4 * Math.pow(sprayProgress, 2),
                            transformOrigin: "center center",
                            opacity: bubblesOpacity

                gsap.set(gearConnector, {
                    attr: {
                        x1: + handleRadius * Math.cos(angle),
                        y1: + handleRadius * Math.sin(angle),
                        x2: 700 + 18,
                        y2: 646 - 100 + deltaY

            tl.eventCallback("onRepeat", () => {
                if (!state.sumbitBtnOnPlace) {


    return tls;

function createPullingTimeline(isFixed, BtnPulled) {
    let tl = gsap.timeline({
        // paused: true,
        defaults: {
            ease: "power1.inOut",
            duration: 1
        onUpdate: animatePullingLine

    if (isFixed && BtnPulled) {
            .to(state, {
                pullProgress: 1
            }, 0)
            .to(submitBtn, {
                rotation: 0
            }, 0)
            .to(state, {
                duration: .1,
                sumbitBtnOnPlace: 1
            }, .9)
            .to(checkboxPullLine, {
                attr: {y2: 44 - 130}
            }, 0)
            .to(checkboxPullCircle, {
                y: 44 - 130
            }, 0)
    } else if (!isFixed && BtnPulled) {
            .to(state, {
                pullProgress: 1
            }, 0)
            .to(checkboxPullLine, {
                attr: {y2: 44 - 130}
            }, 0)
            .to(checkboxPullCircle, {
                y: 44 - 130
            }, 0)
    } else if (isFixed && !BtnPulled) {
            .to(state, {
                pullProgress: 0
            }, 0)
            .to(submitBtn, {
                rotation: -90
            }, 0)
            .to(state, {
                duration: .1,
                sumbitBtnOnPlace: 0
            }, 0)
            .to(checkboxPullLine, {
                attr: {y2: 44}
            }, 0)
            .to(checkboxPullCircle, {
                y: 44
            }, 0)
    } else if (!isFixed && !BtnPulled) {
            .to(state, {
                pullProgress: 0
            }, 0)
            .to(checkboxPullLine, {
                attr: {y2: 44}
            }, 0)
            .to(checkboxPullCircle, {
                y: 44
            }, 0)

    function animatePullingLine() {
        const buttonOriginPoint = [260, -76];
        const btnWidth = 270;

        const deg = (gsap.getProperty(submitBtn, "rotation") - 4) * Math.PI / 180;

        const btnEnd = [
            buttonOriginPoint[0] - (btnWidth - 20) * Math.cos(deg),
            buttonOriginPoint[1] - (btnWidth - 20) * Math.sin(deg),
        gsap.set(btnHandlerCircle, {
            attr: {
                cx: btnEnd[0],
                cy: btnEnd[1]

        const handle = 7;
        const r = 10;

        let btnPullLinePath = "M" + (-r - handle) + "," + (250 - (isFixed ? 0 : state.pullProgress * 300));
        btnPullLinePath += "h" + (2 * handle);
        btnPullLinePath += "h" + (-handle);
        btnPullLinePath += " V" + (44 - state.pullProgress * 130);
        const slideAngle = .3 * Math.PI * (1 - (isFixed ? 1 : .5) * state.pullProgress);
        const dx = r * Math.cos(slideAngle);
        const dy = -r * Math.sin(slideAngle);
        btnPullLinePath += "a" + r + ', ' + r + " 0 0 1 " + (r + dx) + " " + dy;
        btnPullLinePath += " L" + btnEnd[0] + "," + btnEnd[1];

        gsap.set(btnPullLine, {
            attr: {
                d: btnPullLinePath
            strokeWidth: 3

    return tl;
