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          UI Secrets
            viewBox="0 0 26 13"
              d="M1.06414 1.06414C1.35704 0.771251 1.83191 0.771251 2.1248 1.06414L11.2676 10.2069C11.6724 10.6117 11.9445 10.883 12.1708 11.0751C12.3904 11.2615 12.5171 11.329 12.6137 11.3604C12.8648 11.442 13.1352 11.442 13.3863 11.3604C13.4829 11.329 13.6096 11.2615 13.8292 11.0751C14.0556 10.883 14.3276 10.6117 14.7324 10.2069L23.8752 1.06414C24.1681 0.771251 24.643 0.771251 24.9359 1.06414C25.2287 1.35704 25.2287 1.83191 24.9359 2.1248L15.7931 11.2676L15.7715 11.2892C15.3938 11.6668 15.0786 11.9821 14.8 12.2186C14.5094 12.4653 14.2098 12.67 13.8498 12.787C13.2975 12.9664 12.7025 12.9664 12.1502 12.787C11.7902 12.67 11.4906 12.4653 11.2 12.2186C10.9214 11.9821 10.6061 11.6668 10.2285 11.2891L10.2069 11.2676L1.06414 2.1248C0.771251 1.83191 0.771251 1.35704 1.06414 1.06414Z"
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          Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Laudantium
          dolorem iure similique modi sequi asperiores.
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          HTML Secrets
            viewBox="0 0 26 13"
              d="M1.06414 1.06414C1.35704 0.771251 1.83191 0.771251 2.1248 1.06414L11.2676 10.2069C11.6724 10.6117 11.9445 10.883 12.1708 11.0751C12.3904 11.2615 12.5171 11.329 12.6137 11.3604C12.8648 11.442 13.1352 11.442 13.3863 11.3604C13.4829 11.329 13.6096 11.2615 13.8292 11.0751C14.0556 10.883 14.3276 10.6117 14.7324 10.2069L23.8752 1.06414C24.1681 0.771251 24.643 0.771251 24.9359 1.06414C25.2287 1.35704 25.2287 1.83191 24.9359 2.1248L15.7931 11.2676L15.7715 11.2892C15.3938 11.6668 15.0786 11.9821 14.8 12.2186C14.5094 12.4653 14.2098 12.67 13.8498 12.787C13.2975 12.9664 12.7025 12.9664 12.1502 12.787C11.7902 12.67 11.4906 12.4653 11.2 12.2186C10.9214 11.9821 10.6061 11.6668 10.2285 11.2891L10.2069 11.2676L1.06414 2.1248C0.771251 1.83191 0.771251 1.35704 1.06414 1.06414Z"
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          Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Libero saepe
          cupiditate porro repellat magnam qui eos quos sunt, ratione dicta.
          Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Placeat amet
          quidem alias.
      <div class="tab">
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          CSS Secrets
            viewBox="0 0 26 13"
              d="M1.06414 1.06414C1.35704 0.771251 1.83191 0.771251 2.1248 1.06414L11.2676 10.2069C11.6724 10.6117 11.9445 10.883 12.1708 11.0751C12.3904 11.2615 12.5171 11.329 12.6137 11.3604C12.8648 11.442 13.1352 11.442 13.3863 11.3604C13.4829 11.329 13.6096 11.2615 13.8292 11.0751C14.0556 10.883 14.3276 10.6117 14.7324 10.2069L23.8752 1.06414C24.1681 0.771251 24.643 0.771251 24.9359 1.06414C25.2287 1.35704 25.2287 1.83191 24.9359 2.1248L15.7931 11.2676L15.7715 11.2892C15.3938 11.6668 15.0786 11.9821 14.8 12.2186C14.5094 12.4653 14.2098 12.67 13.8498 12.787C13.2975 12.9664 12.7025 12.9664 12.1502 12.787C11.7902 12.67 11.4906 12.4653 11.2 12.2186C10.9214 11.9821 10.6061 11.6668 10.2285 11.2891L10.2069 11.2676L1.06414 2.1248C0.771251 1.83191 0.771251 1.35704 1.06414 1.06414Z"
        <div class="tab-content">
          Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.
      <div class="tab">
        <div class="tab-name">
          JS Secrets
            viewBox="0 0 26 13"
              d="M1.06414 1.06414C1.35704 0.771251 1.83191 0.771251 2.1248 1.06414L11.2676 10.2069C11.6724 10.6117 11.9445 10.883 12.1708 11.0751C12.3904 11.2615 12.5171 11.329 12.6137 11.3604C12.8648 11.442 13.1352 11.442 13.3863 11.3604C13.4829 11.329 13.6096 11.2615 13.8292 11.0751C14.0556 10.883 14.3276 10.6117 14.7324 10.2069L23.8752 1.06414C24.1681 0.771251 24.643 0.771251 24.9359 1.06414C25.2287 1.35704 25.2287 1.83191 24.9359 2.1248L15.7931 11.2676L15.7715 11.2892C15.3938 11.6668 15.0786 11.9821 14.8 12.2186C14.5094 12.4653 14.2098 12.67 13.8498 12.787C13.2975 12.9664 12.7025 12.9664 12.1502 12.787C11.7902 12.67 11.4906 12.4653 11.2 12.2186C10.9214 11.9821 10.6061 11.6668 10.2285 11.2891L10.2069 11.2676L1.06414 2.1248C0.771251 1.83191 0.771251 1.35704 1.06414 1.06414Z"
        <div class="tab-content">
          Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Recusandae
          pariatur cumque similique nemo ipsum tempora dolorem id ipsa! Cumque,

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                // Variables
const tabs = document.querySelectorAll('.tab');

// Functions
const toggleTab = (event) => {

// Event Listeners
tabs.forEach((tab) => {
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