$transition-ease: all 0.2s ease-in-out;
$transition: all 0.4s cubic-bezier(0.5, 0, 1, 0.81);
:root {
--current-hue: 45;
--confirmed-hue: 45;
--recovered-hue: 164;
--deaths-hue: 353;
--compl-hue: calc(var(--current-hue) - 15);
--map-rotate-x: 0deg;
--map-rotate-y: 0deg;
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&::after {
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&.confirmed {
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color: hsl(var(--confirmed-hue), 100%, 50%);
background-color: hsl(var(--confirmed-hue), 100%, 95%);
&.deaths {
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color: hsl(var(--deaths-hue), 100%, 50%);
background-color: hsl(var(--deaths-hue), 100%, 95%);
&.recovered {
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color: hsl(var(--recovered-hue), 60%, 34%);
background-color: hsl(var(--recovered-hue), 100%, 95%);
&.active {
background-color: rgba(255, 225, 255, 0.2);
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&:hover:not(.active) {
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i {
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i {
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i {
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0% {
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100% {
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&.is-loading {
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cursor: default;
&:hover {
background-color: initial;
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opacity: 0.6;
&.loading {
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opacity: 0.1;
filter: blur(1px);
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&:hover {
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&.active {
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grid-column: 1/2;
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text-overflow: ellipsis;
overflow: hidden;
.country-count-diff {
grid-column: 1/2;
grid-row: 2/3;
font-size: 0.8em;
&.extra {
color: red;
&.less {
color: green;
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grid-column: 2/3;
grid-row: 1/3;
text-align: right;
font-size: 1.2em;
font-weight: bold;
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100% {
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font-weight: bold;
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white-space: nowrap;
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text-transform: capitalize;
.count-total-type {
white-space: nowrap;
.count-total-number {
padding: 0.2em;
&::after {
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&:not(.active) {
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width: 100%;
height: 3px;
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box-shadow: 0 0 2em 0.5em rgba(103, 103, 103, 0.3);
&.indeterminant {
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width: 100%;
animation: loader-bar 1s linear infinite;
background-size: 15px 15px;
background-image: linear-gradient(
rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5) 25%,
transparent 25% 50%,
rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5) 50% 75%,
transparent 75% 100%
@keyframes loader-bar {
0% {
background-position: 0 0;
100% {
background-position: 15px 15px;
.loader-bar-loaded {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
height: 100%;
background-color: hsl(var(--current-hue), 50%, 50%);
transition: all 0.3s;
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font-size: 1em;
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font-size: 0.9em;
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background: hsl(var(--current-hue), 30%, 20%);
color: white;
