Pen Settings



CSS Base

Vendor Prefixing

Add External Stylesheets/Pens

Any URLs added here will be added as <link>s in order, and before the CSS in the editor. You can use the CSS from another Pen by using its URL and the proper URL extension.

+ add another resource


Babel includes JSX processing.

Add External Scripts/Pens

Any URL's added here will be added as <script>s in order, and run before the JavaScript in the editor. You can use the URL of any other Pen and it will include the JavaScript from that Pen.

+ add another resource


Add Packages

Search for and use JavaScript packages from npm here. By selecting a package, an import statement will be added to the top of the JavaScript editor for this package.


Auto Save

If active, Pens will autosave every 30 seconds after being saved once.

Auto-Updating Preview

If enabled, the preview panel updates automatically as you code. If disabled, use the "Run" button to update.

Format on Save

If enabled, your code will be formatted when you actively save your Pen. Note: your code becomes un-folded during formatting.

Editor Settings

Code Indentation

Want to change your Syntax Highlighting theme, Fonts and more?

Visit your global Editor Settings.


                <div id="paper-container"></div>
<div id="inspector-container"></div>

<a target="_blank" href="">
  <img id="logo" src="" width="200" height="50"></img>


                #paper-container {
  position: absolute;
  right: 200px;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
  bottom: 0;
  background-color: #dde6ed;
  overflow: hidden;

  .available-magnet {
    fill: #0075f2;

  [magnet="any"] {
    cursor: pointer;

  [magnet="in"] {
    cursor: default;

#logo {
  position: absolute;
  bottom: 20px;
  left: 20px;

#inspector-container {
  position: absolute;
  right: 0;
  top: 0;
  width: 200px;
  bottom: 0;
  overflow: scroll;
  border-left: 1px solid #d4d4d4;
  padding: 8px 16px;
  background-color: #f5f7f6;
  font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
  overflow: hidden;

  .joint-inspector {
    background: #f5f7f6;
    color: #151e28;
    border: none;

  [data-attribute="outPorts"] .list-item:hover,
  [data-attribute="ports/items"] .list-item:hover {
    border: 1px solid #ed2637;
    background: #fcf3f1;

  .btn-list-del {
    background: #e1e4e3;

  .select-button-group-button {
    display: block;
    text-align: left;
    font-size: 12px;
    color: #131e29;
    margin: 2px;
    padding: 2px 4px;
    border-radius: 4px;
    border: 1px solid #0075f2;
    background: #ffffff;

  .select-button-group-button.selected {
    color: #ffffff;
    background: #0075f2;

  label {
    font-weight: bold;
  input {
    background: white !important;



                const { dia, ui, util, shapes, highlighters } = joint;

const colors = {
  shape: "#ed2637",
  port: "#ed2637",
  border: "#dde6ed",
  text: "#131e29",
  bg: "#dde6ed",
  selection: "#0075f2",
  portSelection: "#0075f2"

const portMarkup = {
  rect: util.svg`<rect width="20" height="20" x="-10" y="-10" @selector="portBody"/>`,
  longRect: util.svg`<rect width="40" height="20" x="-20" y="-10" @selector="portBody"/>`,
  circle: util.svg`<circle r="10" @selector="portBody"/>`,
  triangle: util.svg`<polygon points="-10,-10 10,-10 0,10" @selector="portBody"/>`,
  label: util.svg`<text @selector="portLabel"/>`

const attributes = {
  label: {
    fontSize: 14,
    fontFamily: "sans-serif",
    fill: "#333333",
    textVerticalAnchor: "top",
    textAnchor: "middle",
    x: "calc(w / 2)",
    y: "calc(h + 10)",
    // reset if used
    refX: null,
    refY: null
  body: {
    stroke: colors.shape,
    strokeWidth: 2,
    fill: {
      type: "pattern",
      attrs: {
        width: 12,
        height: 12,
        "stroke-width": 1,
        stroke: colors.shape,
        fill: "none"
      markup: util.svg`
                <rect width="12" height="12" fill="${}" stroke="none" />
                <path d="M 0 0 L 12 12 M 6 -6 L 18 6 M -6 6 L 6 18" />
  portBody: {
    fill: colors.port,
    strokeWidth: 3
  portLabel: {
    fontSize: 14,
    fontFamily: "sans-serif",
    fill: "#333333",
    textVerticalAnchor: "middle"

