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const randomMinMax = (min,max) => {
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const button = document.querySelector('.menu-btn');
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const btnHoverTl = new TimelineMax({

const pulseTl = new TimelineMax({
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button.addEventListener('click',() => {
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button.addEventListener('mouseover',() => { 
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button.addEventListener('mouseleave',()=> {
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const colors = ["#F829AB","#F42977","#F41F5F"];
const particleCount = 8;
const btnContainer = document.querySelector('.menu-btn-container');

// create a few span elements
const createParticles = () => {    
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        // assign class to element


const particle = document.querySelectorAll('.menu-btn-particle');

randomizeParticles = () => {
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    TweenMax.set(particle,{scale:() => randomMinMax(0.35,1)});
    TweenMax.set(particle,{opacity:() => randomMinMax(0.25,1)});


playParticles = () => {
  const particleTl = new TimelineMax();
  particleTl.staggerTo(particle,0.5,{ cycle: {
    physics2D: () => {
      return {
    .to(particle,0.4,{scale:0,opacity:0,onComplete:() => {
View Compiled

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External JavaScript

  1. https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/gsap/2.1.3/TweenMax.min.js
  2. https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/16327/Physics2DPlugin.min.js