- var blocks = 104;

.container(tabindex="0",aria-label="Hourglass. Press Enter or Spacebar to flip.")
		- for (var b = 1;b <= blocks;++b) {
			div(class="block b" + b)
		- }
View Compiled
$sqSize: 12px;
$contW: 180px;
$contH: 300px;
$xSpaces: 13;
$ySpaces: 13;
$zSpaces: 22;
$xAngle: 90deg;
$zAngle: 0deg;
$prsp: 960px;
$sqrt2: 1.414;

// * Colors *
$bk1: #131313;
$bk2: #333;
$w: #fff;
$tl: #489899;

$gridOn: false;
// * Block placement *
// parameters: x-pos,y-pos,z-pos, width,depth,height, color
	// bottom
	(13,5,1, 1,5,3)
	(12,3,1, 1,9,3)
	(10,12,2, 2,1,1, $w)
	(10,2,1, 2,11,1)
	(10,2,2, 2,1,1, $w)
	(5,13,2, 5,1,1, $w)
	(5,1,1, 5,13,1)
	(5,1,2, 5,1,1, $w)
	(3,12,1, 2,1,1)
	(3,12,2, 2,1,1, $w)
	(2,3,1, 1,9,3)
	(3,2,1, 2,11,1)
	(3,2,2, 2,1,1, $w)
	(1,5,1, 1,5,3)
	(10,2,3, 2,11,1)
	(5,1,3, 5,13,1)
	(3,2,3, 2,11,1)
	// right
	(12,5,4, 1,5,5)
	(11,5,8, 1,5,2)
	(10,5,9, 1,5,2)
	(9,5,10, 1,5,1)
	(8,5,11, 2,5,2)
	(9,5,13, 1,5,1)
	(10,5,13, 1,5,2)
	(11,5,14, 1,5,2)
	(12,5,15, 1,5,5)
	// left
	(2,5,4, 1,5,5)
	(3,5,8, 1,5,2)
	(4,5,9, 1,5,2)
	(5,5,10, 1,5,1)
	(5,5,11, 2,5,2)
	(5,5,13, 1,5,1)
	(4,5,13, 1,5,2)
	(3,5,14, 1,5,2)
	(2,5,15, 1,5,5)
	// top
	(13,5,20, 1,5,3)
	(12,3,20, 1,9,3)
	(10,12,21, 2,1,1, $w)
	(10,2,20, 2,11,1)
	(10,2,21, 2,1,1, $w)
	(5,13,21, 5,1,1, $w)
	(5,1,20, 5,13,1)
	(5,1,21, 5,1,1, $w)
	(3,12,20, 2,1,1)
	(3,12,21, 2,1,1, $w)
	(2,3,20, 1,9,3)
	(3,2,20, 2,11,1)
	(3,2,21, 2,1,1, $w)
	(1,5,20, 1,5,3)
	(10,2,22, 2,11,1)
	(5,1,22, 5,13,1)
	(3,2,22, 2,11,1)
	// sand
	(10,4,4, 1,1,1)
	(10,6,4, 1,1,1)
	(10,8,4, 1,1,1)
	(10,10,4, 1,1,1)
	(8,4,4, 1,1,1)
	(8,6,4, 1,1,1)
	(8,8,4, 1,1,1)
	(8,10,4, 1,1,1)
	(6,4,4, 1,1,1)
	(6,6,4, 1,1,1)
	(6,8,4, 1,1,1)
	(6,10,4, 1,1,1)
	(4,4,4, 1,1,1)
	(4,6,4, 1,1,1)
	(4,8,4, 1,1,1)
	(4,10,4, 1,1,1)
	(9,5,5, 1,1,1)
	(9,7,5, 1,1,1)
	(9,9,5, 1,1,1)
	(7,5,5, 1,1,1)
	(7,7,5, 1,1,1)
	(7,9,5, 1,1,1)
	(5,5,5, 1,1,1)
	(5,7,5, 1,1,1)
	(5,9,5, 1,1,1)
	(8,6,6, 1,1,1)
	(8,8,6, 1,1,1)
	(6,6,6, 1,1,1)
	(6,8,6, 1,1,1)
	(7,7,7, 1,1,1)
	// white shading on back
	(11,10,4, 1,1,4, $w)
	(10,11,4, 1,1,4, $w)
	(5,12,4, 5,1,4, $w)
	(4,11,4, 1,1,4, $w)
	(3,10,4, 1,1,4, $w)
	(5,11,8, 5,1,1, $w)
	(4,10,8, 1,1,1, $w)
	(10,10,8, 1,1,1, $w)
	(5,10,9, 5,1,1, $w)
	(6,10,10, 3,1,1, $w)
	(7,10,11, 1,1,2, $w)
	(6,10,13, 3,1,1, $w)
	(5,10,14, 5,1,1, $w)
	(4,10,15, 1,1,1, $w)
	(10,10,15, 1,1,1, $w)
	(5,11,15, 5,1,1, $w)
	(11,10,16, 1,1,4, $w)
	(10,11,16, 1,1,4, $w)
	(5,12,16, 5,1,4, $w)
	(4,11,16, 1,1,4, $w)
	(3,10,16, 1,1,4, $w)

