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    <h1 class="intro">Hi, my name is Karl</h1>
    <p class="lead">
      I'm a web developer and teacher. I love JavaScript, Node.js,
      jQuery, and Python.
    <p><a id="header-btn" class="header-btn">Contact Me</a></p>

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    <h2 class="white-text">About</h2>
      I'm a freelancer living in <strong>Portugal</strong> who is
      originally from the <strong>UK</strong>. I teach business
      English remotely and I create websites.

      I went to university in London where I earned a BA in
      English Literature and an MA in Victorian Studies. In 2013,
      I relocated to Lisbon in order to train for a CELTA at
      International House, Lisbon.

      While I love teaching English, I missed the fun that I had
      creating Visual Basic programs and database queries while
      working as a Management Information and Data Analytics
      Administrator for Kingston University.

      In 2016, I decided to learn web development and I enrolled
      in freeCodeCamp's Full Stack Web Development Certification.
      Since then I have completed Colt Steele's
      <em>The Ultimate MySQL Bootcamp: Go from SQL Beginner to
        Expert</em>, <em>The Modern Python 3 Bootcamp</em>, and
      <em>The Web Developer Bootcamp</em>, as well as Wes Bos's
      <em>JavaScript30</em>, <em>What The Flexbox?!</em>, and
      <em>CSS Grid</em>.

      I use <strong>Python</strong>, <strong>JavaScript</strong>,
      <strong>jQuery</strong>, <strong>Node.js</strong>,
      <strong>HTML5</strong>, and <strong>CSS3</strong> to
      automate day-to-day business tasks like sending emails and
      keeping track of hours worked.

