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                <div class="contain-demo">
  <div class="contain-loader">
    <!-- Begin circle loader -->
    <svg class="circle-loader" width="150px" height="150px" viewBox="0 0 250 250">
      <g class="circle-apple circle-apple-1">
        <path fill="none" stroke="#59351C" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" d="M33.9 111.4c0 0-2-3.7 1.5-8.9"/>
        <path fill="#ED6E46" d="M52 128c-1 11-7 20-14 19-1 0-3-1-4-1-1 1-2 1-3 1-7 1-13-7-15-18s2-21 9-22c3 0 6 1 9 4 2-3 5-4 8-4C48 107 53 117 52 128z"/>
      <g class="circle-apple circle-apple-2">
        <path fill="none" stroke="#59351C" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" d="M216.9 111.4c0 0-2-3.7 1.5-8.9"/>
        <path fill="#ED6E46" d="M235 128c-1 11-7 20-14 19-1 0-3-1-4-1-1 1-2 1-3 1-7 1-13-7-15-18s2-21 9-22c3 0 6 1 9 4 2-3 5-4 8-4C231 107 236 117 235 128z"/>
      <g class="circle-apple circle-apple-3">
        <path fill="none" stroke="#59351C" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" d="M125.3 22.1c0 0-2-3.7 1.5-8.9"/>
        <path fill="#ED6E46" d="M143 39c-1 11-7 20-14 19-1 0-3-1-4-1-1 1-2 1-3 1-7 1-13-7-15-18-2-11 2-21 9-22 3 0 6 1 9 4 2-3 5-4 8-4C140 18 144 28 143 39z"/>
      <g class="circle-apple circle-apple-4">
        <path fill="none" stroke="#59351C" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" d="M125.3 198.2c0 0-2-3.7 1.5-8.9"/>
        <path fill="#ED6E46" d="M143 215c-1 11-7 20-14 19-1 0-3-1-4-1-1 1-2 1-3 1-7 1-13-7-15-18-2-11 2-21 9-22 3 0 6 1 9 4 2-3 5-4 8-4C140 194 144 204 143 215z"/>
       <g class="circle-apple circle-apple-5">
         <path fill="none" stroke="#59351C" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" d="M58.2 44.5c0 0-2-3.7 1.5-8.9"/>
         <path fill="#ED6E46" d="M76 61c-1 11-7 20-14 19-1 0-3-1-4-1-1 1-2 1-3 1-7 1-13-7-15-18-2-11 2-21 9-22 3 0 6 1 9 4 2-3 5-4 8-4C73 40 77 50 76 61z"/>
      <g class="circle-apple circle-apple-6">
         <path fill="none" stroke="#59351C" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" d="M194.1 46.5c0 0-2-3.7 1.5-8.9"/>
         <path fill="#ED6E46" d="M212 63c-1 11-7 20-14 19-1 0-3-1-4-1-1 1-2 1-3 1-7 1-13-7-15-18-2-11 2-21 9-22 3 0 6 1 9 4 2-3 5-4 8-4C209 42 213 52 212 63z"/>
      <g class="circle-apple circle-apple-7">
        <path fill="none" stroke="#59351C" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" d="M57.4 175.8c0 0-2-3.7 1.5-8.9"/>
        <path fill="#ED6E46" d="M75 193c-1 11-7 20-14 19-1 0-3-1-4-1-1 1-2 1-3 1-7 1-13-7-15-18-2-11 2-21 9-22 3 0 6 1 9 4 2-3 5-4 8-4C72 172 76 181 75 193z"/>
      <g class="circle-apple circle-apple-8">
        <path fill="none" stroke="#59351C" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" d="M196 171.3c0 0-2-3.7 1.5-8.9"/>
        <path fill="#ED6E46" d="M214 188c-1 11-7 20-14 19-1 0-3-1-4-1-1 1-2 1-3 1-7 1-13-7-15-18-2-11 2-21 9-22 3 0 6 1 9 4 2-3 5-4 8-4C210 167 215 177 214 188z"/>
    <!-- End circle loader -->
  <div class="contain-loader">
    <!-- Begin block loader -->
    <svg width="150px" height="150px" viewBox="0 0 250 250">
	    <g class="block-apple block-apple-1">   
        <path fill="none" stroke="#59351C"  stroke-width="2"                    stroke-linecap="round" d="M51.2    34.2c0 0-2.5-4.6 1.9-11.1"/>
        <path fill="#ED6E46" d="M74 55c-1 14-9 25-18 24-2 0-3-1-5-2-1 1-3 2-4 2-8 1-17-9-19-23s3-26 11-28c4-1 8 1 11 5 3-4 7-5 10-5C69 29 75 41 74 55z"/>
       <g class="block-apple block-apple-2">
         <path fill="none" stroke="#59351C" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" d="M124.4 33.6c0 0-2.5-4.6 1.9-11.1"/>
         <path fill="#ED6E46" d="M147 55c-1 14-9 25-18 24-2 0-3-1-5-2-1 1-3 2-4 2-8 1-17-9-19-23s3-26 11-28c4-1 8 1 11 5 3-4 7-5 10-5C143 28 148 40 147 55z"/>
      <g class="block-apple block-apple-3">   
        <path fill="none" stroke="#59351C"  stroke-width="2"                    stroke-linecap="round" d="M200      34c0 0-2-5 2-11"/>
        <path fill="#ED6E46" d="M223 55c-1 14-9 25-18 24-2 0-3-1-5-2-1 1-3 2-4 2-8 1-17-9-19-23-2-14 3-26 11-28 4-1 8 1 11 5 3-4 7-5 10-5C218 29 224 41 223 55z"/>
      <g class="block-apple block-apple-4">   
        <path fill="none" stroke="#59351C"  stroke-width="2"                    stroke-linecap="round" d="M52.2    108.4c0 0-2.5-4.6 1.9-11.1"/>
