<div class="clock">
<span class="clock__digit">0</span>
<span class="clock__digit">0</span>
<span class="clock__digit">:</span>
<span class="clock__digit">0</span>
<span class="clock__digit">0</span>
<span class="clock__digit">:</span>
<span class="clock__digit">0</span>
<span class="clock__digit">0</span>
* {
border: 0;
box-sizing: border-box;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
:root {
--hue: 223;
--bg: hsl(var(--hue),10%,90%);
--fg: hsl(var(--hue),10%,10%);
--primary: hsl(var(--hue),90%,55%);
--shadow: hsl(var(--hue),90%,35%);
font-size: calc(20px + (40 - 20) * (100vw - 320px) / (1280 - 320));
body {
background: var(--bg);
color: var(--fg);
font: 1em/1.5 Spartan, sans-serif;
height: 100vh;
display: grid;
place-items: center;
.clock {
background-color: var(--primary);
background-image: linear-gradient(-45deg,hsla(var(--hue),10%,10%,0),hsla(var(--hue),10%,10%,0.2));
border-radius: 0.25rem;
box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.1rem hsla(var(--hue),10%,10%,0.2) inset;
color: hsl(var(--hue),10%,100%);
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
font-size: 2em;
line-height: 1;
padding: 0.25rem 0.5rem;
.clock__digit {
display: inline-block;
font-weight: bold;
text-align: center;
0 0 0 var(--shadow),
0 0 0 var(--shadow),
1px 1px 0 var(--shadow),
2px 2px 0 var(--shadow),
3px 3px 0 var(--shadow),
3px 3px 0 var(--shadow),
4px 4px 0 var(--shadow);
width: 1ch;
.clock__digit:not(:nth-child(3n)) {
margin-top: 0.25rem;
.clock__digit--bounce {
animation: bounce 0.5s ease-in;
/* Dark theme */
@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
:root {
--bg: hsl(var(--hue),10%,10%);
--fg: hsl(var(--hue),10%,90%);
/* Animations */
@keyframes bounce {
from, to {
animation-timing-function: ease-in;
0 0 0 var(--shadow),
0 0 0 var(--shadow),
1px 1px 0 var(--shadow),
2px 2px 0 var(--shadow),
3px 3px 0 var(--shadow),
3px 3px 0 var(--shadow),
4px 4px 0 var(--shadow);
transform: translate(0,0);
33% {
animation-timing-function: ease-out;
0 0 0 var(--shadow),
0 0 0 var(--shadow),
0 0 0 var(--shadow),
0 0 0 var(--shadow),
0 0 0 var(--shadow),
1px 1px 0 var(--shadow);
transform: translate(4px,4px);
67% {
animation-timing-function: ease-in;
1px 1px 0 var(--shadow),
2px 2px 0 var(--shadow),
3px 3px 0 var(--shadow),
4px 4px 0 var(--shadow),
5px 5px 0 var(--shadow),
6px 6px 0 var(--shadow);
transform: translate(-2px,-2px);
window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",() => {
const clock = new BouncyEmbossedClock(".clock");
class BouncyEmbossedClock {
constructor(el) {
this.el = document.querySelector(el);
this.els = this.el ? this.el.querySelectorAll(".clock__digit") : [];
this.digits = [];
this.to = null;
this.dto = [
getTime() {
const time = new Date();
const hms = [
return hms.map(u => u < 10 ? `0${u}` : `${u}`).join(":").split("");
staticUpdate() {
if (this.els) {
this.digits = this.getTime();
this.digits.forEach((d,i) => {
this.els[i].textContent = d;
update() {
if (this.els) {
// get the time
const display = this.getTime();
const bounce = "clock__digit--bounce";
const baseDelay = 350;
const delayDec = 50;
// display the digits
display.forEach((d,i) => {
if (+d > +this.digits[i] || +d === 0 && +this.digits[i] !== 0) {
const colonElCL = display[i + 1] === ":" ? this.els[i + 1].classList : null;
const el = this.els[i];
const timeout = baseDelay - delayDec * i;
this.dto[i].forEach(t => {
// run the animation
this.dto[i][0] = setTimeout(() => {
}, timeout);
// show the next digit
this.dto[i][1] = setTimeout(() => {
el.textContent = d;
}, timeout + 167);
// kill the animation
this.dto[i][2] = setTimeout(() => {
}, timeout + 500);
// colon animation (if applicable)
if (colonElCL) {
this.dto[i + 1].forEach(t => {
this.dto[i + 1][0] = setTimeout(() => {
}, timeout - delayDec);
this.dto[i + 1][1] = setTimeout(() => {
}, (timeout - delayDec) + 500);
this.digits[i] = d;
// loop
this.to = setTimeout(this.update.bind(this),1e3);
This Pen doesn't use any external JavaScript resources.