@mixin placeBlock($args) {
	$defaultArgs: 1 1 1 1 1 1 $bk2;
	$givenArgs: ();
	@for $a from 1 through length($defaultArgs) {
		@if $a <= length($args) {
			$givenArgs: append($givenArgs, nth($args,$a), space);
		} @else {
			$givenArgs: append($givenArgs, nth($defaultArgs, $a), space);

	$x: nth($givenArgs,1);
	$y: nth($givenArgs,2);
	$z: nth($givenArgs,3);
	$w: nth($givenArgs,4);
	$d: nth($givenArgs,5);
	$h: nth($givenArgs,6);
	$c: nth($givenArgs,7);
	display: inherit;
	transform: translate3d(
		$sqSize*($x - 1),
		$sqSize*(-$y - ($d - 1)),
		($sqSize*$z) + ($sqSize*($h - 1))
	.block-inner div {
		background-color: $c;
		&.top, &.bottom {
			@if $w > 1 {
				width: $sqSize * $w;
			@if $d > 1 {
				height: $sqSize * $d;
		&.top	{
			transform: rotateX(-90deg) translateY(-$sqSize*($d - 1)) rotateY(180deg);
		&.bottom {
			transform: rotateX(-90deg) translateY(-$sqSize*($d - 1)) translateZ($sqSize*$h);
		&.front, &.back {
			@if $w > 1 {
				width: $sqSize * $w;
			@if $h > 1 {
				height: $sqSize * $h;
		&.front {
			transform: translateZ($sqSize * ($d - 1));
		&.left, &.right {
			@if $d > 1 {
				width: $sqSize * $d;
			@if $h > 1 {
				height: $sqSize * $h;
		&.right {
			transform: rotateY(-270deg) translate3d($sqSize, 0, $sqSize*($w - $d));
@mixin moveBlock($x, $y, $z) {
	transform: translate3d($sqSize * $x,$sqSize * -$y,$sqSize * $z);

* {
	box-sizing: border-box;
	margin: 0;
	padding: 0;
body, .container {
	display: flex;
body {
	background: $tl;
	color: $bk1;
	flex-direction: column;
	justify-content: center;
	align-items: center;
	font: 20px "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif;
	height: 100vh;
	margin: 0;
h1 {
	font-size: 2em;
	text-align: center;
	span {
		color: $w;
		font-weight: 300;
.container {
	margin-bottom: 1.5em;
	width: $contW;
	height: $contH;
	perspective: $prsp;
	transform-style: preserve-3d;
	&:not(.running) {
		cursor: pointer;
	&:focus {
		outline: 1px solid transparent;
	&.running {
		.surface {
	        animation: flip 1s linear forwards;
		.block:nth-child(n + 53):nth-child(-n + 82) .block-outer {
			@include moveBlock(0,0,1);
.surface {
	display: block;
	width: $sqSize * $xSpaces;
	height: $sqSize * $ySpaces;
	margin: auto;
	transform-style: preserve-3d;
	transform: rotateX($xAngle) rotateZ($zAngle) translateZ($sqSize * -$zSpaces/2);
	transition: transform 0.3s linear;
	will-change: transform;
.block {
	display: none;
	transform-style: preserve-3d;
	position: absolute;
	bottom: 0;
.block-inner > div {
	width: $sqSize;
	height: $sqSize;
.block-inner > div {
	display: flex;
	flex-wrap: wrap;
	align-content: flex-start;
	position: absolute;
	&.front, &.back, &.left, &.right {
		&:before {
			background-color: #000;
			content: "";
			width: 100%;
			height: 100%;
	&.front, &.back {
		&:before {
			opacity: 0.2;
	&.left, &.right {
		&:before {
				opacity: 0.4;
.block-outer, .block-inner {
	position: relative;
	width: $sqSize;
	transform-style: preserve-3d;
.block-outer {
	transition: transform 0s linear;
.block-inner {
	transform: rotateX(-90deg) translateZ($sqSize);
.back {
	transform: translateZ(-$sqSize) rotateY(180deg);
.left {
	transform-origin: center left;
	transform: rotateY(270deg) translateX(-$sqSize);
.right {
	transform-origin: top right;
.top, .bottom {
	transform-origin: top center;
.top {
	color: #fff;
	font-size: 15px;
.running .block-outer {
	transition-duration: 0.1s;

