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                <article class='recipe-card'>
  <h2>Creamy Carrot Soup</h2>
  <div id='carousel' class='recipe-pic-frame'>
    <div id='sliderBox' class='slider-box'>
      <div class='recipe-pic pic1' role='img'></div>
      <div class='recipe-pic pic2' role='img'></div>
      <div class='recipe-pic pic3' role='img'></div>
    <ul class='ingredient-list'>
      <li>1 tablespoon butter</li>
        1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil</li>
        1 medium onion, chopped</li>
        1 stalk celery, chopped</li>
        2 cloves garlic, chopped</li>
        1 teaspoon chopped fresh thyme or parsley</li>
        5 cups chopped carrots</li>
        2 cups water</li>
        4 cups reduced-sodium chicken broth, “no-chicken” broth (see Note) or vegetable broth</li>
        1/2 cup half-and-half (optional)</li>
        1/2 teaspoon salt</li>
        Freshly ground pepper to taste</li>

    <p>Heat butter and oil in a Dutch oven over medium heat until the butter melts. Add onion and celery; cook, stirring occasionally, until softened, 4 to 6 minutes. Add garlic and thyme (or parsley); cook, stirring, until fragrant, about 10 seconds.</p>
      Stir in carrots. Add water and broth; bring to a lively simmer over high heat. Reduce heat to maintain a lively simmer and cook until very tender, about 25 minutes. Puree the soup in batches in a blender until smooth. (Use caution when pureeing hot liquids.)
      Stir in half-and-half (if using), salt and pepper.</p>
    <h3>Tips &amp; Notes</h3>
      Make Ahead Tip: Cover and refrigerate for up to 4 days or freeze for up to 3 months.
        <p>Note: Chicken-flavored broth, a vegetarian broth despite its name, is preferable to vegetable broth in some recipes for its hearty, rich flavor. Sometimes called “no-chicken” broth, it can be found with the soups in the natural-foods section of
          most supermarkets.</p>
    <p>Per serving: 77 calories; 3 g fat (1 g sat, 2 g mono); 4 mg cholesterol; 10 g carbohydrates; 0 g added sugars; 3 g protein; 3 g fiber; 484 mg sodium; 397 mg potassium.</p>

    <p>Nutrition Bonus: Vitamin A (269% daily value).</p>

    <p>Carbohydrate Servings: 1/2</p>

    <p>Exchanges: 1 vegetable, 1 fat</p>


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                let imageIndex = 0;
let imageCount = document.getElementsByClassName('recipe-pic').length;
let carousel = document.getElementById('carousel');
let slider = document.getElementById('sliderBox');
carousel.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
  imageIndex = (imageIndex >= imageCount - 1) ? 0 : imageIndex + 1;
  console.log((100 * imageIndex) + "%"); = (-100 * imageIndex) + "%";