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span {
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&:first-child {
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&:last-child {
text-transform: capitalize;
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position: absolute;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
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opacity: 0.5;
g {
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path {
stroke-width: 0;
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&:not([data-status='single-location']):hover {
g {
fill-opacity: 0.5;
&:hover {
fill-opacity: 1;
&[data-status='single-location'] {
g {
fill-opacity: 0.1;
&:hover {
fill-opacity: 0.3;
&[data-status='selected'] {
fill-opacity: 1;
View Compiled
const countriesIso = {
AF: 'Afghanistan',
AX: 'Åland Islands',
AL: 'Albania',
DZ: 'Algeria',
AS: 'American Samoa',
AD: 'Andorra',
AO: 'Angola',
AI: 'Anguilla',
AQ: 'Antarctica',
AG: 'Antigua and Barbuda',
AR: 'Argentina',
AM: 'Armenia',
AW: 'Aruba',
AU: 'Australia',
AT: 'Austria',
AZ: 'Azerbaijan',
BS: 'Bahamas',
BH: 'Bahrain',
BD: 'Bangladesh',
BB: 'Barbados',
BY: 'Belarus',
BE: 'Belgium',
BZ: 'Belize',
BJ: 'Benin',
BM: 'Bermuda',
BT: 'Bhutan',
BO: 'Bolivia',
BA: 'Bosnia and Herzegovina',
BW: 'Botswana',
BL: 'Saint Barthélemy',
BV: 'Bouvet Island',
BR: 'Brazil',
IO: 'British Indian Ocean Territory',
BN: 'Brunei Darussalam',
BG: 'Bulgaria',
BF: 'Burkina Faso',
BI: 'Burundi',
KH: 'Cambodia',
CM: 'Cameroon',
CA: 'Canada',
CV: 'Cape Verde',
CW: 'Curaçao',
MF: 'Saint Martin',
KY: 'Cayman Islands',
CF: 'Central African Republic',
TD: 'Chad',
CL: 'Chile',
CN: 'China',
CX: 'Christmas Island',
CC: 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands',
CO: 'Colombia',
KM: 'Comoros',
CG: 'Congo',
CD: 'The Democratic Republic of the Congo',
CK: 'Cook Islands',
CR: 'Costa Rica',
CI: "Cote D'Ivoire",
HR: 'Croatia',
CU: 'Cuba',
CY: 'Cyprus',
CZ: 'Czech Republic',
DK: 'Denmark',
DJ: 'Djibouti',
DM: 'Dominica',
DO: 'Dominican Republic',
EC: 'Ecuador',
EG: 'Egypt',
SV: 'El Salvador',
GQ: 'Equatorial Guinea',
ER: 'Eritrea',
EE: 'Estonia',
ET: 'Ethiopia',
FK: 'Falkland Islands (Malvinas)',
FO: 'Faroe Islands',
FJ: 'Fiji',
FI: 'Finland',
FR: 'France',
GF: 'French Guiana',
PF: 'French Polynesia',
TF: 'French Southern Territories',
GA: 'Gabon',
GM: 'Gambia',
GE: 'Georgia',
DE: 'Germany',
GH: 'Ghana',
GI: 'Gibraltar',
GR: 'Greece',
GL: 'Greenland',
GD: 'Grenada',
GP: 'Guadeloupe',
GU: 'Guam',
GT: 'Guatemala',
GG: 'Guernsey',
GN: 'Guinea',
GW: 'Guinea-Bissau',
GY: 'Guyana',
HT: 'Haiti',
HM: 'Heard Island and Mcdonald Islands',
VA: 'Holy See (Vatican City State)',
HN: 'Honduras',
HK: 'Hong Kong',
HU: 'Hungary',
IS: 'Iceland',
IN: 'India',
ID: 'Indonesia',
IR: 'Islamic Republic Of Iran',
IQ: 'Iraq',
IE: 'Ireland',
IM: 'Isle of Man',
IL: 'Israel',
IT: 'Italy',
JM: 'Jamaica',
JP: 'Japan',
JE: 'Jersey',
JO: 'Jordan',
KZ: 'Kazakhstan',
KE: 'Kenya',
KI: 'Kiribati',
KP: "Democratic People's Republic of Korea",
KR: 'Republic of Korea',
XK: 'Kosovo',
KW: 'Kuwait',
KG: 'Kyrgyzstan',
LA: "Lao People's Democratic Republic",
LV: 'Latvia',
LB: 'Lebanon',
LS: 'Lesotho',
LR: 'Liberia',
LY: 'Libyan Arab Jamahiriya',
LI: 'Liechtenstein',
LT: 'Lithuania',
LU: 'Luxembourg',
MO: 'Macao',
MK: 'The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia',
MG: 'Madagascar',
MW: 'Malawi',
MY: 'Malaysia',
MV: 'Maldives',
ML: 'Mali',
MT: 'Malta',
MH: 'Marshall Islands',
MQ: 'Martinique',
MR: 'Mauritania',
MU: 'Mauritius',
YT: 'Mayotte',
MX: 'Mexico',
FM: 'Federated States of Micronesia',
MD: 'Republic of Moldova',
MC: 'Monaco',
MN: 'Mongolia',
ME: 'Montenegro',
MS: 'Montserrat',
MA: 'Morocco',
MZ: 'Mozambique',
MM: 'Myanmar',