      I'm open to job opportunities, and my CV is available on

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2.49-6.343s0.299-4.523-0.182-6.795c-0.48-2.272-1.297-4.406-2.449-6.401zm130.06-33.355l-19.584-33.92c-1.008-1.746-2.105-3.358-3.29-4.835-1.186-1.477-2.447-2.606-3.784-3.385-1.337-0.78-2.771-1.2-4.301-1.258-1.531-0.059-3.21 0.44-5.039 1.496-1.746 1.008-3.047 2.258-3.904 3.75s-1.362 3.114-1.515 4.865c-0.152 1.751 0.031 3.557 0.552 5.418 0.52 1.862 1.284 3.665 2.292 5.411l19.368 33.546-20.452 11.808-20.448-35.417c-2.064-3.575-4.403-5.993-7.016-7.256-2.613-1.262-5.458-1.005-8.534 0.771-3.243 1.872-5.014 4.612-5.313 8.222-0.3 3.609 0.631 7.284 2.791 11.025l19.44 33.671-20.577 11.88-35.856-62.104 19.828-11.448 4.968 8.605 0.25-0.144c-0.02-1.762 0.171-3.591 0.574-5.486 0.402-1.895 1.117-3.777 2.145-5.645 1.027-1.868 2.35-3.657 3.968-5.367s3.59-3.237 5.918-4.581c4.49-2.592 8.821-3.873 12.995-3.844s8.118 1.244 11.831 3.644c0.207-4.442 1.379-8.555 3.518-12.34 2.138-3.784 5.535-7.02 10.191-9.708 4.24-2.448 8.238-3.731 11.994-3.849 3.757-0.118 7.216 0.546 10.378 1.99 3.162 1.445 6.013 3.456 8.555 6.035 2.542 2.578 4.653 5.323 6.333 8.232l22.176 38.41-20.452 11.808zm36.165-20.88l-35.856-62.104 20.452-11.808 35.856 62.104-20.452 11.808zm77.444-44.712l-19.584-33.92c-1.008-1.746-2.114-3.325-3.317-4.736-1.203-1.412-2.485-2.529-3.846-3.35-1.361-0.822-2.848-1.238-4.462-1.248-1.613-0.011-3.335 0.512-5.164 1.568s-3.225 2.333-4.189 3.832c-0.964 1.498-1.543 3.135-1.737 4.91-0.195 1.775-0.053 3.605 0.426 5.491 0.479 1.885 1.222 3.7 2.23 5.446l19.44 33.671-20.577 11.88-35.856-62.104 19.829-11.448 4.968 8.605 0.249-0.144c-0.02-1.762 0.201-3.636 0.663-5.62 0.461-1.985 1.239-3.903 2.332-5.753 1.093-1.851 2.428-3.619 4.004-5.305s3.445-3.153 5.607-4.401c4.157-2.4 8.122-3.692 11.896-3.875 3.774-0.184 7.238 0.393 10.394 1.731 3.155 1.337 6.016 3.316 8.582 5.936s4.736 5.468 6.512 8.544l22.176 38.41-20.576 11.88zm98.502-64.685c3.504 6.069 5.679 11.853 6.525 17.35s0.541 10.634-0.914 15.409c-1.455 4.776-4.028 9.199-7.719 13.27s-8.28 7.69-13.768 10.858c-5.487 3.168-11.599 5.589-18.337 7.262-6.739 1.673-13.14 2.154-19.204 1.443l1.802-20.495c4.529 0.933 8.974 0.999 13.335 0.2 4.36-0.8 8.286-2.207 11.778-4.223 5.986-3.456 9.501-7.592 10.545-12.407 1.045-4.815 0.055-9.842-2.969-15.08l-2.16-3.741-0.374 0.216c-0.472 3.598-1.898 7.082-4.276 10.45-2.379 3.369-5.646 6.253-9.803 8.653-4.739 2.736-9.429 4.308-14.072 4.715-4.642 0.408-9.071-0.111-13.286-1.557-4.216-1.446-8.105-3.718-11.667-6.816-3.562-3.097-6.592-6.808-9.088-11.131s-4.206-8.823-5.132-13.498c-0.926-4.676-0.985-9.242-0.177-13.699 0.807-4.457 2.524-8.635 5.15-12.535 2.627-3.899 6.267-7.193 10.923-9.881 3.908-2.256 8.105-3.626 12.592-4.11 4.487-0.485 8.771 0.312 12.853 2.389l0.249-0.144-4.608-7.981 19.33-11.16 32.472 56.243zm-201.3 14.792c0.912 1.58 1.452 3.236 1.62 4.968 0.169 1.731 0.022 3.396-0.442 4.994-0.463 1.597-1.254 3.107-2.373 4.529s-2.468 2.589-4.048 3.501c-3.325 1.92-6.746 2.427-10.263 1.519-3.517-0.907-6.163-2.898-7.939-5.975-0.864-1.496-1.401-3.098-1.611-4.806s-0.063-3.372 0.442-4.994 1.284-3.152 2.337-4.592c1.053-1.439 2.411-2.639 4.074-3.599 1.58-0.912 3.265-1.497 5.056-1.755s3.494-0.188 5.109 0.209c1.616 0.398 3.131 1.103 4.546 2.114 1.416 1.012 2.58 2.308 3.492 3.887zm167.09-29.125c-1.2-2.078-2.705-3.87-4.516-5.374-1.81-1.504-3.801-2.6-5.971-3.287-2.17-0.686-4.41-0.918-6.719-0.693s-4.627 1.009-6.955 2.353-4.146 2.948-5.453 4.811c-1.308 1.863-2.177 3.862-2.608 5.995s-0.427 4.348 0.012 6.644c0.439 2.297 1.282 4.525 2.53 6.687 1.2 2.079 2.685 3.882 4.454 5.41s3.697 2.66 5.784 3.395 4.276 1.023 6.568 0.864c2.291-0.16 4.601-0.911 6.929-2.255s4.175-2.993 5.542-4.945c1.366-1.953 2.286-4.009 2.758-6.166 0.473-2.157 0.511-4.396 0.113-6.716-0.397-2.32-1.22-4.561-2.468-6.723zm95.023-100.09c-3.173-1.272-6.632-1.742-10.375-1.41s-6.987 1.29-9.73 2.874c-1.414 0.816-2.776 1.769-4.087 2.859-1.311 1.089-2.344 2.323-3.1 3.702-0.756 1.378-1.205 2.857-1.347 4.435-0.142 1.579 0.292 3.241 1.3 4.987 0.864 1.496 1.895 2.563 3.095 3.201 1.199 0.638 2.618 0.982 4.255 1.035 1.638 0.052 3.468-0.09 5.491-0.427 2.023-0.336 4.265-0.772 6.728-1.307 3.569-0.73 7.322-1.428 11.261-2.095 