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388 487.98 388 C 487.98 374.53 486.37 354.74 493.33 343 C 500.33 331.2 509.44 328.32 521.98 326.14 Z M 905.98 326.53 C 913.69 325.27 927.48 324.94 931.67 333.04 C 933.16 335.93 932.98 339.81 932.98 343 C 932.98 343 932.98 437 932.98 437 C 932.98 445.61 935.55 461.15 925.96 465.15 C 923.57 466.14 920.55 466 917.98 466 C 917.98 466 907.98 466 907.98 466 C 898.01 465.83 896.03 461.08 895.98 452 C 895.98 452 895.98 358 895.98 358 C 895.98 352.4 894.84 335.15 897.72 331.21 C 899.73 328.46 902.88 327.45 905.98 326.53 Z M 825.98 405 C 845.44 416.72 849.45 427.52 861.12 446 C 867.56 456.21 865.58 465.81 851.98 466 C 851.98 466 842.98 466 842.98 466 C 832.72 465.98 831.92 463.54 826.78 455 C 820.03 443.79 809.28 422.75 797.98 416.82 C 787.67 411.42 777.15 411.94 765.98 412 C 762.36 412.02 759.11 411.85 756.21 414.43 C 752.63 417.6 752.99 421.67 752.98 426 C 752.98 426 752.98 447 752.98 447 C 752.98 449.96 753.24 455.39 752.24 458 C 751.17 460.8 748.64 463.47 745.98 464.83 C 742.63 466.52 734 466.05 729.98 466 C 719.48 465.85 717 461.81 716.98 452 C 716.98 452 716.98 349 716.98 349 C 716.99 345.7 716.8 342.03 718.29 339 C 722.78 329.91 736.81 327.01 745.98 327 C 745.98 327 766.98 327 766.98 327 C 790.27 327 812.35 324.86 833.98 335.52 C 847.96 342.41 856.96 350.75 856.98 367 C 856.98 367 856.98 371 856.98 371 C 856.76 388.98 840.9 399.03 825.98 405 Z M 967.98 327.53 C 967.98 327.53 1012.98 327 1012.98 327 C 1012.98 327 1094.98 327 1094.98 327 C 1102.6 327.1 1113.21 330.24 1111.74 340 C 1110.31 349.45 1098.63 350.99 1090.98 351 C 1090.98 351 1064.98 351 1064.98 351 C 1061.84 351.05 1058.8 351.04 1056.41 353.43 C 1053.62 356.22 1053.99 360.38 1053.98 364 C 1053.98 364 1053.98 452 1053.98 452 C 1053.84 462.23 1050.07 465.95 1039.98 466 C 1039.98 466 1028.98 466 1028.98 466 C 1018.44 465.85 1017 461.44 1016.98 452 C 1016.98 452 1016.98 366 1016.98 366 C 1016.96 354.27 1015.16 351.02 1002.98 351 C 1002.98 351 977.98 351 977.98 351 C 972.46 350.99 965.51 350.55 961.21 346.58 C 955.48 341.32 956.58 330.95 967.98 327.53 Z M 1219.98 351 C 1219.98 351 1178.98 351 1178.98 351 C 1178.98 351 1141.98 351 1141.98 351 C 1137.17 350.94 1130.89 349.97 1127.21 346.58 C 1122.53 342.28 1123.1 333.89 1128.19 330.14 C 1132.37 327.06 1138.03 327.01 1142.98 327 C 1142.98 327 1245.98 327 1245.98 327 C 1256.2 327.12 1269.96 331.31 1268.87 344 C 1268.19 352.04 1259.64 357.79 1253.98 362.84 C 1253.98 362.84 1209.98 400.72 1209.98 400.72 C 1209.98 400.72 1183.98 423.16 1183.98 423.16 C 1179.23 427.41 1172.5 434.39 1166.98 437 C 1166.98 437 1166.98 440 1166.98 440 C 1176.79 441.76 1191.58 441 1201.98 441 C 1201.98 441 1260.98 441 1260.98 441 C 1265.37 441.01 1272.24 440.96 1275.38 444.57 C 1277.01 446.43 1276.94 448.68 1276.98 451 C 1277.16 462.49 1272.47 463.98 1261.98 464 C 1261.98 464 1140.98 464 1140.98 464 C 1137.81 464 1135.07 464.1 1131.98 463.21 C 1123.92 460.9 1115.1 453.26 1118.83 444 C 1120.87 438.94 1127.9 433.72 1131.98 430 C 1131.98 430 1153.98 410.83 1153.98 410.83 C 1153.98 410.83 1193.98 375.28 1193.98 375.28 C 1193.98 375.28 1209.98 361.28 1209.98 361.28 C 1214.01 357.81 1217.69 355.94 1219.98 351 Z M 584.16 347.62 C 579.43 350.6 576.36 358.11 573.56 363 C 566.6 375.16 550.95 398.43 552.15 412 C 554.29 436.18 579.08 451.14 600.98 440.19 C 604.73 438.32 607.95 436.06 610.8 432.96 C 616.32 426.95 619.21 419.07 619.8 411 C 620.68 398.86 609.39 382.44 603.4 372 C 603.4 372 593.26 354 593.26 354 C 590.74 349.64 589.69 346.79 584.16 347.62 Z M 758 351.21 C 756.15 352.22 755.17 352.32 754 354.23 C 752.87 356.08 752.99 358.89 752.98 361 C 752.98 361 752.98 380 752.98 380 C 753.03 382.72 752.95 385.29 755.29 387.15 C 757.93 389.24 762.76 388.99 765.98 389 C 765.98 389 784.98 389 784.98 389 C 794.86 388.98 806.83 387.04 814.91 380.95 C 822.85 374.93 822.71 363.7 814.91 357.55 C 804.54 349.34 790.34 351 777.98 351.21 C 777.98 351.21 758 351.21 758 351.21 Z" />

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