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    <h1>Isabella L. Karle</h1>
    <h3>She proved chemistry was a proper field for girls</h3>

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    <a title="U.S. Naval Research Laboratory [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons" href=""><img width="512" id="image" alt="Jerome and Isabella Karle" src=""></a>
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    Isabella with her husband Jerome, who was also her research partner. He won a Nobel Prize for the work they did together, and he was really, really angry when she didn't receive the award along with him. (Photo Credit: U.S. Naval Research Laboratory)
  <article id="tribute-info">
      One of Isabella Karle's high school teachers told her chemistry wasn't "a proper field for girls." But boy oh boy did she ever prove that teacher wrong. 
      First of all she attended college on a full scholarship and earned a bachelor's degree in physical chemistry when she was just 19 years old. And she earned her doctorate before she was 23.
      Second, her first job out of college was as a leading scientist with the Manhattan Project, where she worked with plutonium.
      Third, she learned how to use X-rays to analyze the structure of crystals by reading a book during the week she spent in the hospital after giving birth to her first daughter.
      And finally, she developed an X-ray method for analyzing the structure of molecules. This method helped revolutionize drug development and became indispensable to the solutions of problems in numerous scientific disciplines such as chemistry, biochemistry, biophysics, mineralogy, material science, pharmaceuticals, drug design, and medicinal chemistry. 
    <p id="PS">
      P.S. All three of Isabella Karle's daughters became scientists as well.
    <p id="link">Click here to <a id="tribute-link" href="" target="_blank">learn more about Isabella Karle and her research.</a></p>
    <hr id="style-two">
    <p> &copy; 2019 JoLynne Walz Martinez </p>


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