NA: 'Namibia',
NR: 'Nauru',
NP: 'Nepal',
NL: 'Netherlands',
AN: 'Netherlands Antilles',
NC: 'New Caledonia',
NZ: 'New Zealand',
NI: 'Nicaragua',
NE: 'Niger',
NG: 'Nigeria',
NU: 'Niue',
NF: 'Norfolk Island',
MP: 'Northern Mariana Islands',
NO: 'Norway',
OM: 'Oman',
PK: 'Pakistan',
PW: 'Palau',
PS: 'Occupied Palestinian Territory',
PA: 'Panama',
PG: 'Papua New Guinea',
PY: 'Paraguay',
PE: 'Peru',
PH: 'Philippines',
PN: 'Pitcairn',
PL: 'Poland',
PT: 'Portugal',
PR: 'Puerto Rico',
QA: 'Qatar',
RE: 'Reunion',
RO: 'Romania',
RU: 'Russian Federation',
RW: 'Rwanda',
SH: 'Saint Helena',
KN: 'Saint Kitts and Nevis',
LC: 'Saint Lucia',
PM: 'Saint Pierre and Miquelon',
VC: 'Saint Vincent and the Grenadines',
WS: 'Samoa',
SM: 'San Marino',
ST: 'Sao Tome and Principe',
SA: 'Saudi Arabia',
SN: 'Senegal',
RS: 'Serbia',
SC: 'Seychelles',
SL: 'Sierra Leone',
SG: 'Singapore',
SK: 'Slovakia',
SI: 'Slovenia',
SS: 'South Sudan',
SB: 'Solomon Islands',
SO: 'Somalia',
ZA: 'South Africa',
GS: 'South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands',
ES: 'Spain',
LK: 'Sri Lanka',
SD: 'Sudan',
SR: 'Suriname',
SJ: 'Svalbard and Jan Mayen',
SZ: 'Swaziland',
SE: 'Sweden',
CH: 'Switzerland',
SY: 'Syrian Arab Republic',
TW: 'Taiwan',
TJ: 'Tajikistan',
TZ: 'United Republic of Tanzania',
TH: 'Thailand',
TL: 'Timor-Leste',
TG: 'Togo',
TK: 'Tokelau',
TO: 'Tonga',
TT: 'Trinidad and Tobago',
TN: 'Tunisia',
TR: 'Turkey',
TM: 'Turkmenistan',
TC: 'Turks and Caicos Islands',
TV: 'Tuvalu',
UG: 'Uganda',
UA: 'Ukraine',
SX: 'Sint Maarten',
AE: 'United Arab Emirates',
GB: 'United Kingdom',
US: 'United States',
UM: 'United States Minor Outlying Islands',
UY: 'Uruguay',
UZ: 'Uzbekistan',
VU: 'Vanuatu',
VE: 'Venezuela',
VN: 'Viet Nam',
VG: 'British Virgin Islands',
VI: 'U.S. Virgin Islands',
WF: 'Wallis and Futuna',
EH: 'Western Sahara',
YE: 'Yemen',
ZM: 'Zambia',
ZW: 'Zimbabwe',
WO: 'World'
const store = new Vuex.Store({
state: {
day_cases: {
by_locations: {
confirmed: [],
recovered: [],
deaths: []
max: {
confirmed: 0,
recovered: 0,
deaths: 0
displayed_series: {
aggregate: {
confirmed: [],
recovered: [],
deaths: []
by_locations: {
confirmed: [],
recovered: [],
deaths: []
max: {
confirmed: 0,
recovered: 0,
deaths: 0
total: {
confirmed: 0,
recovered: 0,
deaths: 0
all_series: {},
cases_type: 'confirmed',
current_location: '',
worldmap: {},
current_hover_location: '',
notify: {
show: false,
message: '',
type: 'error'
location_loading: false
mutations: {
update_location_loading(state, status) {
state.location_loading = status;
update_day_cases(state, payload) {
const cases = payload.data;
// Get max of each data series
state.day_cases = cases;
update_cases_type(state, type) {
state.cases_type = type;
// Set current hue to modify colors
const hue = getComputedStyle(document.documentElement).getPropertyValue(`--${type}-hue`);
document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--current-hue', hue);
update_displayed_series(state, data) {
state.series = data;
update_all_series(state, payload) {
const { data, extra } = payload;
const { iso } = extra;
state.all_series[iso] = data;
update_location(state, location) {
state.current_location = location;
update_world_map(state, payload) {
const map = payload.data;
state.worldmap = JSON.parse(map);
update_current_hover_location(state, iso) {
state.current_hover_location = iso;
update_notify(state, data) {
state.notify = { ...state.notify, ...data };
getters: {
getLocationLoading(state) {
return state.location_loading;
getNotifyDetails(state) {
return state.notify;
getCountriesList() {
return countriesIso;
getCurrentHoverLocation(state) {
return state.current_hover_location;
getWorldMap(state) {
return state.worldmap;
* Get world map path and value for each location