// Define custom elements
// ----------------------

class Label extends dia.Element {
  defaults() {
    return {
      type: "Label",
      size: {
        width: 120,
        height: 120
      attrs: {
        body: {
          d: "M 0 calc(0.5*h) calc(0.5*h) 0 H calc(w) V calc(h) H calc(0.5*h) Z"
        label: {

  preinitialize() {
    this.markup = [
        tagName: "path",
        selector: "body"
        tagName: "text",
        selector: "label"

  initialize() {
    this.on("change:outPorts change:inPorts", (_, __, opt) =>

  updateAllPorts(opt) {
    const inPorts = this.get("inPorts") || [];
    const outPorts = this.get("outPorts") || [];
    const ports = [...inPorts, ...outPorts];
    ports.forEach((port) => {
      if (! = util.uuid();
    this.prop("ports/items", ports, { ...opt, rewrite: true });

  toJSON() {
    // Make sure the JSON does not contain the duplicated ports
    // We keep the data in the `inPorts` and `outPorts` attributes only
    const json = super.toJSON();
    delete json.ports.items;
    return json;

class DoubleBorderRectangle extends dia.Element {
  defaults() {
    return {
      type: "DoubleBorderRectangle",
      size: {
        width: 100,
        height: 80
      attrs: {
        border: {
          fill: colors.border,
          stroke: colors.shape,
          strokeWidth: 2,
          x: 0,
          y: 0,
          width: "calc(w)",
          height: "calc(h)"
        innerBorder: {
          x: 10,
          y: 10,
          width: `calc(w - 20)`,
          height: `calc(h - 20)`
        label: {

  preinitialize() {
    this.markup = [
        tagName: "rect",
        selector: "border"
        tagName: "rect",
        selector: "innerBorder"
        tagName: "text",
        selector: "label"

class DoubleBorderRhombus extends dia.Element {
  defaults() {
    return {
      type: "DoubleBorderRhombus",
      size: {
        width: 120,
        height: 120
      attrs: {
        border: {
          fill: colors.border,
          stroke: colors.shape,
          strokeWidth: 2,
          d: "M calc(w/2) 0 calc(w) calc(h/2) calc(w/2) calc(h) 0 calc(h/2) Z"
        innerBorder: {
          d: `M calc(w/2) 10 calc(w - 10) calc(h/2) calc(w/2) calc(h - 10) 10 calc(h/2) Z`
        label: {

  preinitialize() {
    this.markup = [
        tagName: "path",
        selector: "border"
        tagName: "path",
        selector: "innerBorder"
        tagName: "text",
        selector: "label"

// A custom inspector that supports mouseenter and mouseleave events
const MyInspector = ui.Inspector.extend({
  events: {,
    "mouseenter .list-item": "onListItemMouseEnter",
    "mouseleave .list-item": "onListItemMouseLeave"

  onListItemMouseEnter(evt) {
    const path = evt.currentTarget.closest(".list").dataset.attribute;
    const index = evt.currentTarget.dataset.index;
    this.trigger("listItem:mouseenter", path, index, evt);

  onListItemMouseLeave(evt) {
    const path = evt.currentTarget.closest(".list").dataset.attribute;
    const index = evt.currentTarget.dataset.index;
    this.trigger("listItem:mouseleave", path, index, evt);

