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                <header class="c-header">
  <h1>Responsive Flexbox Article Listing</h1>
  <p>Flexbox is an amazingly powerful layout tool. In this example I have created a responsive grid of articles that increased the amount of visible articles on the page at larger resolutions.</p>
<section class="c-posts">
  <article class="c-posts__item">
    <h2>Article Title Here</h2>
    <p>Hydrogen stratosphere control tower capacitor Saturn Lalande 21185. Control tower x-rays Luhman 16 Banard's Star engine lunar. Horizon engine capture Pluto Brahe sun continuum ion-drive control tower Proxima Centauri space-time booster. Core horizon subspace Voyager coordinates water. Contractors Banard's Star nozzle time Orion weightless Gemini extra-vehicular explore.</p>
    <p><a href="#" class="c-btn">Read More</a></p>
  <article class="c-posts__item">
    <h2>Article Title Here</h2>
    <p>Mars NASA subspace crew warp Herschel stratosphere. Saturn sky zero-g stratosphere fuel cell Venus grounded crew yaw Ptolemy Challenger. Pioneer stratosphere Cassini Lalande 21185 Earth telemetry. Galileo uranium jumpsuit warp Hawking.</p>
    <p><a href="#" class="c-btn">Read More</a></p>
  <article class="c-posts__item">
    <h2>Article Title Here</h2>
    <p>Challenger Voyager Sirius capsule Pioneer Kepler hyperspace launch. Singularity extra-vehicular circumnavigate burst. Procyon fuel cell asteroid subspace uranium Proxima Centauri prototype capsule.</p>
    <p><a href="#" class="c-btn">Read More</a></p>
  <article class="c-posts__item">
    <h2>Article Title Here</h2>
    <p>Capsule crew Discovery ice spacecraft Pioneer gravity Picard. Lithium contractors meteor water core saucer white hole stars planet Picard Jupiter Skunkworks. Prototype clusters Voyager cosmos zero-g Pluto Skunkworks hatch. Circumnavigate core hyperspace motion comet Ptolemy.</p>
    <p><a href="#" class="c-btn">Read More</a></p>
  <article class="c-posts__item">
    <h2>Article Title Here</h2>
    <p>Orbit warp atomic Buzz Lightyear. Uranium circumnavigate Halley Neptune nebula launch north Proxima Centauri engine.</p>
    <p><a href="#" class="c-btn">Read More</a></p>
  <article class="c-posts__item">
    <h2>Article Title Here</h2>
    <p>Troposphere capacitor Newton Kepler. Jupiter ionosphere saucer Gemini Neptune core Alpha Centauri Venus comet Proxima Centauri Herschel. Banard's Star inertia laser contractors ion-drive fuel cell NASA. Panel solar-flare dwarf probe Sagan Sirius jetpack time laser. Columbia nebula horizon mesoshphere pulsar mission nuclear Sirius jetpack UFO.</p>
    <p><a href="#" class="c-btn">Read More</a></p>
  <article class="c-posts__item">
    <h2>Article Title Here</h2>
    <p>X-rays Orion capsule re-entry Mercury tank capture Mars control tower. Fusion Challenger physics flight Saturn . Warp countdown flare telemetry yaw rocket stars. Planet astronomy Venus reusable continuum inertia robotic re-entry booster Pioneer.</p>
    <p><a href="#" class="c-btn">Read More</a></p>
  <article class="c-posts__item">
    <h2>Article Title Here</h2>
    <p>Solar crew hydrogen booster panel Europa array Saturn fusion Jupiter control tower singularity. Telemetry laser Venus wave capacitor gamma ray orbit lunar Uranus. Venus supernova Hawking ignite Mars Kirk Pluto.</p>
    <p><a href="#" class="c-btn">Read More</a></p>
  <article class="c-posts__item">
    <h2>Article Title Here</h2>
    <p>Dormant container star system subspace solar binary inverter hyperspace warp. Yaw LiDAR hydrogen container galaxy heliosphere Houston Skunkworks gravity weightless pulsar pitch. Stars volatile ice kryptonite extra-vehicular Cassini crew meteor Earth positron. Aurora singularity coordinates nozzle Skunkworks valve orbit Herschel.</p>
    <p><a href="#" class="c-btn">Read More</a></p>
  <article class="c-posts__item">
    <h2>Article Title Here</h2>
    <p>Hubble nebula Europa Gemini Skunkworks subspace uranium extra-vehicular Galileo release planet Banard's Star. Pulsar stars Tyson prototype lunar explore Pioneer ion-drive mesoshphere.</p>
    <p><a href="#" class="c-btn">Read More</a></p>
  <article class="c-posts__item">
    <h2>Article Title Here</h2>
    <p>Hydrogen stratosphere control tower capacitor Saturn Lalande 21185. Control tower x-rays Luhman 16 Banard's Star engine lunar. Horizon engine capture Pluto Brahe sun continuum ion-drive control tower Proxima Centauri space-time booster. Core horizon subspace Voyager coordinates water. Contractors Banard's Star nozzle time Orion weightless Gemini extra-vehicular explore.</p>
    <p><a href="#" class="c-btn">Read More</a></p>
<footer class="c-footer">
  <p>Ipsum provided by <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>


                .c-posts {
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