* @param {object} state
* @param {object} getters
getWorldMapData(state, getters) {
const cases = getters.getDayCaseByType;
const mapData = Object.keys(getters.getWorldMap).reduce((acc, key) => {
const value = cases[key]?.value || 0;
acc[key] = {
path: getters.getWorldMap[key],
return acc;
}, {});
return mapData.length === 0 ? [] : mapData;
* Retrun cases based on selected type ('confirmed', 'recovered', 'deaths')
* @param {object} state
getDayCaseByType(state) {
const cases = state.day_cases.by_locations[state.cases_type];
const keys = Object.keys(cases).sort((a, b) => cases[b].value - cases[a].value);
const casesOrdered = {};
keys.forEach(k => (casesOrdered[k] = cases[k]));
return casesOrdered.length === 0 ? {} : casesOrdered;
* Get total day cases count
* @param {object} state
getDayCasesTotalCount(state) {
const casesTypes = ['confirmed', 'deaths', 'recovered'];
const casesTotal = {};
casesTypes.forEach(caseType => {
casesTotal[caseType] =
return casesTotal;
getMaxCountPerDay(state) {
const max = state.day_cases.max[state.cases_type];
return max || 0;
getDisplayedCasesType(state) {
return state.cases_type;
getAllSeries(state) {
return state.all_series;
getDisplayedSeries(state) {
return state.all_series[state.current_location];
getSeriesByCaseType(state, getters) {
return getters.getDisplayedSeries?.aggregate[state.cases_type] || [];
getCurrentLocation(state) {
return state.current_location;
actions: {
loadFromBackend({ commit }, { endpoint, request_data = {}, config = {}, mutation_key }) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.post(endpoint, request_data, config)
.then(response => {
commit(mutation_key, { data: response.data, extra: request_data });
.catch(error => {
commit('update_notify', { message: error, show: true });
const { mapGetters, mapMutations } = Vuex;
let axi = axios.create({
baseURL: 'https://covid.kalimah-apps.com/wp-json/api/v1/',
// baseURL: 'http://kitab.test/wp-json/api/v1/',
timeout: 100000
Vue.prototype.$http = axi;
Vue.component('loaderBar', {
template: '#loader-bar-template',
props: ['loading', 'loadingText', 'loadedPercentage', 'loadingIndeterminant']
Vue.component('countrieslist', {
template: '#countries-list-template',
data() {
return {
search_keywords: '',
is_loading: {}
computed: {
getCasesWithCountriesNames() {
return Object.keys(this.getDayCaseByType).reduce((list, iso) => {
list[iso] = this.getDayCaseByType[iso];
list[iso].name = this.getCountriesList[iso];
return list;
}, {});
filterCountriesList() {
const locationsList = this.getCasesWithCountriesNames;
if (this.search_keywords === '') return locationsList;
return Object.keys(locationsList).reduce((list, iso) => {
const location = locationsList[iso];
if (iso !== 'none' && location.name.toLowerCase().indexOf(this.search_keywords) > -1) {
list[iso] = locationsList[iso];
return list;
}, {});
methods: {
...mapMutations(['update_location', 'update_location_loading']),
selectCountry(iso) {
// check if the data for this location has been loaded already
if (iso in this.getAllSeries) {
// Don't process if there is another country data being loaded
if (this.getLocationLoading !== false) return;
// show loader
//this.$set(this.is_loading, iso, true);
.dispatch('loadFromBackend', {
endpoint: 'get-total-series',
request_data: { iso },
mutation_key: 'update_all_series'
.then(() => {
.catch(() => {
filterCountries(e) {
this.search_keywords = e.target.value.toLowerCase();
Vue.component('flag', {
template: '#flag-template',
props: ['iso'],
computed: {
flag() {
if (this.iso === 'none' || this.iso === '') return '';
//return `https://covid.kalimah-apps.com/index.php?flag_iso=${this.iso}`;