// Port and label presentation attributes
// --------------------------------------

const attributesModel = new shapes.standard.Rectangle({
  inspector: 1,
  position: { x: 700, y: 600 },
  size: { width: 120, height: 200 },
  attrs: {
    body: {
      width: "calc(w)",
      height: "calc(h)"
    label: {
      text: "Port and label\npresentation attributes"
  ports: {
    groups: {
      main: {
        position: function (ports) {
          return Array.from({ length: ports.length }, (_, i) => {
            return {
              x: 0,
              y: i * (25 + 5) + 15
        size: { width: 120, height: 25 },
        // In this case, the text is part of the port body
        // Using the port label layout would have no effect
        markup: util.svg`
                      <rect @selector="portBody"/>
                      <text @selector="portLabel"/>
        attrs: {
          portBody: {
            stroke: colors.port,
            magnet: "out",
            width: "calc(w)",
            height: "calc(h)"
          portLabel: {
            x: "calc(w / 2)",
            y: "calc(h / 2)",
            textAnchor: "middle",
            textWrap: {
              maxLineCount: 1,
              width: "calc(w - 10)",
              ellipsis: true
            fill: colors.text
    items: [
        id: "port1",
        group: "main",
        attrs: {
          portLabel: {
            text: "Port 1"

function showAttributesInspector(cell) {
  return MyInspector.create("#inspector-container", {
    inputs: {
      ports: {
        items: {
          max: 6,
          type: "list",
          label: "Ports",
          item: {
            type: "object",
            properties: {
              group: {
                // A hidden input to make sure the new ports
                // falls under the 'main' group
                type: "text",
                defaultValue: "main",
                attrs: {
                  "*": {
                    style: "display:none"
              attrs: {
                portLabel: {
                  text: {
                    type: "text",
                    label: "Port label",
                    defaultValue: "New port"
                  fill: {
                    type: "color",
                    label: "Label Color",
                    defaultValue: colors.text
                portBody: {
                  fill: {
                    type: "color",
                    label: "Port Color",
                  stroke: {
                    type: "color",
                    label: "Port Border Color",
                    defaultValue: colors.port
                  magnet: {
                    type: "select-button-group",
                    label: "Magnet",
                    defaultValue: "out",
                    options: [
                      { value: "in", content: "Only In" },
                        value: "out",
                        content: "Only Out"
                        value: "any",
                        content: "In and Out"

// Dynamic Ports
// -------------

const dynamicPortsModel = new shapes.standard.Rectangle({
  inspector: 2,
  position: { x: 200, y: 40 },
  size: { width: 120, height: 200 },
  attrs: {
    body: {
    label: {
      text: "Dynamic ports"
  portLabelMarkup: portMarkup.label,
  ports: {
    groups: {
      in: {
        position: "left",
        attrs: {
          portBody: {
            magnet: "in",
          portLabel: {
      out: {
        position: "right",
        attrs: {
          portBody: {
            magnet: "out",
          portLabel: {
    items: [
        id: "in1",
        group: "in"
        id: "out1",
        group: "out"

function showDynamicPortsInspector(cell) {
  return MyInspector.create("#inspector-container", {
    inputs: {
      ports: {
        items: {
          type: "list",
          label: "Dynamic Ports",
          addButtonLabel: "Add Port",
          removeButtonLabel: "Remove Port",
          item: {
            type: "object",
            properties: {
              group: {
                type: "select-button-group",
                defaultValue: "in",
                label: "Port Group",
                options: [
                  { value: "in", content: "In" },
                  { value: "out", content: "Out" }

// Static Ports
// ------------

const staticPortsModel = new shapes.standard.Path({
  inspector: 3,
  position: { x: 450, y: 80 },
  size: { width: 120, height: 120 },
  attrs: {
    body: {
        "M 0 30 30 0 calc(w-30) 0 calc(w) 30 calc(w) calc(h-30) calc(w-30) calc(h) 30 calc(h) 0 calc(h-30) Z"
    label: {
      text: "Static ports",
  portLabelMarkup: portMarkup.label,
  ports: {
    groups: {
      in: {
        position: "left",
        label: {
          position: "outside"
        attrs: {
          portBody: {
            magnet: "in",
          portLabel: {
      out: {
        position: "right",
        label: {
          position: "outside"
        attrs: {
          portBody: {
            magnet: "out",
          portLabel: {
    items: [
        id: "in1",
        group: "in",
        attrs: {
          portLabel: {
            text: "In 1"
        id: "in2",
        group: "in",
        attrs: {
          portLabel: {
            text: "In 2"
        id: "out1",
        group: "out",
        attrs: {
          portLabel: {
            text: "Out 1"
        id: "out2",
        group: "out",
        attrs: {
          portLabel: {
            text: "Out 2"

