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+ add another resource


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                <header><img src="" /></header>

  <button name="begin">Begin</button>
  <button name="stop">Stop</button> 
      <li id="headBlock"><strong>HEAD Block:</strong><var>?</var></li>
      <li id="snxPrice"><strong>SNX Price:</strong><var>?</var></li>
      <li id="snxSupply"><strong>SNX Total Supply:</strong><var>?</var></li>
      <li id="snxMarketCap"><strong>SNX Market Cap:</strong><var>?</var></li>
      <li id="debtPool"><strong>Debt Pool:</strong><var>?</var></li>
      <li id="networkRatio"><strong>Network Ratio:</strong><var>?</var></li>
      <li id="tokenHolders"><strong>Token Holders:</strong><var>?</var></li>
      <li id="neverIssued"><strong>Never Issued:</strong><var>?</var></li>
      <li id="snxTotal"><strong>SNX Current Total:</strong><var>?</var></li>
      <li id="snxLocked"><strong>SNX Current Locked:</strong><var>?</var></li>
      <li id="pcentLocked"><strong>&nbsp;</strong><var>?</var></li>
      <li id="activeRatio"><strong>Active Ratio:</strong><var>?</var></li>
    <thead><tr><th></th><th>Address</th><th>Balance</th><th>CRatio</th><th>Locked SNX</th><th>Debt Balance</th><th>% of Pool</th></tr></thead>
    <tbody><tr><td colspan="100" class="helper-text">Press Begin to start....</td></tr></tbody>



                @snx-color: #0b0816;

body {
  font-family: 'Helvetica';
	font-size: 14px;
  padding: 0;
  margin: 0;

header {
  background-color: @snx-color;
  min-height: 50px;
  img {
    padding: 8px;

main {
  padding: 20px;

button {
	margin: 0px 0px 20px 0;
	padding: 10px 20px;
	font-size: 14px;
	border-radius: 4px;
	background-color: @snx-color;
	color: white;
	font-weight: bold;
	opacity: 0.8;
	cursor: pointer;
	&:hover {
		opacity: 1
	&[name=stop] {
		background-color: red;

ul {
	padding: 0;
	li {
		padding-left: 3px;
		list-style-type: none;
		strong {
			display: inline-block;
			width: 160px;

var {
	font-family: "Courier New", "Courier";
	font-size: 18px;

.leaderboard { 
	display: flex;
	> * {
		width: 50%;

a {
	color: @snx-color;

table {
	width: 100%;
	th, td {
		text-align: right;
	tr:nth-child(even) {
		background-color: #e8e8e8;

.helper-text {
	color: #aaa;
	font-size: 12px;
.error-text {
	color: red;
.success-text {
	color: green;
	a {
		color: darkgreen;


                window.CP.PenTimer.MAX_TIME_IN_LOOP_WO_EXIT = 60e3; // 1min timeout on for loop below

const snxjs = new SynthetixJs.SynthetixJs(); 
const toUtf8Bytes = SynthetixJs.SynthetixJs.utils.formatBytes32String;
const tbody = document.querySelector('tbody');

const beginBtn = document.querySelector('button[name="begin"]');
const stopBtn = document.querySelector('button[name="stop"]');
const headBlockTarget = document.querySelector('#headBlock var');
const debtPoolTarget = document.querySelector('#debtPool var');
const snxSupplyTarget = document.querySelector('#snxSupply var');
const snxMarketCapTarget = document.querySelector('#snxMarketCap var');
const tokenHoldersTarget = document.querySelector('#tokenHolders var');
const snxPriceTarget = document.querySelector('#snxPrice var');
const snxTotalTarget = document.querySelector('#snxTotal var');
const snxLockedTarget = document.querySelector('#snxLocked var');
const pcentLockedTarget = document.querySelector('#pcentLocked var');
const neverIssuedTarget = document.querySelector('#neverIssued var');
const networkRatioTarget  = document.querySelector('#networkRatio var');
const activeRatioTarget  = document.querySelector('#activeRatio var');

let stopFlag = false;

stopBtn.addEventListener('click', () => stopFlag = true);