return `https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lipis/flag-icon-css/master/flags/4x3/${this.iso}.svg`;
Vue.component('location-tooltip', {
template: '#location-tooltip-template',
data() {
return {
tooltip_x: 0,
tooltip_y: 0,
show_tooltip: false
mounted() {
this.$root.$on('mouse_coord', coord => {
this.tooltip_x = coord.tooltip_x;
this.tooltip_y = coord.tooltip_y;
.$on('tooltip_on', () => {
this.show_tooltip = true;
.$on('tooltip_off', () => {
this.show_tooltip = false;
computed: {
getTooltipData() {
const location = this.getCurrentHoverLocation;
if (location === 'WO' || location === '') return {};
const data = this.getDayCaseByType[location];
// Some countires (Turkminstan and Greenland) don't have data
if (typeof data === 'undefined') {
return {
title: this.getCountriesList[location]
// Get data and return an object
const dailyDiffValue = data.diff.value;
const dailyDiffType = data.diff.type;
// Make sure percentage is only showing two decimal points
const dailyPercentage = (data.diff.value * 100) / data.value;
const dailyPercentageRounded = Math.round(dailyPercentage * 100) / 100;
return {
title: this.getCountriesList[location],
type: this.getDisplayedCasesType,
count: data.value.toLocaleString('en-US'),
diff: dailyDiffValue.toLocaleString('en-US'),
difftext: dailyDiffType === 'extra' ? 'Increase' : 'Decrease',
percentage: dailyPercentageRounded
getTooltipStyle() {
const left = this.tooltip_x;
const top = this.tooltip_y;
return {
opacity: this.show_tooltip === true ? 1 : 0,
left: `${left}px`,
top: `${top}px`
Vue.component('notify', {
template: '#notify-template',
props: ['show', 'type', 'message'],
data() {
return {
show_notify: false
methods: {
watch: {
show(newShowValue) {
this.show_notify = newShowValue;
if (newShowValue === false) return;
setTimeout(() => {
this.update_notify({ message: '', show: false });
}, 8000);
Vue.component('worldmap', {
template: '#worldmap-template',
data() {
return {
map_container: null,
map_svg: null,
loading: true,
loading_text: 'Loading Map',
loaded_percentage: 0,
viewbox: '0 267 1000 400',
show_tooltip_timer: null,
show_tooltip: false,
tooltip_x: 0,
tooltip_y: 0,
x_rotate: 0,
y_rotate: 0
mounted() {
this.$store.dispatch('loadFromBackend', {
endpoint: 'get-day-cases',
mutation_key: 'update_day_cases'
// Load world map on start
.dispatch('loadFromBackend', {
endpoint: 'get-world-map',
mutation_key: 'update_world_map',
config: {
onDownloadProgress: progressEvent => {
const total = parseFloat(
const current = progressEvent.loaded;
const percentCompleted = Math.floor((current / total) * 100);
this.loaded_percentage = percentCompleted;
.then(() => {
this.loading = false;
.catch(() => {
this.loading = false;
this.map_container = this.$refs.world_map_container;
this.map_svg = this.$refs.world_map;
methods: {
resetLocation() {
* Rotate map on mouse move
* @param {object} e Event
rotateMap(e) {
const rect = this.map_svg.getBoundingClientRect();
const left = e.x - rect.x;
const top = e.y - rect.y;
const horizontalMiddle = rect.height / 2;
const verticalMiddle = rect.width / 2;
this.x_rotate = (((top - horizontalMiddle) * 4) / horizontalMiddle) * -1;
this.y_rotate = ((left - verticalMiddle) * 4) / verticalMiddle;
stopRotateMap() {
setTimeout(() => {
this.x_rotate = 0;
this.y_rotate = 0;
}, 200);
selectLocation(iso) {
// Dont process click if not data available
const data = this.getDayCaseByType[iso];
if (typeof data === 'undefined') {
// check if the data for this location has been loaded already
if (iso in this.getAllSeries) {
// show loader
.dispatch('loadFromBackend', {
endpoint: 'get-total-series',
request_data: { iso },
mutation_key: 'update_all_series'
.then(() => {
.catch(() => {
* Each additional decimal place means differnt range of lightness.
