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+ add another resource


Babel includes JSX processing.

Add External Scripts/Pens

Any URL's added here will be added as <script>s in order, and run before the JavaScript in the editor. You can use the URL of any other Pen and it will include the JavaScript from that Pen.

+ add another resource


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Search for and use JavaScript packages from npm here. By selecting a package, an import statement will be added to the top of the JavaScript editor for this package.


Auto Save

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                <!--<link href=",500,900i|Source+Serif+Pro:400|Fugaz+One:400&display=swap" rel="stylesheet">-->

		<section class="intro">
			<p>Introducing Showcase, curated by <span class="signature">Ashley Kang</span>.</p>
			<p>We're celebrating how people are using p5.js to make creative work, learning, and open source more interesting and inclusive. Together, we make community.</p>
				<section id="nominate" class="decoration">
			<a href="" target="_blank">Nominate a Project</a>
			<p class="animation">πŸ‘</p>
		<h2 id="featured">Featuring</h2>
		<ul class="project-tags">
				<label class="curriculum-tag"><span class="highlight">Curriculum</span>
				<label><span class="highlight">Tutorial</span>
				<label><span class="highlight">Tool/Library</span>
				<label><span class="highlight">Documentation</span>
				<label><span class="highlight">Art</span>
				<label><span class="highlight">Design</span>
				<label><span class="highlight">All projects</span>
		<section class="responsive-collection grid-paper">
			<ul class="grid-container">
				<li class="is-curriculum">
					<!--<div class="thumbnail"></div>-->
						<!-- This can be an embedded p5.js sketch, gif, or image -->
					<iframe title="Demo video of Airi Flies by Phuong Ngo" width="autofit" height="autofit" src="" frameborder="0" allow="fullscreen"></iframe>
					<h3 class="title"><a href="#">Video Mirror β†’<span aria-hidden="true"></span></a></h3>
					<p class="credit">Jiwon Shin</p>
					<p class="blurb">A collaborative art installation of emoji-pixelated webcam mirrors created by participants of the "Pixel Manipulation with p5.js: Build Your Own Video Mirror!" workshop at NYU ITP Camp 2019</p>
					<ul class="tags">
						<li><span class="tag-decoration">Documentation γ€° Guide</span></li>
						<li><span class="tag-decoration">Tutorial γ€° Text</span></li>
					<!-- Work, Description, Credit -->
						<!-- <img src="" alt=""> -->
				<li class="is-tutorial">
					<div class="thumbnail">
					<h3 class="title"><a href="#">Monday Music Experiments <span aria-hidden="true">β†’</span></a></h3>
						<p class="credit">Ari Melenciano</p>
					<div class="thumbnail">
					<h3 class="title"><a href="#">Programmed Plotter Drawings <span aria-hidden="true">β†’</span></a></h3>
					<p class="credit">Roni Cantor</p>
					<div class="thumbnail">
					<h3 class="title"><a href="#">Chillin' <span aria-hidden="true">β†’</span></a></h3>
					<p class="credit">Dae In Chung</p>
					<div class="thumbnail">
					<h3 class="title"><a href="#">Airi Flies <span aria-hidden="true">β†’</span></a></h3>
					<p class="credit">Phuong Ngo</p>
					<div class="thumbnail">
					<h3 class="title"><a href="#">Qtv <span aria-hidden="true">β†’</span></a></h3>
					<p class="credit">Qianqian Ye</p>
					<div class="thumbnail">
					<h3 class="title"><a href="#">p5.js Shaders <span aria-hidden="true">β†’</span></a></h3>
					<p class="credit">Casey Conchinha, Louise LessΓ©l</p>
		<section class="responsive-collection">
			<div class="feature">
				<div class="project">
					<!--<div class="thumbnail"></div>-->
						<!--<a href=""></a>-->
					<svg viewBox="0 0 2207 99" preserveAspectRatio="none"><path fill="#FFFCF8" d="M0 0h2207v89H0z"></path><path d="M2207 99H0V30.278c98.234 4.481 207.13 1.65 297.068-8.368l103.54-11.532c124.23-13.837 275.939-13.837 400.168 0L904.312 21.91c124.229 13.836 275.946 13.836 400.171 0l103.524-11.532c124.229-13.837 275.942-13.837 400.171 0l103.54 11.532c90.892 10.124 196.495 12.84 295.282 8.15V99z" fill="#0063C0"></path></svg>
					<h2>Video Mirror</h2>
					<p><span class="highlight" >Curriculum γ€° Workshop</span>
						<br/><span class="highlight" >Tutorial γ€° Text</span>
					<div class="glitch-embed-wrap" style="height: 420px; width: 100%;">
    title="undefined on Glitch"
    style="height: 100%; width: 100%; border: 0;">
					<!--<img src="" alt=""/>-->
					<p><a href="">Video Mirror tutorial</a>
							<br/><a href="">p5.js Web Editor sketch</a>
					<p class="highlight">Webcam</p>
					<p class="highlight">Emoji</p>
				<div class="divider">&nbsp;</div>
				<div class="description">
						<h2>Jiwon Shin <sup class="annotation">(she/her)</sup></h2>
						<p>New York, NY, United States</p>
						<h3>What are you up to?</h3>
						<p>I'm entering my second year as a graduate student at NYU ITP.</p>
						<h3>How did you get started with p5.js?</h3>
						<p>A class in school!</p>
						<h3>How did you use p5.js in this project?</h3>
						<p>I used p5.js to explore how to manipulate webcam pixels using emoji. I led <a href="" target="_blank">a workshop at NYU ITP Camp 2019</a> for participants to create their own video mirrors and collected a few for the Show All Things Show at the end of camp.</p>
						<h3>What is your favorite p5.js feature and why?</h3>
						<p>My favorite functions are <code class="code-snippet"><a href="">map()</a></code>, <code class="code-snippet">random()</code>, and <code class="code-snippet">noise()</code>.</p>
						<h3>What cool thing should we check out?</h3>
						<a href=""></a></p>
			<div class="footer-nav">
				<a href="#">← Back to all</a>
				<a href="#">Take me to another β†’</a>
		<section class="responsive-collection">
					<svg aria-hidden="true" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" viewBox="0 0 800 800">
						<image width="500" height="697" xlink:href="" style="visibility: inherit; opacity: 1; clip-path: polygon();">
		<section class="toolbox">
			<ul class="grid-container">
	<section class="submissions">
			<a href="#">Submit Your Work</a>
			<a href="#">Nominate a Project</a>


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var nodeArray = [ 
document.querySelector(h3),	document.querySelector('#featuring'),


/* jQUERY 3.4.1 TEST */

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/* Randomize featured project */

/* Colorize link */
function(error) {
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