// * Render blocks *
// one block only
@if length(nth($blocks,1)) == 1 {
	.b1 {
		@include placeBlock($blocks);
// more than one block
@else {
	@for $b from 1 through length($blocks) {
		.b#{$b} {
			@include placeBlock(nth($blocks, $b));

/* Animations */
@for $a from 53 through 82 {
	.running .b#{$a} .block-outer {
		animation: b#{$a} 1s (1s + (29 - ($a - 53))/4) linear forwards;

@keyframes flip {
	from {
		transform: translateY(0) rotateX($xAngle) rotateZ($zAngle) translateZ($sqSize * -$zSpaces/2);
	15% {
		transform: translateY($sqSize * -4) rotateX($xAngle) rotateZ($zAngle) translateZ($sqSize * -$zSpaces/2);
	50% {
		transform: translateY($sqSize * -4) rotateX($xAngle + 180) rotateZ($zAngle) translateZ($sqSize * -$zSpaces/2);
	85% {
		transform: translateY($sqSize * -4) rotateX($xAngle + 180) rotateZ($zAngle + 180) translateZ($sqSize * -$zSpaces/2);
	to {
		transform: translateY(0) rotateX($xAngle + 180) rotateZ($zAngle + 180) translateZ($sqSize * -$zSpaces/2);
@keyframes b53 {
	from { @include moveBlock(0,0,1) }
	50% { @include moveBlock(-3,3,6) }
	to { @include moveBlock(-3,3,12) }
@keyframes b54 {
	from { @include moveBlock(0,0,1) }
	33% { @include moveBlock(-3,1,6) }
	67% { @include moveBlock(-3,1,9) }
	to { @include moveBlock(-4,2,13) }
@keyframes b55 {
	from { @include moveBlock(0,0,1) }
	33% { @include moveBlock(-3,-1,6) }
	67% { @include moveBlock(-3,-1,9) }
	to { @include moveBlock(-4,-2,13) }
@keyframes b56 {
	from { @include moveBlock(0,0,1) }
	33% { @include moveBlock(-3,-3,6) }
	67% { @include moveBlock(-3,-3,9) }
	to { @include moveBlock(-2,-4,13) }
@keyframes b57 {
	from { @include moveBlock(0,0,1) }
	33% { @include moveBlock(-1,3,6) }
	67% { @include moveBlock(-1,3,9) }
	to { @include moveBlock(0,4,13) }
@keyframes b58 {
	from { @include moveBlock(0,0,1) }
	33% { @include moveBlock(-1,1,6) }
	67% { @include moveBlock(-1,1,9) }
	to { @include moveBlock(-1,1,14) }
@keyframes b59 {
	from { @include moveBlock(0,0,1) }
	33% { @include moveBlock(-1,-1,6) }
	67% { @include moveBlock(-1,-1,9) }
	to { @include moveBlock(-1,-3,14) }
@keyframes b60 {
	from { @include moveBlock(0,0,1) }
	33% { @include moveBlock(-1,-3,6) }
	67% { @include moveBlock(-1,-3,9) }
	to { @include moveBlock(1,-5,14) }
@keyframes b61 {
	from { @include moveBlock(0,0,1) }
	33% { @include moveBlock(1,3,6) }
	67% { @include moveBlock(1,3,9) }
	to { @include moveBlock(3,3,14) }
@keyframes b62 {
	from { @include moveBlock(0,0,1) }
	33% { @include moveBlock(1,1,6) }
	67% { @include moveBlock(1,1,9) }
	to { @include moveBlock(3,3,14) }
@keyframes b63 {
	from { @include moveBlock(0,0,1) }
	33% { @include moveBlock(1,-1,6) }
	67% { @include moveBlock(1,-1,9) }
	to { @include moveBlock(1,1,14) }
@keyframes b64 {
	from { @include moveBlock(0,0,1) }
	33% { @include moveBlock(1,-3,6) }
	67% { @include moveBlock(1,-3,9) }
	to { @include moveBlock(-1,-1,14) }
@keyframes b65 {
	from { @include moveBlock(0,0,1) }
	33% { @include moveBlock(3,3,6) }
	67% { @include moveBlock(3,3,9) }
	to { @include moveBlock(1,3,14) }
@keyframes b66 {