* 100, 1000, 10000 and so on.
* This function calculate the lightness within the range of the decimal places
getLightRange(max, range) {
const split = max.toString().split('');
const l = split.length - 1;
return {
max: Math.round((50 / l) * range),
min: Math.round((50 / l) * range - 1)
* Get percentage number within a provided range
getPercentageRangeNumber(min, max, percent) {
return Math.round(min + ((max - min) * percent) / 50);
* Get color of location based on its value
* Darker means higher value
getColor(value) {
// Get decimal places
const decimalPlaces = value.toString().split('').length;
const maxCount = this.getMaxCountPerDay;
// Get lightness percentage between 0 and 50
const lightnessPercent = Math.round((value * 50) / maxCount);
const range = this.getLightRange(maxCount, decimalPlaces);
const adjustedLightnessPercentage = this.getPercentageRangeNumber(
const hueColor = `${this.getCurrentHueColor()}deg`;
* return hsl color. 80 is used to reverse colors
* to represent higher values with dark color accents and
* lower values with light color accents
return `hsl(${hueColor}, 70%, ${80 - adjustedLightnessPercentage}%)`;
* Handle mouse enter on specific location to show tooltip
* @param {object} event
* @param {string} iso
handleMoustEnter(event, iso) {
* Emit coordinates on mouse move to move tooltip
* @param {object} e Mouse event object
handleMouseMove(e) {
this.$root.$emit('mouse_coord', { tooltip_x: e.pageX, tooltip_y: e.pageY });
* Hide tooltip on mouse out
handleMoustOut() {
this.show_tooltip_timer = setTimeout(() => {
// this.show_tooltip = false;
}, 100);
getCurrentHueColor() {
return getComputedStyle(document.documentElement).getPropertyValue('--current-hue');
computed: {
getMapStyle() {
return {
'--map-rotate-x': `${this.x_rotate}deg`,
'--map-rotate-y': `${this.y_rotate}deg`
* Return world map data with choropleth hsl values
getWorlMapWithColors() {
return Object.keys(this.getWorldMapData).reduce((acc, key) => {
acc[key] = this.getWorldMapData[key];
acc[key].color = this.getColor(acc[key].value);
return acc;
}, {});
getMaxCount() {
return Object.keys(this.getWorldMapData);
watch: {
getWorlMapWithColors() {
this.$nextTick(() => {});
getCurrentLocation(newLocationsIso) {
const iso = newLocationsIso;
// let viewbox = '0 0 700.9375 337.375';
let viewbox = '0 267.77886962890625 1000 400';
// get locations iso (if world is not selected)
if (iso !== 'WO' && this.map_svg != null) {
const { width, height, x, y } = document.querySelector(`#${iso}`).getBBox();
const halfWidth = width / 2;
const halfHeight = height / 2;
viewbox = `${x - halfWidth} ${y - halfHeight} ${width + width} ${height + height}`;
// animate viewbox for selected ISO
TweenLite.to(this.$data, {
duration: 1.5,
ease: 'expo.out',
viewbox: viewbox
Vue.component('series', {
template: '#series-template',
data() {
return {
chart: null,
chart_type: 'bar',
series_type: 'daily',
series_representation: 'change',
series_loading: true,
monthNames: [
mounted() {
// Check if there is data in localStorage and apply it
const keys = ['chart_type', 'series_type', 'series_representation'];
keys.forEach(k => {
const stateValue = localStorage.getItem(k);
if (stateValue != null) this[k] = stateValue;
* Show a dashed line vertically on line graphs
afterDatasetDraw: (chart, dataset) => {
if (chart.tooltip._active && chart.tooltip._active.length && dataset.meta.type === 'line') {
const activePoint = chart.tooltip._active[0];
const { ctx } = chart;