const lookup = async () => {
  tbody.innerHTML = '<img src="" width=150 />';
  beginBtn.setAttribute('disabled', true);
  try {
    tokenHoldersTarget.innerHTML = 0;
    neverIssuedTarget.innerHTML = 0;
    tbody.innerHTML = '<tr><td colspan=100 class="helper-text">loading...</td></tr>';
    const headBlock = await snxjs.contractSettings.provider.getBlockNumber();
    headBlockTarget.innerHTML = headBlock;
    // track block number so if this process takes a long time to render, 
    // results will be consistent
    const blockTag = { blockTag: headBlock };
    const holders = await snxData.snx.holders({ max: 5000 }); 
    const escrowContracts = await Promise.all([snxjs.AddressResolver.getAddress(toUtf8Bytes('SynthetixEscrow')), snxjs.AddressResolver.getAddress(toUtf8Bytes('RewardEscrow'))]);
    const exchangeWalletsReq = await fetch('');
    const exchangeWallets = await exchangeWalletsReq.json();
    const knownWallets = exchangeWallets.concat({ name: 'Synthetix: Foundation', exchange: '0x49BE88F0fcC3A8393a59d3688480d7D253C37D2A' }, { name: 'Uniswap SNX V1', exchange: '0x3958B4eC427F8fa24eB60F42821760e88d485f7F' }, { name: 'Synthetix: ArbRewarder', exchange: '0xA6B5E74466eDc95D0b6e65c5CBFcA0a676d893a4' }, {
      name: 'Kyber SNX Reserve', exchange: '0xa107dfa919c3f084a7893A260b99586981beb528'
    }, { name: 'Aave Lending Pool', exchange: '0x3dfd23A6c5E8BbcFc9581d2E864a68feb6a076d3' }, {
      name: 'Liquid', exchange: '0xedBB72E6b3Cf66a792bFF7FaaC5Ea769fe810517'
    }, { name: 'Unipool', exchange: '0x48D7f315feDcaD332F68aafa017c7C158BC54760' },
                                               {name: 'Synthetix: Airdropper', exchange: '0x3aa4907A38eE3ffA485CDEAa7bB1a2B7241F5dAA' }, {
      name: 'Eterbase', exchange: '0x8D76166C22658A144c0211d87Abf152e6a2d9D95'
    // const issuanceRatioToAvoidPenalty = Number(snxjs.utils.formatEther(await snxjs.FeePool.getPenaltyThresholdRatio()));
    const totalSNXSupply = Number(snxjs.utils.formatEther(await snxjs.Synthetix.contract.totalSupply(blockTag)));
    snxSupplyTarget.innerHTML = numbro(Math.round(totalSNXSupply)).format('0,0');
    const totalIssuedSynths = Number(snxjs.utils.formatEther(await snxjs.Synthetix.contract.totalIssuedSynthsExcludeEtherCollateral(toUtf8Bytes('sUSD'), blockTag)));
    debtPoolTarget.innerHTML = '$' + numbro(Math.round(totalIssuedSynths)).format('0,0');
     const issuanceRatio = Number(snxjs.utils.formatEther(await snxjs.SynthetixState.issuanceRatio()));
    const results = holders.filter(({ address }) => escrowContracts.indexOf(address.toLowerCase()) === -1);
    //const sleep = ms => new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, ms));
    const usdToSnxPrice = snxjs.utils.formatEther(await snxjs.ExchangeRates.rateForCurrency(toUtf8Bytes('SNX')));
    snxPriceTarget.innerHTML = `$${Number(usdToSnxPrice).toFixed(5)}`;
    snxMarketCapTarget.innerHTML = '$' + numbro(Math.round(totalSNXSupply * usdToSnxPrice)).format('0,0');
    networkRatioTarget.innerHTML=`${Math.round(1 / (totalIssuedSynths / (totalSNXSupply * usdToSnxPrice)) * 100)}%`;
    let snxTotal = 0;
    let snxLocked = 0;
    let stakersTotalDebt = 0;
    let stakersTotalCollateral = 0;
    const updateTotals = ({ balance, lockedSnx, debtBalance }) => {
      if (Number(debtBalance) > 0) {
        stakersTotalDebt += Number(debtBalance);
        stakersTotalCollateral += Number(balance * usdToSnxPrice);
      neverIssuedTarget.innerHTML = Number(neverIssuedTarget.innerHTML) + (Number(lockedSnx) > 0 ? 0 : 1);
      tokenHoldersTarget.innerHTML = Number(tokenHoldersTarget.innerHTML) + 1;
      snxTotal += Number(balance);
      snxLocked += Number(lockedSnx);
      snxTotalTarget.innerHTML = `${numbro(snxTotal).format('0,000.00')} (${numbro(snxTotal * usdToSnxPrice).format('0,0.00')} USD)`;
      snxLockedTarget.innerHTML = `${numbro(snxLocked).format('0,000.00')} (${numbro(snxLocked * usdToSnxPrice).format('0,0.00')} USD)`;
    let row = 1;    
    for (const { address, collateral } of results) {
      const addressLink = `<a target="_blank" href="${address}">${address}</a>`;

      const promises = await Promise.all([snxjs.Synthetix.contract.collateral(address, blockTag), snxjs.Synthetix.contract.collateralisationRatio(address, blockTag), snxjs.Synthetix.contract.debtBalanceOf(address, toUtf8Bytes('sUSD'), blockTag)]); 
      const [ balance, collateralRatio,debtBalance] =;   
      // ignore if 0 balance
       if (Number(balance) <= 0) continue;
      const knownWallet = knownWallets.find(({ exchange }) => exchange.toLowerCase() === address.toLowerCase());
      const balanceFormatted = numbro(balance).format('0,000.00');
      const balanceUSD = numbro(balance * usdToSnxPrice);
      const balanceUSDFormatted = numbro(balanceUSD).format('0,000.00');
      const lockedSnx = balance * Math.min(1, collateralRatio/issuanceRatio);
      updateTotals({ balance, lockedSnx,  debtBalance });
      const currentCRatio = collateralRatio > 0 ? (1/collateralRatio)*100 : 0;
      tbody.innerHTML += `<tr><td>${row++}.</td><td>${knownWallet ? `<strong>${}</strong>` : ''}  ${addressLink}</td><td>${balanceFormatted} ($${balanceUSDFormatted})</td><td>${Math.round(currentCRatio)}%</td><td>${Math.round((lockedSnx/balance) * 100)}%</td><td>${numbro(debtBalance).format('0,0.00')}</td><td>${(debtBalance/totalIssuedSynths * 100).toFixed(4)}</td></tr>`;
      if (stopFlag) break;
    stopFlag = false;
  } catch (err) {
    tbody.innerHTML = `<span style="color:red">${err}</span>`;
  tbody.querySelector('tr:first-child>td').innerHTML = '';

beginBtn.addEventListener('click', async () => {
  await lookup();

