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                <header class="h1top">
	<canvas id="myCanvas" width=250 height=50>
		<h1>W. C. GALL</h1></canvas>
	<div class="col2">
			<p>Prof: BD, CV, Resumé</p>
			<p>IHP, SCU, ENY</p>
			<p>Room 666-9, TEL</p>
			<p>SCU: Students, PostDocs</p>
			<p>Elsewhere you may seek</p>
			<p>Visits to haunted places</p>
	<div class="col4">
		<section class="Lbrace">
			<p>talks of</p>
			<p>ways to appraise</p>
			<p>ways to communicate with</p>
		<section class="Rbrace">
		<section class="Lbrace">
<div class="Raside">
			<h2>Fake Graduate Textbooks</h2>
			<p>Spirits ('88, 6th ed. '15), 999p, Terrestrial/Extra-terrestrial entities</p>
			<p>Intro to Serene Spirit Talks ('99), never revised - no need to! </p>
			<p>Stuperspace ('83), with V. Gates, M. Roachcock, & E. Kangaroo</p>
		<div class="col3">
			<section class="single1">
				<h2>Highly Enforced Psychics</h2>
				<h4>From 'wow!' to 'what?'</h4>
				<p>The Super G-String</p>
				<p>Super G-String Field Theory</p>
				<p>Theory of More than Everything</p>
				<p>Negative Physics</p>
				<p>G-Duality for G-Strings & G-Branes</p>
				<p>The Nonabelian Names of God</p>
				<p>The Everything of Theory</p>
				<p>The Misanthropic Principle</p>
				<p>Student Evaluations</p>
				<p>Make String Theory Great Again</p>
			<section class="single2">
				<h2>Psychic Classics</h2>
				<p>Bogus concepts</p>
				<p>Are you in Quandry?</p>
				<p>Psychics & the rest of universe</p>
				<p>Psychics vs. Spirits</p>
				<p>Relativists are stupid</p>
				<p>Spirits among Us</p>
				<p>Intuition for Psychics</p>
				<p>Talks of Most Improbable Things</p>
				<p>The Eticakes of Talks</p>
				<p>What I do otherwise?</p>
 			<!--<p>Sphirits ('90)</p>
								<p>The Springy G-string ('93)</p>
								<p>Springy G-string Spirit Talks ('95)</p>
								<p>To be Annoyed ('01)</p>
								<p>Misprints ('01)</p>
								<p>Collective Psyche ('04)<p>
								<p>G-dye for G-strings & G-things ('07)</p>-->
			<p>Oiuja, Wheega, Yatzha</p>
			<p>New ones from Derμ will be</p>
			<p>seeing the future in Ultra Crisp HD×4K²!</p>
		<article class="singleA1">
			<h2>Sun Voyage Travesties</h2>
			<p>Travesty 1</p>
			<p>Travesty 2</p>
			<p>My favourite sunspots</p>
			<p>Sun Voyage meets Moon Travels</p>
		<section class="container">
			<article class="singleA2f">
				<h6 class="front">Views expressed on these<br>
							pages are very personal and<br>
							no ones' business. They may<br>
							not be taken as those of the<br>
							Skinny Crook Universidäy,<br>
							which aren't as popular.</h6>
			<article class="singleA2b">
				<h2 class="back">HAPPY BIRTHDAY!<br>
					All the Best Wishes to You!!</h2>


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context.lineWidth = 5;
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context.fillStyle = grd;

context.fillText("W. C. Gall", 7, 44, 240);
context.strokeText("W. C. Gall", 7, 44, 240);