const yAxis = chart.scales['y-axis-0'];
const { x } = activePoint.tooltipPosition();
const topY = yAxis.top;
const bottomY = yAxis.bottom; // activePoint.tooltipPosition().y;
// Get current hue and darken it
const currentHue = this.getCurrentHueColor();
// draw line
ctx.setLineDash([3, 3]);
ctx.moveTo(x, topY);
ctx.lineTo(x, bottomY);
ctx.lineWidth = 1;
ctx.strokeStyle = `hsla(${currentHue}deg, 100%, 15%, 0.8)`;
// Setup chart
Chart.defaults.scale.gridLines.drawOnChartArea = false;
this.chart = new Chart(this.$refs.chart, {
type: 'bar',
data: {
labels: [],
datasets: [
label: 'Count',
backgroundColor: '#3e95cd',
hoverBackgroundColor: 'blue'
label: 'Count',
fill: false,
type: 'line',
pointRadius: 0,
pointHoverRadius: 6,
pointHoverBackgroundColor: 'red',
pointHoverBorderWidth: 0,
hidden: true
options: {
hover: {
mode: 'index',
intersect: false,
animationDuration: 0
tooltips: {
intersect: false,
enabled: false,
mode: 'index',
* Custom tooltip with div
custom(tooltipModel) {
// Tooltip Element
const tooltipEl = document.querySelector('#chartjs-tooltip');
const title = tooltipEl.querySelector('.title');
const body = tooltipEl.querySelector('.count-total-number');
// Hide/show tooltip
tooltipEl.style.opacity = tooltipModel.opacity;
// Set Text
if (tooltipModel.body) {
const titleLines = tooltipModel.title || [];
const bodyLines = tooltipModel.body.map(bodyItem => bodyItem.lines);
title.innerHTML = titleLines[0];
body.innerHTML = bodyLines[0];
tooltipEl.style.left = `${tooltipModel.caretX}px`;
callbacks: {
label: tooltipItem => {
let label = this.getDisplayedCasesType;
if (label) {
label += ': ';
label += tooltipItem.yLabel.toLocaleString('en-US');
return label;
maintainAspectRatio: false,
legend: { display: false },
scales: {
yAxes: [
ticks: {
beginAtZero: true,
callback: value => this.format(value)
xAxes: [
type: 'time',
offset: true
// check if the data for this location has been loaded already
if ('WO' in this.getAllSeries) {
this.series_loading = false;
.dispatch('loadFromBackend', {
endpoint: 'get-total-series',
request_data: { iso: 'WO' },
mutation_key: 'update_all_series'
.then(() => {
this.series_loading = false;
.catch(() => {
this.series_loading = false;
methods: {
* Format long numbers to display short numbers with B for billions,
* M for millions and K for thousands
format(num) {
const number = Math.abs(Number(num));
let formattedNumber = number;
// Nine Zeroes for Billions
switch (true) {
case number >= 1.0e9:
formattedNumber = `${Math.round(number) / 1.0e9} B`;
case number >= 1.0e6:
formattedNumber = `${Math.round(number) / 1.0e6} M`;
case number >= 1.0e3:
formattedNumber = `${Math.round(number) / 1.0e3} K`;
formattedNumber = number;
return formattedNumber;
getCurrentHueColor() {
return getComputedStyle(document.documentElement).getPropertyValue('--current-hue');
* Update chart to reflect changes. FromTo daily and weekly. FromTo bar and line,
* FromTo cumlative, change and log
updateChart(enableAnimation = false) {
const newType = this.series_type;
const seriesData = this.getSeriesByCaseType;
if (seriesData.length === 0) return;
const data = [];
const labels = [];
let xAxes = {};
const rep = this.series_representation;
// if series type is set week, aggregate data
if (newType === 'weekly') {
let lastWeek = 0;
let count = 0;
seriesData.forEach(series => {
const currentWeek = moment(series.date).week();
count += rep === 'cumulative' ? parseInt(series.value) : parseInt(series.diff.value);
if (lastWeek !== currentWeek) {
count = 0;
