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                <header><img src="" width="100%" /></header>

  <p><input name="network" placeholder="Enter network (none for mainnet)" /> <input name="block" placeholder="Enter block number (none for latest)" />
    <button name="start">Start</button></p>
      <p id="network"><strong>Network:</strong> <var>...</var></p>
      <p class="helper-text">The breakdown of all synths currently issued</p>
      <table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
            <th>Total Supply</th>
            <th>USD Value</th>
            <th>Inverse Lower</th>
            <th>Inverse Entry</th>
            <th>Inverse Upper</th>

          <dt>Total USD value of Synths</dt>
          <dd id="synthsTotal"></dd>
          <dt>SNXUSD price</dt>
          <dd id="snxusdPrice"></dd>
  <div><div><h1>Compare Synths</h1><div id="graphCompare"><p class="helper-text">The breakdown of all synths (excluding sUSD)</p></div></div>
      <!--div><h1>Total Issued Over Time</h1><div id="graphTotalIssued"><p class="helper-text">The total issued synths over time (roughly one day per point)....</p></div></div-->


                @snx-color: #004433;

body {
  font-family: 'Helvetica';
  padding: 0;
  margin: 0;

header {
  background-color: #0b0816;
  min-height: 50px;

main {
  section {
     display: flex;

     > div {
       width: 50%;
    > div:nth-child(2) {
      width: calc(50% - 40px);
      margin-left: 40px;
  padding: 10px;

input { 
  width: 200px; 
  padding: 5px;

button {
	margin: 0px 0px 20px 0;
	padding: 10px 20px;
	font-size: 14px;
	border-radius: 4px;
	background-color: @snx-color;
	color: white;
	font-weight: bold;
	opacity: 0.8;
	cursor: pointer;
	&:hover {
		opacity: 1
	&#cancel {
		background-color: red;

table {
  padding: 0;

  td, th {
    padding: 8px
  tr:nth-child(even) {background: #EEE}
  tr {
    &.market-closed {
      opacity: 0.5;
    &.frozen {
      color: #6b77ff;
    &.suspended {
      color: red;
    &.stale {
      background-color: orange;
    &.flagged {
      background-color: yellow;

.helper-text {
  color: #CCC;
  font-size: 12px; 


const tbodyTarget = document.querySelector('tbody');
const inputTarget = document.querySelector('input[name=network]');
const blockTarget = document.querySelector('input[name=block]');
const graphTarget = document.querySelector('#graphCompare');
//const graphTotalIssuedTarget = document.querySelector('#graphTotalIssued');

const networkTarget = document.querySelector('#network var');

  'mainnet': 1,
  'ropsten': 3,
  'rinkeby': 4,
  'kovan': 42,

const loadingGIF = '<img src="" width=150 />';

