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<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col">
<canvas id="playArea" width="800px" height="700px"></canvas>
#playArea {
display: inline;
A Sudoku puzzle generator and solver JavaScript library.
Please see the README for more details.
var sudoku = root.sudoku = {}; // Global reference to the sudoku library
sudoku.DIGITS = "123456789"; // Allowed sudoku.DIGITS
var ROWS = "ABCDEFGHI"; // Row lables
var COLS = sudoku.DIGITS; // Column lables
var SQUARES = null; // Square IDs
var UNITS = null; // All units (row, column, or box)
var SQUARE_UNITS_MAP = null; // Squares -> units map
var SQUARE_PEERS_MAP = null; // Squares -> peers map
var MIN_GIVENS = 17; // Minimum number of givens
var NR_SQUARES = 81; // Number of squares
// Define difficulties by how many squares are given to the player in a new
// puzzle.
"easy": 62,
"medium": 53,
"hard": 44,
"very-hard": 35,
"insane": 26,
"inhuman": 17,
// Blank character and board representation
sudoku.BLANK_CHAR = '.';
sudoku.BLANK_BOARD = "...................................................."+
// Init
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
function initialize(){
/* Initialize the Sudoku library (invoked after library load)
SQUARES = sudoku._cross(ROWS, COLS);
UNITS = sudoku._get_all_units(ROWS, COLS);
SQUARE_UNITS_MAP = sudoku._get_square_units_map(SQUARES, UNITS);
SQUARE_PEERS_MAP = sudoku._get_square_peers_map(SQUARES,
// Generate
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sudoku.generate = function(difficulty, unique){
/* Generate a new Sudoku puzzle of a particular `difficulty`, e.g.,
// Generate an "easy" sudoku puzzle
Difficulties are as follows, and represent the number of given squares:
"easy": 61
"medium": 52
"hard": 43
"very-hard": 34
"insane": 25
"inhuman": 17
You may also enter a custom number of squares to be given, e.g.,
// Generate a new Sudoku puzzle with 60 given squares
`difficulty` must be a number between 17 and 81 inclusive. If it's
outside of that range, `difficulty` will be set to the closest bound,
e.g., 0 -> 17, and 100 -> 81.
By default, the puzzles are unique, uless you set `unique` to false.
(Note: Puzzle uniqueness is not yet implemented, so puzzles are *not*
guaranteed to have unique solutions)
TODO: Implement puzzle uniqueness
// If `difficulty` is a string or undefined, convert it to a number or
// default it to "easy" if undefined.
if(typeof difficulty === "string" || typeof difficulty === "undefined"){
difficulty = DIFFICULTY[difficulty] || DIFFICULTY.easy;
// Force difficulty between 17 and 81 inclusive
difficulty = sudoku._force_range(difficulty, NR_SQUARES + 1,
// Default unique to true
unique = unique || true;
// Get a set of squares and all possible candidates for each square
var blank_board = "";
for(var i = 0; i < NR_SQUARES; ++i){
blank_board += '.';
var candidates = sudoku._get_candidates_map(blank_board);
// For each item in a shuffled list of squares
var shuffled_squares = sudoku._shuffle(SQUARES);
for(var si in shuffled_squares){
var square = shuffled_squares[si];
// If an assignment of a random chioce causes a contradictoin, give
// up and try again
var rand_candidate_idx =
var rand_candidate = candidates[square][rand_candidate_idx];
if(!sudoku._assign(candidates, square, rand_candidate)){
// Make a list of all single candidates
var single_candidates = [];
for(var si in SQUARES){
var square = SQUARES[si];
if(candidates[square].length == 1){
// If we have at least difficulty, and the unique candidate count is
// at least 8, return the puzzle!
if(single_candidates.length >= difficulty &&
sudoku._strip_dups(single_candidates).length >= 8){
var board = "";
var givens_idxs = [];
for(var i in SQUARES){
var square = SQUARES[i];
if(candidates[square].length == 1){
board += candidates[square];
} else {
board += sudoku.BLANK_CHAR;
// If we have more than `difficulty` givens, remove some random
// givens until we're down to exactly `difficulty`
var nr_givens = givens_idxs.length;
if(nr_givens > difficulty){
givens_idxs = sudoku._shuffle(givens_idxs);
for(var i = 0; i < nr_givens - difficulty; ++i){
var target = parseInt(givens_idxs[i]);
board = board.substr(0, target) + sudoku.BLANK_CHAR +
board.substr(target + 1);
// Double check board is solvable
// TODO: Make a standalone board checker. Solve is expensive.
return board;
// Give up and try a new puzzle
return sudoku.generate(difficulty);
// Solve
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sudoku.solve = function(board, reverse){
/* Solve a sudoku puzzle given a sudoku `board`, i.e., an 81-character
string of sudoku.DIGITS, 1-9, and spaces identified by '.', representing the
squares. There must be a minimum of 17 givens. If the given board has no
solutions, return false.