function showStaticPortsInspector(cell) {
  return MyInspector.create("#inspector-container", {
    inputs: {
      ports: {
        items: {
          0: {
            attrs: {
              portLabel: {
                text: {
                  type: "text",
                  label: "Input Port 1 Label"
          1: {
            attrs: {
              portLabel: {
                text: {
                  type: "text",
                  label: "Input Port 2 Label"
          2: {
            attrs: {
              portLabel: {
                text: {
                  type: "text",
                  label: "Output Port 1 Label"
          3: {
            attrs: {
              portLabel: {
                text: {
                  type: "text",
                  label: "Output Port 2 Label"

// Dynamic Output Ports
// --------------------

// Note: the data-binding between `outPorts` and `ports/items` is handled
// by the `updateAllPorts` method in the `Label` class

const dynamicOutputPortsModel = new Label({
  inspector: 8,
  position: { x: 700, y: 80 },
  attrs: {
    label: {
      text: "Static input ports\nDynamic output ports"
  portLabelMarkup: portMarkup.label,
  ports: {
    groups: {
      in: {
        position: "left",
        attrs: {
          portBody: {
            magnet: "in"
      out: {
        position: "right",
        attrs: {
          portBody: {
            magnet: "out"
  inPorts: [
      id: "in1",
      group: "in",
      attrs: {
        portBody: {
          magnet: "in"
        portLabel: {

function showOutputPortInspector(cell) {
  return MyInspector.create("#inspector-container", {
    inputs: {
      inPorts: {
        0: {
          attrs: {
            portBody: {
              fill: {
                type: "color",
                label: "Input Port Color",
                defaultValue: "#ffffff"
      outPorts: {
        max: 4,
        type: "list",
        label: "Ports",
        addButtonLabel: "Add Output Port",
        removeButtonLabel: "Remove Port",
        item: {
          type: "object",
          properties: {
            group: {
              // A hidden input to make sure the new ports
              // falls under the 'main' group
              type: "text",
              defaultValue: "out",
              attrs: {
                "*": {
                  style: "display:none"
            attrs: {
              portBody: {
                fill: {
                  type: "color",
                  label: "Port Color",
                  defaultValue: colors.port

// Port and label position adjustments
// ----------------------------------

const adjustmentModel = new shapes.standard.Rectangle({
  inspector: 10,
  position: { x: 800, y: 300 },
  size: { width: 120, height: 200 },
  attrs: {
    body: {
    label: {
      text: "Port and label\nposition adjustments"
  portLabelMarkup: portMarkup.label,
  ports: {
    groups: {
      in: {
        position: "left",
        label: {
          position: "outside"
        attrs: {
          portBody: {
            magnet: "in",
          portLabel: {
      out: {
        position: "right",
        label: {
          position: "right"
        attrs: {
          portBody: {
            magnet: "out",
          portLabel: {
    items: [
        id: "in1",
        group: "in",
        label: {
          position: {
            args: {
              angle: 45,
              offset: 20
        attrs: {
          labelText: {
            text: "In 1"
        id: "in2",
        group: "in",
        label: {
          position: {
            args: {
              angle: -45,
              offset: 20
        attrs: {
          labelText: {
            text: "In 2"
        id: "out1",
        group: "out",
        label: {
          position: {
            args: {
              angle: -45,
              offset: 20
        attrs: {
          labelText: {
            text: "Out 1"
        id: "out2",
        group: "out",
        label: {
          position: {
            args: {
              angle: 45,
              offset: 20
        attrs: {
          labelText: {
            text: "Out 2"