        <path fill="#ED6E46" d="M75 129c-1 14-9 25-18 24-2 0-3-1-5-2-1 1-3 2-4 2-8 1-17-9-19-23s3-26 11-28c4-1 8 1 11 5 3-4 7-5 10-5C70 103 76 115 75 129z"/>
      <g class="block-apple block-apple-5">    
        <path fill="none" stroke="#59351C"  stroke-width="2"                    stroke-linecap="round" d="M125.4    107.9c0 0-2.5-4.6 1.9-11.1"/>
         <path fill="#ED6E46" d="M148 129c-1 14-9 25-18 24-2 0-3-1-5-2-1 1-3 2-4 2-8 1-17-9-19-23s3-26 11-28c4-1 8 1 11 5 3-4 7-5 10-5C144 103 149 115 148 129z"/>
      <g class="block-apple block-apple-6">  
        <path fill="none" stroke="#59351C"  stroke-width="2"                    stroke-linecap="round" d="M201.2   108.5c0 0-2.5-4.6 1.9-11.1"/>
        <path fill="#ED6E46" d="M224 129c-1 14-9 25-18 24-2 0-3-1-5-2-1 1-3 2-4 2-8 1-17-9-19-23-2-14 3-26 11-28 4-1 8 1 11 5 3-4 7-5 10-5C219 103 225 115 224 129z"/>
      <g class="block-apple block-apple-7">   
        <path fill="none" stroke="#59351C" stroke-width="2"                stroke-linecap="round" d="M50.9   182.1c0 0-2.5-4.6 1.9-11.1"/>
        <path fill="#ED6E46" d="M73 203c-1 14-9 25-18 24-2 0-3-1-5-2-1 1-3 2-4 2-8 1-17-9-19-23-2-14 3-26 11-28 4-1 8 1 11 5 3-4 7-5 10-5C69 177 75 189 73 203z"/>
	    <g class="block-apple block-apple-8">   
        <path fill="none" stroke="#59351C"  stroke-width="2"                    stroke-linecap="round" d="M124.1    181.6c0 0-2.5-4.6 1.9-11.1"/>
        <path fill="#ED6E46" d="M147 202c-1 14-9 25-18 24-2 0-3-1-5-2-1 1-3 2-4 2-8 1-17-9-19-23-2-14 3-26 11-28 4-1 8 1 11 5 3-4 7-5 10-5C142 176 148 188 147 202z"/>
      <g class="block-apple block-apple-9">   
        <path fill="none" stroke="#59351C"  stroke-width="2"                    stroke-linecap="round" d="M199.9    182.1c0 0-2.5-4.6 1.9-11.1"/>
        <path fill="#ED6E46" d="M223 203c-1 14-9 25-18 24-2 0-3-1-5-2-1 1-3 2-4 2-8 1-17-9-19-23-2-14 3-26 11-28 4-1 8 1 11 5 3-4 7-5 10-5C218 177 224 189 223 203z"/>
    <!-- End block loader -->
  <div class="contain-loader contain-path-demo">
    <!-- Begin path loader -->
    <svg width="250px" height="250px" viewBox="0 0 400 400">     
      <circle fill="none" stroke="#7AA20D" stroke-width="5" stroke-miterlimit="10" cx="160" cy="250" r="93.033"/>
      <g id="path" class="path-apple">
        <path fill="none" stroke="#59351C" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" d="M33.4 110c0 0-2.1-3.8 1.6-9.3"/>
        <path fill="#ED6E46" stroke="#ED6E46" stroke-width="1" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M52.8 129c-1.1 11.8-7.7 20.9-14.7 20.3 -1.5-0.1-2.9-0.7-4.1-1.6 -1.1 0.8-2.2 1.2-3.5 1.4 -7 1.1-14.1-7.6-15.9-19.4s2.4-22.2 9.4-23.2c3.3-0.5 6.5 1.1 9.3 4.2 2.5-3 5.6-4.6 8.7-4.3C49.1 107 53.9 117.1 52.8 129z"/>
          path="M218 125c0 51-42 93-93 93S32 176 32 125 74 32 125 32 218 74 218 125z"/>  
    <!-- End path loader -->
  <div class="contain-loader">
    <!-- Begin line loader -->
    <svg width="150" height="150" viewBox="0 0 250 250">
      <g class="line-1">
        <path fill="none" stroke="#59351C" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" d="M26.5 108c0 0-2.5-4.6 1.9-11.1"/>
        <path fill="#ED6E46" d="M49 129c-1 14-9 25-18 24-2 0-3-1-5-2-1 1-3 2-4 2-8 1-17-9-19-23s3-26 11-28c4-1 8 1 11 5 3-4 7-5 10-5C45 103 50 115 49 129z"/>
      <g class="line-2">
        <path fill="none" stroke="#59351C" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" d="M159.4 108c0 0-2.5-4.6 1.9-11.1"/>
        <path fill="#ED6E46" d="M182 129c-1 14-9 25-18 24-2 0-3-1-5-2-1 1-3 2-4 2-8 1-17-9-19-23-2-14 3-26 11-28 4-1 8 1 11 5 3-4 7-5 10-5C178 103 183 115 182 129z"/>
      <g class="line-3">
        <path fill="none" stroke="#59351C" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" d="M224.3 108c0 0-2.5-4.6 1.9-11.1"/>
        <path fill="#ED6E46" d="M247 129c-1 14-9 25-18 24-2 0-3-1-5-2-1 1-3 2-4 2-8 1-17-9-19-23-2-14 3-26 11-28 4-1 8 1 11 5 3-4 7-5 10-5C242 103 248 115 247 129z"/>
      <g class="line-4">
        <path fill="none" stroke="#59351C" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" d="M91.5 108c0 0-2.5-4.6 1.9-11.1"/>
        <path fill="#ED6E46" d="M114 129c-1 14-9 25-18 24-2 0-3-1-5-2-1 1-3 2-4 2-8 1-17-9-19-23-2-14 3-26 11-28 4-1 8 1 11 5 3-4 7-5 10-5C110 103 115 115 114 129z"/>
    <!-- End line loader -->