	from { @include moveBlock(0,0,1) }
	33% { @include moveBlock(3,1,6) }
	67% { @include moveBlock(3,1,9) }
	to { @include moveBlock(1,-1,14) }
@keyframes b67 {
	from { @include moveBlock(0,0,1) }
	33% { @include moveBlock(3,-1,6) }
	67% { @include moveBlock(3,-1,9) }
	to { @include moveBlock(0,-4,15) }
@keyframes b68 {
	from { @include moveBlock(0,0,1) }
	33% { @include moveBlock(3,-3,6) }
	67% { @include moveBlock(3,-3,9) }
	to { @include moveBlock(2,-6,15) }
@keyframes b69 {
	from { @include moveBlock(0,0,1) }
	33% { @include moveBlock(-2,2,5) }
	67% { @include moveBlock(-2,2,8) }
	to { @include moveBlock(-1,-1,14) }
@keyframes b70 {
	from { @include moveBlock(0,0,1) }
	33% { @include moveBlock(-2,0,5) }
	67% { @include moveBlock(-2,0,8) }
	to { @include moveBlock(1,-3,14) }
@keyframes b71 {
	from { @include moveBlock(0,0,1) }
	33% { @include moveBlock(-2,-2,5) }
	67% { @include moveBlock(-2,-2,8) }
	to { @include moveBlock(1,-3,14) }
@keyframes b72 {
	from { @include moveBlock(0,0,1) }
	33% { @include moveBlock(0,2,5) }
	67% { @include moveBlock(0,2,8) }
	to { @include moveBlock(3,3,14) }
@keyframes b73 {
	from { @include moveBlock(0,0,1) }
	50% { @include moveBlock(0,0,8) }
	to { @include moveBlock(3,3,14) }
@keyframes b74 {
	from { @include moveBlock(0,0,1) }
	33% { @include moveBlock(0,-2,5) }
	67% { @include moveBlock(0,-2,8) }
	to { @include moveBlock(1,1,14) }
@keyframes b75 {
	from { @include moveBlock(0,0,1) }
	33% { @include moveBlock(2,2,5) }
	67% { @include moveBlock(2,2,8) }
	to { @include moveBlock(1,5,14) }
@keyframes b76 {
	from { @include moveBlock(0,0,1) }
	33% { @include moveBlock(2,0,5) }
	67% { @include moveBlock(2,0,8) }
	to { @include moveBlock(-1,3,14) }
@keyframes b77 {
	from { @include moveBlock(0,0,1) }
	33% { @include moveBlock(2,-2,5) }
	67% { @include moveBlock(2,-2,8) }
	to { @include moveBlock(-1,-1,14) }
@keyframes b78 {
	from { @include moveBlock(0,0,1) }
	33% { @include moveBlock(-1,1,4) }
	67% { @include moveBlock(-1,1,7) }
	to { @include moveBlock(-4,0,13) }
@keyframes b79 {
	from { @include moveBlock(0,0,1) }
	33% { @include moveBlock(-1,-1,4) }
	67% { @include moveBlock(-1,-1,7) }
	to { @include moveBlock(-2,-2,13) }
@keyframes b80 {
	from { @include moveBlock(0,0,1) }
	33% { @include moveBlock(1,1,4) }
	67% { @include moveBlock(1,1,7) }
	to { @include moveBlock(2,0,13) }
@keyframes b81 {
	from { @include moveBlock(0,0,1) }
	33% { @include moveBlock(1,-1,4) }
	67% { @include moveBlock(1,-1,7) }
	to { @include moveBlock(2,0,13) }
@keyframes b82 {
	from { @include moveBlock(0,0,1) }
	50% { @include moveBlock(0,0,6) }
	to { @include moveBlock(-1,1,12) }
View Compiled
	var ct = document.querySelector(".container"),
		t = function(e) {
			var k = e.keyCode;
			if (k == 13 || k == 32 || !k) {
				var c = "running",
					cl = this.classList;
				if (!cl.contains(c)) {
					}, 1e4);
    ct.addEventListener("click", t);
    ct.addEventListener("keydown", t);

External CSS

This Pen doesn't use any external CSS resources.

External JavaScript

This Pen doesn't use any external JavaScript resources.