function showAdjustmentInspector(cell) {
  return MyInspector.create("#inspector-container", {
    inputs: {
      ports: {
        items: {
          type: "list",
          label: "Port position adjustments",
          min: 4,
          max: 4,
          item: {
            type: "object",
            properties: {
              // Position Arguments
              args: {
                dx: {
                  type: "number",
                  label: "DX offset",
                  defaultValue: 0
                dy: {
                  type: "number",
                  label: "DY offset",
                  defaultValue: 0
              // Label Arguments
              label: {
                position: {
                  args: {
                    angle: {
                      type: "number",
                      label: "Label Angle",
                      defaultValue: 0
                    offset: {
                      type: "number",
                      label: "Label Offset",
                      defaultValue: 15

// Port shapes
// -----------

const shapeModel = new shapes.standard.Rectangle({
  inspector: 5,
  position: { x: 450, y: 640 },
  size: { width: 120, height: 130 },
  attrs: {
    body: {
    label: {
      text: "Port shapes\nPort group shapes"
  portLabelMarkup: portMarkup.label,
  ports: {
    groups: {
      in: {
        position: "left",
        attrs: {
          portBody: {
            magnet: "in"
          portLabel: {
        label: {
          position: "outside"
      out: {
        position: "right",
        label: {
          position: "right"
        attrs: {
          portBody: {
            magnet: "out"
          portLabel: {
    items: [
        id: "in1",
        group: "in",
        attrs: {
          portLabel: {
            text: "In 1"
        id: "in2",
        group: "in",
        attrs: {
          portLabel: {
            text: "In 2"
        id: "out1",
        group: "out",
        markup: portMarkup.rect,
        attrs: {
          portLabel: {
            text: "Out 1"
        id: "out2",
        group: "out",
        attrs: {
          portLabel: {
            text: "Out 2"
        id: "out3",
        group: "out",
        attrs: {
          portLabel: {
            text: "Out 3"

function showShapeInspector(cell) {
  return MyInspector.create("#inspector-container", {
    inputs: {
      ports: {
        groups: {
          in: {
            markup: {
              type: "select-button-group",
              label: "Input Ports Default Shape",
              // Value is an object, so we need to specify the key
              // by which we want to compare the options.
              // To determine which of the options is selected.
              key: [0, "tagName"],
              options: [
                  content: "■ Rectangle",
                  value: portMarkup.rect
                  content: "● Circle",
                  content: "▾ Triangle",
                  value: portMarkup.triangle
          out: {
            markup: {
              type: "select-button-group",
              label: "Output Ports Default Shape",
              key: [0, "tagName"],
              options: [
                  content: "■ Rectangle",
                  value: portMarkup.rect
                  content: "● Circle",
                  content: "▾ Triangle",
                  value: portMarkup.triangle
        items: {
          type: "list",
          label: "Ports",
          // Disable adding ports.
          min: Infinity,
          // Disable removing ports.
          max: -1,
          item: {
            type: "object",
            properties: {
              markup: {
                type: "select-button-group",
                label: "Port Shape",
                usePortNameInLabel: true,
                key: [0, "tagName"],
                options: [
                    content: "■ Rectangle",
                    value: portMarkup.rect
                    content: "● Circle",
                    content: "▾ Triangle",
                    value: portMarkup.triangle
                    content: "Group Default",
                    value: null