const start = async () => {
  tbodyTarget.innerHTML = loadingGIF;
  graphTarget.innerHTML = loadingGIF;
//  graphTotalIssuedTarget.innerHTML = loadingGIF;
  const network = (inputTarget.value.toLowerCase() in SUPPORTED_NETWORKS) ?  inputTarget.value.toLowerCase() : 'mainnet';
  networkTarget.innerHTML = network;
  const networkId = SUPPORTED_NETWORKS[network];
  const snxjs = new SynthetixJs.SynthetixJs({ networkId }); 
  const toUtf8Bytes = SynthetixJs.SynthetixJs.utils.formatBytes32String;
  const formatEther = snxjs.utils.formatEther;
  const fromBlock = blockTarget.value;
  const blockOptions = fromBlock ? { blockTag: Number(fromBlock) } : {};
  const synths ={ name }) => name);
  let totalInUSD = 0;
  const snxPrice = await snxjs.ExchangeRates.contract.rateForCurrency(toUtf8Bytes('SNX'), blockOptions) / 1e18;
  let results = await Promise.all( synth => {
    const totalAmount = await snxjs[synth].contract.totalSupply(blockOptions);
    const totalSupply = formatEther(totalAmount);  
    const rateForSynth = await snxjs.ExchangeRates.contract.rateForCurrency(toUtf8Bytes(synth), blockOptions) / 1e18;
    const totalSupplyInUSD = rateForSynth * totalSupply;
    totalInUSD += totalSupplyInUSD;
    const rateIsFrozen = await snxjs.ExchangeRates.contract.rateIsFrozen(toUtf8Bytes(synth), blockOptions);
    const rateIsStale = await snxjs.ExchangeRates.contract.rateIsStale(toUtf8Bytes(synth), blockOptions);
    const rateIsFlagged = await snxjs.ExchangeRates.contract.rateIsFlagged(toUtf8Bytes(synth), blockOptions);
    let inverseBounds;
    if (/^i/.test(synth)) {
      inverseBounds = await snxjs.ExchangeRates.contract.inversePricing(toUtf8Bytes(synth), blockOptions);
    const { suspended: marketClosed } = await snxjs.SystemStatus.contract.synthExchangeSuspension(toUtf8Bytes(synth), blockOptions);
    const { suspended, reason } = await snxjs.SystemStatus.contract.synthSuspension(toUtf8Bytes(synth), blockOptions);
    return { synth, totalAmount, totalSupply, rateForSynth, totalSupplyInUSD, rateIsFrozen, rateIsStale, rateIsFlagged, marketClosed, suspended, reason: reason.toString(), inverseBounds };
  results = results.sort((a, b) => a.totalSupplyInUSD > b.totalSupplyInUSD ? -1 : 1);
  tbodyTarget.innerHTML = '';
  results.forEach(({ synth, rateForSynth, totalSupply, totalSupplyInUSD, rateIsFrozen, rateIsStale, rateIsFlagged, marketClosed, suspended, reason, inverseBounds }, i) => {
    tbodyTarget.innerHTML += `<tr class="${rateIsFrozen && 'frozen'} ${rateIsStale && 'stale'} ${rateIsFlagged && 'flagged'} ${marketClosed && 'market-closed'} ${suspended && 'suspended'}"><td>${i+1}</td><td><img width=32 src="${synth}.svg" /></td>
    <td style="font-size: 24px;">
      <span title="Synth suspended reason: ${reason}!">${suspended ? '⚠️('+reason+')' : ''}</span>
      <span title="Rate is frozen">${rateIsFrozen ? '❄️' : ''}</span>
      <span title="Rate is stale">${rateIsStale ? '🥨' : ''}</span>
      <span title="Rate is flagged">${rateIsFlagged ? '🏴‍☠️' : ''}</span>
      <span title="Market Closed">${marketClosed ? '💤' : ''}</span>
    </td><td>${synth}</td><td>${numbro(rateForSynth).format('0.0000')}</td><td>${numbro(totalSupply).format('0,000.0000')} ${synth}</td><td>${numbro(totalSupplyInUSD).format('0,000.00')}</td><td>${numbro(100*totalSupplyInUSD/totalInUSD).format('0.00')}%</td>
<td>${totalSupply > 0 ? '✅' : '❌'}</td>
<td><a target=_blank href="${snxjs[synth].contract.address}?apiKey=freekey&limit=100">Holders</a></td>
<td>${inverseBounds ? numbro(inverseBounds.lowerLimit / 1e18).format('0,000.00') : ''}</td>
<td>${inverseBounds ? numbro(inverseBounds.entryPoint / 1e18).format('0,000.00') : ''}</td>
<td>${inverseBounds ? numbro(inverseBounds.upperLimit / 1e18).format('0,000.00') : ''}</td>
  document.querySelector('#synthsTotal').innerHTML = numbro(totalInUSD).format('0,000.00');
  document.querySelector('#snxusdPrice').innerHTML = numbro(snxPrice).format('0.0000');
  const resultsWithValues = results.filter(({ totalSupplyInUSD }) => Number(totalSupplyInUSD) > 100);
  new frappe.Chart(graphTarget, {  
    title: 'Top 10 Synth Breakdown (in millions)',
    data: {
      labels: resultsWithValues.slice(0, 10).map(({ synth }) => synth),
      datasets: [
          name: 'USD',
          values: resultsWithValues.slice(0, 10).map(({ totalSupplyInUSD }) => totalSupplyInUSD/1e6)
    type: 'bar', 
    colors: ['#7cd6fd', '#743ee2']
  /* Note: no longer works without a provider that supports blockTag (an archive node)
  // track total issued over time
  const currentBlock = await snxjs.contractSettings.provider.getBlockNumber();
  const totalIssuedPromises = [];
  for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    const blockTag = Number(currentBlock) - 6000*i; // approx 1 day
    totalIssuedPromises.unshift(snxjs.Synthetix.contract.totalIssuedSynths(toUtf8Bytes('sUSD'), { blockTag }).then(res => ({
      rate: formatEther(res),
      block: blockTag
    })).catch(() => {})); 
  const totalIssued = await Promise.all(totalIssuedPromises);

  new frappe.Chart(graphTotalIssuedTarget, {  
    title: 'Synthetix.totalIssuedSynths over time (by block number, in millions)',
    data: {
      labels: totalIssued.filter(e => e).map(({ block }) => block/1e6),
      datasets: [
          name: 'USD',
          values: totalIssued.filter(e => e).map(({ rate }) => rate/1e6)
    type: 'line'
//    type: 'bar', 
//    colors: ['#7cd6fd', '#743ee2']

document.querySelector('button[name=start]').addEventListener('click', start);