Optionally set `reverse` to solve "backwards", i.e., rotate through the
possibilities in reverse. Useful for checking if there is more than one
// Assure a valid board
var report = sudoku.validate_board(board);
if(report !== true){
throw report;
// Check number of givens is at least MIN_GIVENS
var nr_givens = 0;
for(var i in board){
if(board[i] !== sudoku.BLANK_CHAR && sudoku._in(board[i], sudoku.DIGITS)){
if(nr_givens < MIN_GIVENS){
throw "Too few givens. Minimum givens is " + MIN_GIVENS;
// Default reverse to false
reverse = reverse || false;
var candidates = sudoku._get_candidates_map(board);
var result = sudoku._search(candidates, reverse);
var solution = "";
for(var square in result){
solution += result[square];
return solution;
return false;
sudoku.get_candidates = function(board){
/* Return all possible candidatees for each square as a grid of
candidates, returnning `false` if a contradiction is encountered.
Really just a wrapper for sudoku._get_candidates_map for programmer
// Assure a valid board
var report = sudoku.validate_board(board);
if(report !== true){
throw report;
// Get a candidates map
var candidates_map = sudoku._get_candidates_map(board);
// If there's an error, return false
return false;
// Transform candidates map into grid
var rows = [];
var cur_row = [];
var i = 0;
for(var square in candidates_map){
var candidates = candidates_map[square];
if(i % 9 == 8){
cur_row = [];
return rows;
sudoku._get_candidates_map = function(board){
/* Get all possible candidates for each square as a map in the form
{square: sudoku.DIGITS} using recursive constraint propagation. Return `false`
if a contradiction is encountered
// Assure a valid board
var report = sudoku.validate_board(board);
if(report !== true){
throw report;
var candidate_map = {};
var squares_values_map = sudoku._get_square_vals_map(board);
// Start by assigning every digit as a candidate to every square
for(var si in SQUARES){
candidate_map[SQUARES[si]] = sudoku.DIGITS;
// For each non-blank square, assign its value in the candidate map and
// propigate.
for(var square in squares_values_map){
var val = squares_values_map[square];
if(sudoku._in(val, sudoku.DIGITS)){
var new_candidates = sudoku._assign(candidate_map, square, val);
// Fail if we can't assign val to square
return false;
return candidate_map;
sudoku._search = function(candidates, reverse){
/* Given a map of squares -> candiates, using depth-first search,
recursively try all possible values until a solution is found, or false
if no solution exists.
// Return if error in previous iteration
return false;
// Default reverse to false
reverse = reverse || false;
// If only one candidate for every square, we've a solved puzzle!
// Return the candidates map.
var max_nr_candidates = 0;
var max_candidates_square = null;
for(var si in SQUARES){
var square = SQUARES[si];
var nr_candidates = candidates[square].length;
if(nr_candidates > max_nr_candidates){
max_nr_candidates = nr_candidates;
max_candidates_square = square;
if(max_nr_candidates === 1){
return candidates;
// Choose the blank square with the fewest possibilities > 1
var min_nr_candidates = 10;
var min_candidates_square = null;
for(si in SQUARES){
var square = SQUARES[si];
var nr_candidates = candidates[square].length;
if(nr_candidates < min_nr_candidates && nr_candidates > 1){
min_nr_candidates = nr_candidates;
min_candidates_square = square;
// Recursively search through each of the candidates of the square
// starting with the one with fewest candidates.