3.938-0.666 7.814-0.77 11.626-0.311 3.812 0.46 7.444 1.661 10.893 3.604 3.45 1.944 6.447 5.119 8.991 9.525 2.928 5.072 4.525 9.997 4.79 14.777 0.266 4.779-0.485 9.287-2.252 13.522-1.768 4.235-4.352 8.11-7.754 11.626s-7.264 6.522-11.587 9.018c-6.319 3.648-13.066 6.075-20.24 7.279-7.175 1.205-13.892 0.899-20.152-0.919l5.759-22.281c3.698 1.413 7.829 1.993 12.395 1.74 4.565-0.252 8.594-1.387 12.086-3.403 1.579-0.912 3.021-1.966 4.326-3.162 1.304-1.197 2.302-2.493 2.992-3.89 0.69-1.396 1.008-2.91 0.953-4.541s-0.586-3.319-1.594-5.065c-0.96-1.663-2.192-2.836-3.695-3.52-1.504-0.684-3.3-1.06-5.39-1.128s-4.507 0.163-7.249 0.693-5.832 1.178-9.27 1.943c-3.355 0.718-6.743 1.233-10.165 1.546s-6.757 0.104-10.005-0.625c-3.248-0.73-6.321-2.115-9.217-4.157-2.897-2.041-5.497-5.057-7.801-9.047-2.832-4.905-4.259-9.68-4.279-14.324-0.021-4.644 0.942-9.024 2.888-13.141 1.947-4.116 4.657-7.87 8.131-11.262 3.473-3.391 7.289-6.286 11.446-8.686 4.988-2.88 10.608-4.906 16.86-6.077 6.253-1.171 12.364-1.097 18.336 0.222l-5.313 22.19zm111.44-18.947c2.928 5.071 4.665 10.193 5.212 15.364s0.069 10.103-1.434 14.795c-1.504 4.693-3.878 9.029-7.123 13.008-3.245 3.98-7.237 7.338-11.975 10.074-4.656 2.688-9.539 4.454-14.65 5.298-5.11 0.845-10.052 0.733-14.826-0.336-4.774-1.068-9.263-3.132-13.468-6.191s-7.772-7.125-10.7-12.196c-2.928-5.072-4.653-10.172-5.176-15.302s-0.042-10.008 1.444-14.635 3.896-8.9 7.23-12.821c3.335-3.92 7.33-7.224 11.986-9.912 4.738-2.736 9.618-4.556 14.639-5.46 5.021-0.903 9.927-0.854 14.719 0.149 4.791 1.003 9.277 3.013 13.458 6.031s7.736 7.062 10.664 12.134zm-19.704 11.376c-1.152-1.996-2.613-3.757-4.382-5.285-1.769-1.529-3.697-2.66-5.784-3.395s-4.309-1.032-6.666-0.89c-2.357 0.141-4.741 0.908-7.152 2.3s-4.267 3.073-5.569 5.044c-1.301 1.97-2.134 4.031-2.499 6.182-0.366 2.151-0.308 4.362 0.172 6.635 0.481 2.272 1.297 4.405 2.449 6.401 1.152 1.995 2.592 3.769 4.319 5.321 1.728 1.552 3.659 2.737 5.794 3.555s4.381 1.157 6.738 1.015c2.357-0.141 4.741-0.908 7.152-2.3s4.267-3.073 5.568-5.044c1.301-1.97 2.131-4.085 2.491-6.343 0.359-2.258 0.298-4.523-0.183-6.795-0.48-2.272-1.296-4.406-2.448-6.401zm98.519-56.88c2.928 5.071 4.665 10.193 5.212 15.364s0.069 10.103-1.434 14.795c-1.503 4.693-3.878 9.029-7.122 13.008-3.245 3.98-7.237 7.338-11.976 10.074-4.656 2.688-9.539 4.454-14.65 5.298-5.11 0.845-10.052 0.733-14.826-0.336-4.774-1.068-9.263-3.132-13.468-6.191s-7.772-7.125-10.7-12.196c-2.928-5.072-4.653-10.172-5.176-15.302s-0.042-10.008 1.444-14.635 3.896-8.9 7.23-12.821c3.335-3.92 7.33-7.224 11.986-9.912 4.739-2.736 9.619-4.556 14.64-5.46 5.02-0.903 9.927-0.854 14.718 0.149s9.277 3.013 13.458 6.031 7.736 7.062 10.664 12.134zm-19.704 11.376c-1.152-1.996-2.613-3.757-4.382-5.285-1.769-1.529-3.697-2.66-5.784-3.395s-4.309-1.032-6.666-0.89c-2.357 0.141-4.741 0.908-7.152 2.3s-4.267 3.073-5.568 5.044c-1.301 1.97-2.135 4.031-2.5 6.182-0.366 2.151-0.308 4.362 0.172 6.635 0.481 2.272 1.297 4.405 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                // Scroll function from Donovan Hutchinson's Level Up Your CSS Animation Skills Udemy course
// Detect request animation frame
const scroll =
  window.requestAnimationFrame ||
  // IE Fallback
  function (callback) {
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const elementsToShow = document.querySelectorAll(".show-on-scroll");

function loop() {
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    if (isElementInViewport(element)) {
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// Call the loop for the first time

// Helper function from:
function isElementInViewport(el) {
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    el = el[0];
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// Smooth scroll function
const headerBtn = document.getElementById("header-btn");
const socialContact = document.getElementById("social-contact");
const contactForm = document.getElementById("contact");

function scrollToForm() {
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headerBtn.addEventListener("click", scrollToForm);
socialContact.addEventListener("click", scrollToForm);

// No bots!
const contactFormNoBots = document.getElementById("contact-form-no-bots");

