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	<div class="logo">
		<a href="#0">🐱</a>
	<h1>Cat Ipsum</h1>
	<button class="nav-btn" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="nav">
		<span class="sr">Menu</span>
	<nav id="nav">
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				<a href="#0">Home</a>
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				<a href="#0">Dance</a>
	<h2>Brown Cats with Pink Ears</h2>
	<p>Ignore the human until she needs to get up, then climb on her lap and sprawl. Get suspicious of own shadow then go play with toilet paper playing with balls of wool but bite nose of your human and kitty loves pigs fall asleep upside-down yet i can haz so ask to go outside and ask to come inside and ask to go outside and ask to come inside.</p>
	<p>If human is on laptop sit on the keyboard meow all night having their mate disturbing sleeping humans but jump up to edge of bath, fall in then scramble in a mad panic to get out so pooping rainbow while flying in a toasted bread costume in space.</p>
	<p>Sit in box lick left leg for ninety minutes, still dirty meow or lick plastic bags yet being gorgeous with belly side up. Sleep everywhere, but not in my bed jump up to edge of bath, fall in then scramble in a mad panic to get out yet cats making all the muffins. Done copypasting litter from <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Cat Ipsum</a> kthxbai.</p>


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