// Rotate through the candidates forwards
var min_candidates = candidates[min_candidates_square];
for(var vi in min_candidates){
var val = min_candidates[vi];
// TODO: Implement a non-rediculous deep copy function
var candidates_copy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(candidates));
var candidates_next = sudoku._search(
sudoku._assign(candidates_copy, min_candidates_square, val)
return candidates_next;
// Rotate through the candidates backwards
} else {
for(var vi = min_candidates.length - 1; vi >= 0; --vi){
var val = min_candidates[vi];
// TODO: Implement a non-rediculous deep copy function
var candidates_copy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(candidates));
var candidates_next = sudoku._search(
sudoku._assign(candidates_copy, min_candidates_square, val),
return candidates_next;
// If we get through all combinations of the square with the fewest
// candidates without finding an answer, there isn't one. Return false.
return false;
sudoku._assign = function(candidates, square, val){
/* Eliminate all values, *except* for `val`, from `candidates` at
`square` (candidates[square]), and propagate. Return the candidates map
when finished. If a contradiciton is found, return false.
WARNING: This will modify the contents of `candidates` directly.
// Grab a list of canidates without 'val'
var other_vals = candidates[square].replace(val, "");
// Loop through all other values and eliminate them from the candidates
// at the current square, and propigate. If at any point we get a
// contradiction, return false.
for(var ovi in other_vals){
var other_val = other_vals[ovi];
var candidates_next =
sudoku._eliminate(candidates, square, other_val);
//console.log("Contradiction found by _eliminate.");
return false;
return candidates;
sudoku._eliminate = function(candidates, square, val){
/* Eliminate `val` from `candidates` at `square`, (candidates[square]),
and propagate when values or places <= 2. Return updated candidates,
unless a contradiction is detected, in which case, return false.
WARNING: This will modify the contents of `candidates` directly.
// If `val` has already been eliminated from candidates[square], return
// with candidates.
if(!sudoku._in(val, candidates[square])){
return candidates;
// Remove `val` from candidates[square]
candidates[square] = candidates[square].replace(val, '');
// If the square has only candidate left, eliminate that value from its
// peers
var nr_candidates = candidates[square].length;
if(nr_candidates === 1){
var target_val = candidates[square];
for(var pi in SQUARE_PEERS_MAP[square]){
var peer = SQUARE_PEERS_MAP[square][pi];
var candidates_new =
sudoku._eliminate(candidates, peer, target_val);
return false;
// Otherwise, if the square has no candidates, we have a contradiction.
// Return false.
} if(nr_candidates === 0){
return false;
// If a unit is reduced to only one place for a value, then assign it
for(var ui in SQUARE_UNITS_MAP[square]){
var unit = SQUARE_UNITS_MAP[square][ui];
var val_places = [];
for(var si in unit){
var unit_square = unit[si];
if(sudoku._in(val, candidates[unit_square])){
// If there's no place for this value, we have a contradition!
// return false
if(val_places.length === 0){
return false;
// Otherwise the value can only be in one place. Assign it there.
} else if(val_places.length === 1){
var candidates_new =
sudoku._assign(candidates, val_places[0], val);
return false;
return candidates;
// Square relationships
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Squares, and their relationships with values, units, and peers.
sudoku._get_square_vals_map = function(board){
/* Return a map of squares -> values
var squares_vals_map = {};
// Make sure `board` is a string of length 81
if(board.length != SQUARES.length){
throw "Board/squares length mismatch.";
} else {
for(var i in SQUARES){
squares_vals_map[SQUARES[i]] = board[i];
return squares_vals_map;
sudoku._get_square_units_map = function(squares, units){
/* Return a map of `squares` and their associated units (row, col, box)
var square_unit_map = {};
// For every square...
for(var si in squares){
var cur_square = squares[si];
// Maintain a list of the current square's units
var cur_square_units = [];
// Look through the units, and see if the current square is in it,
// and if so, add it to the list of of the square's units.
for(var ui in units){
var cur_unit = units[ui];
if(cur_unit.indexOf(cur_square) !== -1){
// Save the current square and its units to the map
square_unit_map[cur_square] = cur_square_units;
return square_unit_map;
sudoku._get_square_peers_map = function(squares, units_map){
/* Return a map of `squares` and their associated peers, i.e., a set of
other squares in the square's unit.
var square_peers_map = {};
// For every square...
for(var si in squares){
var cur_square = squares[si];
var cur_square_units = units_map[cur_square];
// Maintain list of the current square's peers
var cur_square_peers = [];
// Look through the current square's units map...