// Rectangle Port Layout
// ---------------------

const rectModel = new shapes.standard.Rectangle({
  inspector: 4,
  position: { x: 50, y: 340 },
  size: { width: 120, height: 120 },
  attrs: {
    body: {
    label: {
      y: "calc(h + 50)",
      text: "Port and label\nlayouts for rectangles"
  portLabelMarkup: portMarkup.label,
  ports: {
    groups: {
      in: {
        position: "left",
        label: {
          position: "outside"
        attrs: {
          portBody: {
            magnet: "in"
          portLabel: {
      out: {
        position: "right",
        label: {
          position: "outside"
        attrs: {
          portBody: {
            magnet: "out"
          portLabel: {
    items: [
        id: "p1",
        group: "in",
        attrs: {
          portLabel: {
            text: "pA"
        id: "p2",
        group: "in",
        attrs: {
          portLabel: {
            text: "pB"
        id: "p3",
        group: "in",
        attrs: {
          portLabel: {
            text: "pC"
        id: "p4",
        group: "out",
        attrs: {
          portLabel: {
            text: "pD"
        id: "p5",
        group: "out",
        attrs: {
          portLabel: {
            text: "pE"

function showRectangleInspector(cell) {
  return MyInspector.create("#inspector-container", {
    inputs: {
      ports: {
        groups: {
          in: {
            position: {
              type: "select-button-group",
              label: "Input Ports Position",
              options: [
                { value: "left", content: "Left" },
                { value: "right", content: "Right" },
                { value: "top", content: "Top" },
                { value: "bottom", content: "Bottom" }
            label: {
              position: {
                type: "select-button-group",
                label: "Input Ports Label Layout",
                options: [
                  { value: "inside", content: "Inside" },
                  { value: "outside", content: "Outside" },
                    value: "insideOriented",
                    content: "Inside Oriented"
                    value: "outsideOriented",
                    content: "Outside Oriented"
          out: {
            position: {
              type: "select-button-group",
              label: "Output Ports Layout",
              options: [
                { value: "left", content: "Left" },
                { value: "right", content: "Right" },
                { value: "top", content: "Top" },
                { value: "bottom", content: "Bottom" }
            label: {
              position: {
                type: "select-button-group",
                label: "Output Ports Label Layout",
                options: [
                  { value: "inside", content: "Inside" },
                  { value: "outside", content: "Outside" },
                    value: "insideOriented",
                    content: "Inside Oriented"
                    value: "outsideOriented",
                    content: "Outside Oriented"

// Ellipse Port Layout
// -------------------

const ellipseModel = new shapes.standard.Ellipse({
  inspector: 6,
  position: { x: 300, y: 340 },
  size: { width: 120, height: 120 },
  attrs: {
    body: {
    label: {
      y: "calc(h + 50)",
      text: "Port and label\nlayouts for ellipses"
  ports: {
    groups: {
      main: {
        position: {
          name: "ellipse",
          args: {
            startAngle: 0,
            step: 40,
            compensateRotation: true
        label: {
          position: {
            name: "radial",
            args: {
              offset: 20
          markup: portMarkup.label
        markup: portMarkup.rect,
        attrs: {
          portBody: {
            magnet: "out"
          portLabel: {

// Generate ports based on the portCount attribute

ellipseModel.on("change:portCount", (_, count, opt) => {
  const ports = Array.from({ length: count }, (_, index) => ({
    id: `p${index}`,
    group: "main",
    attrs: {
      portLabel: {
        text: `P${index + 1}`
  ellipseModel.prop("ports/items", ports, { ...opt, rewrite: true });

ellipseModel.set("portCount", 5);