lastWeek = currentWeek;
xAxes = {
barPercentage: 1.1,
categoryPercentage: 1.2,
time: {
unit: 'week',
unitStepSize: 5,
displayFormats: { week: 'w - YYYY' }
} else {
seriesData.forEach(series => {
data.push(rep === 'cumulative' ? series.value : series.diff.value);
xAxes = {
barPercentage: 0.8,
categoryPercentage: 0.9,
time: {
unit: 'month',
unitStepSize: 1,
displayFormats: { month: 'MMM YYYY' }
// update x axes
this.chart.options.scales.xAxes[0] = { ...this.chart.options.scales.xAxes[0], ...xAxes };
// Show logarthmic or linear scale
let yAxesType = 'linear';
if (this.series_representation === 'log') yAxesType = 'logarithmic';
this.chart.options.scales.yAxes[0].type = yAxesType;
// update dataset
this.chart.data.datasets.forEach((dataset, i) => {
dataset.data = data;
// updte color baased on series selected
dataset.backgroundColor = `hsl(${this.getCurrentHueColor()}deg, 80%, 50%)`;
dataset.borderColor = `hsl(${this.getCurrentHueColor()}deg, 80%, 50%)`;
// Bar hover color
dataset.hoverBackgroundColor = `hsl(${this.getCurrentHueColor()}deg, 100%, 10%)`;
// line point (circle) background color and border color
dataset.pointHoverBackgroundColor = `hsl(${this.getCurrentHueColor()}deg, 80%, 50%)`;
dataset.pointHoverBorderColor = `hsl(${this.getCurrentHueColor()}deg, 80%, 50%)`;
// Hide/show dataset based on chart type
if (this.chart_type === 'bar') {
dataset.hidden = i !== 0;
} else {
dataset.hidden = i !== 1;
this.chart.data.labels = labels;
if (!enableAnimation) this.chart.update(0);
else this.chart.update();
computed: {
...mapGetters(['getSeriesByCaseType', 'getDisplayedCasesType', 'getAllSeries'])
watch: {
chart_type(newType) {
localStorage.setItem('chart_type', newType);
series_type(newType) {
localStorage.setItem('series_type', newType);
series_representation(newRepresentation) {
localStorage.setItem('series_representation', newRepresentation);
getDisplayedCasesType() {
// update chart
getSeriesByCaseType() {
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
show_countries_list: false,
confirmed: 0,
recovered: 0,
deaths: 0,
show_copyright: false,
is_full_screen: false,
copyright_data: {
'Covid Data': 'https://github.com/CSSEGISandData/COVID-19',
Flags: 'https://github.com/lipis/flag-icon-css',
Map: 'https://github.com/markmarkoh/datamaps',
FontAwesome: 'https://fontawesome.com/',
'Chart.js': 'https://www.chartjs.org/',
gsap: 'https://greensock.com/gsap/',
'moment.js': 'https://momentjs.com/',
'Subtle Patterns': 'https://www.toptal.com/designers/subtlepatterns/'
methods: {
...mapMutations({ changeCaseType: 'update_cases_type' }),
enterFullScreen() {
const element = document.querySelector('#app');
const requestFullScreen =
element.requestFullscreen ||
element.webkitRequestFullScreen ||
element.mozRequestFullScreen ||
exitFullScreen() {
const cancellFullScreen =
document.exitFullscreen ||
document.mozCancelFullScreen ||
document.webkitExitFullscreen ||
computed: {
recoveredCount() {
return Number.isNaN(this.recovered) ? 'No Data' : this.recovered.toLocaleString('en-US');
deathsCount() {
return this.deaths.toLocaleString('en-US');
confirmedCount() {
return this.confirmed.toLocaleString('en-US');
watch: {
* Animate count change on every update
getDayCasesTotalCount(newTotals) {
Object.keys(newTotals).forEach(caseType => {
TweenLite.to(this.$data, 1, {
[caseType]: newTotals[caseType],
roundProps: caseType,
ease: 'expo.out'
is_full_screen(newValue) {
if (newValue === true) this.enterFullScreen();
else this.exitFullScreen();