for(var sui in cur_square_units){
var cur_unit = cur_square_units[sui];
for(var ui in cur_unit){
var cur_unit_square = cur_unit[ui];
if(cur_square_peers.indexOf(cur_unit_square) === -1 &&
cur_unit_square !== cur_square){
// Save the current square an its associated peers to the map
square_peers_map[cur_square] = cur_square_peers;
return square_peers_map;
sudoku._get_all_units = function(rows, cols){
/* Return a list of all units (rows, cols, boxes)
var units = [];
// Rows
for(var ri in rows){
units.push(sudoku._cross(rows[ri], cols));
// Columns
for(var ci in cols){
units.push(sudoku._cross(rows, cols[ci]));
// Boxes
var row_squares = ["ABC", "DEF", "GHI"];
var col_squares = ["123", "456", "789"];
for(var rsi in row_squares){
for(var csi in col_squares){
units.push(sudoku._cross(row_squares[rsi], col_squares[csi]));
return units;
// Conversions
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sudoku.board_string_to_grid = function(board_string){
/* Convert a board string to a two-dimensional array
var rows = [];
var cur_row = [];
for(var i in board_string){
if(i % 9 == 8){
cur_row = [];
return rows;
sudoku.board_grid_to_string = function(board_grid){
/* Convert a board grid to a string
var board_string = "";
for(var r = 0; r < 9; ++r){
for(var c = 0; c < 9; ++c){
board_string += board_grid[r][c];
return board_string;
// Utility
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sudoku.print_board = function(board){
/* Print a sudoku `board` to the console.
// Assure a valid board
var report = sudoku.validate_board(board);
if(report !== true){
throw report;
var V_PADDING = " "; // Insert after each square
var H_PADDING = '\n'; // Insert after each row
var V_BOX_PADDING = " "; // Box vertical padding
var H_BOX_PADDING = '\n'; // Box horizontal padding
var display_string = "";
for(var i in board){
var square = board[i];
// Add the square and some padding
display_string += square + V_PADDING;
// Vertical edge of a box, insert v. box padding
if(i % 3 === 2){
display_string += V_BOX_PADDING;
// End of a line, insert horiz. padding
if(i % 9 === 8){
display_string += H_PADDING;
// Horizontal edge of a box, insert h. box padding
if(i % 27 === 26){
display_string += H_BOX_PADDING;
sudoku.validate_board = function(board){
/* Return if the given `board` is valid or not. If it's valid, return
true. If it's not, return a string of the reason why it's not.
// Check for empty board
return "Empty board";
// Invalid board length
if(board.length !== NR_SQUARES){
return "Invalid board size. Board must be exactly " + NR_SQUARES +
" squares.";
// Check for invalid characters
for(var i in board){
if(!sudoku._in(board[i], sudoku.DIGITS) && board[i] !== sudoku.BLANK_CHAR){
return "Invalid board character encountered at index " + i +
": " + board[i];
// Otherwise, we're good. Return true.
return true;
sudoku._cross = function(a, b){
/* Cross product of all elements in `a` and `b`, e.g.,
sudoku._cross("abc", "123") ->
["a1", "a2", "a3", "b1", "b2", "b3", "c1", "c2", "c3"]
var result = [];
for(var ai in a){
for(var bi in b){
result.push(a[ai] + b[bi]);
return result;
sudoku._in = function(v, seq){
/* Return if a value `v` is in sequence `seq`.
return seq.indexOf(v) !== -1;
sudoku._first_true = function(seq){
/* Return the first element in `seq` that is true. If no element is
true, return false.
for(var i in seq){
return seq[i];
return false;
sudoku._shuffle = function(seq){
/* Return a shuffled version of `seq`
// Create an array of the same size as `seq` filled with false
var shuffled = [];
for(var i = 0; i < seq.length; ++i){
for(var i in seq){
var ti = sudoku._rand_range(seq.length);
ti = (ti + 1) > (seq.length - 1) ? 0 : (ti + 1);
shuffled[ti] = seq[i];
return shuffled;
sudoku._rand_range = function(max, min){
/* Get a random integer in the range of `min` to `max` (non inclusive).