function showEllipseInspector(cell) {
  return MyInspector.create("#inspector-container", {
    groups: {
      portLayout: {
        label: "Port Layout",
        index: 1
      portLabelLayout: {
        label: "Port Label Layout",
        index: 2
    inputs: {
      ports: {
        groups: {
          main: {
            position: {
              name: {
                type: "select-button-group",
                label: "Port Layout",
                defaultValue: "ellipse",
                group: "portLayout",
                options: [
                  { value: "ellipse", content: "Step" },
                    value: "ellipseSpread",
                    content: "Spread"
              args: {
                startAngle: {
                  type: "number",
                  label: "Start Angle",
                  defaultValue: 0,
                  group: "portLayout"
                step: {
                  type: "number",
                  label: "Step",
                  when: {
                    eq: {
                      "ports/groups/main/position/name": "ellipse"
                  group: "portLayout"
                compensateRotation: {
                  type: "toggle",
                  label: "Compensate Rotation",
                  group: "portLayout"
            label: {
              position: {
                name: {
                  type: "select-button-group",
                  label: "Label Layout",
                  defaultValue: "radial",
                  group: "portLabelLayout",
                  options: [
                    { value: "radial", content: "Radial" },
                      value: "radialOriented",
                      content: "Radial Oriented"
                      value: "outside",
                      content: "Outside"
                      value: "outsideOriented",
                      content: "Outside Oriented"
                    { value: "inside", content: "Inside" },
                      value: "insideOriented",
                      content: "Inside Oriented"
                args: {
                  offset: {
                    type: "number",
                    label: "Label Offset",
                    group: "portLabelLayout"
      portCount: {
        type: "number",
        min: 0,
        max: 9,
        label: "Port Count (Max 9)",
        group: "portLayout"

// Port Z-Index
// ------------

const zIndexModel = new DoubleBorderRectangle({
  inspector: 7,
  position: { x: 200, y: 600 },
  size: { width: 120, height: 200 },
  attrs: {
    label: {
      text: "Port\nz-index"
  ports: {
    groups: {
      main: {
        position: "right",
        markup: portMarkup.longRect,
        label: {
          markup: portMarkup.label,
          position: {
            name: "right",
            args: {
              x: 5,
              y: 20
        attrs: {
          portBody: {
            magnet: "out"
          portLabel: {
    items: [
        id: "p1",
        group: "main",
        z: 0,
        attrs: {
          labelText: {
            text: "Port 1"
        id: "p2",
        group: "main",
        z: 1,
        attrs: {
          labelText: {
            text: "Port 2"
        id: "p3",
        group: "main",
        z: 2,
        attrs: {
          labelText: {
            text: "Port 3"

function showZIndexInspector(cell) {
  return MyInspector.create("#inspector-container", {
    inputs: {
      ports: {
        items: {
          0: {
            z: {
              type: "number",
              label: "Port 1 z-index"
          1: {
            z: {
              type: "number",
              label: "Port 2 z-index"
          2: {
            z: {
              type: "number",
              label: "Port 3 z-index"

// Manual Port Layout
// ------------------

const rhombusLayout = new DoubleBorderRhombus({
  inspector: 9,
  position: { x: 550, y: 340 },
  attrs: {
    label: {
      y: "calc(h + 50)",
      text: "Manual ports layout"
  portMarkup: portMarkup.rect,
  portLabelMarkup: portMarkup.label,
  ports: {
    groups: {
      main: {
        position: {
          name: "absolute"
        attrs: {
          portBody: {
            magnet: "out"
    items: [
        id: "p1",
        group: "main",
        args: {
          // x: 'calc(3 * w / 4)',
          x: 90,
          // y: 'calc(3 * h / 4)',
          y: 90,
          angle: 45
        attrs: {
          portBody: {
            x: -4
        id: "p2",
        group: "main",
        args: {
          // x: 'calc(3 * w / 4)',
          x: 90,
          // y: 'calc(h / 4)',
          y: 30,
          angle: -45
        attrs: {
          portBody: {
            x: -4

function showRhombusInspector(cell) {
  return MyInspector.create("#inspector-container", {
    inputs: {
      ports: {
        items: {
          type: "list",
          label: "Ports",
          item: {
            type: "object",
            properties: {
              group: {
                // A hidden input to make sure the new ports
                // falls under the 'main' group
                type: "text",
                defaultValue: "main",
                attrs: {
                  "*": {
                    style: "display:none"
              args: {
                x: {
                  type: "number",
                  label: "X position",
                  defaultValue: 60,
                  index: 1
                y: {
                  type: "number",
                  label: "Y position",
                  defaultValue: 60,
                  index: 2
                angle: {
                  type: "number",
                  label: "Angle",
                  defaultValue: 0,
                  index: 4
              attrs: {
                portBody: {
                  x: {
                    type: "number",
                    label: "Offset in Angle Direction",
                    defaultValue: -10,
                    index: 3

