const { dia, shapes, util } = joint;
const paperContainerEl = document.getElementById("paper-container");
const playbackRateEl = document.getElementById("power-input");
const playbackRateOutputEl = document.getElementById("power-output");
// Turbine metrics
const r = 16;
const a = 3;
const b = 4;
// Custom view flags
class Generator extends dia.Element {
defaults() {
return {
type: "Generator",
size: {
width: 60,
height: 80
power: 0,
attrs: {
root: {
magnetSelector: "body"
body: {
width: "calc(w)",
height: "calc(h)",
stroke: "#7f4439",
strokeWidth: 2,
fill: "#945042",
rx: 5,
ry: 5
label: {
text: "Generator",
textAnchor: "middle",
textVerticalAnchor: "top",
x: "calc(0.5*w)",
y: "calc(h+10)",
fontSize: "14",
fontFamily: "sans-serif",
fill: "#350100"
generatorGroup: {
transform: "translate(calc(w/2),calc(h/2))",
event: "element:power:click",
cursor: "pointer"
generatorBackground: {
r: 24,
fill: "#350100",
stroke: "#a95b4c",
strokeWidth: 2
generator: {
d: `M ${a} ${a} ${b} ${r} -${b} ${r} -${a} ${a} -${r} ${b} -${r} -${b} -${a} -${a} -${b} -${r} ${b} -${r} ${a} -${a} ${r} -${b} ${r} ${b} Z`,
stroke: "#a95b4c",
strokeWidth: 2,
fill: "#c99287"
get power() {
return Math.round(this.get("power") * 100);
preinitialize() {
this.markup = util.svg/* xml */ `
<rect @selector="body" />
<g @selector="generatorGroup">
<circle @selector="generatorBackground" />
<path @selector="generator" />
<text @selector="label" />
const GeneratorView = dia.ElementView.extend({
presentationAttributes: dia.ElementView.addPresentationAttributes({
power: [POWER_FLAG]
initFlag: [dia.ElementView.Flags.RENDER, POWER_FLAG],
powerAnimation: null,
confirmUpdate(...args) {
let flags =, ...args);
if (this.hasFlag(flags, POWER_FLAG)) {
flags = this.removeFlag(flags, POWER_FLAG);
return flags;
getSpinAnimation() {
let { spinAnimation } = this;
if (spinAnimation) return spinAnimation;
const [generatorEl] = this.findBySelector("generator");
// It's important to use start and end frames to make it work in Safari.
const keyframes = { fill: ["red", "white"] };
spinAnimation = generatorEl.animate(keyframes, {
fill: "forwards",
duration: 1000,
iterations: Infinity
this.spinAnimation = spinAnimation;
return spinAnimation;
togglePower() {
const { model } = this;
const playbackRate = model.get("power");
this.getSpinAnimation().playbackRate = playbackRate;
class Bulb extends dia.Element {
defaults() {
return {
type: "Bulb",
size: {
width: 28,
height: 30
attrs: {
root: {
magnetSelector: "glass"
cap1: {
y: "calc(h + 1)",
x: "calc(w / 2 - 6)",
width: 12
cap2: {
y: "calc(h + 5)",
x: "calc(w / 2 - 5)",
width: 10
cap: {
fill: "#350100",
height: 3
glass: {
fill: "#f1f5f7",
stroke: "#659db3",
"M 14.01 0 C 3.23 0.01 -3.49 11.68 1.91 21.01 C 2.93 22.78 4.33 24.31 6.01 25.48 L 6.01 32 L 22.01 32 L 22.01 25.48 C 30.85 19.31 29.69 5.89 19.93 1.32 C 18.08 0.45 16.06 0 14.01 0 Z"
label: {
textAnchor: "middle",
textVerticalAnchor: "middle",
x: "calc(w / 2)",
y: "calc(h / 2)",
fontSize: 7,
fontFamily: "sans-serif",
fill: "#350100"
preinitialize() {
this.markup = util.svg/* xml */ `
<rect @selector="cap1" @group-selector="cap"/>
<rect @selector="cap2" @group-selector="cap"/>
<path @selector="glass"/>
<text @selector="label" />
static create(watts = 100) {
return new this({
watts: watts,
attrs: {
label: {
text: `${watts} W`
const BulbView = dia.ElementView.extend({
presentationAttributes: dia.ElementView.addPresentationAttributes({
light: [LIGHT_FLAG]
initFlag: [dia.ElementView.Flags.RENDER, LIGHT_FLAG],
spinAnimation: null,
confirmUpdate(...args) {