                @import "compass/css3";

$background: #f2e2d1;
$circle-timing: 1800ms;
$block-timing: 1500ms;
$jump-timing: 700ms;
$repeat-count: infinite;

// General styling
body {
  background: $background;

.contain-demo {
  margin-top: 70px;
  display: flex;
  flex-wrap: wrap;
  justify-content: space-around;

// Circle loader
.circle-apple {
  transform-origin: center;

.circle-apple-1 {
  animation: smaller $circle-timing $repeat-count;

.circle-apple-5 {
  animation: smaller $circle-timing 200ms $repeat-count;

.circle-apple-3 {
  animation: smaller $circle-timing 600ms $repeat-count;

.circle-apple-6 {
  animation: smaller $circle-timing 800ms $repeat-count;

.circle-apple-2 {
  animation: smaller $circle-timing 1000ms $repeat-count;

.circle-apple-8 {
  animation: smaller $circle-timing 1200ms $repeat-count;

.circle-apple-4 {
  animation: smaller $circle-timing 1400ms $repeat-count;

.circle-apple-7 {
  animation: smaller $circle-timing 1500ms $repeat-count;

@keyframes smaller {
  5% {
    transform: scale(.3);

// Block loader
.block-apple {
  opacity: 0;

.block-apple-1 {
  animation: appear $block-timing $repeat-count;

.block-apple-6 {
  animation: appear $block-timing 50ms $repeat-count;

.block-apple-8 {
  animation: appear $block-timing 100ms $repeat-count;

.block-apple-3 {
  animation: appear $block-timing 150ms $repeat-count;

.block-apple-7 {
  animation: appear $block-timing 200ms $repeat-count;

.block-apple-4 {
  animation: appear $block-timing 250ms $repeat-count;

.block-apple-9 {
  animation: appear $block-timing 300ms $repeat-count;

.block-apple-2 {
  animation: appear $block-timing 350ms $repeat-count;

.block-apple-5 {
  animation: appear $block-timing 450ms $repeat-count;

@keyframes appear {
  42% {
    opacity: 0;
  43% {
    opacity: 1;
  99% {
    opacity: 1;

.contain-path-demo {
   margin-top: -80px;

// Line loader 
.line-1 {
  animation: jump $jump-timing $repeat-count;

.line-4 {
  animation: jump $jump-timing 100ms $repeat-count;

.line-2 {
  animation: jump $jump-timing 200ms $repeat-count;

.line-3 {
  animation: jump $jump-timing 300ms $repeat-count;

@keyframes jump {
  30% {
    transform: translateY(-20px) rotateX(60deg);
  60% {
    transform: translateY(0);
  90% {
    transform: translateY(0);



                /* Just some weird musings for An Apple A Day Project:

Tested in Chrome only */