If `min` not defined, default to 0. If `max` not defined, throw an
min = min || 0;
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min;
} else {
throw "Range undefined";
sudoku._strip_dups = function(seq){
/* Strip duplicate values from `seq`
var seq_set = [];
var dup_map = {};
for(var i in seq){
var e = seq[i];
dup_map[e] = true;
return seq_set;
sudoku._force_range = function(nr, max, min){
/* Force `nr` to be within the range from `min` to, but not including,
`max`. `min` is optional, and will default to 0. If `nr` is undefined,
treat it as zero.
min = min || 0
nr = nr || 0
if(nr < min){
return min;
if(nr > max){
return max;
return nr
// Initialize library after load
// Pass whatever the root object is, lsike 'window' in browsers
function buildGame(difficulty) {
var g = {
puzzle: sudoku.generate(difficulty)
// Mask the parts which cannot be modified by the user
g.readOnlyMask = g.puzzle.replace(/[^.]/g, 'r')
return g
function renderBoard () {
var canvas = document.getElementById("playArea");
// s = Sudoku (game)
var s = canvas.getContext("2d");
// cw = cellWidth
var cw = 70, boardSize = 9*cw, xpad=20, ypad=20
var lineWidth = 1, boldLineWidth = 3;
s.fillStyle = "lightgrey"
s.fillRect(0,0,boardSize+2*xpad, boardSize+2*ypad)
s.strokeRect(0+xpad,0+ypad,boardSize, boardSize)
// Columns
for (var x = 1; x < 9; x++) {
s.moveTo(x*cw+xpad, 0*cw+ypad)
s.lineTo(x*cw+xpad, 9*cw+ypad)
s.lineWidth = (x == 3 || x == 6)
? boldLineWidth : lineWidth
// Rows
for (var y = 1; y < 9; y++) {
s.moveTo(0*cw+xpad, y*cw+ypad)
s.lineTo(9*cw+xpad, y*cw+ypad)
s.lineWidth = (y == 3 || y == 6)
? boldLineWidth : lineWidth
// Return metrics so that other render functions can coordinate
// TODO: Consolidate all settings/tweaks to one place, and pass in metrics to each function, including this one
return {
canvas: canvas,
context: s,
cellWidth: cw,
boardSize: boardSize,
xPadding: xpad,
yPadding: ypad,
lineWidth: lineWidth,
boldLineWidth: boldLineWidth
function renderDigit(m, l, digit, mask) {
var digitCoords = linearCoordToPlanar(l)
//console.log(JSON.stringify({l: l, coord: digitCoords}))
var gridX = digitCoords[0]*m.cellWidth + m.cellWidth/2 + m.xPadding
var gridY = digitCoords[1]*m.cellWidth + m.cellWidth/2 + m.yPadding
m.context.fillStyle = (mask == 'r') ? "black" : "#b49e8c"
m.context.fillText(digit, gridX, gridY)
function renderGame (g, metrics) {
metrics.context.font = "60px Arial"
metrics.context.textAlign = "center"
metrics.context.textBaseline = "middle"
for (var l = 0; l < g.puzzle.length; l++) {
var digit = g.puzzle[l]
var mask = g.readOnlyMask[l]
if (digit === ".") continue
renderDigit(metrics, l, digit, mask)
function planarCoordToLinear(x, y) {
return x + 9*y;
function linearCoordToPlanar(l) {
var x = l % 9;
var y = Math.floor(l / 9);
return [x,y]
function gameInit() {
var metrics = renderBoard()
var game = buildGame("hard")
renderGame(game, metrics)
console.log("rendered") = game
self.metrics = metrics;
function canvasOnClick(event, metrics) {
var canvasCoords = getClickPosition(event, metrics)
// Convert from canvas to game coords, to find out which number / space is selected
var gameCoords = [ Math.floor((canvasCoords[0]-metrics.xPadding)/metrics.cellWidth),
console.log(canvasCoords, gameCoords)
// If it's editable, then Calculate which bounding box the click is in, and highlight it
function getClickPosition(event, metrics) {
var element = metrics.canvas
var offsetX = 0, offsetY = 0
while (element.offsetParent) {
offsetX += element.offsetLeft
offsetY += element.offsetTop
element = element.offsetParent
x = event.pageX - offsetX
y = event.pageY - offsetY
return [x,y]
$(document).ready(function () {
// Whatev
$(metrics.canvas).click((event) => canvasOnClick(event, metrics, game))
Also see: Tab Triggers