let flags =, ...args);
if (this.hasFlag(flags, LIGHT_FLAG)) {
flags = this.removeFlag(flags, LIGHT_FLAG);
return flags;
getGlassAnimation() {
let { glassAnimation } = this;
if (glassAnimation) return glassAnimation;
const [glassEl] = this.findBySelector("glass");
const keyframes = {
stroke: ["#edbc26"],
fill: ["#f5e5b7"],
strokeWidth: [2]
glassAnimation = glassEl.animate(keyframes, {
fill: "forwards",
duration: 500,
iterations: 1
this.glassAnimation = glassAnimation;
return glassAnimation;
toggleLight() {
const { model } = this;
const state = model.get("light") ? 1 : -1;
this.getGlassAnimation().playbackRate = state;
class Wire extends dia.Link {
defaults() {
return {
type: "Wire",
z: -1,
attrs: {
line: {
connection: true,
stroke: "#346f83",
strokeWidth: 2,
strokeLinejoin: "round",
strokeLinecap: "round"
outline: {
connection: true,
stroke: "#004456",
strokeWidth: 4,
strokeLinejoin: "round",
strokeLinecap: "round"
preinitialize() {
this.markup = util.svg/* xml */ `
<path @selector="outline" fill="none"/>
<path @selector="line" fill="none"/>
const StatusEffect = dia.HighlighterView.extend({
tagName: "circle",
attributes: {
r: 5,
stroke: "white",
event: "element:power:click",
cursor: "pointer"
highlight: function (cellView) {
const { vel } = this;
const { model } = cellView;
const { width, height } = model.size();
const power = model.get("power");
vel.attr("fill", power === 0 ? "#ed4912" : "#65b374");
vel.attr("cx", width - 10);
vel.attr("cy", height - 10);
const PlaybackRateEffect = dia.HighlighterView.extend({
tagName: "text",
attributes: {
r: 5,
fill: "white",
"font-size": 7,
"font-family": "sans-serif",
"text-anchor": "end"
highlight: function (cellView) {
const { vel } = this;
const { model } = cellView;
const { width, height } = model.size();
const { power } = model;
let text;
switch (power) {
case 0:
text = "Off";
case 100:
text = "On";
case 400:
text = "Max";
text = `${power} %`;
vel.attr("x", width - 18);
vel.attr("y", height - 5);
vel.text(text, { textVerticalAnchor: "bottom" });
const namespace = { ...shapes, Generator, Bulb, BulbView, Wire };
const graph = new dia.Graph(
cellNamespace: namespace
const paper = new dia.Paper({
model: graph,
width: "100%",
height: "100%",
async: true,
sorting: dia.Paper.sorting.APPROX,
background: { color: "#F3F7F6" },
interactive: {
linkMove: false
cellViewNamespace: namespace,
defaultAnchor: {
name: "perpendicular"
defaultConnectionPoint: {
name: "anchor"
paper.on("element:power:click", ({ model }, evt) => {
const playbackRate = model.get("power") ? 0 : 1;
playbackRateEl.addEventListener("input", ({ target }) => {
const playbackRate = parseFloat(target.value);
const generator = new Generator({
position: { x: 50, y: 50 }
function setPlaybackRate(playbackRate) {
generator.set("power", playbackRate);
playbackRateEl.value = playbackRate;
playbackRateOutputEl.value = `${playbackRate} x`;
const bulb1 = Bulb.create(100).position(150, 45);
const bulb2 = Bulb.create(40).position(150, 105);
const wire1 = new Wire({
source: { id: },
target: { id: }
const wire2 = new Wire({
source: { id: },
target: { id: }
graph.addCells([generator, bulb1, bulb2, wire1, wire2]);
//StatusEffect.add(generator.findView(paper), "root", "status");
PlaybackRateEffect.add(generator.findView(paper), "root", "playback-rate");
graph.on("change:power", (el) => toggleLights(graph, el));
function toggleLights(graph, el) {
graph.getNeighbors(el, { outbound: true }).forEach((bulb) => {
bulb.set("light", el.power >= bulb.get("watts"));
toggleLights(graph, generator);