Inspired by Code Pen User
Jamie Dixon, with this pen
I cleaned up a lot of errors and redundant stuff
then made it more awesome and customizeable
<div class="wrapper">
<span class="instructions">The progress bubble below can transition between red, orange, and green depending on the current percentage.</span>
<span class="instructions">Go ahead and try it out by using the text box below.</span>
<div class="green">
<div class="progress">
<div class="inner">
<div class="percent"><span>67</span>%</div>
<div class="water"></div>
<div class="glare"></div>
<span>Enter Percentage: <input type="text" placeholder="67" id="percent-box">%</span>
<section id="copyright">
<div>(c) 2015 June Hanabi - <a href="https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT">License MIT</a> </div>
<div>Work is modified and inspired from <a href="https://codepen.io/JamieDixon/pen/Pqrjvv">Jamie Dixon's pen</a></div>
@import "nib"
@keyframes spin
transform rotate(0deg)
transform rotate(360deg)
text-shadow 0 0 arguments
box-shadow 0 0 arguments
// Page
page-font = sans-serif
page-background-color = darken(white, 90%)
progress-bubble($color, $amount)
// Progress Bar
progress-primary-color = $color
progress-size = 250px
progress-border-size = 5px
progress-inner-border-size = 5px
progress-inner-size = progress-size - (progress-border-size + progress-inner-border-size)
progress-inner-border = progress-inner-border-size solid page-background-color
progress-alpha = 50%
progress-level-change-speed = 1s
progress-swish-speed = 10s
progress-percent-color = darken(progress-primary-color, 40%)
progress-percent-glow = 10px darken(progress-percent-color, 25%)
progress-box-glow = 20px darken(progress-percent-color, 25%)
progress-liquid-glow = 20px darken(progress-percent-color, 5%)
progress-glare-background = rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15)
progress-level = (100% - $amount)
position relative
border-radius 50%
+cache('.progress' + progress-size)
width progress-size
height progress-size
+cache('.progress' + progress-border-size + " " + progress-primary-color)
border progress-border-size solid progress-primary-color
+cache('.progress' + progress-box-glow)
box-glow progress-box-glow
+cache('.progress' + progress-level-change-speed)
transition all progress-level-change-speed ease
+cache('.progress .inner')
position absolute
overflow hidden
z-index 2
border-radius 50%
+cache('.progress .inner' + progress-inner-size)
width progress-inner-size
height progress-inner-size
+cache('.progress .inner' + progress-inner-border)
border progress-inner-border
+cache('.progress .inner' + progress-level-change-speed)
transition all progress-level-change-speed ease
+cache('.progress .inner .water')
position absolute
z-index 1
width 200%
height 200%
left -50%
border-radius 40%
animation-iteration-count infinite
animation-timing-function linear
animation-name spin
+cache('.progress .inner .water' + progress-level)
top progress-level
+cache('.progress .inner .water' + progress-primary-color + " " + progress-alph)
background alpha(progress-primary-color, progress-alpha)
+cache('.progress .inner .water' + progress-level-change-speed)
transition all progress-level-change-speed ease
+cache('.progress .inner .water' + progress-swish-speed)
animation-duration progress-swish-speed
+cache('.progress .inner .water' + progress-liquid-glow)
box-glow progress-liquid-glow
+cache('.progress .inner .glare')
position absolute
top -120%
left -120%
z-index 5
width 200%
height 200%
transform rotate(45deg)
border-radius 50%
+cache('.progress .inner .glare' + progress-glare-background)
background-color progress-glare-background
+cache('.progress .inner .glare' + progress-level-change-speed)
transition all progress-level-change-speed ease
+cache('.progress .inner .percent')
position absolute
top 0
left 0
width 100%
height 100%
font-weight bold
text-align center
+cache('.progress .inner .percent' + progress-inner-size)
line-height progress-inner-size
font-size (progress-inner-size / 2.6px)
+cache('.progress .inner .percent' + progress-percent-color)
color progress-percent-color
+cache('.progress .inner .percent' + progress-percent-glow)
text-glow progress-percent-glow
+cache('.progress .inner .percent' + progress-level-change-speed)
transition all progress-level-change-speed ease
box-sizing border-box
html, body
height 100%
background-color page-background-color
font-family page-font
font-size 15px
color darken(white, 20%)
background-color transparent
margin-top 30px
border 0
border-bottom solid 1px lighten(blue, 50%)
text-align center
font-size 20px
color lighten(rgb(50, 118, 237), 15%)
text-glow 3px lighten(rgb(50, 118, 237), 15%)
width 45px
display inline-block
outline 0
border-bottom dashed 1px lighten(red, 50%)
color page-background-color
background-color lighten(lightblue, 30%)
color lighten(rgb(50, 118, 237), 35%)
text-glow 3px lighten(rgb(50, 118, 237), 35%)
display flex
align-items center
justify-content center
flex-direction column
height 100%
margin-top 15px
progress-bubble(rgb(83, 252, 83), 75%)
margin-top 15px
progress-bubble(rgb(237, 59, 59), 25%)
margin-top 15px
progress-bubble(rgb(240, 124, 62), 50%)
margin-top 25px
background-color transparent
font-size 14px
color darken(white, 30%)
text-align center
margin-bottom 10px
color gray
text-decoration none
border-bottom 1px solid gray
padding-bottom 2px
color darken(white, 30%)
color darken(white, 30%)
border-bottom 1px solid darken(white, 30%)
padding-bottom 4px
display inline-block
margin 5px 0
font-size 16px
View Compiled
var colorInc = 100 / 3;
var val = $(this).val();
if(val != ""
&& !isNaN(val)
&& val <= 100
&& val >= 0)
var valOrig = val;
val = 100 - val;
if(valOrig == 0)
$(".progress .percent").text(0 + "%");
else $(".progress .percent").text(valOrig + "%");
$(".progress .water").css("top", val + "%");
if(valOrig < colorInc * 1)
else if(valOrig < colorInc * 2)
$(".progress .water").css("top", 100 - 67 + "%");
$(".progress .percent").text(67 + "%");
This Pen doesn't use any external CSS resources.