// Create Paper and PaperScroller
// ------------------------------

const cellNamespace = {

const graph = new dia.Graph({}, { cellNamespace });
const paper = new dia.Paper({
  model: graph,
  cellViewNamespace: cellNamespace,
  width: 1000,
  height: 1000,
  async: true,
  sorting: dia.Paper.sorting.APPROX,
  clickThreshold: 10,
  defaultConnectionPoint: {
    name: "boundary"
  background: {
  linkPinning: false,
  snapLinks: true,
  interactive: { elementMove: false, linkMove: false },
  markAvailable: true,
  defaultLink: () => new shapes.standard.Link(),
  validateConnection: (sv, sm, tv, targetNode) => {
    if (!targetNode) return false;
    if (sv === tv) return false;
    const targetMagnet = targetNode.getAttribute("magnet");
    return targetMagnet === "in" || targetMagnet === "any";
  validateMagnet: (_, node) => {
    return node.getAttribute("magnet") !== "in";

const scroller = new ui.PaperScroller({
  cursor: "grab"

// Paper interactions
// ------------------

paper.on("element:pointerclick", (elementView) => {

paper.on("blank:pointerdown", (evt) => {

paper.on("blank:pointerclick", () => {

function showInspector(elementView) {
  highlighters.mask.add(elementView, "root", "selection", {
    deep: true,
    layer: dia.Paper.Layers.BACK,
    attrs: {
      stroke: colors.selection,
      "stroke-width": 3,
      "stroke-opacity": 0.5
  let inspector = null;
  const element = elementView.model;
  switch (element.get("inspector")) {
    case 1:
      inspector = showAttributesInspector(element);
    case 2:
      inspector = showDynamicPortsInspector(element);
    case 3:
      inspector = showStaticPortsInspector(element);
    case 4:
      inspector = showRectangleInspector(element);
    case 5:
      inspector = showShapeInspector(element);
    case 6:
      inspector = showEllipseInspector(element);
      // Avoid using the `step` for the `ellipseSpread`.
      inspector.on("change:ports/groups/main/position/name", (value) => {
          value === "ellipseSpread" ? null : 40
    case 7:
      inspector = showZIndexInspector(element);
    case 8:
      inspector = showOutputPortInspector(element);
    case 9:
      inspector = showRhombusInspector(element);
    case 10:
      inspector = showAdjustmentInspector(element);

    "listItem:mouseenter": (path, index, evt) => {
      if (path !== "ports/items" && path !== "outPorts") return;
      const portId = element.prop(`${path}/${index}/id`);
      highlighters.mask.add(elementView, { port: portId }, "port-selection", {
        layer: dia.Paper.Layers.FRONT,
        attrs: {
          "stroke-width": 4,
          stroke: colors.portSelection
    "listItem:mouseleave": (path, index, evt) => {
      highlighters.mask.removeAll(paper, "port-selection");

  scroller.scrollToElement(element, { animation: true });

// A custom function to render the inspector label
// - supports docs links
// - supports port name in the label
function renderLabel(options, path, inspector) {
  let label = options.label;
  if (options.usePortNameInLabel) {
    const pathArray = path.split("/");
    const portName = inspector
      .prop([...pathArray, "attrs", "portLabel", "text"]);
    label = ` ${portName} ${label || ""}`;
  const docs =;
  const labelEl = document.createElement("label");
  labelEl.textContent = (label ?? path) + " ";
  if (docs) {
    const linkEl = document.createElement("a");
    linkEl.setAttribute("href", docs);
    linkEl.setAttribute("target", "_blank");
    linkEl.textContent = "(Docs)";
  return labelEl;

// Show models and open default inspector
// ------------------------------


scroller.centerContent({ useModelGeometry: true });


